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p mysłów

stron gotowych
• karty pracy dla uczniów
pracujących szybciej
• kwizy do każdego rozdziału
• 57 zadań dla uczniów
o różnych stylach uczenia się
• 32 ćwiczenia dla uczniów
o specjalnych potrzebach

p mysłów

Marjorie Rosenberg
Varinder R Unlu
Katarzyna Kłopska
Teen Explorer 7 new Bank Pomysłów, © NOWA ERA Sp. z o.o., 2020
1st Edition ISBN: 978-83-267-3902-6

Marjorie Rosenberg, Katarzyna Kłopska

Different Learning Styles Menadżer redakcji: Małgorzata Gutowska
Varinder R Unlu, Katarzyna Kłopska Redaktor prowadzący: Agnieszka Gągała
Specific Learning Differences Redakcja językowa: Nicholas Rattenbury
Współpraca redakcyjna: Gabriela Cąber
Head of Strategic Solutions: Sharon Jervis Skład i łamanie: Paweł Roguski
National Geographic Liaison: Leila Hishmeh Projekt okładki: Piotr Stopczyński
Dystrybucja: Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.
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Different Learning Styles

Introduction p4

Units 1–8 p6

Specific Learning Differences

Introduction p 76

Units 1–8 p 80

Extra Tasks for Early Finishers

Units 1–8 p 100

Quizzes (Vocabulary and Grammar)

Units 1–8 p 108

Answer Key p 124

Different Learning Styles
Background information on learning styles
What are learning styles? These are the habits, patterns of behaviour, approaches and learning strategies
used by learners to achieve their goals. Researchers in the field have the following to say about them:
• Keefe (1979) says that styles are ‘characteristic cognitive, affective and psychological behaviours that
serve as relatively stable indicators of how learners perceive, interact with, and respond to the learning
environment’. 1
• Reid (1995) explains style as ‘internally based characteristics, often not perceived or used consciously, that
are the basis for the intake of new information.’2
• Kinsella (1995) states that ‘learning style refers to an individual’s natural, habitual and preferred ways
of absorbing, processing and retaining new information and skills which persist regardless of the teaching
methods of a content area.’3

As the average class is made up of learners with a variety of styles, having activities which focus on a range
of particular styles can help learners who are struggling with new vocabulary, grammar or even learning
to deal with abstract concepts within a language. This means that rather than isolate these learners, we should
remember this comment from Jeremy Harmer:

‘The moment we realise that a class is composed of individuals (rather than being some kind of unified whole),
we have to start thinking about how to respond to those students individually so that while we may frequently
teach the group as a whole, we will also, in different ways, pay attention to the different identities we are faced

as well as this observation by Pat Burke Guild and Stephen Garger who state that ‘it is possible to strive
for uniform outcomes but to intentionally diversify the means for achieving them’.5

There are also several misconceptions about styles. No style is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’; however, focusing upon one
type of style or another may make it easier for a particular student to develop a particular skill in a foreign
language. They do not necessarily indicate competence but they may help some learners to improve in certain
areas more easily than in others. Learners, however, must learn to be adaptable, and no exercise or activity
is designed for only one type of learner. When learning a language, there is often an element of each of the
four styles present although the activities may appeal more to one type than to another. The activities are also
designed to help learners step out of their comfort zones, which is often done through the addition of another
style or element to an activity.

Keefe, J W ‘Learning Styles: an overview’ In Keefe, J S (Ed) Student learning styles: diagnosing and prescribing
problems Reston National Association of Secondary School Principals 1979 – quote taken from König, M E Theory
of Learning Styles and practical applications Grin Verlag Norderstedt 2005
Reid, J Learning Styles in the ESL/EFL Classroom Heinle and Heinle 1995 – quote taken from Roche, T Investigating
Learning Style in the Foreign Language Classroom Langenscheidt 2006
Kinsella, K ‘Understanding and empowering diverse learners in the ESL classroom’ – in Reid, J Learning Styles in the
ESL/EFL Classroom Heinle and Heinle 1995 – quote taken from Roche, T Investigating Learning Style in the Foreign
Language Classroom Langenscheidt 2006
Harmer, J The Practice of English Language Teaching Longman 2007
Guild, P B and Garger, S Marching to Different Drummers Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
(ASCD) 1998

4 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
For the reasons listed above, the activities in this book have been created to appeal in particular to four types
of learners: the visual, the auditory, the kinaesthetic motoric and the kinaesthetic emotional. The following
gives a more detailed description of each style of learning:

Visual learners prefer to see things written down and tend to learn through illustrations, mind
maps and other visual aids. The use of highlighters for underlining important words and phrases
is a frequently used technique for this learning style. It is necessary for these learners to extract
information from a text and relearn it in a different order.

Auditory learners like speaking or listening tasks in equal measure and also love class discussions.
They sometimes need to think aloud in order to clarify and confirm new information. Less attention
is paid to note-taking, so they often require encouragement in this area. As they learn sequentially,
they also need to relearn information in a different order to that in which it is presented.

Kinaesthetic motoric learners like to try things out for themselves and enjoy learning through physical
movement. They enjoy card and board games or working with real objects. They may often become
restless after a relatively short time but work well either through stimulation of their sense of touch
or through movement. Practice of the other skills is essential. This is best achieved through the
inclusion of activities which combine these skills with movement.

Kinaesthetic emotional learners require a sense of comfort and familiarity in the classroom.
They like to connect learning with their personal feelings and experiences. They enjoy being creative
and finding their own reasons for learning a particular subject. They may need to learn to pay less
attention to their emotions and work on the other skills through activities which may incorporate
emotions to a lesser extent.

Rosenberg, M Spotlight on Learning Styles Delta Publishing Peaslake, UK 2013
Rosenberg, M Creating Activities for Different Learner Types Wayzgoose Press, USA 2016

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 5
Different Learning Styles
Different Learning Styles
Unit 1 Time out!
1 Reading: Lucky Mbele Student’s Book p 10
Activity: mind map
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Copy the MIND MAP on p 9 so that each individual student has their own copy and instruct
them to read the text about Mbele in the Student’s Book (p 10).
• Ask students to complete MIND MAP A by adding information to the relevant category.
• Check the answers with the class.
• Ask students to complete the blank MIND MAP B with information about themselves.
• Ask students to work with a partner and compare their MIND MAPS by asking questions.
Using other styles:
• The introduction to the activity is purely visual, while the follow-up involves the students’ kinaesthetic
emotional skills by encouraging them to talk about the information they have written down.
Answer key: 1 hobbies: painting, photography 2 future dream: be a well-known artist 3 free-time
activities: spend time with friends, go to beach, go to cinema, go to cafés 4 sports: swimming, football,
basketball, cricket

2 Vocabulary 1: hobbies and adjectives Student’s Book p 12

Activity: all about hobbies
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS (HOBBIES, ADJECTIVES) on p 10, enough for each group of students.
• Divide the students into small groups and give each a set of cards.
• Instruct each group to lay out the cards by making collocations with go/do/play.
• They then make sentences about the hobbies using the collocations on the cards and chosen adjectives.
• Students compare their sentences with another group and see if they are the same.
Using other styles:
• This is a kinaesthetic motoric activity as students have to match the cards with one another. It
includes auditory, visual and kinaesthetic emotional skills as they need to read and discuss what is
on the cards as well as choose adjectives which describe how they feel about a particular hobby.
Answer key: do athletics, play chess, go cycling, do gardening, do gymnastics, go hiking, do origami,
do photography, go skateboarding, go swimming, play table tennis, do yoga

3 Vocabulary 1: conversations about free time Student’s Book p 12

Activity: what we like doing
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out the CHART on p 10 to each student.
• Students read the vocabulary in the CHART and write a short introduction about themselves.
• They use phrases which best describe how they spend their free time.

6 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
• Following this, they walk around the classroom and tell the rest of the group something about themselves.
• They ask one another questions and try to remember the responses.
• Ask individual students to report back on the information they heard from the last person they spoke to.
Using other styles:
• The activity is mostly an auditory one as they are required to speak and listen to each other
and remember information without taking notes. It also uses visual skills in order to make sentences
from the vocabulary provided, and kinaesthetic motoric skills as a result of the classroom
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

4 Grammar 1: present simple Student’s Book p 13

Activity: questionnaire
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Put students into pairs.
• Give each individual student a copy of the QUESTIONNAIRE on p 11 and ask them to fill it out
as if they were their partner (without asking their partner for any information).
• When they have finished, they exchange questionnaires and discuss one another’s answers.
• They make a note of any correct answers and correct any errors.
• Ask the students to write a short story about their partner using the above information.
• They can either submit their stories as homework or read them out to the class.
Using other styles:
• The activity involves some use of visual skills as they have to read each other’s answers.
Auditory skills are also activated during the discussion stage.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

5 Listening: listening to instructions Student’s Book p 14

Activity: form filling
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Ask students to work in pairs and think of a club they would like to start or belong to.
• Students fill in the missing information on the CARD on p 12. Tell them they can be as creative as they wish.
• When they have finished, ask them to write questions to ask another pair, e.g.
What is the name of your club? When does it meet?
• In groups of four, students discuss which of the two clubs is the most preferable and give reasons for
their choice. Following this stage, ask them to talk about any clubs they know of. What is interesting
about the clubs? Remind them of the need to give a structured and developed response.
Using other styles:
• Thinking about a club and activities they would enjoy appeals to kinaesthetic emotional learners.
Working on the questions makes the activity more analytic and thus relies less on the emotional side
of learning. They also have to practise writing, which is more visual. Finally, they again discuss
on an emotional level what they would enjoy and why.
Answer key: What is the name of your club? When does it meet?, etc.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 7
Different Learning Styles
6 Speaking: similarities and differences Student’s Book p 15
Activity: dictation
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and hand out the CHART on p 12 with gapped sentences and ask students to complete it.
• Ask students to read their sentences out to their partners, who make notes on what they hear.
• Students discuss the sentences and find the points that they have in common.
• Ask students to make two sentences about themselves and to tell them to their partners.
• They may ask questions but they can’t write anything down.
• Ask them to report to another pair on the most interesting information they have heard about their partner.
Using other styles:
• This is primarily an auditory activity, especially in the memory task that takes place in the closing stages
of the activity. The introduction to the activity involves note-taking, which is a useful visual skill to learn.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

7 Vocabulary 2: numbers, family and dates Student’s Book p 16

Activity: partner dictation
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out CARDS A and B on p 13, one for each student.
• Students work in pairs and dictate the sentences to each other.
• Each student writes down the numbers their partner dictates.
• They dictate three important dates for their partner to guess what they are.
Using other styles:
• The activity is auditory as students have to speak clearly and listen carefully to make a note of the
numbers that they hear. There is also a kinaesthetic emotional element involved in the follow-up task.
Answer key:
Student B 1 January 15th, 2 2nd of June, 3 1928, 4 31st, 5 25th and 26th of December,
Student A 1 August 1st, 2 September 15th, 3 May 14th, 4 29th, 5 19th of November

8 Grammar 2: present simple vs. present continuous Student’s Book p 17

Activity: miming
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the MIME CARDS on p 14 (one set for each group of students).
• Put students into groups of 5–6 and give each a set of cards.
• Have them take turns choosing a card and miming the activity on the card.
• The remainder of the group have one minute to guess what is being mimed. They make sentences in
the present continuous. Remind them to use the words and expressions: now, at the moment, right now.
• When a member of the group guesses correctly, they score one point.
• Ask individual students to make sentences in the present simple with the activities on the cards.
Students take turns to mime a sentence for the rest of the class to guess it.
Using other styles:
• The activity involves both visual and auditory skills as students have to read the cards and say
the sentences out loud and then give instructions on what the others should do.
Answer key: This is a miming game.

8 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
Unit 1
1 Reading Lucky Mbele

Photocopiable materials: MIND MAP A, MIND MAP B


Hobbies Dreams for the future


Sports Free time activities


Hobbies Dreams for the future


Sports Free time activities

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 9
Different Learning Styles
2 Vocabulary 1 hobbies and adjectives

Photocopiable materials: CARDS: HOBBIES, ADJECTIVES


do play go do

do go do do

go go play do


athletics chess cycling gardening

gymnastics hiking origami photography

skateboarding swimming table tennis yoga


relaxing boring exciting

unusual active creative

3 Vocabulary 1 conversations about free time

Photocopiable materials: CHART


• In my free time I … . • I spend a lot of time on … .

• I’m a big fan of … . • I have … hobbies
• I’m crazy about … . • I’m into … .
• I’m interested in … . • I’m keen on … .
• At the weekend … . • I can’t stop … .

10 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
4 Grammar 1 present simple

Photocopiable materials: QUESTIONNAIRE


What I do

1 How often do I hang out with friends?


2 What am I really into?


3 Where do I sometimes go after school?


4 Who is my best friend?


5 What creative activities do I do in my free time?


6 What is boring to me?


Finish the sentences

7 I always ____________________________________________________________________________.

8 I usually ____________________________________________________________________________.

9 I often ______________________________________________________________________________.

10 I sometimes _________________________________________________________________________.

11 I hardly ever _________________________________________________________________________.

12 I never ______________________________________________________________________________.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 11
Different Learning Styles
5 Listening listening to instructions

Photocopiable materials: CARD


Name of club: ______________________________________________________________

When it meets: ______________________________________________________________

Where it meets: ______________________________________________________________

Time it meets: ______________________________________________________________

Membership costs: ______________________________________________________________

Number of members: ______________________________________________________________

What you can do there: ______________________________________________________________

6 Speaking similarities and differences

Photocopiable materials: CHART


My surname is _________________________.

I live in _________________________. I’m _________________________.

I was born on _________________________.

My favourite free time activity is _________________________.

I’m really keen on _________________________.

I can’t stop _________________________.

I’m not crazy about _________________________.

I never _________________________ at the weekends.

I like hanging out with _________________________.

Two more sentences about yourself:



12 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
7 Vocabulary 2 numbers, family and dates

Photocopiable materials: CARD A, CARD B


1 My 15th birthday is on January 15th.

2 He won 200 zlotys in the competition that was held on the 2nd of June.
3 My grandpa is going to be 90, so he was born in 1928.
4 March has 31 days and tomorrow is the 31st.
5 The 25th and 26th of December are holidays in many countries.

Person A – blank form

Important dates

CARD B – sentences for dictation

1 My grandma’s birthday is on August 1st.

2 We spent 185 euros when we went to Germany for the football game on September 15th.
3 My uncle’s 40th birthday is on May 14th.
4 There are usually only 28 days in February but this year it’s different and today is the 29th.
5 We have 6 holidays this year, and the next one is on the 19th of November.

Person B – blank form

Important dates

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 13
Different Learning Styles
8 Grammar 2 present simple vs. present continuous

Photocopiable materials: MIME CARDS


play chess walk on a tightrope do gardening

do photography play in a band do athletics

do yoga hang out with friends do origami

go swimming sail with my family perform

help someone bake a cake do homework

do gymnastics go cycling go skateboarding

14 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
Unit 2 Look at me!
1 Reading: My Job Student’s Book p 26
Activity: information cards
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS on p 18 (enough for each group of students).
• Put students into groups of 12 and give each student one card.
• Explain that they have to read and remember the information on the card.
• Ask them to turn the card face down on their desks and talk to the remainder of the group. They
need to find the person looking for or offering the job which matches the information on their card.
• They are then able to consult their cards and check that they have made the right choice.
• Have the students form pairs from the above exercise (the person making the job offer and the job
seeker) and write a short job description.
• This can either be submitted as homework or checked in class.
Using other styles:
• Movement around the classroom at the start of the activity activates the kinaesthetic motoric style
of learning. It also uses auditory skills. Finally, visual and auditory skills are employed to write
the job description.
Answer key: The matching cards are in the same place on the page (top left, top middle, top right, etc.).

2 Vocabulary 1: describing situations behind emotions and personalities Student’s Book p 28

Activity: describe and draw
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out one copy of the VOCABULARY CHART on p 19 to each student. Their first task is to
match the prepositions to the adjectives of emotion and compare their answers in pairs.
• Students continue working in pairs. One person describes a story or a situation which caused one of
the emotions on the VOCABULARY CHART.
• Their partner listens to the story and guesses the emotion. The proper way of guessing is to use the
correct preposition that goes with the emotion, e.g. When your parents brought home a dog, you were
happy about it.
• Students take it in turns to describe what a person they met one day did, e.g. Yesterday, I was sad
about my English test, which I didn’t pass. Our English teacher cheered me up and said what I should
study. She was very … .
• Following this description, their partners must guess what kind of personality this person represents.
For example: I think she was very kind to you.
Using other styles:
• The start of the activity stimulates auditory and kinaesthetic emotional skills. These two skills are
also required during the follow-up stage.
Answer key: sad about, angry about something, angry with somebody, bored with, surprised at,
happy about, scared of. Students’ own answers.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 15
Different Learning Styles
3 Grammar 1: past simple Student’s Book p 29
Activity: silly answers
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS on p 19 (one set for each group).
• Put students into small groups of 4–6 and give each a set of CARDS turned upside-down in a pile.
• Ask them to turn a card over and explain to the group why they did a particular activity at a certain
time. They should use phrases like: last night, last weekend, a month ago, at the weekend, in March,
yesterday, etc.
• Tell them to try to think of funny or silly reasons. (Tell them that the answers I don’t know., I don’t
remember. are forbidden, otherwise they will all end up using them as the easiest ways to complete
the task).
• When students have finished this stage, they work as a group to write a story in order to recycle some
of the information from the previous activity.
• Students can either give their stories to the teacher, read them aloud in class or give them to another
group for peer correction.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic motoric as it involves using cards (manipulatives). Other styles employed
are auditory, as there is a requirement to speak to other group members and remember their stories,
and visual, as the vocabulary is recycled in the story-writing phase.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

4 Listening: identifying people Student’s Book p 30

Activity: guess who
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Working in a small group, students form small circles and each individual student writes their name
on a small piece of paper and puts it in the centre of the circle.
• Each student chooses one piece of paper and writes 5–6 sentences about the appearance
and personality of the person whose name is on the piece of paper.
• If students choose their own piece of paper, they should write sentences in the 3rd person singular
as if they were writing about another person. They should use the vocabulary from the CHART on p 19.
Encourage students to make negative sentences as well, especially because the CHART contains the
appearance features that students do not have (a moustache, sideburns, a beard).
• They then pass their piece of paper to another person in the group who reads it and says who
they think it is.
• When the students have finished, each person gives an oral description of someone in the class
and the others guess who it is.
Using other styles:
• The activity is visual as it involves writing and reading. The other style employed is auditory
as individuals have to give an oral description and the remainder of the group have to listen.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

16 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
5 Speaking: giving a description of a friend Student’s Book p 31
Activity: twenty questions
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Students brainstorm yes/no questions about appearance, personality, clothes, likes and dislikes, etc.
They use the vocabulary from unit 2 and the phrases on the CARD on p 20 to make yes/no questions.
• One student then comes to the front of the classroom and thinks of a person in the room.
• The others ask him/her no more than twenty yes/no questions in order to try and guess who it is.
• If someone guesses who it is, he/she comes to the front and thinks of another person.
• The teacher assigns a member of the class to each individual student, who then writes a description
of them. These can be hung up in the class for students to guess who is who.
Using other styles:
• The activity is auditory as it involves speaking and listening. Visual and kinaesthetic emotional
skills are also employed as students have to discuss personality traits and then write a description
of someone in the class using the vocabulary provided.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

6 Vocabulary 2: personality traits Student’s Book p 32

Activity: personal survey
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out one copy of the SURVEY on p 20 to each student.
• Students work individually, filling in the survey about their personality.
• Students work in small groups and discuss their answers.
• They give specific examples about times when they felt this way or why they acted in a specific way.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic emotional as it deals with feelings and personality traits. Students work
individually and are encouraged to think of specific examples. The pair work aspect of the task
adds an auditory element.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

7 Grammar 2: past simple vs. past continuous Student’s Book p 33

Activity: maze
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out the MAZE CARD on p 21 (one copy per pair).
• Students work in pairs and choose an option for each of the sentences in the box.
• They follow the arrow through the maze. Encourage students to say the letters aloud.
• They use the letters they have chosen to complete the sentence at the end.
• Students can then make several sentences on their own using the past simple and the past continuous.
Using other styles:
• The maze contains visual elements: students have to move through the maze and then unscramble
the letters they have chosen. They also employ auditory skills as a result of discussing these answers
with their partners. In the follow-up activity both visual and auditory skills are used.
Answer key: When he was a child he w a s a f r a i d of ghosts.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 17
Different Learning Styles
Unit 2: Look at me!
1 Reading My Job

Photocopiable materials: CARDS: Jobs / Job seekers


You own a company which You own a company which You are a professional
makes traditional Aboriginal makes traditional Aboriginal surfer and are looking for
instruments in Australia. instruments in Australia. other professional surfers
You are looking for a person You are looking for a person who would like to travel
who can make them. who can sell them to tourists to competitions with you.
as souvenirs.

You are a professional You are a trainer of German You are a trainer of German
surfer and are looking for Shepherd dogs. You train Shepherd dogs. You train
a new trainer to help you win them to work with the police. them to work with the police.
competitions. You are looking for another You are looking for someone
trainer to work with. to help you care for the dogs.

CARDS: Job seekers

You love music and would You love music and musical You are an excellent surfer
like to learn to make unusual instruments and often buy and would like to take part
instruments. You also love them. You are thinking about in competitions. You would
travelling and would be trying to sell them as well like to travel with another
interested in moving to a new but you are not sure which person who has some
country for work. ones people are interested experience and also loves
in buying. surfing.

You are an excellent surfer You love dogs and have just You love dogs and are very
and are looking for a job started training them. You are happy when you can help
as a trainer. You are sure interested in the special skills someone look after them.
you can help someone win involved in training police You have some experience
competitions. dogs. in this and have three dogs
at home.

18 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
2 Vocabulary 1 describing situations behind emotions and personalities

Photocopiable materials: VOCABULARY CHART


Emotions: sad     , angry      something, angry      somebody, bored     ,
surprised     , happy     , scared     
Prepositions: about, at, with, of
Personality: funny, shy, sociable, kind, cheerful, silly

3 Grammar 1 past simple

Photocopiable materials: CARDS


watched a scary film with trained your dog to catch climbed out of a window
your best friend a ball of your house

rode on an elephant played the didgeridoo played an instrument

in a parade in a concert as a snake charmer

acted surprised when

hung up a poster of a singer
your parents gave you spoke English on the phone
on your bedroom wall
your birthday present

looked angry when

cut your hair very short sang to a spider
the telephone rang

4 Listening identifying people

Photocopiable materials: VOCABULARY CHART


Hair: brown, red, blonde, curly, wavy, straight, long, short, fringe
Skin: pale, tan
Face: freckles, sideburns, moustache, braces, beard
Personality: funny, shy, sociable, kind, cheerful, silly

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 19
Different Learning Styles
5 Speaking giving a description of a friend

Photocopiable materials: CARD


She’s … tall / blonde / quiet.

He’s got … red hair / braces.
She usually wears … jeans / black.
He’s really funny … but he gets angry if … .
He understands me.
He listens to my problems.
She loves … animals / parties / volleyball.
He doesn’t like … homework / shopping / winter.
He is scared of / angry with / happy about / sad about /
angry about / bored with … .

6 Vocabulary 2 personality traits

Photocopiable materials: SURVEY


1 What do you worry about? __________________________________________

2 What do you find annoying? __________________________________________

3 What is the most beautiful thing you own? __________________________________________

4 What are you careful about? __________________________________________

5 Who are you friendly or kind to? __________________________________________

6 When are you lazy? __________________________________________

7 What is lovely for you? __________________________________________

8 What are you sometimes shocked by? __________________________________________

20 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
7 Grammar 2 past simple vs. past continuous

Photocopiable materials: MAZE CARD


We (F) were reading /

I (G) buy / (W) bought
(S) read a newspaper
a surfboard three W
on the bus when we
years ago.
were students.

Why (D)
didn’t you A
call / (F)
(A) Did you see /
didn’t you
(K) Were you seeing P
G C called me
the new band that
played last night?

(P) Were you studying /

(A) Were you /
(F) Did you study for the
(C) Did you be A
test we had at school
at the beach yesterday?


We (A) didn’t see /

(M) wasn’t seeing our
friends last weekend.


(R) What was he doing / When (Z) went he /

(B) did he do at 3.00 B (I) did he go to
o’clock yesterday? Australia?

When he was a child he of ghosts.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 21
Different Learning Styles
Unit 3 Let’s Get Together
1 Reading: Australia Day  Student’s Book p 44
Activity: gapped text
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS and the GAPPED TEXT on p 26 (one set per pair of students).
• Put students into pairs and give them a set of cards.
• Tell them to match the CARDS in order to make phrases.
• When they have finished, check the answers by asking students to read them out aloud.
• Now give each pair of students the GAPPED TEXT and ask them to complete the text with the phrases.
• Go over the answers with the class.
• Students make any necessary corrections to their answers.
• Brainstorm different types of special events, parties and celebrations and ask individual students
to write them on the board.
• Divide the class into groups of 4–5.
• Each group chooses one of the events and writes an invitation to it. They should use some
of the vocabulary and phrases from the Student’s Book pp 52–53.
• This can be handed in as homework or checked in class.
Using other styles:
• The activity is both kinaesthetic motoric (during the card-matching stage) and auditory and visual
(during the answering/checking of answers stage). This is also used during the stage involving
brainstorming and the writing of invitations.
Answer key:
1 public holiday, 2 special day, 3 white settlers, 4 spend time, 5 spectacular fireworks, 6 national day/
holiday, 7 make a cake, 8 take a break, 9 have a barbecue/a break

2 Vocabulary 1: phrasal verbs and party words  Student’s Book p 46

Activity: word partnership grid
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut out CHART A and CHART B on p 27.
• Put students into pairs (student A & B).
• Give a copy of CHART A and CHART B to the respective students.
• Each student looks at their grid and decides how they can best describe the word/phrase to their partner.
• They can either give a definition or make a sentence, leaving out the actual word/phrase, e.g.
I hope to ‘blank blank’ with my friends this weekend. (hang out)
• Students can use other words which may help them form definitions or sentences. Write these words
on the board: holiday, visit, respect, phone call, meet, spend time with, have fun, request, a date,
go to bed, cancel, at home.
• Have each pair check the answers with their partners.
Using other styles:
• The introduction to the activity employs auditory skills as students have to speak to each other
and describe the words. The follow-up stage includes visual competences both in the stage when
the answers are being checked and during the sentence construction stage.
Answer key: Students compare their answers with their partners’ cards.

22 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
3 Grammar 1: present continuous for future plans and arrangements Student’s Book p 47
Activity: What are you going to do?
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out the ACTIVITIES and CALENDARS on p 28 (one copy for each student).
• Students work individually and fill in the gaps in the ‘My week’ calendar with activities from
the ACTIVITIES card.
• They then think of five more activities to add to the calendar.
• Working with a partner, students ask each other about their plans and make notes in the ‘Your week’
• Finally, they decide on what they would like to do most and fill in the ‘Our week’ calendar together.
• In pairs, students discuss their favourite/least favourite activities, giving reasons for their likes/dislikes.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic emotional as it involves a personal timetable and activities chosen by
the students. It also has an auditory element as learners talk to a partner in order to get information.
The kinaesthetic emotional channel is again of importance in the last stage when talking about likes
and dislikes.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

4 Listening: similarities and differences Student’s Book p 48

Activity: similarities and differences
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS on p 29, one set for each group.
• Put the class into small groups and give them a set of cards.
• Students match the similar cards into pairs.
• Have a discussion on what makes them similar/different.
• They can use vocabulary such as: They both … . This one … but this one … ., etc.
• Once the task is completed, students look around the room or in their school bags to find objects
that are similar and discuss them with their partners.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic motoric as it involves using cards (manipulatives). They also require
visual/auditory skills as they have to look carefully at the symbols and discuss them with their
Answer key: Suggested answers.
• The Euro and the Pound are both types of money.
• The ‘hashtag’ and the ‘at’ symbol are both used by a computer.
• The ‘plus’ and ‘minus’ sign are both found in maths.
• The ‘exclamation mark’ and the ‘question mark’ are used to end sentences.
• The ‘single quotation’ mark and ‘double quotation’ mark are used in writing.
• The ‘triangle’ and the ‘square’ are both examples of shapes.
• One ‘Ś’ is only found in Polish, the other ‘S’ is more universal.
• One arrow points up and the other arrow points down.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 23
Different Learning Styles
5 Speaking: events Student’s Book p 49
Activity: creating an event
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• The students first brainstorm questions they need to ask to get the necessary information about events,
e.g. What is the event? Where does it take place? When does it take place?, etc.
• Copy and give out the CHART on p 29 to each pair of students.
• Students work in pairs and think about a particular event.
• Then, they fill in the column ‘My event’ in the CHART.
• When they are ready, they work with another pair and ask and answer questions
about each other’s event and fill in the column ‘My friend’s event’.
• They compare the information in the CHARTS.
• Once the task is completed, the students work in pairs to create a poster for their event.
Using other styles:
• The activity is auditory as it has a discussion activity and a chance to ask questions. The final step
of creating a poster introduces visual, kinaesthetic motoric and kinaesthetic emotional skills.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

6 Vocabulary 2: computer words Student’s Book p 50

Activity: sudoku
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out the SUDOKU CHART and the GAPPED TEXT on p 30 (one per pair of students).
• Put students into pairs.
• Each pair decides which word in the CHART fits each of the gapped sentences and completes them.
• They write the sentence numbers in brackets next to the words.
• If they have done it correctly, the columns, rows and diagonals will all add up to 15.
• Students remain in pairs to find new definitions or sentences for the words in the SUDOKU CHART.
• These sentences are written down and either checked in class or handed in for correction.
Using other styles:
• The activity is initially visual but then moves on to use of the auditory channel in order to discuss
the new sentences before returning to use of the visual skill during the writing stage.
Answer key:

24 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
7 Grammar 2: prepositions of time, place, direction Student’s Book p 51
and prepositional phrases
Activity: I see something and it is blue
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out the PREPOSITIONS CHART on p 30 to each student.
• Students work together in a large group.
• Individual students take turns to look at an object in the classroom and say:
I see something and it is … (colour) … .
• The rest of the group use the phrases and prepositions to make yes/no questions
in order to guess what the item is.
• Write a sample question on the board: Is it near the door?
• The person who guesses the item correctly chooses a new object.
• This can also be played as a guessing game with the ‘going to’ form. Example:
A: I am going to take something blue from my bag and put it on my desk.
B: Are you going to put your pen on your desk?
Using other styles:
• The activity is visual as it involves looking at something, describing its colour and answering
questions about where it is. The auditory element is included as a result of the questions and the final
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 25
Different Learning Styles
Unit 3
1 Reading Australia Day

Photocopiable materials: CARDS, GAPPED TEXT


public> < holiday

special> < day

white> < settler

spend> < time

spectacular> < fireworks

national> < day

make> < a cake

take> < a break

have> < a barbecue


1 When we have a ____________________ all the schools and shops are closed.
2 My birthday is always a ____________________ for me.
3 Thanksgiving remembers the first meal that ___________________________ had with indigenous
people living on this land.
4 I love to ____________________ with my friends and family because we always have fun together.
5 The night sky was amazing to look at last night because there was a show of
6 Our ____________________ remembers the first settlers who arrived here.
7 Do you want me to ____________________ for your big party next week?
8 I can’t eat any more, I have to ____________________.
9 I would like to ____________________ in our backyard on Sunday.

26 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
2 Vocabulary 1 phrasal verbs and party words

Photocopiable materials: CHART A / B

CHART A (explain these words) CHART B (fill in the missing words)

1 h a n g o u t 1
2 a s k f o r 2
3 t a k e o u t 3
4 l o o k f o r w a r d t o 4
5 g e t o n 5
6 s t a y u p 6
7 c a l l b a c k 7
8 g o o u t 8

CHART B (explain these words) CHART A (fill in the missing words)

1 g e t t o g e t h e r 1
2 c a l l o f f 2
3 a s k a b o u t 3
4 l o o k u p 4
5 t a k e a w a y 5
6 g o r o u n d 6
7 s t a y i n 7
8 h a n g u p 8

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 27
Different Learning Styles
3 Grammar 1 present continuous for future plans and arrangements

Photocopiable materials: ACTIVITIES, CALENDARS


go shopping  do homework  play computer games  go swimming  meet friends

tidy my room   go to a party   play basketball   visit relatives

My week
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday




Your week
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday




Our week
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday




28 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
4 Listening similarities and differences

Photocopiable materials: CARDS


€ £ #

+ – ! ?

’ ”


5 Speaking events

Photocopiable materials: CHART


My event My friend’s event



When (date)

When (from – to)


What to bring

Who to bring

Phone number

Email address

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 29
Different Learning Styles
6 Vocabulary 2 computer words

Photocopiable materials: SUDOKU CHART, GAPPED TEXT


[ ] digital [ ] web [ ] click = 15

[ ] landline [ ] snail mail [ ] contact = 15

[ ] device [ ] laptop [ ] post = 15

= 15 = 15 = 15


[1] We needed our ________________ to make phone calls, but today many people have
mobile phones.
[2] Just ________________ on the ‘send’ button when you have finished writing your email.
[3] He usually takes his ________________ everywhere because he needs it when he has to work.
[4] Some time ago I sent letters by ________________ but today I just use my laptop.
[5] When I send something by ________________, it is much slower than email.
[6] Today, most people have a computer or smart phone which use ________________ technology.
[7] We are really happy with our new ________________cam because we can see our cousins when
we phone them via the computer.
[8] I think my new phone is my favourite ________________ because I can make calls on it and send
[9] The internet makes it easier to ________________ friends and family around the world.

7 Grammar 2 prepositions of time, place, direction and prepositional phrases

Photocopiable materials: PREPOSITIONS CHART


at the back of / the front of … on the right of / left of … on …

in the middle of … in / inside … at …
at the top of / bottom of …

30 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
Unit 4 A Day in the Life
1 Reading: Fu’s Day  Student’s Book pp 60–61
Activity: completing a chart
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Students read the story of Fu Wang in their course book on pages 60–61 and complete
the CHART on p 35 with the names of activities.
• They then make notes about what they themselves do at the times listed (column: your day).
• Students compare their notes in pairs. This allows them to add any information about Fu Wang
which they might have missed.
• They compare and contrast their own timetable with their partner’s.
Using other styles:
• The activity begins by using visual skills in order to read the text and make notes on relevant details.
Auditory skills are introduced during the discussion stage. Kinaesthetic emotional skills are
activated while discussing personal timetables.
Answer key:
6.30 a.m. He gets up, washes and gets dressed. He has breakfast.
7.15 a.m. He gets the bus to school.
7.30 a.m. He hands in his homework. In the morning he has Chinese, English and history.
11.30 a.m. He has lunch in the school cafeteria.
1.30 p.m. His afternoon classes start. He has geography and physical education in the afternoon.
3.30 p.m. Fu’s classes finish but he stays on at school.
4.10 p.m. He walks home with friends who he chats to, and gets some snacks on the way.
Sometimes he plays football or basketball.
5.00 p.m. He gets home and rests. Sometimes he does the washing-up to help his parents. He has
rice or steamed bread, meat and vegetables.
6.30 p.m. He does his homework.
10.00 p.m. He organises his school bag for the next day and then goes to bed.

2 Vocabulary 1: daily routines and chores Student’s Book p 62

Activity: our routines – matching
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS on p 36, one set for each group.
• Put the students into small groups and ask them to match the picture cards with the activities.
• Instruct them to choose the cards which show the chores they have to do.
• Ask them to take turns talking about what they and other family members do. They may add other
• Students imagine that they are a famous person and create a daily routine for themselves.
• They may either write this down, or tell it to the rest of the class.
Using other styles:
• The activity involves kinaesthetic motoric skills in the task involving cards. Following this stage,
auditory skills are required in order to discuss the routines. During the writing stage, visual skills are
needed if they choose to write it down.
Note: They can also play memory with the cards by placing them face down and matching them one by one.
Answer key: The name of each activity is next to the picture.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 31
Different Learning Styles
3 Grammar 1: going to and future simple Student’s Book p 63
Activity: New Year’s Resolutions
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Ask the students to imagine it’s New Year’s Eve and brainstorm some New Year’s Resolutions.
• Copy and give out the CHART on p 37 to each student.
• Students complete the CHART, using vocabulary both from the box and from the unit.
• Then, they write four sentences about what they think certain members of their class will or won’t do
in the following year.
• Students walk around the classroom and talk to those individuals that they made predictions about.
Remind them to make statements such as I think you will / won’t … .
• If the person they talk to has written exactly the same prediction, they get one point.
• Students add up their points to find out who has got the most points.
Using other styles:
• The activity is both kinaesthetic emotional as it involves making personal resolutions and speculating
on the choices of other group members, kinaesthetic motoric as students move and auditory as
verbal interaction is required.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

4 Listening: question words Student’s Book p 64

Activity: making questions
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out the SURVEY on p 37 to each student.
• Students study the SURVEY about travelling and the list of words. Then, they write questions they want
to ask their partner, using the question words. Help with the questions if necessary.
• Students ask each other their questions and write down the answers.
• They use the answers to write a short text about their partner.
Using other styles:
• The activity has kinaesthetic emotional elements as students ask one another personal questions.
Additional elements are both visual and auditory as they write the questions and then speak
to a partner. Visual skills are again required when writing the text.
Answer key: Sample answers may include:
1 Who travels with you?/Who do you travel with?
2 When do you visit a museum?
3 How much money do you spend?/How many dollars do you spend?
4 Which bus do you take?
5 How do you get information?
6 What food do you like?

32 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
5 Speaking: restaurant words  Student’s Book p 65
Activity: at a restaurant
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the ROLE CARDS on p 38, one set for each group of four.
• Put the students in groups of four and give each student a ROLE CARD. Explain that the situation
takes place at a restaurant.
• Allow students to add more words to the card.
• They work together to write and role play a short dialogue between a customer and a waiter/waitress.
• Ask them to act out the dialogue, using the vocabulary on their cards.
• When the activity is completed, students discuss with one another what they usually order
in a restaurant and which phrases they need in order to do this.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic motoric as it involves a role play. Additional elements are auditory
and visual and occur during a) the stage in which the phrases on their cards are used,
b) the discussion about a typical order in a restaurant and c) the writing of a dialogue.
Key: This is a free role play with suggested language in the students’ instructions.

6 Grammar 2: countable / uncountable nouns and quantifiers Student’s Book p 67

Activity: my wish list
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Students work individually. They choose four items they would like to have from the list in the
CHART on p 38.
• They then work with a partner and ask each other questions to discover what their partner chose.
They use questions such as: Have you got any … Do you want some … ?
• The first student who guesses all the things is the winner.
• Once they have finished, ask students in pairs to make sentences about all the items in the list
together with quantifiers, e.g. We would like some bananas. or We would like a little fun.
Using other styles:
• The activity is auditory as they both ask and answer questions. The kinaesthetic emotional element
is activated while thinking about a wish list, but this is mainly a speculative task with a discussion
at the end.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 33
Different Learning Styles
7 Vocabulary 2: shopping words Student’s Book p 66
Activity: cooperative reading text
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out TEXT A and TEXT B on p 39 to students A and B. Copy and give out the
FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS to each student.
• Students work in pairs. They read their gapped texts to each other. Each text is lacking different elements.
• They fill in the texts and then compare them.
• Students work together to answer the FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS.
Using other styles:
• Initially, the activity requires auditory skills as students have to speak and listen carefully to each
other in order to write down the correct words. The next stage requires visual skills in order to ensure
the correct words were written down and to check spelling. Visual skills are needed to answer
the comprehension questions too. The kinaesthetic emotional aspect is employed in the final stage
of the text, which contains questions regarding personal habits.
Answer key:
When I do the shopping, I often spend a lot of money. I am often surprised when I’m standing at the till
and the cashier gives me my receipt. However, when I see how full my trolley is, I understand why it cost
so much. Certain items cost more than others, and sometimes I see things on the shelves that I think
we might need, such as a packet of cornflakes or a carton of orange juice. I buy a loaf of bread every
week but I hardly ever buy bottles of water as we drink the water from the tap. This weekend I need
to buy a jar of olives and a tin of tomatoes. When I go shopping, I never buy bars of chocolate
or cans of cola but I know that many people do. Sometimes my teenage kids do the shopping
but they usually need to get the money from me because they don’t earn any money themselves.
I think it’s good that they have the chance to do the shopping because I hope it teaches them
to be careful and to save money when they shop. Someday, when they are older, they will have jobs
and pay rent, so I think it makes sense if they learn now about how to be sensible when buying things.
Follow-up questions and suggested answers. The last question is an open-ended one.
1 The person is surprised when the cashier gives him/her the receipt.
2 a loaf of bread
3 bottles of water
4 bars of chocolate or cans of cola
5 a jar of olives and a tin of tomatoes
6 his or her teenage children
7 have jobs and pay rent
8 students’ own answers

34 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
Unit 4
1 Reading Fu’s Day

Photocopiable materials: CHART


Fu’s day Your day

6.30 a.m.

7.15 a.m.

7.30 a.m.

11.30 a.m.

1.30 p.m.

3.30 p.m.

4.10 p.m.

5.00 p.m.

6.30 p.m.

10.00 p.m.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 35
Different Learning Styles
2 Vocabulary 1 daily routines and chores

Photocopiable materials: PICTURE / ACTIVITY CARDS


do the dusting sweep the floor

vacuum the carpet do the ironing

make the bed do the washing-up

do the washing clean the bathroom

get up get dressed

take a shower make breakfast

brush your hair have a cup of tea

36 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
3 Grammar 1 going to and future simple

Photocopiable materials: CHART


tidy my bedroom   wash my parents’ car   ask my teachers about things I don’t get
do the dusting   vacuum the carpet   make my bed   do the washing   iron my clothes
sweep the floor   do the washing-up   clean the bathroom   get up early   make my breakfast


Next year I am going to … . Next year my friend is going to ... .

I’m not going to … . She / he isn’t going to … .

I think I will … . I think … will … .

I think I won’t … . I think … won’t … .

‘I think you will … .’

4 Listening question words

Photocopiable materials: SURVEY


hotel  travel  city  museum  money  go shopping  buy  spend money

clothes  food  fun  traffic  advice  luggage  men  women  children
dollar(s)  bus  information

1 Who ______________________________________________________________________________________?
2 When _____________________________________________________________________________________?
3 How much / How many ____________________________________________________________________?
4 Which ____________________________________________________________________________________?
5 How ______________________________________________________________________________________?
6 What _____________________________________________________________________________________?

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 37
Different Learning Styles
5 Speaking restaurant words

Photocopiable materials: ROLE CARDS


You are a customer and you are You are a customer and you are
at a restaurant with your friends at a restaurant with your friends

Your vocabulary: Your vocabulary:

Can I / we have a table? What time does the restaurant close?
Can we have the bill, please? Have you got any … ?
spaghetti with prawns cheese and tomato pizza
sparkling water ice-cream
chocolate brownie dessert

You are a customer and you are You are a waiter / waitress at a restaurant
at a restaurant with your friends

Your vocabulary: Your vocabulary:

Can I have … ? What would you like to order?
main course Any drinks?
garlic bread I am afraid we haven’t got any … .
still water starter
espresso main course

6 Grammar 2 countable / uncountable nouns and quantifiers

Photocopiable materials: CHART


Items Quantifiers

modern furniture million dollar(s) a few some

exotic fruit Italian food a little any
Swiss money fun in New York a lot of little
top secret information computer game lots of few
tiny banana(s) good advice many
chocolate biscuit(s) sports equipment much
luggage full of ... interesting research

38 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
7 Vocabulary 2 shopping words

Photocopiable materials: TEXT A / B, FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS

When I _______________________, I often spend a lot of money. I am often surprised when I’m
standing at the _______________________ and the cashier gives me my _______________________.
However, when I see how full my trolley is, I understand why it cost so much. Certain items cost
more than others, and sometimes I see things on the shelves that I think we might need, such
as a _______________________ or a carton of orange juice. I _______________ a loaf of bread every
week but I hardly ever _______________________ bottles of water as we drink the water from the tap. This
weekend I need to buy a _______________________ and a tin of tomatoes. When I go shopping, I never
buy _______________________ or cans of cola but I know that many _______________________ do.
Sometimes my teenage kids _______________________ but they usually need to get the money from me
because they don’t _______________________ themselves. I think it’s good that they have the chance to do
the shopping because I hope it teaches them to be careful and _______________________ when they shop.
Someday, when they are older, they will have jobs and pay rent, so I think it makes sense if they learn now
about how to be sensible when buying things.

When I do the shopping, I often _______________________. I am often surprised when I’m standing
at the till and the _______________________ gives me my receipt. However, when I see how full
my _______________________ is, I understand why it cost so much. Certain items cost more than
others, and sometimes I see things on the _______________________ that I think we might need, such
as a packet of cornflakes or a _______________________. I buy a loaf of bread every week but I hardly
ever buy _______________________ as we drink the water from the tap. This weekend I need to buy
a jar of olives and a _______________________. When I go shopping, I never buy bars of chocolate
or _______________________ but I know that many people do. Sometimes my teenage kids do the shopping
but they usually need to _______________________ the money from me because they don’t earn any money
themselves. I think it’s good that they _______________________ the shopping because I hope it teaches
them to be careful and to save money when they shop. Someday, when they are older, they will have jobs
and _______________________, so I think it makes sense if they learn now about how to be sensible when
buying things.

1 What happens at the till?
2 What does the person buy every week?
3 What does the person hardly ever buy?
4 What does the person never buy?
5 What does the person need to buy this weekend?
6 Who does the person give money to?
7 What will the teenagers do when they are older?
8 Which things do you like to buy when you go shopping?

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 39
Different Learning Styles
Unit 5 Home Sweet Home
1 Reading: This is Where I Live Student’s Book pp 78–79
Activity: description of a place to live
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the ROLE CARDS and FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS on p 43, one set for each group of three.
• Put students into groups of three.
• Ask them to read the information on their cards and to tell the others about it, using complete
sentences. The rest of the group try to remember the information they have heard.
• Students discuss the FOLLOW-UP QUESTIONS.
• They can either report back verbally on these or write their answers down.
Using other styles:
• The activity begins with the use of auditory skills as students have to produce full sentences based
on notes, and remember what the other members of the group say. They continue with the use
of auditory skills by discussing the living environments, but they also use kinaesthetic emotional
skills to talk about likes and dislikes. They need to employ visual skills if they choose to write
the answers.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

2 Vocabulary 1: furnishings and phrasal verbs Student’s Book p 80

Activity: describing items at home
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Divide the class into small groups.
• Copy and give out the CHART on p 44 to each group.
• Students use the phrasal verbs as well as any other verbs to say what they are going to do with the
items in the CHART.
• They don’t mention the item; the rest of the group has to guess which one it is.
• Students discuss which of these items they have at home and what they are used for.
Using other styles:
• Initially, the activity is visual as students have to look at pictures. They also need auditory skills when
constructing sentences about the items. The final part is purely auditory as it is limited to a discussion.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

3 Grammar  1: present perfect simple Student’s Book p 81

Activity: describing personal feelings
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Put the students into small groups.
• Brainstorm words which express how they feel: happy, sad, excited, etc. They should try to come up
with 8–10 words.
• Students then make sentences explaining why they feel this way using the words in the CHART on p 44
and the present perfect tense, e.g. I feel happy because I have just passed my exam.

40 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
• They then ask each other questions about the things they have done which made them happy, sad,
excited, etc. They use words such as: ever, yet, already, just, since and for.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic emotional as students talk about their personal feelings. It also requires
auditory skills while asking and answering questions.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

4 Listening: finding incorrect options / answers Student’s Book p 82

Activity: Who does what?
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Students work in small groups. Copy and give out one CHART: ACTIVITIES to each group and one
CHART: PHRASES to each student.
• They first look at the vocabulary in the CHART: ACTIVITIES on p 45 and brainstorm other jobs that
people do at home and add them to the list.
• Then, each student makes two sentences about his/her chores: one correct and one incorrect.
The others use the phrases in the CHART: PHRASES in order to comment upon which sentence
they think is correct and which incorrect.
• Students work together to write a text about a typical teenager’s day at home.
• They start their story with It is/isn’t my job to … . and each person adds to it.
Using other styles:
• The activity is auditory as it begins with brainstorming words and speaking about daily jobs at home.
They then need their visual skills to write the story down.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

5 Speaking: words describing your room Student’s Book p 83

Activity: my room
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Students work in pairs.
• They draw their ideal bedrooms.
• Then, they show and describe their pictures to each other.
• They can use the vocabulary in the CHART on p 45 as well as vocabulary from the unit.
• Students compare drawings.
• They then discuss what they don’t like in their bedrooms and what they would like to change.
• Working together, students write a description of an ideal bedroom, giving reasons for what would
make it ideal.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic motoric as students begin by drawing. They also need visual skills in order
to create their drawing; auditory ones are then required in order to talk about the pictures. The final
stages of the activity include kinaesthetic emotional skills when students are discussing their likes and
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 41
Different Learning Styles
6 Vocabulary 2: parts of a house and things that are found there Student’s Book p 84
Activity: creating a poster
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out the USEFUL WORDS CHART on p 46 to each group.
• Put the students into four groups and give each group a large piece of paper.
• Students imagine that they are all members of the same family.
• They work together to create a poster of the home and/or garden where they all live.
• They should include rooms, furniture and other equipment.
• When they have finished, each group presents their poster to the rest of the class and answers questions.
• Students listen to one another’s presentations and ask questions.
Using other styles:
• The activity begins as a kinaesthetic motoric one as each group is involved in the drawing stage.
Auditory skills are then required in order to describe the posters and listen to and answer questions
from the group. Visual skills are also helpful when making the poster.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

7 Grammar 2: possessives Student’s Book p 85

Activity: my things, your things, our things
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Students work in small groups.
• Copy and give out the CHART on p 46 to each group.
• They find some things in their school bags which they can put on the table in front of them.
• They cover the items with a large piece of paper or a notebook.
• They take turns making sentences about the items using POSSESSIVES A.
• Students uncover the items and check if the sentences were correct.
• Then they ask and answer questions about the items using POSSESSIVES B.
Using other styles:
• The activity is visual as they have to remember what they have seen. They also need auditory skills
to construct the sentences, and in the follow-up they use mostly auditory skills while asking and
answering questions.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

42 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
Unit 5
1 Reading This is Where I Live

Photocopiable materials: ROLE CARDS


Who I am: Who I am: Daniel Who I am:

Nigel, an American boy Where I live: Finland Femke, a Dutch girl
Where I live: the USA My home: a tree house Where I live: Amsterdam,
My home: a camper van the Netherlands
More information about my My home: a houseboat
More information about my home and life:
home and life: • close to nature More information about my
• travel a lot • have a big swing in front home and life:
• have seen a lot of great of my house, high up in • floats on water but doesn’t
places the trees sail like a boat
• no running water • my father observes • has a kitchen, bathroom,
• has a wood stove animals from the balcony living room and three
• sleep under blankets when • four rooms in the house bedrooms
it’s cold • a kitchen and a bathroom • brother and I clean
• usually travel to hot places • has a satellite dish and tidy our rooms and
• great views from the upper • garden view from every vacuum carpets and put
floor windows window our clothes away
• chill out on top of the van • a tree house is the best • we enjoy watching TV and
• spend most of time outside place to kick back chilling out
• children are

1 Which home is the most interesting?
2 Which home do you want to have and why?
3 What similarities are there to your home and lifestyle?
4 What differences are there to your home and lifestyle?

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 43
Different Learning Styles
2 Vocabulary 1 furnishings and phrasal verbs

Photocopiable materials: CHART


Phrasal verbs: put away, pull up, switch on, hang up, put up

3 Grammar 1 present perfect simple

Photocopiable materials: CHART


for (a period of time)
since (a time or date)

Examples: Why do you feel sad?

I feel sad because I’ve just lost some money.

44 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
4 Listening finding incorrect options / answers

Photocopiable materials: CHART: ACTIVITES / PHRASES


• clean the kitchen

• feed the dog
• do the washing-up
• do the washing
• put away the clothes
• hang out the clothes to dry
• put up posters or paintings on the walls
• tidy the living room
• tidy the kitchen


No, you don’t do that, your mum / dad does.

No, I don’t think it is his / her / your turn to … .
I think that your mum / dad / brother / sister, etc. … .
No, it isn’t your job. I think … .

Yes, you are right. I don’t do that. My mum / dad does.

Correct, it isn’t my / his / her turn to … .
Yes, that’s right.
It isn’t my job to … . It is his / hers, etc.

5 Speaking words describing your room

Photocopiable materials: CHART


• In my bedroom, I have … .
• My bedroom is great because … .
• I’ve got a computer, a printer, a poster, … .
• I love my posters of … .
• I keep my … in my wardrobe.
• The walls are … and I’ve got … curtains.
• My duvet is … .
• I keep my … on my bookshelves.
• My room is usually tidy / untidy because … .
• Today it is … .

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 45
Different Learning Styles
6 Vocabulary 2 parts of a house and things that are found there

Photocopiable materials: USEFUL WORDS CHART


Type of home: house, villa, cottage, flat

Rooms: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, hallway, kitchen, living room, utility room, patio,

Items in tumble dryer, cooker, shower, sofa, wardrobe, lawnmower, armchair, washing
the rooms: machine, barbecue, dining table, fridge, front door

7 Grammar 2 possessives

Photocopiable materials: CHART: POSSESSIVES A / B


my your his her our their

My pencil is red. Your pen is blue.


mine yours his hers ours theirs

Is that your notebook?
That notebook isn’t mine. It’s hers.

46 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
Unit 6 The Place to Be
1 Reading: The Ghost of Niedzica Student’s Book p 94
Activity: story strips
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS: STORY STRIPS on p 51, one set for each group.
• Put students into small groups and give each group a set of CARDS.
• Instruct students to put the dominoes in order to tell the story of ‘The Ghost of Niedzica’.
• Students take turns reading the stages of the story on the strips.
• Students create their own ending to the story.
• They can either write it down or tell it to the rest of the group.
Using other styles:
• The activity uses kinaesthetic motoric skills while putting the story strips in order as well as visual
skills as the students need to read and comprehend the logical completion of sentences. Finally,
auditory and visual skills are utilised in the follow-up stage when reading the story aloud
and auditory ones when discussing possible endings. Visual skills are used if they choose to write
the story down.
Answer key: The texts as they appear on the STORY STRIPS are in the correct order. The first card is
marked * and the last card **.

2 Vocabulary 1: services in town and giving directions Student’s Book p 96

Activity: an ideal town
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Put the students into small groups and give them a large piece of paper to draw on.
• Ask them to draw a map of their ideal town, which includes the places in CHART 1 on p 52.
• Instruct them to draw streets and buildings and to label both.
• They can also include places from CHART 2 if they wish to make the town larger.
• When the students have finished the map, they take turns asking each other how to get to different
places on the map.
• They should use the phrases in CHART 3.
• If they wish, they can also give instructions to a place without naming it, which means that the others
have to carefully follow the instructions and say the name of their destination once they have reached it.
Using other styles:
• The activity begins as a kinaesthetic emotional one as students create their ideal town; it also uses
visual skills in the drawing and labelling stage. Finally, auditory skills are required to give directions
to each other, along with visual ones to locate the places on the map.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 47
Different Learning Styles
3 Grammar 1: demonstratives Student’s Book p 97
Activity: four in a row
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Put the students into pairs and give each pair a GAME SHEET on p 52 and a dice.
• Students decide who will be ‘X’ and who will be ‘O’.
• Students take turns rolling the dice and choosing a sentence to complete with either this, that, these
or those from the column which corresponds to the number they have rolled. If the completed
sentence is correct, they mark their sentence with ‘X’ or ‘O’. This sentence may no longer be chosen by
either player.
• If they roll a 5, they miss a turn and if they roll a 6, they can choose any sentence.
• The first person to get four boxes in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) is the winner.
• When they have finished, they complete any incomplete sentences.
• Students then talk to their partners and make sentences using this, that, these and those about things
in the classroom.
• The other student tries to guess the item which is being referred to.
Using other styles:
• The activity is visual as students need to decide which box to choose in order to get four boxes in a row
(and they also have to read sentences in order to complete them). The kinaesthetic motoric element
is activated when rolling the dice. An auditory aspect is added at the end of the activity when, working
as a pair, they complete any outstanding sentences and when making their own sentences.
1 this, 2 that, 3 these, 4 those, 5 those, 6 this, 7 that, 8 these, 9 that, 10 these, 11 this, 12 those,
13 That, 14 Those, 15 This, 16 these

4 Listening: listening for days, times and numbers  Student’s Book p 98

Activity: personal surveys
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Students work in groups of three (Student A, B and C respectively).
• Copy and give out the CARDS on p 53 to the students.
• They complete the sentences on their cards.
• Students then take turns dictating their sentences to the other members of their group, who write them
• When they have finished writing down their partners’ sentences, they discuss which sentences are true
for them too.
• They may also wish to discuss which things they would like/not like to do.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic emotional as it is necessary to complete personal information and listen
to personal information about others. They need auditory and visual skills both to listen and write;
kinaesthetic emotional skills are required to discuss the statements at the end of the activity.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

48 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
5 Speaking: talking about your town, giving directions, Student’s Book p 99
checking understanding
Activity: giving directions
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the ROLE CARDS on p 54.
• Give each student a ROLE CARD and explain that they either need to ask how to get somewhere
or to give directions.
• Students have to find the individual who will be able to help them.
• The CARDS have useful words on them which they can use to form questions.
• Students should be encouraged to first construct their questions or directions before they begin
speaking together.
Note: If you have fewer than 20 students, make sure there are an adequate number of matching CARDS.
If you have more than 20 students, question and/or answer CARDS will be duplicated.
A I’m looking for a place to draw out/change some money. Can you help me?
B Sorry, I can’t. I don’t know. OR
B  Yes, of course. Go straight on …, then turn right. The bank is opposite the corner shop.
• When they have finished the role play, they take turns asking and explaining to each other how to get
to different places in town using the vocabulary on the CARDS.
Using other styles:
• The activity is auditory as they need to make questions and to understand the answers. It also uses
the kinaesthetic motoric aspect as they begin the game by moving about the classroom.
Answer key: Role play, students’ own answers.

6 Vocabulary 2: buildings in towns, phrasal verbs and adjectives Student’s Book p 100
Activity: vocabulary triangle
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the WORDS / DEFINITIONS CARDS on p 55.
• Put the students into groups of three and give each of them one WORDS / DEFINITIONS CARD
(A, B or C).
• Instruct them to read aloud the words on their cards to each other and match them with the correct
• Student A begins and reads the first word in the WORDS column.
• Students B and C look for the correct definition in the DEFINITIONS column.
• When they find it, they read it out and put a tick next to it.
• That student then reads the word to the left of the definition in the WORDS column and the other two
students search for the definition.
• The game is over when Student A reads out the definition at the top of the DEFINITIONS column.
• When the students have finished the activity, they discuss which of these places can be found in their
town and what they can do there or what the places are like, e.g. We can work out at the sports
centre, and it is relaxing.
Using other styles:
• The activity is primarily an auditory one as students have to listen carefully to their classmates when
they are reading out their words. They also need their visual skills when searching for the correct
definition. In the follow-up activity they use their kinaesthetic emotional skills to describe places
using the adjectives provided.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 49
Different Learning Styles
(A) town (B) a place where people live
(B) sports centre (C) a place where you can play volleyball
(C) (to) look for (B) (to) try and find something
(B) crowded (A) filled with a lot of people
(A) relaxing (C) something that makes you feel happy and calm
(C) cinema (B) a special building where you can watch films
(B) corner shop (A) a place in the neighbourhood where it’s possible to buy
things like milk and bread
( A) (to) put on something in a theatre (B) (to) perform a play
(B) stadium (C) a place where you watch football matches or other sports
(C) (to) break down (A) (to) stop working
(A) boring (C) not interesting or exciting
(C) (to) take up (A) (to) start doing a new hobby or sport
(A) factory (C) a large building where people make things
(C) petrol station (B) a place where you can buy petrol
(B) (to) work out (A) (to) exercise
(A) (to) look forward to (C) (to) be excited about something that is going to take place
in the future
(C) shopping centre (B) a place with a lot of different shops
(B) disco (C) a place where you go to dance
(C ) theatre (B) a special place where you can watch a play or musical
(B) (to) sell out (A) (to) sell all the items you have of something
(A) chemist’s (C) a shop where you can buy medicine
(C) (to) run out of (A) (to) have no more left of something
(A) (to) come down with (B) (to) become ill
(B) (to) fil lup (A) (to) make something full to the top

7 Grammar 2: articles (a, an, the, –) Student’s Book p 101

Activity: card game
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS on p 56.
• Divide the class into groups of four and give each group a set of GAPPED SENTENCE CARDS
and a set of ARTICLES CARDS.
• Give each student five GAPPED SENTENCE CARDS and put the ARTICLES CARDS in a pile upside
down in front of each group.
• Individual students take turns choosing an ARTICLE CARD from the top of the pile.
• If the student has a GAPPED SENTENCE CARD which matches the ARTICLE CARD, they read out
the sentence and put both cards down in front of them.
• If everyone agrees that it is correct, the game passes to the next person. If they don’t agree,
the teacher will need to check if the answer is correct or not.
• If the answer is not correct or if they don’t have a card which matches an article, they have to keep
the GAPPED SENTENCE CARD and put the ARTICLE CARD back at the bottom of the pile.
• The first person to get rid of all their cards is the winner.
• When they have finished, they complete any sentences still remaining.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic motoric as a result of using the cards. Students also need their visual
and auditory skills to read and make up sentences.
Answer key:
a, A, a, a    a, an, an, an    an, an, the, the    the, the, the, –    –, –, –, –

50 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
Unit 6
1 Reading The Ghost of Niedzica

Photocopiable materials: CARDS: STORY STRIPS

STORY STRIP CARDS (The first card is marked * and the last card **)

* Lisa and her mother went to visit Dunajec

Castle in Niedzica. The tour guide told

them a lot about its history. They learned

that the family built the castle at the beginning

of the fourteenth century. They then

went into the huge banquet hall. The people on the

paintings that were hanging there had crazy

eyes and faces. Lisa saw a closed door

at the end of the room. The sign on it said

‘No Entry!’ but Lisa opened the door and went

inside. She heard the guide talking about the ghost

of Princess Brunhilda who fell into a well when

her husband pushed her out of the window. The room

was small and dark, and she heard someone

screaming, but no one was there. She tried to open

the door but couldn’t! Lisa started shouting and

banging on the door but no one

heard her. She had to find a way out by herself! **

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 51
Different Learning Styles
2 Vocabulary 1 services in town and giving directions

Photocopiable materials: CHART 1, 2, 3


bank  fire station  hospital  library  museum  police station  post office  university


sports centre  cinema  corner shop  stadium  factory  disco

chemist’s  theatre  petrol station  shopping centre  park


catch a bus   get on at ...   get off ...   cross …   follow …   turn right at …   turn left at …
go straight on   when you get to …   walk past …   ride / walk through …   run / go along …
walk into …   run / walk across …

3 Grammar 1 demonstratives

Photocopiable materials: GAME SHEET


1 2 3 4

1 Does __________ 2 Is __________

4 Can we use
bus we are museum at the end  re __________ chairs
3A __________ lifts over
on go to the centre of the road the one here free?
of town? you want to go to?

6 Is __________
 re __________
5A 7 I need __________ bus 8 Are __________
the bus stop we need
shops across the road timetable information the right tickets for
or do we need to cross
the ones you like? that I left at home. the museum?
the road?

9 Is __________ 11 John, __________ 12 Do you know

10 Are __________ your __________ people
the theatre over there is my friend, Mary.
keys? Did you leave
where they are putting We go to school over there? They are
them on the bus?
on a new play? together. calling your name.

16 Do you like

13 __________ café 14 __________ people 15 __________ cake __________
over there looks at the other table are is great. Would
paintings here in this
good. Let’s try it. really noisy. you like some?

52 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
4 Listening listening for days, times and numbers

Photocopiable materials: STUDENT A, B, C CARDS


1 Every day I enjoy _________________________.

2 I never _________________________ on weekdays.
3 I go _________________________ every month.
4 At a quarter to midday I _________________________.
5 My friends and I _________________________ marbles when we were younger.
6 I think robots will _________________________.
7 My birthday is in (give the month) _________________________.
8 I eat breakfast at _________________________.
9 I do my homework from _________________________ to _________________________.


1 I don’t _________________________ every day.

2 I love _________________________ at weekends.
3 I need half an hour to _________________________.
4 I think I need a century to _________________________.
5 My friends and I _________________________ a dolls’ house when we were little.
6 I _________________________ a teddy.
7 My favourite month is _________________________.
8 I eat lunch at _________________________.
9 We usually have a holiday from _____________________ to ____________________.


1 I usually _________________________ on weekdays.

2 I hardly ever _________________________ at weekends.
3 My friends and I _________________________ every week.
4 At half past eight in the evening I _________________________.
5 I _________________________ a tricycle.
6 I don’t think robots will _________________________.
7 _________________________ is a month when someone in my family has a birthday.
8 I eat dinner at _________________________.
9 I never do sports from _________________________ to _________________________.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 53
Different Learning Styles
5 Speaking talking about your town, giving directions, checking understanding

Photocopiable materials: ROLE CARDS

ROLE CARDS (for students asking for directions)

Looking for: Looking for: Looking for: Looking for: Looking for:
a place to draw a place to fill up a place to see a place to find a place to post
out / change the car a play some books a letter
some money
– I’m looking – Where is the … ? – I’m looking – Is there a … near
– Where is the … ? for … . – Could you repeat for … . here?
– Where is it – Did you say ‘turn that, please? – I’m not sure what – I’m sorry, I didn’t
exactly? right’? you mean. understand.

Looking for: Looking for: Looking for: Looking for: Looking for:
a place to get a place to buy a place to buy a place to watch a place to
help some medicine some clothes a football match exercise

– Where is the … ? – How do I get – I’m looking – How do I get – Is there a … near
– Where is it to … ? for … . to … ? here?
exactly? – Did you say ‘turn – Could you repeat – I’m not sure what – I’m sorry, I didn’t
right’? that, please? you mean. understand.

ROLE CARDS (for students giving directions)

Bank Petrol station Theatre Library Post office

• go straight on • go left • turn left • go left • go straight on

• turn right • go straight on • at the end of • at the • at the
• is opposite the • is at the traffic the road crossroads roundabout
corner shop lights • is next to the • opposite the • is opposite the
• is behind the cinema university fire station
police station

Police station Chemist’s Shopping centre Stadium Sports centre

• go along … • walk past … • take bus … • walk through … • follow …

• at the • turn right, • get off at … • go straight on • cross …
roundabout then left • is opposite the • is behind the • is next to the
• is next to the • is behind the hospital fire station chemist’s
bank library

54 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
6 Vocabulary 2 buildings in towns, phrasal verbs and adjectives

Photocopiable materials: WORDS / DEFINITIONS CARDS

Student A
town (to) make something full to the top
(to) put on something a place in the neighbourhood where it’s possible to buy things like milk
in a theatre and bread
(to) look forward to (to) exercise
factory (to) start doing a new hobby or sport
chemist’s (to) sell all the items you have of something
relaxing filled with a lot of people
(to) come down with (to) have no more left of something
boring (to) stop working

Student B
stadium (to) perform a play
disco a place with a lot of different shops
crowded (to) try and find something
sports centre a place where people live
(to) work out a place where you can buy petrol
(to) fill up (to) become ill
(to) sell out a special place where you can watch a play or musical
corner shop a special building where you can watch films

Student C
theatre a place where you go to dance
cinema something that makes you feel happy and calm
shopping centre (to) be excited about something that is going to take place in the future
(to) take up not interesting or exciting
(to) run out of a shop where you can buy medicine
(to) look for a place where you can play volleyball
petrol station a large building where people make things
(to) break down a place where you watch football matches or other sports events

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 55
Different Learning Styles
7 Grammar 2 articles (a, an, the, –)



Is there __________ __________ teacher I love sleeping in

__________ tent in Is there __________
museum in your at my school helped
post office nearby?
hometown? me with the project. summer.

I met __________ I’m hungry so I There is __________

He is __________
friend when I was am going to eat old university in our
amazing singer! __________ apple.
travelling last year. town.

We usually go to
I saw __________ We had __________ We took a boat __________ sports
interesting film at the exciting trip to the ride on __________
centre near our
cinema yesterday. fire station. Danube.

We can row under

I would like to see He was skiing last __________ bridge We went to
__________ Atlantic winter in __________ __________ Greece
and keep on going
Ocean. Alps. on holiday.
down the river.

He is really
My favourite subject Last summer we
interested in I loved visiting
__________ is __________ __________ Malta. went to __________
mathematics. London.


a a a a

a an an an

an an the the

the the the – (no article)

– (no article) – (no article) – (no article) – (no article)

56 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
Unit 7: Save the Planet
1 Reading: A Family who can Save the World Student’s Book pp 112–113
Activity: completing a chart
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out to students the CHART on p 61.
• Ask students to read the story of Tracy and her family in their coursebooks and complete the chart with
Tracy’s family’s ideas.
• Students work together and compare their notes in pairs. This allows them to add any information
about Tracy which they might have missed.
• Students make notes about what their family does to help solving eco problems.
• They compare and contrast their families’ ideas.
Using other styles:
• The activity begins by using visual skills in order to read a text and make notes on relevant details.
Auditory skills are introduced during the discussion stage. Kinaesthetic emotional skills are
activated while discussing personal solutions.
Answer key:
too much plastic: not buying plastic bags, using reusable containers and water bottles
air pollution: walking or cycling
rubbish: collecting rubbish on walks

2 Vocabulary 1: environment – word formation Student’s Book p 114

Activity: categorizing words related to ecology
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the VOCABULARY CARDS on p 61, one set for each group. Copy one CHART on p 61
for each group of students.
• Divide students into small groups.
• Give each group a set of cut up cards and a copy of the vocabulary chart.
• Tell them to glue the words into the correct categories with three words from the same family in one row.
• Students compare their CHARTS with another group and see if they are the same.
• Then each group chooses one word family for another group to make three sentences.
• The sentences can be presented to the whole class.
Using other styles:
• This is a kinaesthetic motoric activity as students have to put the cards into categories. Auditory
skills are required to compare and discuss the answers in groups and present the sentences to the
class. The writing stage involves visual skills.
Answer key:
Verbs Nouns Adjectives
reuse reuse reusable
protect protection protected
endanger danger endangered / dangerous
pollute pollution polluted
recycle recycling recyclable

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 57
Different Learning Styles
3 Grammar 1: conditionals: zero, first and second Student’s Book p 115
Activity: completing sentences
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out the CHART on p 62 to each pair of students.
• Students work in pairs and complete the sentences, using zero, first and second conditional structures.
It is important that they use the correct tenses.
• Students then write their answers on a separate piece of paper (in random order, only the parts
they have made up – without sentence numbers or stem sentences) and swap them with another pair.
• Each pair tries to match an answer with a stem sentence.
• When they have finished, they compare their sentences with the other pair in order to check their
• They then discuss which of the sentences match the opinions of all four of them and give reasons why.
Using other styles:
• This activity is visual as students have to complete sentences that are based on prompts after which
they read the half sentences produced by the other pair and complete the matching task. The activity
also uses kinaesthetic motoric and auditory skills as they have to move pieces of paper and hold
a discussion with one another.
Answer key: Suggested answers.
1 If we sort out rubbish, we will help the world. (1)
2 If we use up all the water, we won’t have anything to drink (1)
3 If animals die out, the world will die. (1)
4 If we want to protect the Earth, we have to start acting. (0)
5 If we join the Zero Waste Club, we will learn not to use plastic. (1)
6 If we didn’t use plastic, our world would be clean. (2)
7 If we pick up rubbish, streets, parks and forests will be clean. (1)
8 If we cut down all the trees, the air will be polluted. (1)

4 Listening: 
categorising Student’s Book p 116
Activity: What category am I talking about?
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Group students into pairs. Copy the CARDS A and B on p 63.
• Give student A a copy of the Student A CARD and give student B a copy of the Student B CARD.
• Their task is to listen to their partner and decide what CATEGORY they are talking about. The
categories to choose from are listed above the charts.
• Students look at each other’s chart and discuss the answers.
• In pairs, students create their own categories in writing for another pair to guess.
Using other styles:
• The activity is auditory as students have to speak clearly and listen carefully to decide what category
to write. During the writing task, visual skills are needed.
Answer key:
Student A: My birthday is on January 7th. (time), My mum helped me. (person), We are going to the
USA. (place), He’s coming back on May 12th. (date), The film starts at 12:00. (time)
Student B: Because I was sad. (reason), We started at 8:30. (time), It was my teacher. (person), We
moved to France in 2006. (place, time), He was born in Germany. (place)
Students’ own answers.

58 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
5 Speaking: environmental problems Student’s Book p 117
Activity: problem solving
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Students work in groups.
• Copy and give out copies of the CHART on p 63 (one copy for each group of students).
• Students choose one problem the world is facing from the CHART on p 63 and discuss what people
must do to solve this problem. To support their arguments, they can use the ideas which are in the
Actions in the Chart or their own ideas.
• Their task is to decide which problem 1 is possible to solve, 2 isn’t possible to solve, 3 is possible
to solve under some conditions. They exchange ideas using the phrases in the CHART. Through
discussion, they must come to one conclusion.
• When they have finished, groups present their ideas to the teacher.
• Ask the students to choose one problem and write a dialogue containing at least 5–6 sentences using
phrases in the CHART.
Using other styles:
• In this activity, students use kinaesthetic emotional skills to present their opinion about environmental
problems. Students also use auditory skills to listen to the opinion of others and present theirs.
The follow-up stage involves visual skills.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

6 Vocabulary 2: environment – phrasal verbs Student’s Book p 118

Activity: matching phrasal verbs with their synonyms, definitions and pictures
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
and PICTURE CARDS on p 64 (enough for each group of students).
• Put students into groups of 4 and give them a set of cards.
• Tell them that the pictures are related to phrasal verbs.
• Ask them to match the cards from every set in a particular order: a phrasal verb, a definition,
a synonym, a picture. If you want, you can set them a time limit to do this task.
• When they have finished, check the answers by reading them out aloud.
• After the activity students can make sentences with the phrasal verbs in front of them.
Using other styles:
• This activity engages visual learners as it contains cards to be matched and pictures. It also serves
kinaesthetic students as they need to work with their hands.
Answer key:
sort out, to put rubbish into the right categories, segregate, TRASH BINS
cut down, to remove trees, remove, A TREE STUMP WITH AN AXE IN IT
use up, make something no longer available, finish, A BATTERY
throw away, get rid of something no longer needed after using it, get rid of, RUBBISH IN THE FOREST
put out, the act of eliminating fire, stop, A FIREMAN
die out, when certain species disappear, become extinct, A WHITE RHINO

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 59
Different Learning Styles
7 Grammar 2: gerunds and infinitives Student’s Book p 119
Activity: asking personal questions
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give out the CHART on p 65 to each student.
• Students complete the sentences with either the gerund or infinitive form.
• They then walk around the classroom and ask eight different people the questions on the chart
and write down the answers.
• Students choose their favourite question and answer and read it aloud to the class.
• They ask the rest of the group if they would give a similar answer to the question and ask for reasons
why/why not.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic emotional as students construct personal questions, which they then ask
and get answers to. They also need their visual and auditory skills to write, ask and answer questions
as well as kinaesthetic motoric skills as they are expected to move about during the activity.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

60 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
Unit 7
1 Reading A Family who can Save the World

Photocopiable materials: CHART


Tracy’s family’s solution Your family’s solution

plastic rubbish

air pollution

rubbish in the neighbourhood

2 Vocabulary 1 environment – word formation

Photocopiable materials: CHART, VOCABULARY CARDS




pollution reuse danger

recycle protect pollute

endanger protection recycling

polluted dangerous / endangered reusable

reuse protected recyclable

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 61
Different Learning Styles
3 Grammar 1 conditionals: zero, first and second

Photocopiable materials: CHART


If we sort out rubbish, 


If we use up all the water, 


If animals die out, 


If we want to protect the Earth, 


If we join the Zero Waste Club, 


If we didn’t use plastic, 


If we pick up rubbish, 


If we cut down all the trees, 


62 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
4 Listening categorising

Photocopiable materials: STUDENT A, B CARDS

Student A

place     date     person     time     reason

My birthday is on January 7th.

My mum helped me.
We are going to the USA.
He’s coming back on May 12th.
The film starts at 12:00.

Student B

place     date     person     time     reason

Because I was sad.

We started at 8:30.
It was my teacher.
We moved to France in 2006.
He was born in Germany.

5 Speaking environmental problems

Photocopiable materials: CHART


Problems: water pollution, air pollution, extinction of animals, no drinking water

Actions: going zero waste, organizing events, reducing car use, banning hunting, using water
responsibly, riding a bike, bringing your own containers
Expressing opinions
I think … .
In my opinion … .
I’d rather spend more money than use plastic.
It’s important to (+infinitive) … .
I’m fond of (verb + -ing) / (noun) … .
Agreeing / Disagreeing
I agree / disagree with you / with the fact / that … .
It depends.
I have mixed feelings about (verb + -ing) / (noun) … .
Asking about opinions
What do you think about … ?
Do you believe in … / that … ?
What’s your opinion about … ?
Do you agree that … ?
What do you mean?

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 63
Different Learning Styles
6 Vocabulary 2 environment – phrasal verbs

Photocopiable materials: CARDS


sort out

cut down

use up

throw away

put out

die out


put rubbish into the right make something no longer

remove trees
categories available
get rid of something no longer
the act of eliminating fire when certain species disappear
needed after using it


segregate remove finish

get rid of stop become extinct


64 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
7 Grammar 2 gerunds and infinitives

Photocopiable materials: CHART


Personal questions

1 Are you interested in _________________________________________________________ ? (gerund)

Name: ___________________________________________
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

2 What should you ____________________________________________________ this week? (infinitive)

Name: ___________________________________________
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

3 Are you worried about _______________________________________________________ ? (gerund)

Name: ___________________________________________
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

4 Do you hope to _____________________________________________________ at school? (infinitive)

Name: ___________________________________________
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

5 Do you love ________________________________________________________________ ? (gerund)

Name: ___________________________________________
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

6 Can you _____________________________________________________ with your friends? (infinitive)

Name: ___________________________________________
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

7 Do you think it is worth _______________________________________________________ ? (gerund)

Name: ___________________________________________
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

8 Are you clever enough to _____________________________________________________ ? (infinitive)

Name: ___________________________________________
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________________

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 65
Different Learning Styles
Unit 8: Personal Best
1 Reading: Jamaica, Cuba and Sports Student’s Book p 128
Activity: questions, questions, questions
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Students work in groups of four; in pairs, the students work with the text about Jamaica and Cuba.
• Copy and give out the CHART: Jamaica or Cuba on p 70 to each pair.
• Students write questions about the text using the words provided and the question words about
the text.
• They give their completed questions for another pair to answer.
• They check the questions and answers using the original texts.
• Students work in groups of four in order to think of a story about a sport that is played in their
own country and write a short text about it.
• They tell the rest of the class what they know about the sport.
Using other styles:
• The activity is auditory because students have to form questions, and ask and answer questions.
It also uses visual skills to extract information from a text.
Answer key:
1 Where can you find beautiful beaches, friendly In Jamaica.
people and some amazing music and culture?
2 What is Jamaica famous for? For cricket.
3 Who brought cricket to Jamaica? The British.
What was Jamaica in the past? A British colony.
Where can you learn about the history of cricket in At the Sports Museum in Kingston.
Which team do Jamaican players play for? The West Indies.
What exhibition can you visit in Cuba? An exhibition on baseball.
How did it all start with baseball? Two Cuban brothers brought the sport to
Cuba from the US.
Why did Cuba have a war with Spain? Cuba wanted to be independent.
Who tried to stop baseball? The Spanish authorities.
Why did the Spanish authorities try to stop baseball? Because it was more popular than bullfighting.
What did baseball become? A symbol of freedom.

2 Vocabulary 1: sports, people, equipment Student’s Book p 130

Activity: sports word search
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes

• Copy and give out the WORD SEARCH CHART on p 71 to each pair of students.
• Students work in pairs and find words connected with sports in the WORD SEARCH.
• When they have found the words, they add them to the CHART in the correct category
(Sport: 7 words; Person who does the sport: 6 words; Equipment: 6 words).
• The arrows indicate the direction of the words.

66 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
• When they have finished, they talk to their partners about different sports that they know and would
like to do.
• They make sentences using the words they found.
Using other styles:
• The activity is visual as students need to find words in the word search and then categorise them
according to the chart. It also uses auditory skills as students work together with a partner in order
to find the words and then discuss the sports after they have finished the task.
Answer key:
Sport: ice hockey, sailing, athletics, gymnastics, diving, weightlifting, cycling
Person: gymnast, cyclist, diver, weightlifter, sailor, athlete
Equipment: canoe, mask, helmet, sabre, bat, snorkel
 19 J N B A C W O V H H Y I I S K

3 Grammar 1: modals: can, could, shall, should Student’s Book p 131

Activity: Who has the answer?
Style: visual learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS on p 72.
• Put the students into two groups of 10 and give one group ten QUESTION CARDS and the other
group ten ANSWER CARDS.
• Students read out their questions and the person who thinks they have the correct answer reads
the answer out.
• If there are more than ten learners in each group, two learners may share a card.
• When they have finished, students from group 2 think of their own questions, and students
from group 1 take turns to answer them.
Using other styles:
• This activity is visual as the students need to read questions and look at the cards they have in order to
find the correct answers. They also need auditory skills in order to read aloud and listen to the questions.
Answer key: The question and corresponding answer cards are placed next to each other.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 67
Different Learning Styles
4 Listening: listening to descriptions Student’s Book p 132
Activity: matching
Style: auditory learners
Teaching notes
• Put students in pairs. Copy and give out CARD A and CARD B on p 73 to the students.
• Student A reads the description of sports/situations they have in the first row and student B decides
which person from their second row can be a match. Then, student B reads their descriptions.
• Students look at their grids and check if they made the right choice.
• Students decide which sentence from the description row is true for them.
Using other styles:
• This activity is for auditory learners because they have to listen carefully to the descriptions.
The activity is also for visual learners because they have to match them in the grid. Finally, the activity
serves kinaesthetic emotional learners when students talk about their own opinions and experience
in the follow-up part of the exercise.
Answer key:
A It was really heavy, I couldn’t lift it above my head! B Andy is a weightlifter.
A So good I had my helmet on, I fell down and hit my head on the ice. B Bella loves ice hockey.
A The weather was really nice, the wind wasn’t strong and the waves weren’t big. B Mary is a sailor.
A I showed them how to walk on their hands and everyone was amazed. B Adam is a gymnast.
B I was riding really fast when suddenly a man ran onto the road and I fell down. Luckily, I had a helmet
on. A Julie is a cyclist.
B My idol is Cristiano Ronaldo, I wish I was as good as him. A Mary is a football player.
B I like this sport because I feel like an old time knight fighting with opponent. I think the white uniform
looks elegant. A John loves fencing.
B The world under water is amazing, I enjoy observing fish and plants moving slowly. A Tom goes snorkelling.

5 Speaking: 
asking about likes, asking for advice, Student’s Book p 133
giving advice and responding to it
Activity: role play
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Students work in pairs.
• They imagine that one of them loves doing a certain sport while the other has never tried it.
• They create a dialogue, using the phrases in the CHART on p 74.
• They write down the dialogue learn it by heart and then act it out in front of another pair.
• The other pair listen carefully and then ask questions about the chosen sport, so students should
be prepared to explain why they answered as they did and to discuss their opinions about the topics.
• When the activity is finished, students talk about a sport they really love and give one another
some advice on how to do it. They tell their partners why they like/don’t like their partner’s choice.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic emotional as students both give advice and respond to it; they also have
to discuss a topic which is personal to them. They also need visual skills to write down the dialogue,
and auditory and kinaesthetic motoric skills are required in order to act out the role play. When
they discuss their favourite sport and give the other person advice about it, they again use their
kinaesthetic emotional skills.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

68 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
6 Vocabulary 2: more words about sports Student’s Book p 134
Activity: What am I doing?
Style: kinaesthetic motoric learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and cut up the CARDS on p 74 (enough for each group of 8–10 students).
• Put the students into groups of 8–10. Each group is then subdivided into two teams.
• Individual students take turns choosing a card and acting out the activity on it.
• The remaining members of their team try to guess the activity in less than one minute.
• If they guess correctly, the team scores a point.
• Play passes to the other team.
• The team with the biggest number of points is the winner.
• When they have finished, they discuss their experiences of the activities/sports.
• They share their experiences with the whole group.
Using other styles:
• The activity is mostly kinaesthetic motoric as it involves acting out an activity. Students also need
their auditory skills in order to call out words and then to discuss the activities at the end of the task.
Note: Groups who require additional help can be given the word grid so that they can easily identify
all the words. The words can then be ticked off once they have been guessed.
Answer key: miming game.

7 Grammar 2: modals: mustn’t, needn’t, have to, must, don’t have to Student’s Book p 135
Activity: find someone who
Style: kinaesthetic emotional learners
Teaching notes
• Copy and give each student the CARD on p 75 with ‘find someone who’ sentences.
• Brainstorm the questions with different modal verbs.
• Students then need to move about the classroom and ask their questions to as many people as they
can, noting down the student’s name and their answers.
• Students report back on the information they have found.
• They try to choose the most interesting, funny, creative answers and tell them to the rest of the class.
Using other styles:
• The activity is kinaesthetic emotional as students have to ask and answer personal questions and
give reasons for their answers. It also uses kinaesthetic motoric skills during the stage when students
move about the classroom; auditory skills are also necessary when asking and answering, and visual
skills are required when making notes about the answers. They again use auditory skills when they
report back on what they have heard and kinaesthetic emotional ones when choosing the most
interesting, funny or creative answers.
Answer key: Students’ own answers.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 69
Different Learning Styles
Unit 8
1 Reading Jamaica, Cuba and Sports

Photocopiable materials: CHARTS: Jamaica, Cuba

CHART: Jamaica

1 Where / find? 

2 What / famous for? 

3 Who / cricket? 

4 What / Jamaica / be / past? 

5 Where / learn about the history of cricket? 

6 Which / team? 


1 What / exhibition? 

2 How / start? 

3 Why / have a war? 

4 Who / stop baseball? 

5 Why / stop baseball? 

6 What / baseball become? 

70 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
2 Vocabulary 1 sports, people, equipment

Photocopiable materials: WORD SEARCH CHART


Sport (7 words) Person who does the sport (6 words) Equipment (6 words)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 71
Different Learning Styles
3 Grammar 1 modals: can, could, shall, should

Photocopiable materials: CARDS



(A) Yes, that sounds great. I have a new racket

(Q) Shall I book a tennis court for Saturday?
and would love to play.

(Q) Should we form a swimming club? (A) Yes, then we can go to the pool together.

(Q) Can I borrow your football today? (A) Sorry, you can’t. I have a match after school.

(A) Yes, of course. Which subject do you find

(Q) Can you help me with my homework?

(Q) Shall we meet before school? (A) Yes, that’s fine. I suggest 7.15.

(Q) Should we take up volleyball? (A) Great idea. There is a court near my house.

(Q) Could you speak English when you were (A) No, I couldn’t. I only started learning it when
young? I went to school.

(Q) Could you swim in the sea last week? (A) No, I couldn’t. It was too cold.

(Q) Can you explain cricket to me? (A) Yes, of course. I learned to play it in England.

(Q) Should we take up sailing? (A) No, we live too far away from the lake.

72 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
4 Listening listening to descriptions

Photocopiable materials: CARD A, CARD B

Student A CARD

The weather was

So good I had my I showed them how
It was really heavy, really nice, the wind
helmet on, I fell to walk on their
I couldn’t lift it above wasn’t strong and
down and hit my hands and everyone
my head! the waves weren’t
head on the ice. was amazed.

Tom goes Mary is a football

John loves fencing. Julie is a cyclist.
snorkelling. player.

Student B CARD

I like this sport

I was riding really
because I feel The world under
fast when suddenly
My idol is Cristiano like an old time water is amazing, I
a man ran onto
Ronaldo, I wish I was knight fighting his enjoy observing fish
the road and I fell
as good as him. opponent. I think the and plants moving
down. Luckily, I had
white uniform looks slowly.
a helmet on.

Andy is a Bella loves ice

Adam is a gymnast. Mary is a sailor.
weightlifter. hockey.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 73
Different Learning Styles
5 Speaking asking about likes, asking for advice, giving advice and responding to it

Photocopiable materials: CHART: USEFUL PHRASES


• Do you like doing sport indoors or outdoors? Why?

• Do you prefer doing individual or team sports? Why?
• Do you enjoy (hockey, swimming)?
• Why don’t you … ?
• You should … .
• You needn’t … .
• You don’t have to … .
• You could try … .
• You have to … .
• That’s a good idea.
• I don’t think it is a good idea because … .
• Perhaps I could … .

6 Vocabulary 2 more words about sports

Photocopiable materials: CARDS


swim train very hard pass out play table tennis

kick a ball bounce a ball sail give up

cycle serve a ball win a big tournament take up running

score a goal work out warm up throw a ball

74 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Different Learning Styles
7 Grammar 2 modals: mustn’t, needn’t, have to, must, don’t have to

Photocopiable materials: CARDS

CARDS: find someone who

Find someone who Find someone who

Find someone who has Find someone who has
doesn’t have to wash doesn’t have to walk
to help out at home. to get up before 7 a.m.
up the dishes at home. to school.

Find someone who can Find someone who

Find someone who Find someone who can
go out with their friends can play loud music
should study for a test. eat lunch at school.
during the week. at home.

Find someone who Find someone who Find someone who Find someone who
doesn’t have to study should make their bed has to help a brother can watch TV until late
at the weekend. every morning. or sister with something. at night.

Find someone who Find someone who Find someone who Find someone who
can speak English doesn’t have to do must learn how has to do homework
to relatives. sports after school. to swim. this evening.

Example questions:
1 Do you have to help out at home?
2 Can you go out with your friends during the week?
3 Should you study for a test?

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 75
Different Learning Styles
Specific Learning Differences
Specific Learning Differences
Students with Specific Learning Differences (SpLDs) or Special Education Needs (SENs) can be difficult to identify
in the language classroom. Poor performance in reading, writing and other areas of learning in the classroom may be
attributable to poor language proficiency in the second language and may not necessarily be a sign of SpLD.

There are a number of reasons for SpLDs: dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, dyscalculia and Asperger’s syndrome,
all of which can affect learning. Despite certain important differences, they can often co-occur.

Dyslexia is a common developmental difference that is seen mainly in information processing, especially phonological
Problematic areas: reading and writing skills, short-term and working memory, verbal processing speed
and co-occurring difficulties with organisation, sequencing, co-ordination and concentration.
Target group: Dyslexia can affect any individual regardless of intelligence and ethnic or social background.
The causes remain unclear, but it may be hereditary. Currently, there is no remedy for the condition.
Statistics: 10% of children are affected.

Dyspraxia is a common developmental difference affecting co-ordination, fine motor skills, articulation and sensory
Problematic areas: lack of attention and concentration, difficulties with speech production, sensibility
to the environment: temperature, light, noise, etc.
Target group: The causes are not fully known.
Statistics: 5-6% of children are affected.

Dyscalculia is a learning difference affecting maths skills.

Problematic areas: memory and problem-solving.
Target group: This is not an easily diagnosed condition as it often co-occurs with other learning difficulties such
as dyslexia and ADHD. It is a neurological condition and can be hereditary.
Statistics: 25% of children are affected.

ADHD is a common developmental difference that affects those parts of the brain that control attention, impulses
and concentration. It is wrongly understood as a lack of attention; it is actually a case of too much attention.
Problematic areas: short attention span, restlessness, constant fidgeting and impulsiveness, an inability
to focus caused by a lack of awareness of the immediate environment.
Target group: It can affect people of any intellectual ability but commonly affects individuals with learning
difficulties. The causes are unknown, but it may be hereditary. Currently, there is no remedy for the condition.
Statistics: 7% of children are affected.

Asperger’s syndrome is part of the autism spectrum. It differs from all of the above as it does not affect the memory
(in fact people with this condition have excellent memories). People with Asperger’s syndrome often have very narrow
but obsessive interests (perhaps in one or two areas, e.g. computers, trains, dinosaurs, animals etc.).
Problematic areas: difficulty with social interaction, difficulty with sociological imagination, difficulty with
changing routines.
Target group: Usually affects more boys (80%) than girls.
Statistics: 1% of children are affected.

Learners with SpLDs – % of all children

Dyslexia Dyspraxia Dyscalculia ADHD Asperger's

76 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Characteristic Effects of SpLDs
The range of characteristics will differ from individual to individual. The teacher can help students with SpLDs
by matching teaching techniques and methods to the individual’s needs. The characteristic effects of specific learning
differences on the learning process are:

• Lack of confidence.
Supporting methods:
Using differentiation and giving the student more attention and time.

• Difficulty in becoming fluent in a new skill to the point where it becomes automatic, for example reading,
Supporting methods:
Greater exposure to the skills and frequent revision.

• Taking longer to complete tasks in comparison to other students.

Supporting methods:
Giving extra time for students with learning differences should be a standard part of your lesson plan.

• Difficulties in organising work and other aspects of life.

Supporting methods:
A teacher can help students in organising his/her work space – tidy the desk, organise paperwork, set priorities
(use a calendar or diary), ask students to keep a working notebook, a reserve folder to store any extra work in,
a study notebook, highlighters and sticky notes.

• Poor time management, confusing dates, times and appointments.

Supporting methods:
Keeping a diary/using a calendar to set priorities. This can be done electronically on students’ mobile devices
and/or computers or in a more conventional manner.

• Poor short-term memory, which can lead to difficulties in carrying out instructions or copying from the board
and remembering what has just been read and/or said.
Supporting methods:
A simple solution to this problem is for students to carry a small notebook or diary in which they can record
homework tasks and the things that they have learned in class. For kinaesthetic learners a good way to help
improve memory is through using Cuisenaire rods (these are also useful for students with ADHD). A teacher
may also allow students to use a computer in class, but this would need to have special programs installed
which help learners with learning difficulties.

• Difficulties retrieving words when speaking and mispronunciation, usually caused by difficulties
in discriminating between sounds or motor problems.
Supporting methods:
A multi-sensory learning approach is very helpful. It combines auditory, visual, tactile and kinaesthetic activities.
For example, when a student is learning a new word they could draw a picture, repeat the word several times
after the teacher or act it out.

• Directional confusions, easily getting lost or experiencing problems using maps or following directions.
Supporting methods:
Students’ mobile devices can give assistance.

• Poor motor control results in a range of difficulties. These may include poor handwriting skills.
Supporting methods:
Doing exercises where students are able to trace over letters and words with their pen/pencil/finger are
beneficial. A multi-sensory approach can also be helpful.

• Errors when reading and spelling such as confusion or omission of sounds and/or muddling words.
Supporting methods:
Constructing words out of syllables. A multi-sensory approach is also recommended.

• Difficulties in retaining the visual image of words, signs, symbols and formulae.
Supporting methods:
Using word cards, colour coding, regular repetition and revision.

• Difficulties in reading texts caused by visual distortions such as blurring or moving letters.
Supporting methods:
Ensuring that the room is well lit and that there are no flickering lights in the room, which can blur or distort
a text. There should be as much natural light as possible. Covering the text if it is on white paper with coloured
overlay or tinted paper can also help.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 77
Specific Learning Differences
• Difficulties in comprehension despite appearing to read fluently.
Supporting methods:
Checking the student’s comprehension of questions, ensuring that the student understands the answers,
checking where he/she found the answers.

• Difficulties in sequencing letters when spelling, or numbers and signs in maths, difficulties taking
messages, remembering phone numbers and dialling them accurately.
Supporting methods:
Writing things down, repeating numbers and instructions, using a diary or mobile device to help memorise things.

• Problems with sequencing such as instructions and mathematical procedures, sequencing of numbers
or letters and difficulties using dictionaries, encyclopaedias and directories.
Supporting methods:
Instructions need to be explicit and clear.

• A short attention span and poor concentration.

Supporting methods:
Include physical activity – standing up, moving around the classroom. Have attention breaks. Keep activities
short, remove visual distractions and play memory games.

• Particular susceptibility to stress, which may be associated with meeting deadlines or preparing for
Supporting methods:
Support and reassurance from the teacher. Help build confidence by setting tasks that a student is already
capable of as a lead-in to a more challenging task.

• A noticeable inconsistency between a student’s achievements depending on whether it is a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ day.
Supporting methods:
Keeping noise levels down in order to reduce distractions, routine – building and the maintenance of a routine,
keeping the temperature constant (not too hot or cold).

How to Help Learners with SpLDs

There are a number of ways teachers can help students with SpLDs become successful language learners. These involve
a mixture of building on existing strengths and compensating for areas of weakness. Here are some useful tips for

Reading and writing lessons

• A structured reading scheme that involves repetition and introduces new words gradually
is extremely important. This allows students to develop confidence and self-esteem when reading.

• Avoid asking students to read a book above their current level. Failure to do so will instantly
demotivate the student. Motivation is far better when the demands are not too high, and the student
can actually enjoy the book. If they have to struggle with every other word, they will soon forget the meaning
of what they are reading.

• Do not ask a dyslexic student to ‘read aloud in class’. Reserve this for a quiet time with the teacher.
Alternatively, it is possible to give the student time beforehand to read some pre-selected reading material
in order to practice it at home. This will further boost confidence once the student realises their ability to read
aloud with the rest of the group.

• Books should also be made available for paired reading with an adult. This activity often generates enthusiasm
for books. Audio books can also be beneficial in vocabulary building. No learner should be denied the pleasure
of access to the meaning of the printed word.

• If you prepare extra materials on your own remember to:

– use 12 point Arial or Comic Sans – avoid Times Roman,
– avoid dense texts without headings or bullet points,
– avoid UPPER CASE letters,
– use white backgrounds (they reduce contrast and movement).

78 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
• Teach students useful strategies:
– track the text using a ruler,
– employ trial spelling strategies,
– look for patterns in words – highlight them in colour,
– use mnemonics,
– break words up either by syllable or visually.
• Use technology:
– word processing (thus avoiding handwriting),
– text help, speech recognition software, reader pens, recorders.

Lesson Plan Adaptations

• Layout
Teachers should ensure that all handouts given to students with dyslexia contain only the instructions
necessary for the exercise. Any additional detail/information will be a distraction. All materials for students
with dyslexia should have a clear layout, short sentences and uncomplicated structures.

• Illustrations
Images that exemplify sentences or unfamiliar words are invaluable. By spacing out the instructions
and adding a diagram, students can follow the text without having to understand every word – this is called
‘reading for meaning’.

Different Learning Styles

We can better help students with SpLDs if we identify an individual student’s learning style. This refers to the preferred
manner in which the student absorbs, processes, comprehends and retains information. Teachers should adapt their
methods to a variety of different learning styles: auditory, visual or kinaesthetic.

To help visual learners

• use books, videos, computers, visual aids and flashcards,
• prepare detailed, colour-coded or highlighted notes,
• show the data in the form of outlines, diagrams and lists,
• use drawings and illustrations (preferably in colour),
• teach students to take detailed notes in class.

To help auditory learners

• ask them to read their notes or study materials out loud,
• use word associations and verbal repetition to memorise,
• allow students to study in groups; talk things through,
• listen to audio recordings,
• encourage students to listen to audio books,
• allow students to record the lesson and listen to the recording as a stage of the repetition.

To help kinaesthetic learners

• adopt a hands-on approach, conduct experiments and organise field trips with students,
• use activity-based study tools, for example, role-playing or model building,
• study in small groups and have frequent breaks,
• use memory games and flash cards,
• study with music on in the background, move to the rhythm.

It is important to remember that what is effective with one learner may not necessarily be effective with another.
Trying different approaches to discover what works best for each individual is crucial.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 79
Specific Learning Differences
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 1 Student’s Book p 12
Vocabulary 1: hobbies, outdoor activities, adjectives
Look at the words and fill in the missing letters.
1 g h k ng 
2 d y g 
3 g s il ng 
4 pl y ch ss 
5 d thl t cs 
6 pl y t bl t nn s 

Match the the adjectives below to sports 1–6 according to your opinion of each of the
creative    boring    exciting    relaxing    active

Now match the names of sports 1–6 with their equipment.

1 2 3

4 5 6

80 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 1 Student’s Book p 16
Vocabulary 2: family members

grandfather    grandmother    mother    brother    cousins    sister    son    daughter

   granddaughter    grandchildren    father    grandson    husband    wife   
uncle    aunt    nephew    niece

grandfather = grandad = grandpa    grandmother = grandma = granny

mother = mum = mummy    father = dad = daddy

Tomasz Maria

Zuzanna + Jan Jarek + Linda Piotr + Klara

Adam Antek Edward Sylwia Marek

Look at the words in the box and the family tree above. Complete the sentences.
1 Zuzanna is Jan’s wife.
2 Tomasz and Maria have five _________________.
3 Sylwia is Piotr and Klara’s _________________.
4 Jarek is Antek’s _________________.
5 Tomasz is Edward’s _________________.
6 Linda is Edward’s _________________.
7 Zuzanna is Jarek and Piotr’s _________________.
8 Adam is Antek’s _________________.
9 Marek and Antek are _________________.
10 Marek is Maria’s _________________.
11 Klara is Adam’s _________________.
12 Maria is Adam and Antek’s _________________.
13 Edward is Jarek and Linda’s _________________.
14 Tomasz and Maria have one _________________. Her name is Sylwia.
15 Tomasz is Zuzanna’s _________________.
16 Piotr is Klara’s _________________.

Draw your own family tree.

Write some sentences about the people in your family.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 81
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 1 Student’s Book p 13
Grammar 1: present simple
Look at the words in the box.
Complete each sentence using one of the words in the box in the correct form.
play    go    live    speak    work
1 He lives in a big house in Italy.
2 She _________________ football every Saturday.
3 Tom _________________ three languages.
4 Jane always _________________ swimming every Saturday evening.
5 My father _________________ in an office.

Complete the sentences. Use negative forms.

1 He doesn’t live in a big house in Spain.
2 She _________________ football on Monday.
3 Tom _________________ four languages.
4 Jane _________________ shopping on Saturday evening.
5 My father _________________ at a fire station.

Now complete the questions with the question words below.

What time    When    Where    Who    Why
1 Where
_______________ does he live? In a big house in Italy.
2 _______________ do they eat dinner? At 5 o’clock in the evening.
3 _______________ speaks three languages? Tom does.
4 _______________ does Jane go swimming? On Saturday evening.
5 _______________ does your father go to an office? Because he works there!

Unit 1 Student’s Book p 17

Grammar 2: present simple vs. present continuous
Look at the sentences below and circle the correct option.
1 I am / is / are not playing football.
2 They is / are / am chatting about their favourite sport.
3 She are / is / am having lunch with some friends.
4 Are / Is he studying maths today?
5 What am / are / is you watching?

Look at the sentences below.

Make affirmatives, negatives or questions in the present continuous and present simple.
1 Mary / not / speak Spanish. Mary
 doesn’t speak Spanish.
2 They / study at the moment. 
3 They / learn new things? 
4 Julie / not / live / with / her grandparents. 
5 Tom / not / play the piano. 

82 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 2 Student’s Book p 28
Vocabulary 1: emotions, personality adjectives
Look at the adjectives in the box below.

sad surprised kind shy

angry happy funny sociable
bored scared cheerful silly

Which adjectives are positive and which are negative? Write them in the appropriate
Positive Negative

Think about some characters from a book or a film and write five sentences using some of
the adjectives above.






Unit 2 Student’s Book p 32

Vocabulary 2: word formation
Look at the adjectives and group them into two columns.

annoying shocked loving

annoyed shocking beautiful
worrying lazy lovely
worried careful friendly

People Situations

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 83
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 2 Student’s Book p 29
Grammar 1: past simple
Write the past simple forms of the verbs below.
bring catch eat drink go teach think do

like arrive hate work play stop live watch

What is the difference between the verbs in A and B?

Use three verbs from A and three from B to make sentences about yourself.

1 ________________________________________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________________________________

3 ________________________________________________________________________________

4 ________________________________________________________________________________

5 ________________________________________________________________________________

6 ________________________________________________________________________________

Unit 2 Student’s Book p 33

Grammar 2: past continuous vs. past simple
Look at the two sentences below and say what the difference is between them.
1 When Peter arrived home last night, Agnes turned the radio off.
2 When Peter arrived home last night, Agnes was listening to some music.

Circle the correct verb form in the following sentences.

1 While he was bought / was buying something to eat, Tomas was arriving / arrived.
2 While I was going / went to school, my dad was flying / flew to Germany.
3 Jana was playing / played the piano and Peter was doing / did his homework.
4 The television stopped / was stopping working while I was watching / watched it.

84 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 3 Student’s Book p 46
Vocabulary 1: party-related words and phrasal verbs
Draw an illustration of each of the following:
balloon candle confetti present sparkler streamer

Where / When would you expect to see these things?



Fill each gap in the following sentences with a phrasal verb from the box below.
hang out    get on    go out    stay in    ask for    take (sb) out    call off    look forward to
take (sth) away    go round    look up to    stay up    hang up    call back    ask about
get together

1 I really love my sister, and we ________________ very well.

2 The teacher ________________ the answer to the question.
3 I wanted to speak to the manager, but he wasn’t there, so I had to ________________ later.
4 Tomas was really tired, so he ________________ and watched TV instead of going out.
5 The boys are football fans, so they often ________________ together at the stadium.
6 They ________________ the football match because of heavy rain.
7 Petra ________________ to watch the Oscars as it was on very late at night.
8 Their favourite band has a concert next Saturday. They ________________ it.

Unit 3 Student’s Book p 50

Vocabulary 2: technology
Write sentences about yourself or your family using the words in brackets.

1 ___________________________________________________________________ (device)

2 ________________________________________________________________ (snail mail)

3 ___________________________________________________________________ (laptop)

4 _______________________________________________________________ (make calls)

5 ___________________________________________________________________ (digital)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 85
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 3 Student’s Book p 47
Grammar 1: present continuous for future plans and arrangements
Take a look at Tom’s diary for the next week.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
play tidy my play go meet friends go to go shopping
basketball room computer swimming a party and visit
games relatives

Make sentences about his plans.

Use the present continuous.
On Monday, Tom is playing basketball.

Unit 3 Student’s Book p 51

Grammar 2: prepositional phrases
Check the meaning of these words in an online dictionary and write your definitions.
a boat
a cloud
a harbour
a skyscraper
Sydney Opera House

Make sentences that describe the picture below using the words above and the following
prepositional phrases.
in the middle    at the back    at the bottom    at the top    on the right    on the left
On the left of the picture there is Sydney
Opera House.

86 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 4 Student’s Book p 62
Vocabulary 1: household duties
Which of the following chores can you see in the picture?
making the bed
   doing the washing   
   sweeping the floor   
doing the washing-up   
   vacuuming the carpet   
cleaning the bathroom

Which chores are

not in the picture?

Now write about your daily routine. Use some of the words below.
get up    take a shower    brush my hair    get dressed    make my bed
make / have breakfast    have lunch

Unit 4 Student’s Book p 66

Vocabulary 2: shopping and food
Match the packaging on the left with the food items on the right. Draw lines.
a can of chocolate
a carton of cola
a jar of pasta
a loaf of water
a packet of tomatoes
a tin of bread
a bar of orange juice
a bottle of olives

Now make some sentences using the words above and the words / phrases below.
spend a lot of money    pay a lot for    go shopping    do the shopping    buy    lend    borrow
I always lend some money to my friends whenever they want a can of cola.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 87
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 4 Student’s Book p 63
Grammar 1: be going to and future simple
Think about next weekend.
Make sentences about chores that need to be done using will and be going to.
I’m going to clean the living room on Saturday morning.
My mum will do all the washing-up.

Unit 4 Student’s Book p 67

Grammar 2: countable and uncountable nouns, quantifiers
Look at the words below.
advice    banana    biscuit    bus    child    dollar    equipment    food    fruit    fun    furniture
game    information    luggage    man    money    person    research    table    traffic    woman

Are they countable or uncountable?

Write them in the correct box.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Make five sentences using the vocabulary above and the quantifiers below.
a few    a little    some    any    a lot of
I had a lot of fun at my friend’s party last night.

Then, make two questions – one with how much and one with how many.
Ask them to your friend and write down his / her answers.

88 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 5 Student’s Book p 80
Vocabulary 1: rooms and household objects
Look at these names of rooms in a house.
Write the items that you can find there.

bathroom bedroom dining room

hallway kitchen living room

Circle the correct preposition in order to make a phrasal verb that corresponds
to the Polish translation.
hang up / on / away powiesić coś
pull up / on / away podciągać
put up / on / away odkładać, chować
put up / on / away podnosić
switch up / on / away włączać

Now complete sentences 1–4 with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs above.
I pull up the blinds in my room every morning when I get up.

1 I bought some new pictures to _________________ in my house.

2 It was getting dark, so I _________________ the lights.

My room was a mess, so my mother told me to _________________ my clothes ______
in the wardrobe.

4 Please, _________________ my computer in a safe place.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 89
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 5 Student’s Book p 84
Vocabulary 2: homes
Label the pictures with the following words.
villa    flat    house    cottage

1 2

3 4

What type of accommodation do you live in?

Have you ever stayed in any of the other types of accommodation?

Unit 5 Student’s Book p 81

Grammar 1: present perfect simple
Imagine that you are a famous interior designer.
Write six sentences about yourself using the present perfect and the words below.
just    yet    since    already    never    for

I have just finished a project for a modern living room.

1 ________________________________________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________________________________

3 ________________________________________________________________________________

4 ________________________________________________________________________________

5 ________________________________________________________________________________

6 ________________________________________________________________________________

90 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 5 Student’s Book p 85
Grammar 2: possessives
Complete the table with the possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives below.
Possessive adjectives:    his    my    her    their    your    its    your    our
Possessive pronouns:    yours    ours    mine    yours    his    hers    theirs

Personal Possessive Possessive

pronouns adjectives pronouns



Circle the possessive adjectives in the sentences below.

Then, transform the sentences using possessive pronouns.

1 It’s your poster. It’s yours.


2 It’s their armchair. __________________________________

3 It’s his poster. __________________________________

4 It’s my painting. __________________________________

5 It’s her lamp. __________________________________

6 Those are our books. __________________________________

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 91
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 6 Student’s Book p 96
Vocabulary 1: directions
You have invited a classmate to your house.
He / She has never been to your house before.
Draw a map and write directions for them. Use at least 5 of the words below:
take (bus)    get on    get off    cross    follow    turn right    turn left    go straight on    get to

Unit 6 Student’s Book p 100

Vocabulary 2: in a town
Look at the following names for different places.
cinema    library    corner shop    university    disco    factory    museum    chemist’s   
petrol station    shopping centre    sports centre    stadium    theatre    post office

In which place can you do the following?

Complete the sentences.
1 I can watch films at a cinema.
2 I can make cars _________________________________.
3 I can buy some fuel ________________________________.
4 I can watch a match ________________________________.
5 I can watch a play ________________________________.
6 I can buy some medicine ________________________________.
7 I can buy a newspaper ________________________________.
8 I can do gymnastics ________________________________.
9 I can buy some new shoes ________________________________.
10 I can dance ________________________________.
11 I can study ________________________________.
12 I can post a letter ________________________________.
13 I can borrow an interesting book ________________________________.
14 I can see a mummy ________________________________.

92 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 6 Student’s Book p 97
Grammar 1: demonstratives
Circle the correct word in the sentences below.

1 Look at this / those building.

2 That / These factory over there is empty.

3 You have to walk past those / that shops over there to get to the park.

4 This / Those is my mobile phone.

5 Can you pass me that / those shoes, please?

6 These / This chocolate is delicious.

Unit 6 Student’s Book p 101

Grammar 2: articles
Read the text below and put either a / an / the or (-) zero article in the gaps.

1 I live in London in ____ big house.

2 It has four bedrooms and ____ big garden at ____ back.

3 One of ____ bedrooms is now my office.

4 In my garden there is ____ apple tree and ____ pear tree.

5 Near my house there is ____ church.

6 The church is ____ very old and beautiful.

7 There are ____ many shops very close by.

8 You can buy lots of ____ different things.

9 There’s ____ supermarket, ____ hairdresser’s, ____ bakery and ____ chemist’s.

10 There are also ____ two parks very close by.

11 I love where I live because there are ____ lot of things to do.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 93
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 7 Student’s Book p 114
Vocabulary 1: environment – word formation
Look at the words and insert the letters into the correct gaps.

recyclable pollution natural environment

deforestation waste environmental protection

Look at the words. What other words can you make from them?

1 2
reuse protect

3 4
endanger pollute


In the mind map UNDERLINE all the nouns and CIRCLE all the adjectives.

94 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 7 Student’s Book p 118
Vocabulary 2: environment – phrasal verbs
Look at the words and write them in alphabetical order.
segregate    die out    finish    become extinct    remove    stop    get rid of
throw away    put out    cut down    use up    sort out

Next UNDERLINE the words that mean the same with the same colour.

Unit 7 Student’s Book p 115

Grammar 1: conditionals: 0, I, II
Match sentence openings 1–6 with endings A–F.
1 If Tom talks about the environment, A you won’t see polluted water.
2 If zero waste people go shopping, B he wouldn’t throw away rubbish on the street.
3 If I clean my neighbourhood C I would have my own food boxes.
this weekend,
4 If you go to Australia, D they don’t buy plastic bags.
5 If Peter cared about the environment, E my mum will be proud of me.
6 If I became zero waste, F everyone listens.

Now write the sentences below.

1 ________________________________________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________________________________

3 ________________________________________________________________________________

4 ________________________________________________________________________________

5 ________________________________________________________________________________

6 ________________________________________________________________________________

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 95
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 7 Student’s Book p 119
Grammar 2: gerund and infinitive
Complete sentences 1–6, using either the gerund or the infinitive form of the verbs in A–F.

1 I hate __________________________ but I like __________________________.

2 My mother asked me __________________________ because it was too loud.
Jane always refuses __________________________ with us because she doesn’t like
4 Tom loves __________________________. He wants __________________________ a singer
5 Do you like __________________________ documentaries?
I don’t want __________________________ to that restaurant. It’s too expensive
__________________________ there.

A watch
B sing / become
C play football / basketball
D watch scary movies / be scared
E go / eat
F turn down the music

96 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 8 Student’s Book p 130
Vocabulary 1: sports
Look at the names of sports people below.
For each sports person write the corresponding verb (the activity) and the noun
(the name of the sport).

diver cyclist canoeist weightlifter sailor athlete

verb dive

noun diving

Look at the categories below and think about which sports should go in which box.

Write the names of the sports in the appropriate box.



Unit 8 Student’s Book p 134

Vocabulary 2: phrasal verbs
Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs below.
keep going    go on    give up    pass out    warm up    drop out    work out    catch up

1 Jana gave up hiking as she had injured her foot.

2 Even when you feel like giving up, you have to _______________ if you want to succeed.
3 He _______________ because he was very tired, and they took him to hospital.
4 Before you do any sport, it’s important to _______________ first.
5 Linda was so far behind the other competitors that it was impossible to _______________.
6 Tomas can’t _______________ at the gym for the next few weeks because he’s broken his arm.
If you want to become a professional sportsperson, you have to _______________ practising
every day.
He was doing quite well in the tennis tournament but finally he _______________ in the last

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 97
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 8 Student’s Book p 131
Grammar 1: modals: can, could, may, might, shall, should
Match verbs 1–5 with words A–E.
1 bounce A a go
2 lose B your opponent
3 miss C a point
4 beat D a team
5 coach E a ball

Now match verbs 6–10 with words F–J.

6 throw F a horse
7 serve G a tennis match
8 score H a goal
9 ride I an ace (in tennis)
10 win J a Frisbee

Now fill in the gaps with an appropriate phrase from above.

Tim: Jake, may I ask you a question?
Jake: Go on.
Tim: Can you (1) _____________________________?
Jake: No, I can’t. I’m afraid of horses but I’m really good at (2) __________________________.
Tim: Really? Me too. Which court do you play at? Could we play together one day?
Jake: Sure, we could. Are you free on Wednesday?
Tim: Yes, I am. I will show you how to (3) _____________________________.
Jake: I’m not afraid of your aces. I think I will be able to (4) _____________________________!

Translate the dialogue.

Tim: ____________________________________________________________________________

Jake: ____________________________________________________________________________

Tim: ____________________________________________________________________________

Jake: ____________________________________________________________________________

Tim: ____________________________________________________________________________

Jake: ____________________________________________________________________________

Tim: ____________________________________________________________________________

Jake: ____________________________________________________________________________

98 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Specific Learning Differences
Unit 8 Student’s Book p 135
Grammar 2: modals: must, mustn’t, need, needn’t, have to, don’t have to
Think of your favourite sport or free time activity and make sentences about it
using the modal verbs below.
must    mustn’t    need    needn’t    have to    don’t have to

I do yoga every week.
I must use a yoga mat. (must)
I needn’t buy special clothes. (needn’t)
I mustn’t eat a heavy meal before I do yoga. (mustn’t)
I need to drink lots of water when I do yoga. (need)
I don’t have to do it every day. (don’t have to)
I have to practise a lot to become good at it. (have to)

Now make your own sentences.

1 ________________________________________________________________________________

2 ________________________________________________________________________________

3 ________________________________________________________________________________

4 ________________________________________________________________________________

5 ________________________________________________________________________________

6 ________________________________________________________________________________

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 99
Specific Learning Differences
Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)
Unit 1

1 Circle the correct option.
1 Are you interested in / of robotics?
2 We’re going sailing at / in the weekend.
3 We searched on / for it everywhere but we couldn’t find it.
4 She’s really onto / into hiking. I don’t know why.
5 She’s crazy about / for the guitar. She plays it all the time.

2 Circle eight family-related words and complete the sentences.

A J M N I V W K R K H I O 1 Anna and Tina are sisters born on the same day. They
look identical because they are  .
2 Tom got married last year. His 
N H G I W N R G N I E C E is beautiful!
W P Y M I N T I X L K N F 3 My uncle has a daughter. She’s my
E P P D N A B S U H Z P I mum’s          .
H O L G S U X B T H J S O 4 I love my brothers and sisters. It’s so good to have
P D M O X E F I W Z F P Z           .
5 My dad is my mum’s          .
6 My mum’s parents are my dad’s          .
7 My cousin and I are my grandparents’
W A L N I S T N E R A P I only          .
L C S G N I L B I S O U S 8 My cousin Tom is my dad’s          .

1 Circle the correct option.
1 Sammy and his little sister usually go / goes to bed early.
2 What do you and your friends do / does in the holidays?
3 What / Where does your grandmother live?
4 What do you have usually / usually have for dinner?
5 It hardly ever / ever hardly rains in the desert.
6 Who / Why does your brother go to a different school?
7 When / What time is your first English class?
8 We usually hang / hanging out with Annie and Sarah after school.

2 Complete the sentences with the present continuous and present simple form of these verbs.

chat    cycle    play    enjoy    do    not feel    go    wait

1 Do you __________________________ chess with your uncle? No, I’m not as good as he is.
2 We _____________________ for Susan to arrive. She’s very late.
3 ‘Where’s mum?’ ‘She _____________________ to Aunt Celia.’
4 I _____________________ very well. I need to go home and rest.
5 I started practicing yoga last year in India and now I __________________________ it everyday.
6 Fabio _____________________ to our house. He isn’t walking.
7 They ________________________ hiking every weekend. They love it.
8 ‘_____________________ you _____________________ the party?’ ‘No, not really. I want to go home.’

100 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)
Unit 2

1 Circle the odd one out.
1 cheerful sociable shy
2 unkind happy angry
3 cheerful bored funny
4 scared surprised smart
5 silly kind sad

2 Choose the correct option.

1 Do you think Arthur is ____?
A laze B lazy C laziness
2 Flavia has ____ long hair.
A love B loving C lovely
3 Monica has red hair and ____ skin.
A pale B freckles C tan
4 I’m so annoyed ____ Andrew. He’s late again!
A to B with C for
5 We were so ____ when we heard the news.
A shock B shocked C shocking
6 Are you worried ____ Harry? He isn’t very happy.
A for B with C about
7 Please shave off your ____. I really don’t like it.
A moustache B braces C freckles
8 She’s a very ____ cat. She loves people.
A shy B friendly C lazy

1 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of these verbs.

break    bring    catch    drink    not buy    teach    think    stay

1 Daniel _______________ lots of presents back from Germany.
2 I went shopping but I _______________ anything.
3 I’m sorry! I _______________ you were out.
4 They _______________ tea this morning because there wasn’t any coffee.
5 Caroline _______________ me lots of new words in Italian.
6 Poor Alberto! He _______________ his leg when he was playing football.
7 I _______________ at home because it was snowing very hard.
8 They went fishing at the weekend and _______________ lots of fish.

2 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Andres _____________________ (live) in Mexico when he met Pedro for the first time.
2 What time _____________________ (you / get) home last night?
3 They _____________________ (drive) to work when the accident happened. Luckily everybody was OK.
4 Sylvia _____________________ (hang out) with her friends when her mum called to say it was time
to go back home.
5 The first time I ate tomatoes, I _____________________ (hate) them.
6 When he _____________________ (study) for his exams, he only went out with his friends once a week.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 101
Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)
Unit 3

1 Circle the correct option.
1 There were sixty balloons / candles on my grandma’s birthday cake!
2 Where are / is the streamers / confetti? We need them to decorate the tables.
3 Don’t stay up / in too late. Remember you have to get up early tomorrow.
4 Marina and Yuka get out / on very well.
5 Have you taken the dog out / around for a walk today?
6 We made / had so much fun at the party.
7 I really like them. They’re very good company / friend.
8 We had a great fun / time at the festival.

2 Circle the odd one out.

1 inbox attachment snail
2 forward recent reply
3 digital technology ski
4 respect webcam smartphone
5 overseas laptop desktop
6 save useful delete

1 Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of these verbs.

do    download    drive    go    meet    play    tidy    visit

1 On Thursday, we _____________________ to my aunt’s house. It takes about an hour to get there by car.
2 We _____________________ computer games after school.
3 Jack _____________________ his room when he gets back from Luc’s house.
4 Laila _____________________ Sara at the shopping centre. She wants to buy a new bag.
5 Ahmed _____________________ relatives in Leeds at the weekend. He’s staying with them for a few days.
6 I can’t meet you on Tuesday because I _____________________ homework after school.
7 They _____________________ swimming on Sunday morning.
8 She _____________________ some new music for the party.

2 Circle the correct option.

1 I’m seeing Carla in / at 3 o’clock.
2 At / In the weekend, we’re visiting friends.
3 What are you doing in / on Monday morning?
4 I left my laptop at / in home.
5 Your book is in / on the table.
6 Don’t go into / onto her room. She’s sleeping.
7 We were driving from / for home to school when we saw Phil on his bike.
8 The children ran towards / onto their mother when she arrived.

102 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)
Unit 4

1 Complete the sentences with these words.

brush    hang    iron    make    sweep    take

1 Did she _______________ the floor? It doesn’t look very clean!
2 Can you _______________ my shirt, please? I need it for work.
3 Annie didn’t _______________ her hair this morning. It looks a mess.
4 Could you _______________ out the washing for me, please?
5 I’m going to _______________ a shower now. I won’t be long.
6 He didn’t _______________ his bed this morning because he was late for school.

2 Match 1–8 with A–H.

1 Can I have a can A of tomatoes for this recipe.
2 Do we have any jars B of water, please.
3 Don’t forget to buy a loaf C of olives in the house?
4 Pass me that bottle D of chocolate and now I feel sick.
5 There’s a carton E of cola please?
6 Have we got a packet F of apple juice in the fridge.
7 We need two tins G of bread on your way home.
8 I ate a bar H of biscuits somewhere in the house?

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or be going to and one of these verbs.

answer    drive    have    help    miss    visit

1 On Tuesday, we _____________________ to the beach. I can’t wait.
2 Don’t worry. I _____________________ you tidy up this mess.
3 That’s the phone ringing. I _____________________ it.
4 This summer, Sharon ____________________ her family in California.
5 Oh, no! There’s so much traffic. We _____________________ our flight!
6 I’m sure you _____________________ lots of fun at the party.

2 Choose the correct option.

1 I’ve got a _____ books here. Do you want them?
A few B little C some
2 Where can I get _____ information about this course?
A an B little C some
3 Have you got _____ furniture you don’t need?
A some B any C a
4 We haven’t got _____ food left.
A many B some C much
5 We’ve got _____ vegetables but no fruit.
A some B a little C any
6 How _____ hours will it take to get there?
A much B many C often
7 They did a lot of _____ before deciding on a course.
A research B researches C researched
8 There is _____ orange juice left in the carton.
A few B any C a little

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 103
Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)
Unit 5

1 The words in bold are wrong. Write the correct word.
1 There are four summers in a year. Winter is usually very difficult. ______________________
2 We have a wood burning cooker in our ger. It keeps us warm. ______________________
3 I’ll put another carpet on the bed as it’s quite cold tonight. ______________________
4 The pictures on the bedside table are in beautiful blinds. My mum decorated them herself.
5 We have a hallway with a table and chairs, but we usually eat in the kitchen. ______________________
6 We have a long kitchen in our house, right when you enter through the front door. It leads to all the rooms.
7 I like sitting on that armchair to watch TV. It’s really comfortable and big enough for four.
8 The pillows on the windows are made of floral material. They look great. ______________________

2 Circle the odd one out.

1 lawnmower washing machine tumble dryer
2 cottage shed patio
3 utility room barbecue living room
4 noisy tasty beautiful
5 patio kitchen garden
6 swing patio utility room

1 Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of these verbs.

not change    enjoy    not have    learn    never live    ever stay    never travel    try
1 _____________________ you _____________________ in a ger?
2 We _____________________ in a flat.
3 Sally _____________________ any dinner yet. She’s really hungry.
4 We _____________________ outside our country.
5 Tobias _____________________ a lot about nomads and their way of life.
6 Life _____________________ here for hundreds of years.
7 Since we came here, we _____________________ lots of different food.
8 ‘_____________________ you _____________________ your stay?’ ‘Yes, it’s been great.’

2 Circle the correct option.

1 The childrens’ / children’s toys are over there.
2 That boy’s / boys’ room is very untidy.
3 The girl’s / girls are going to play in the garden.
4 David’s / Davids car is outside.
5 Are they going to stay at your parents’ / parents’s house?
6 This isn’t my / mine. It’s Angela’s.
7 Our shopping is over here. Their / Theirs is in the car.
8 Where are your / you’re brothers?

104 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)
Unit 6

Vocabulary 1, 2
Complete the crossword.
1 3

4 5 2

7 6

8 9



2 You have to               this building and the cinema will be 10 metres away.
6 The        produces toys. Many People work there.
8 John, can you please go to the        and buy some medicine for grandma?
9 I kicked the ball into my neighbour’s garden and now I have to              the fence to get it.
10 On our way to the City, we need to stop at the              to fill up the car.
11 I thought boating was difficult but now I’m really good at it. You can watch me when I       
       the bridge.
1 I’m really lucky to have a little              near my house where I can always buy what I need.
2 I decided to               the bank to get some money instead of waiting at the cash machine.
3 This is the first time I have seen a real football march in a real       .
4 I wanted to join a sports club so I went to a               in my city.
5 My mum always told me never to               the street when the red light is on.
7 I was so scared when our train had to               a tunnel. It was completely dark.

1 Complete the sentences with this, that, these or those.
1 Look over there at        building. Can you see it?
2 Look over here.        are the shoes I was telling you about. Aren’t they lovely?
3 ‘Hi, Anna.        is Stella.’ ‘Nice to meet you, Stella.’
4        people in that shop over there weren’t very nice.
5 ‘What are        spots here on your arm?’ ‘They’re freckles!’
6        coffee is delicious. Thank you.

2 There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Correct each mistake.

1 We went to the Spain on holiday. 5 They had a pasta for lunch.
2 Can I have a orange juice, please? 6 I live near River Seine in Paris.
3 Do you play a piano? 7 Mediterranean Sea is quite warm at this time of year.
4 I’m going to go skiing in Andes. 8 A people on the train looked tired this afternoon.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 105
Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)
Unit 7

1 Correct the spelling mistakes in the words below.
1 polution                      
2 endengered                      
3 natural enviroment                      
4 tocxic                      
5 protecshion                      
6 weste                      

2 Circle the correct option.

1 Don’t throw away / off glass bottles here! This is for plastic.
2 Mandy is sad about the thought of animals dying away / out because of people’s harmful actions.
3 There is no more shade in my room because someone decided to cut away / down the trees outside
the window.
4 Even kids at a young age know how important it is to sort out / off rubbish.
5 My uncle told me a story about when he had to put out / off a fire when he was working as a firefighter.
6 Don’t use down / up all the water. We still have 3 hours of walking.

1 Complete the conditional sentences using the verbs in brackets.
1 I don’t buy plastic bags if I ________________(not need) them.
2 She gets annoyed if I ________________ (throw) rubbish on the grass.
3 If it’s a nice day tomorrow, we ________________ (go) to the beach to clean it up.
4 I’ll go to the forest if the weather ________________ (be) nice tomorrow.
5 If I do my shopping at the market, I always ________________ (use) a reusable bag.
6 They always ________________ (pick up) any rubbish they see when they visit the beach.
7 You ________________ (not have) to clean tomorrow it you don’t leave any mess today.
8 I ________________ (be) angry if they refuse to pack food into my lunchbox.
9 I ________________ (give) all my money to animal protection if I could.
10 If they ________________ (ask) you to join an animal conservation club, what would be your answer?

2 Circle the correct option.

1 I was so glad to see / seeing her at the ecology club meeting.
2 Oh no! We forgot invite / to invite him to our event.
3 Help / Helping others is his favourite pastime.
4 If you keep clean / cleaning, you’ll live in a very clean area.
5 We’d better not swim / swimming in this lake. The water looks polluted.
6 We would like to use / using reusable containers.
7 She hopes to help / help as many of the animals as possible.
8 Luis really enjoyed prepare / preparing the event.

106 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)
Unit 8

1 Complete the sentences with these words.

athletics    cricket    goalkeeper    manager    opponent    referees    tennis    volleyball

1 You can play __________________ on a court or on the beach. All you need is a net and a ball.
2 To play __________________ you need a court, a ball and a racket.
3 People usually play __________________ outside on a pitch. They need a ball, a bat and protective clothes
like gloves and helmets.
4 If you are playing singles tennis, you have only one __________________.
5 The __________________ of a football team usually chooses the players.
6 The __________________ club is doing long jump and hurdles today.
7 Each football team has ten players and one __________________.
8 Good __________________ don’t like one team or player more than others. They are always fair.

2 Circle the odd one out.

1 keep going continue give up
2 score miss lose
3 win beat serve
4 race serve throw
5 warm up drop out prepare
6 exercise pass out work out

1 Choose the correct answers.
1 _____ I borrow your car today, please? I need to visit granny.
A Should B Can C Shall
2 I’m sorry. You _____ borrow the car. It broke down last night on my way home.
A can B can’t C won’t
3 Oh, dear! I think you _____ go to the doctor. Your arm doesn’t look good.
A should B shall C may
4 When he was young, he _____ sing really well.
A can B could C shall
5 _____ I help you with these bags? They look heavy.
A Must B Will C Shall
6 I _____ win next time. I won’t lose again. You’ll see!
A can B can’t C shall

2 Circle the correct words.

1 The children don’t have / mustn’t stay up too late tonight.
2 You need to / needn’t do it now. You can do it later.
3 Do we have / must to wear gloves? It isn’t very cold.
4 We don’t have to / mustn’t pay now. We can pay later.
5 ‘Do you think we needn’t / should go now?’ ‘No, it’s a bit early. We can go in half an hour.’
6 You shouldn’t / don’t have to play ice hockey without a helmet and shin guards.
7 You can’t / need to go to the gym now. It’s closed.
8 You must / need fill in this form if you want to join the club.

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 107
Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)
Quiz 1
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Score: ________ / 40 points

Choose the correct option.
1 Tania’s favourite    are photography and 11 Hernan is very   . He plays football and does
swimming. athletics every day.
A sports A exciting
B hobbies B active
C actions C unusual
2 Ahmed’s    is to play football for his country. 12 We didn’t do very much at the weekend, but it was
A dream very   .
B activity A bored
C hobby B relaxing
3 ‘Is Kim    photographer?’ ‘Yes, she’s famous C active
all over the world.’ 13 Toby is such a    person. He paints, he plays the
A a well-known piano and he cooks really well.
B an incredible A creative
C a brilliant B boring
4 I love nature, so I really enjoy walking in the    C exciting
near my house. 14 Helena is a big    of classical music.
A market A crazy
B café B interested
C forest C fan
5 Debra and her    friends enjoy spending time 15 The whole family is really keen    hiking and
together at weekends. camping.
A near A at
B close B on
C excellent C for
6 Football is a    sport in many countries. 16 Actually, I’m not crazy    this music. Can you put on
A crowded something else?
B popular A at
C unusual B on
7 My brothers are    at basketball and cricket. C about
A brilliant 17 Carina is    to Bob. They have two children.
B close A married
C well-known B sister
8 Do tourists usually buy a lot of souvenirs in    C wife
markets? 18 Joseph is Mina’s   . Mina is Joseph’s sister.
A shop A son
B street B uncle
C road C brother
9 I don’t like shopping on Saturdays because the shops 19 My    children are my cousins.
are very   . They are too busy for me. A sister’s
A close B aunt’s
B popular C granny’s
C crowded
20 My aunt’s    is my uncle.
10 At weekends, Mario and his friends hang    A brother
together in cafés or on the beach. B husband
A in C son
B for
C out  ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

108 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Quiz 1
Choose the correct option.
1 My dad cycles to work, but my mum and I    11 What are you doing   ?
because we don’t have bikes. A always
A walk B usually
B walks C right now
C cycle
12 The children    in the garden at the moment.
2    your sister play in a band? A are playing
A Is B play
B Do C plays
C Does
13 Marie is French. She    in Spain until the end
3 The sun    before 5 a.m. in June in London. of the year.
A rise A study
B rises B is studying
C is rising C are studying
4 At what temperature does water   ? 14 ‘Where are you?’ ‘I’m in the kitchen.    dinner.’
A freeze A I cook
B freezes B I’m cooking
C freezing C I always cook
5 We    play basketball after school. We really 15 Eugenia    a break at the moment. She’s very
enjoy it. tired.
A often A take
B never B takes
C hardly ever C is taking
6 Anita usually    to the beach at weekends 16 We’re staying with my grandparents   .
with her cousins. A often
A go B every Thursday
B goes C for the time being
C not go 17 Teresa    painting. It’s her favourite hobby.
7 Tony is    late for school because he gets up A is really loving
very early. B really loves
A always C does really love
B often 18 I    you. It’s not true.
C hardly ever A don’t believe
8 ‘Would you like a cup of coffee?’ ‘No thanks. B am believing
I    drink coffee.’ C am not believing
A often 19 ‘    at the moment?’ ‘No, he’s on holiday.
B usually He doesn’t work in July.’
C never
A Does Alexander work
9    does Luc usually do after school? B Doesn’t Alexander work
A What C Is Alexander working
B When 20 ‘Do you like maths?’ ‘Not much, but    it at the
C Where moment because it isn’t too hard.’
10    teaches you English? A I enjoy
A Who B I’m enjoying
B Why C I’m not enjoying
C Where
 ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 109
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Score: ________ / 40 points

Choose the correct option.
1 My dad’s really    because I broke his computer. 11 Adrian is such a    person. He’s never sad.
A scared A sociable
B sad B silly
C angry C cheerful
2 We’re so   ! There’s nothing to do here. There’s 12 Denise finds going to parties really difficult because
no wifi, no TV and it’s raining! she’s very   .
A happy A shy
B bored B sociable
C scared C kind
3 Horace is a professional artist. Creating works of art 13 Why don’t you want to help me? It’s not very   
is his   . to just stand and watch me!
A hobby A funny
B culture B kind
C job C cheerful
4 Didgeridoos are    Aboriginal instruments and 14 That was a really stupid thing to do! I can’t believe
make a great souvenir from a trip to Australia. you’re so    sometimes.
A traditional A sociable
B weird B shy
C smart C silly
5 This looks really   . I think there’s something 15 ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘I’m really    about my exams.
wrong with it. It’s not normal. I’ve got three tomorrow.’
A unkind A worry
B mean B worried
C weird C worring
6 Some people think that dogs aren’t clever, but most 16 Stop doing that! It’s really   .
are really   . A annoy
A attractive B annoyed
B great C annoying
C smart
17 We’re really angry    the terrible things that
7 I’ve got red hair and pale skin, so I    get a tan. he said.
A always A about
B never B for
C usually C at
8 ‘Does your uncle have    ?’ ‘Yes, he hates 18 ‘Have you heard the    news?’ ‘Yes, it’s terrible.’
shaving!’ A shock
A long hair B shocked
B a beard C shocking
C curly hair
19 I really like Hannah’s friends. They are so   .
9 I want to have braces fitted because my teeth   . They always help each other.
A aren’t straight A care
B are straight B careful
C are nice C caring
10 Susie always uses suncream because she’s got    20 Ralph has a    girlfriend. Everyone likes her.
skin. A love
A blonde B lovely
B wavy C lazy
C pale
 ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

110 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Quiz 2
Choose the correct option.
1 I    my wife while I was at university. 11 We were at home at 7 p.m. last night.
A meet We    dinner.
B met A were having
C meeted B had
C have
2 Is that dress new?    it today?
A Do you buy 12 ‘Your teeth are so straight!’ ‘Well, I    braces
B Did you bought when I was a teenager.’
C Did you buy A was having
B had
3 I didn’t see you at the party.    there?
C always had
A Did you be
B You were 13 Samira had a piano lesson   .
C Were you A last Wednesday
B next Wednesday
4 We went fishing at the weekend but we   
C on Wednesdays
A don’t catch 14 While you    your friends, I was studying
B didn’t catch for my exams.
C didn’t caught A are visiting
B were visiting
5 What a surprise! We    you were away.
C visit
A think
B thinked 15 When I    them for the first time, they were living
C thought in a lovely house near the sea.
A was meeting
6 I    vegetables when I was a child but I love them
B meet
C met
A don’t like
B didn’t like 16 ‘What were you doing when it started to snow?’
C didn’t liked ‘I    home.’
A walked
7 Billy    to that school in the past.
B walking
A went
C was walking
B go
C gone 17 I’m sorry, I    you when you arrived because
I was playing on my computer upstairs.
8 ‘Did Mauricio have a beard and long hair when he
A didn’t hear
lived in Spain?’
B don’t hear
‘Yes, he   .’
C wasn’t hearing
A lived
B he have 18 Is that you in this photograph? What   ?
C did Were you going to a fancy-dress party?
A did you wear
9 Last night we    fish and chips for dinner.
B were you wearing
A eat
C do you wear
B ate
C were eating 19 When they    at the hotel, they went for swim.
A were arriving
10 I    Juan was Spanish, but in fact he’s Peruvian.
B did arrive
A thinks
C arrived
B thought
C didn’t think 20 It was a beautiful night and the moon    brightly,
when suddenly they saw a very bright light.
A shone
B shined
C was shining

 ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 111
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Score: ________ / 40 points

Choose the correct option.
1 We live near the    because we have a boat. 11 Did you    together with Pete and Sam at the
A settler weekend?
B harbour A be
C park B hang
2 My aunt and uncle live    with a backyard. C get
My cousins can play football there. 12 We    round to my cousins’ house to watch
A in a house the game. It was brilliant.
B in a flat A stayed
C on a boat B took
3 The fireworks on New Year’s Eve were   . C went
A celebrated 13 Gina was too tired to go out last night. She stayed   
B spectacular and watched TV.
C invaded A on
4 ‘When did the Spanish    Mexico?’ ‘I think B in
it was in 1519.’ C back
A arrive 14 We want to take my granny    on holiday next
B harbour month.
C conquer A away
5 In the holidays, Fernanda wants to    some time B off
learning how to cook. C out
A spend 15 Thanks for inviting me to your party. I    a great time.
B stay A did
C have B had
6 Please can you help me to    a cake at the C made
weekend? 16 Don’t be late. Remember it starts at six   .
A take A hard
B do B sharp
C make C dot
7 My brother    swimming every day. 17 Can I use your    to make a call, please?
A makes I can’t find my mobile phone.
B spends A landline
C goes B snail mail
8 You look very tired. Why don’t you    a break! C contact
A do 18 Don’t    ‘Send’ yet. Read your email again
B take and check that it’s OK.
C give A tick
9 Let’s    a barbecue at the weekend if the weather B net
is nice. C click
A do 19 My mum uses email to stay    touch with her
B have friends, but I use social media.
C make A on
10 There were lots of colourful    at my little sister’s B in
birthday party. C at
A balloons 20 We don’t write letters or use snail mail any more
B confetti with all the digital    around us.
C sparkler A technology
B techniques
C contact ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

112 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Quiz 3
Choose the correct option.
1 Marina    her friends after school because 11 ‘Is Dad    work tomorrow?’ ‘No, he’s taking
she has an exam tomorrow. a day off to watch the tennis.’
A doesn’t meet A in
B isn’t meeting B on
C not meeting C at
2 ‘Where are you going on Thursday?’ ‘I    my 12 Chop the onions and put them    the pan
cousins.’ with some oil.
A am visiting A in
B visit B on
C do visit C at
3 ‘Is Jasmin meeting us at the cinema?’ ‘Yes, she   .’ 13 Do you think they will arrive on   ?
A is A London
B going B plane
C does C time
4 Lucy is leaving   . It’s so sad. 14 When I was little, I dropped my favourite toy   
A last week the lake. I was so upset.
B at weekend A into
C in a few days B on
C at
5 Sorry, I can’t meet you tomorrow. I    to prepare
for the party. 15 Let’s put the table in the    of the room.
A help A front
B am helping B middle
C was helping C back
6 ‘What time are we expected?’ ‘    lunchtime.’ 16 Look, the house is there. It’s that one on the   .
A In A back
B On B front
C At C right
7 Give her a call. She isn’t doing much    the 17 We moved house in   .
moment. A weekend
A in B Tuesday
B on C 2014
C at
18 When Laila saw her mother, she was so happy
8 I’m busy    the morning but I can meet you after she ran    her.
lunch. A from
A in B towards
B on C onto
C at
19 When he came    a room full of people, he felt
9 I think the meeting is    Friday morning. very shy.
A in A into
B on B onto
C at C to
10 ‘Where are my keys?’ ‘They’re    the bottom 20 Laurie brought us a souvenir back    Russia.
of your bag, as usual.’ A in
A in B from
B on C for
C at
 ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 113
Quiz 3
Quiz 4
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Score: ________ / 40 points

Choose the correct option.
11 First I’m going to    my bedroom, then I’m going
1 ‘What’s the    of Spain?’ ‘Madrid.’ to clean everything really well.
A city A tidy
B town B wash
C capital C brush
2 We have three    during the school day. 12 Did she    her hair this morning? It looks a mess
A bricks now!
B breaks A brush
C brokes B rise
C sweep
3 How many times a week do you have physical
13 I    a lot of money last month. I need to be more
   at school?
careful this month.
A lessons
A spent
B classes
B bought
C education
C saved
4 You need boiling water to prepare    food. 14 Fatima    the shopping this morning, so there is
A steamed lots of food in the fridge.
B fried A made
C raw B did
5 Sonya often    home late on Wednesdays C went
because she has a piano lesson at school. 15 Luis works in a supermarket. His job is to put things
A takes on the   .
B gets A trolleys
C has B shelves
6 Do you    your bed every morning? C tills
A make 16 When a customer pays for their items, the cashier
B take puts the money into the   .
C do A receipt
B shelf
7 The kitchen is a mess! Please do the washing    C till
after you’ve finished your meal.
A up 17 Atef went out to buy a    of bread and a carton
B in of orange juice.
C out A bar
B loaf
8 The house looks nice. Did you    the carpet? C packet
A sweep 18 How many    of chocolate do you need to make
B vacuum this cake?
C brush A jars
9 What time do you usually    a shower? B tins
A do C bars
B make 19 I need some onions and a    of tomatoes to make
C take the sauce.
10 Li did the washing, so you can hang    the clothes A tin
to dry. B load
A in C box
B on 20 I’m going to    all the money I make because
C out I want to buy a new bag.
A lend
B borrow
C save ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

114 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Quiz 4
Choose the correct option.
1 ‘Oh, dear! I haven’t got time to do the ironing.’ 11 Do we have any    in the house?
‘Don’t worry,    it for you.’ A biscuit
A I’m going to do B biscuits
B I do C a biscuit
C I’ll do
12 We need some    and vegetables. Can you get
2 I’m sure Keiko    her exams. She always studies some on your way home?
so hard. A fruit
A will pass B fruits
B is passing C any fruit
C passes
13 There is too    in this room! It’s very cramped.
3 ‘   stay in a hotel?’ ‘Yes, we booked one ages ago.’ A any furniture
A Will you B many furniture
B Are you going to C much furniture
C Do you
14 Where is    desk?
4 Carlos usually    to Malaga in spring, but this year A an information
he’s going to go to Cordoba. B some informations
A goes C the information
B is going to go
15 Have you got   ?
C will go
A any video game
5 Sorry, I can’t lend you my raincoat because I    it B any video games
at the weekend. C much video games
A needed
16 How    maths homework did you get today?
B am needing
A any
C will need
B many
6    me with my homework, please? It’s really hard. C much
A Will you help
17 There are very few    working here.
B Are you going to help
A women
C Are you helping
B womans
7 Oh, no! Look at all those clothes. It    hours to iron C womens
them all.
18 How    time have we got until the train leaves?
A is going to take
A lot
B takes
B many
C is taking
C much
8 Daniel    the washing-up at the moment. He’ll call
19 There are    cartons of juice left, so you don’t
you later.
need to buy any more.
A does
A any
B is doing
B a few
C is going to do
C a little
9 ‘When    Marisa?’ ‘Tomorrow after school. Is that
20 Are there    jars of olives in the cupboard?
A lots
A you see
B any
B are you going to see
C few
C will you to see
10 ‘Oh! I’ve left my wallet at home!’ ‘Don’t worry,   
you some money.’
A I’ll lend
B I’m going to lend
C I’m lending
 ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 115
Quiz 4
Quiz 5
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Score: ________ / 40 points

Choose the correct option.
1 Is there    water at the campsite? 11 Is there a    in the bathroom?
A run A fridge
B runner B cooker
C running C shower
2 It’s very warm in here because of the    burning 12 There’s a large    in my bedroom. I can fit
stove. all my clothes in it.
A wood A armchair
B air B hallway
C fire C wardrobe
3 My favourite    is summer. 13 We had a barbecue on our new    last night.
A time A hallway
B season B shed
C weather C patio
4 At the weekend, I enjoy meeting my friends and 14 The    in your living room is really comfortable.
chilling   . A sofa
A up B frame
B in C plant
C out
15 We don’t use blankets on our beds. We use   .
5 I was cold last night. There weren’t enough    A duvets
on my bed. B pillows
A carpets C posters
B blankets
C wardrobes 16 There is a new    table in the living room.
It looks great in front of the sofa.
6 There wasn’t a spare bed, so I had to sleep on the   . A tea
A blanket B coffee
B floor C bedside
C inside
17 Can you help me to hang    the new curtains?
7 We have a satellite    so we can watch lots of A on
different TV channels. B in
A plate C up
B bowl
C dish 18 I haven’t got any paintings on my walls but I’ve got
lots of   .
8 Last summer, we rented a fantastic    with its own A blinds
pool. B posters
A flat C mats
B shed
C villa 19 Switch    the light, please. It’s a bit dark in here.
A up
9 There are seven    in the house, but only one B in
bathroom. C on
A bedrooms
B hallways 20 A    often makes a room look brighter because
C living rooms it reflects light.
A mirror
10 There is a washing machine and a tumble dryer B staircase
in the    room. C switch
A useful
B utility
C used  ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

116 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Quiz 5
Choose the correct option.
1 ‘You look well.    on holiday?’ ‘Yes, I’ve just 11 ‘How long are you going to stay in Paris?’
got back.’ ‘Not long. We’re there    just three days.’
A Did you go A for
B Have you been B from
C Are you going C since
2 They    air conditioning installed since they 12 The weather has been lovely    last week.
moved to their new house. A for
A have B ever
B had C since
C have had
13 We’ve lived in this flat    years.
3 The children    on a plane before. A for
A have never been B since
B never went C yet
C are never going
14 That isn’t Zahara’s bag. It’s   .
4 I    to Singapore in 2014 but I’ve never been A my
to Malaysia. B mine
A have been C mine’s
B am going
15 That’s the    changing room. The girls’ changing
C went
room is over there.
5 Tony    his homework. He’s going to meet A boys
his friends now. B boys’
A has just finished C boy’s
B is just finished
16 There’s the guest bedroom, and here’s   
C just has finished
bathroom – there’s only one in the house, so we
6 I’m sorry. I haven’t done it   . I’ll do it now. all have to share it.
A already A the
B yet B their
C still C theirs
7 It’s been in the oven    twenty minutes. It needs 17 ‘Is this the kids’ bedroom?’ ‘No,    is over there.’
a bit longer before it’s ready. A they
A for B their
B since C theirs
C still
18 I haven’t seen    new car yet. I hope it’s a nice
8 I’ve    tidied my room. Now I need to do some colour.
washing and ironing. A yours
A already B our
B still C ours
C yet
19 I’m so sorry. They don’t make these in    sizes.
9 Has Xavier vacuumed the carpets   ? A woman
A just B women
B still C women’s
C yet
20 Our house hasn’t got a utility room;    has got
10 Belinda has    arrived. Let’s go and say hello. a huge one!
A still A they
B since B their
C just C theirs
 ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 117
Quiz 5
Quiz 6
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Score: ________ / 40 points

Choose the correct option.
1 Don’t forget to    your books to the library 11 George has    up golf. He loves it.
when you’ve read them. A worked
A display B taken
B enter C broken
C return
12 Oh, no! We’ve    out of cereal.
2 There is a huge banquet    in the palace. A filled
A hall B put
B living room C run
C hallway
13 The children have    down with a bad cold.
3 ‘Are there any exams in   ?’ ‘Yes, so please A broken
be quiet.’ B put
A display C come
B progress
C place 14 I don’t like big cities, because they are so   ,
noisy and polluted. I like the countryside.
4 I can’t get in, because the door is   . A crowded
A closed B crowding
B locked C relaxing
C banging
15 I’m going to the post   . Have you got any letters
5 Our tour    in Prague was brilliant. We learned for me to take?
so much about the city. A office
A guide B station
B teacher C house
C coach
16 I walked    your house on my way to university
6 Is taking photos    in the museum? but I didn’t have time to stop.
A allows A along
B allowing B over
C allowed C past
7 I didn’t like that ghost story. It was really   . 17 It’s a lovely day. Let’s go home    the park.
A spooky A along
B spooked B through
C spooking C over
8 I don’t like    films with lots of fighting and killing. 18 ‘Can you jump    this gate?’ ‘Yes, easily!’
A crazy A into
B violent B across
C interesting C over
9 They said he was   , but he was never mean 19 ‘How do I    the museum?’ ‘You can take
to anyone. a number 35 bus from the bus stop over there.’
A spooky A get to
B evil B arrive
C crazy C walk along
10 I need to find a petrol station so I can fill    20 Go straight    until you get to the fire station.
the car. Then, turn right.
A in A on
B out B over
C up C across
 ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

118 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Quiz 6
Choose the correct option.
1 ‘   cake is delicious!’ ‘Thank you. Would you like 11 Is there more vitamin C in    orange
some more?’ or a tangerine?
A This A the
B These B a
C Those C an
2 ‘Can I have one of these apples, please?’ ‘Actually,    12 Does your brother play    guitar?
over there are nicer.’ A the
A this B a
B these C – (zero article)
C those
13 Camilla has swum with dolphins
3 ‘I can’t find my coat.’ ‘Is it    blue one over there?’ in    Pacific Ocean.
A this A the
B these B a
C that C – (zero article)
4 You know    restaurant we went to the other day? 14 Andy’s birthday is in    May.
Well, it’s shut down! A the
A this B a
B that C – (zero article)
C those
15 I’ve made    apple pie for tea.
5 Look!    are the flowers I told you about yesterday. A the
Aren’t they beautiful? B a
A This C an
B These
16 We’ve eaten    cake I made yesterday.
C Those
A the
6 Oh, dear!    isn’t my bag. Mine has a green mark B a
on it. C an
A This
17 We had    chicken and rice for dinner.
B That
A the
C Those
B a
7 Did you have    geography lesson today? C – (zero article)
A the
18    chicken pie I got in the supermarket
B a
wasn’t very good.
C an
A The
8 Isabel comes from    Spain. B A
A the C – (zero article)
B a
19    sun is very hot today.
C – (zero article)
A The
9 It’s very hot in    Athens in August. B A
A the C – (zero article)
B a
20 There isn’t    post office in my village.
C – (zero article)
A the
10 When I go to South America, I’m going to ski B a
in    Andes. C – (zero article)
A the
B an
C – (zero article)  ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 119
Quiz 6
Quiz 7
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Score: ________ / 40 points

10 This packaging is   . It means you can use it
again and again.
A reuse
Choose the correct option. B reused
C reusable
1 What is the cause of world    ? I believe it’s people
not caring about their planet. 11 In my    it’s too late to change anything.
A melting A opinion
B pollution B believe
C recycling C point
2 People protested when the government decided to    12 Do you    with me?
the trees in the local forest. A think
A put out B believe
B throw away C agree
C cut down 13 John strongly    that zero waste is useless.
3    of animals is one of the consequences of A thinks
people’s careless behaviour. B don’t agree
A Excitement C disagrees
B Endangered 14 The water was so    that we couldn’t swim in it.
C Extinction A pollute
4 The fire fighters came just in time to    the forest B polluted
fire. C pollution
A put out 15 The company decided to buy    cups instead of
B put down plastic ones.
C put away A recycle
5 You cannot see dinosaurs anymore as they    B reusable
millions of years ago. C reuse
A died away 16 Our project was about the natural    and ways to
B died off protect it.
C died out A environment
6 The company produces its bottles out of    plastic. B protection
A recycle C waste
B recycled 17 The basic rule of zero waste is that people should   
C recycling the production of rubbish.
7 Josh, please go out and    the rubbish. A increase
A throw away B maximize
B throw off C minimize
C throw in 18 I read an article which said that white rhinos are
8 Please stop for a moment and think about how important currently   .
environmental    is and why you should start it now. A dangerous
A production B endangered
B protection C danger
C protect 19 Ann, could you please    the rubbish? Don’t throw
9 Do you know how many years it takes for plastic it away in one bag.
to    A clean
A die B sort out
B reduce C put out
C decompose 20 Sir, the lunch will be cheaper if you bring your
own   .
A boxing
B containment
C container  ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

120 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Quiz 7
Choose the correct option.
1 If Anne keeps throwing rubbish on the street near her 11 I’d like to learn   . It looks fun.
house, she    live in a clean area. A ski
A didn’t B to ski
B won’t C skiing
C doesn’t
12 If you see Margaret, don’t forget    her my best
2 Whenever we take the car to the supermarket, wishes.
we always    more food than we need. A give
A buy B to give
B will buy C giving
C don’t buy
13 It’s no good    about your exams. Just make sure
3 My parents don’t go swimming when they    plastic you have studied enough beforehand.
in the water. It’s too dirty for them. A worry
A see B to worry
B sees C worrying
C saw
14 Actually, she doesn’t want to go to university.
4 They may    if they have time. She’d rather    working.
A not come A start
B come B to start
C will come C starting
5 If you want to sign up for the ecology club,    15 Oh, it’s you! Well, you’d better    in.
Jenna. She’s best at organizing things. A come
A talk to B to come
B talked C coming
C talking
16 We need    up if we’re going to get there on time.
6 If they like my ideas, I    the club. A hurry
A join B to hurry
B joined C hurrying
C will join
17    the ironing is one of her least favourite activities.
7    according to zero waste rules is my passion. A Do
A Live B To do
B Living C Doing
C Lived
18 Sally was glad    Sandra with her work.
8 Will they get there on time if they    now? A help
A leave B to help
B will leave C helping
C won’t leave
19 Unfortunately, it wasn’t warm enough    in
9 Are you interested in    a new language? the sea.
A learn A swim
B to learn B to swim
C learning C swimming
10 I joined this club    wild animals. 20 Don’t give up! Keep   .
A help A go
B helping B to go
C to help C going
 ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 121
Quiz 7
Quiz 8
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________
Score: ________ / 40 points

Choose the correct option.
1 Peru was once a Spanish   . 11 The new tennis    in the park are fantastic.
A nation A pitches
B colony B fields
C country C courts
2 The    didn’t want them to leave, so they 12 The    was very wet, so they had to cancel
had to escape. the football match.
A authors A pitch
B authority B court
C authorities C net
3 Brazil became    from Portugal in 1822. 13 Andrew has got a new table tennis    for the new
A independent season. He can’t wait to try it out.
B dependent A racket
C freedom B stick
C bat
4 Italy is famous    its ancient monuments
and statues. 14 The    club in my town is very popular.
A to A cycle
B at B cycling
C for C cyclist
5 Are they allowed to    part in all the ceremonies? 15 Everyone in my family is a   . We love spending
A have time in boats.
B make A sailor
C take B sailing
C sail
6 You aren’t    to walk on the grass here.
A allowed 16 He lost the game because his    was very strong.
B let He’s the school tennis champion.
C permission A match
B opponent
7 Snorkelling is one of my favourite sports. I love the C opposition
moment when you go under   .
A the net 17 I don’t think the    was fair. He gave penalties
B water against us when we hadn’t done anything wrong.
C my opponent A reference
B referee
8 Safety helmets    be worn at all times on the C manager
building site.
A need 18 How many goals did Alan    during the match?
B must A score
C better B beat
C serve
9 A sabre is one of the pieces of equipment you need
in   . 19 Nadia works    at the gym every day. She’s super fit.
A fencing A up
B fence B out
C fencer C down

10 On TV it looks easy but it actually is quite hard to hit 20 They are going to hire a retired professional player
the ball over the   . For example in volleyball or to    the basketball team.
tennis. A win
A basket B beat
B track C coach
C net  ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

122 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Quiz 8
Choose the correct option.
1 Can we    to the park this afternoon, Mum? 11 Swimmers    wear swimming caps at all times
A go when in the pool.
B to go A must
C going B may
C could
2 Samira    read and write when she was four.
A can 12 You    talk back to the referee or he’ll send you off
B could the pitch.
C shall A should
B must
3 Actually, you    borrow my tennis racket. I won’t
C mustn’t
need it today.
A can 13 You    to practise every day if you want to improve.
B may not A have
C shall B must
C may
4 ‘    we play tennis this afternoon?’
‘Yes, great idea.’ 14 Does Tabitha    beat Anita to win the cup?
A Must A have
B Would B have to
C Shall C must
5    you carry these for me, please? 15 I’ve told you before. You    cycle without wearing
They’re very heavy. a helmet.
A Shall A don’t have to
B May B mustn’t
C Would C needn’t
6 We    be the champions one day! I know it. 16 We don’t    to wear a uniform at my school.
A shall A must
B would B have
C may C needn’t
7    we have a shower before getting into the pool? 17 Do you    to buy a new one? Isn’t your old one
A Would still OK?
B Want A need
C Should B needn’t
C mustn’t
8 ‘  I carry your bags for you?’ ‘Yes, please.
That’s very kind.’ 18 We    leave so early. It won’t take more than
A May ten minutes to get there.
B Must A need
C Would B need to
C needn’t
9 You    eat so many sweets. They’re very bad
for your teeth. 19    you leave your football boots in your bag?
A should Don’t you need to clean them?
B shouldn’t A Should
C shall B Shouldn’t
C Needn’t
10    you lend me your baseball bat, please? I left
mine at home. 20 Freddy    swim when he was ten. Now he’s
A Shall the school champion!
B Could A shouldn’t
C Must B couldn’t
C needn’t

 ( ___ / 20 POINTS)

© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era Teen Explorer new 7 123
Quiz 8
Key to Specific Learning Differences
Unit 1 4 Julie doesn’t live with her 7 stayed up
Vocabulary 1: hobbies, outdoor grandparents. 8 are looking forward to
activities, adjectives 5 Tom isn’t playing the piano.
1 go hiking, 2 do yoga, 3 go sailing, Unit 3
4 play chess, 5 do athletics, 6 play Unit 2 Vocabulary 2: technology
table tennis Vocabulary 1: emotions, model answers:
Adjectives: students’ own answers personality adjectives 1 My father loves his new mobile
Pictures: 1 do yoga, 2 go sailing, positive: happy, kind, funny, cheerful, device.
3 play table tennis, 4 do athletics, sociable 2 I never send anything by post.
5 play chess, 6 go hiking negative: sad, angry, bored, scared, It’s snail mail. I prefer emails.
to be discussed: shy, silly, surprised 3 My laptop is broken and I need
Unit 1 students’ own answers to get a new one.
Vocabulary 2: family members 4 My mother only uses her mobile
1 wife Unit 2 phone to make calls.
2 grandchildren Vocabulary 2: word formation 5 I prefer everything digital.
3 daughter People:
4 uncle annoyed, worried, shocked, lazy, Unit 3
5 grandfather/grandad/grandpa careful, loving, beautiful, lovely, Grammar 1: present continuous
6 mother/mum/mummy friendly for future plans and arrangements
7 sister On Tuesday, Tom is tidying his room.
8 brother On Wednesday, Tom is playing
worrying, annoying, shocking
9 cousins computer games.
10 grandson On Thursday, Tom is going swimming.
Unit 2 On Friday, Tom is meeting friends.
11 aunt Grammar 1: past simple
12 grandmother/grandma/granny On Saturday, Tom is going to a party.
A brought, caught, ate, drank, On Sunday, Tom is going shopping
13 son went, taught, thought, did
14 granddaughter and visiting relatives.
B liked, arrived, hated, worked,
15 father/dad/daddy played, stopped, lived, watched
16 husband Unit 3
A irregular verbs Grammar 2: prepositional phrases
B regular verbs a boat – a vehicle for travelling on water
Unit 1
Grammar 1: present simple students’ own answers a cloud – a white, grey or black mass of
1 lives very small drops of water in the sky
2 plays
Unit 2 a harbour – an area of water near
Grammar 2: past continuous vs. the land where it is safe for boats
3 speaks
past simple to anchor
4 goes
In the first sentence the second action a skyscraper – a very tall building
5 works
happened after the first one. containing offices or flats
1 doesn’t live In the second sentence the second Sydney Opera House – a famous
2 doesn’t play action had already started before building in Sydney
3 doesn’t speak the first one.
4 doesn’t go model answers:
5 doesn’t work 1 was buying/arrived At the back of the picture there
2 was going/was flying is a park. At the bottom there is
1 Where
3 was playing/was doing a harbour. On the right there are
2 What time
4 stopped/was watching some skyscrapers. At the top there
3 Who
4 When are some clouds. In the middle there
Unit 3 are some boats.
5 Why
Vocabulary 1: party-related words
and phrasal verbs Unit 4
Unit 1
at birthday parties, weddings, Vocabulary 1: household duties
Grammar 2: present continuous
New Year’s Eve parties, etc. doing the washing, doing
vs. present simple
   1 am 2 are 3 is 4 Is 5 are 1 get on the washing-up, ironing, cleaning
2 asked for the bathroom, vacuuming the carpet,
1 Mary doesn’t speak Spanish.
2 They are studying at the moment. 3 call back sweeping the floor, dusting, making
3 Are they learning new things? 4 stayed in the bed
5 hang out model answer: I get up at 6 a.m. every
6 called off morning and take a shower before

124 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Answer key
having breakfast. After breakfast, a bed, a wardrobe, a mirror 4 It’s mine.
I make my bed and then get dressed dining room: 5 It’s hers.
and brush my hair. I leave my house a dining table, chairs, knives, forks, 6 They’re ours.
at 8 a.m. and go to school. I usually spoons, plates
have lunch at about 1 o’clock. hallway: Unit 6
flowers, a carpet, a mirror Vocabulary 1: directions
Unit 4 kitchen: sample answer:
Vocabulary 2: shopping and food a cooker, saucepans, a microwave, To get to my house, take a number
a can of cola, a carton of orange cupboards, a fridge, a sink 509 bus. Get off at Zieleniecka
juice, a jar of olives, a loaf of bread, living room: Street. Go past the bank. Turn right
a packet of pasta, a tin of tomatoes, a sofa, armchairs, a television, and walk towards the cinema. Go
a bar of chocolate, a bottle of water a coffee table, a rug across the street. My home is in front
model answers: of you on the third floor.
hang up, pull up, put away, put up,
My sister spends a lot of money switch on
on bottles of water. Unit 6
Tomas paid a lot of money for a loaf 1 hang up/put up Vocabulary 2: in a town
of organic bread. 2 switched on 1 cinema
I want to go shopping for a packet 3 put my clothes away 2 factory
of pasta. 4 put away 3 petrol station
My mother always buys a jar of olives 4 stadium
whenever she does the shopping. Unit 5 5 theatre
I borrowed some money from my Vocabulary 2: homes 6 chemist’s
friend to buy a bar of chocolate. 1 house 2 villa 3 cottage 4 flat 7 corner shop
8 sports centre
model answer:
Unit 4 9 shopping centre
I live in a house.
Grammar 1: be going to and 10 disco
future simple model answers: 11 university
students’ own answers No, I haven’t. OR Yes, I have lived 12 post office
in a flat. OR Yes, we stayed in a villa 13 library
Unit 4 when we went on holiday last year. 14 museum
Grammar 2: countable and
uncountable nouns, quantifiers Unit 5 Unit 6
Countable: Grammar 1: present perfect simple Grammar 1: demonstratives
banana, biscuit, bus, child, dollar, model answers: 1 this
game, man, person, table, woman I’ve never worked on designs for 2 That
Uncountable: small houses. 3 those
advice, equipment, food, fruit, fun, I’ve been an interior designer since 4 This
furniture, information, luggage, I was 21 years old. 5 those
money, research, traffic I’ve already finished working on my 6 This
latest project.
model questions and answers: I’ve lived in Italy for 25 years. Unit 6
I made a few mistakes in the test. I haven’t finished my latest design yet. Grammar 2: articles
Tomas has very little money left, 1 a
so he can’t go out this weekend. Unit 5 2 a/the
I need to get some advice about which Grammar 2: possessives 3 the
subjects I should study next year. Personal Possessive Possessive 4 an/a
Jana didn’t have any milk left, pronouns adjectives pronouns 5 a
so she had to go to the shops to I my mine 6 –

buy some more. 7 –

you your yours
I know a lot of people who spend 8 –
he his his
too much money on junk food. 9 a/a/a/a
How much time do you spend she her hers
10 –
on social media? it its —
11 a
How many times a week do you we our ours
play football? you your yours Unit 7
they their theirs Vocabulary 1: environment – word
Unit 5 possessive adjectives: formation
Vocabulary 1: rooms 1 waste
your, their, his, my, her, our
and household objects 2 pollution
model answers: Sentences with possessive pronouns: 3 recyclable
bathroom: 1 It’s yours. 4 deforestation
a bath, a toilet, a wash basin, a shower 2 It’s theirs. 5 natural environment
bedroom: 3 It’s his. 6 environmental protection

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Answer key
Mind maps 4 If you go to Australia, you won’t Unit 8
1 reuse – reuse, reusable see polluted water. Vocabulary 2: phrasal verbs
2 protect – protection, protected 5 If Peter cared about the 1 gave up
3 endanger – danger, environment, he wouldn’t throw 2 keep going
dangerous/endangered away rubbish on the street. 3 passed out
4 pollute – pollution, polluted 6 If I became zero waste, I would 4 warm up
5 recycle – recycling, recyclabe have my own food boxes. 5 catch up
6 work out
Unit 7 Unit 7 7 go on
Vocabulary 2: environment – Grammar 2: gerund and infinitive 8 dropped out
phrasal verbs 1C playing football/playing
Alphabetical order basketball Unit 8
become extinct, cut down, die out, finish, 2F to turn down the music Grammar 1: modals: can, could,
get rid of, put out, remove, segregate, 3D to watch scary movies/being may, might, shall, should
sort out, stop, throw away, use up scared 1E bounce a ball
4B singing/to become 2C lose a point
Words with the same meaning
5A watching 3A miss a go
segregate – sort out
6E to go/to eat 4B beat your opponent
become extinct – die out
finish – use up 5D coach a team
Unit 8 6J throw a Frisbee
remove – cut down Vocabulary 1: sports
stop – put out 7I serve an ace
cyclist: cycle, cycling 8H score a goal
throw away – get rid of canoeist: canoe, canoeing 9F ride a horse
weightlifter: weightlift, weightlifting 10G win a tennis match
Unit 7
sailor: sail, sailing
Grammar 1: conditionals 0, 1, 2 ride a horse, playing tennis, serve an
athlete: –, athletics
1 If Tom talks about the ace, beat you
water sports: sailing, snorkeling,
environment, everyone listens.
diving Unit 8
2 If zero waste people go shopping,
team sports: basketball, football, Grammar 2: modals: must, mustn’t,
they don’t buy plastic bags.
sports without a ball: athletics, need, needn’t, have to, don’t have to
3 If I clean my neighbourhood
canoeing, weightlifting students’ own answers
this weekend, my mum will be
boring sports: students’ own answers
proud of me.

Key to Extra Tasks (for Early Finishers)

Unit 1 1 twins 4 am/’m not feeling
2 wife 5 do
3 niece 6 is/’s cycling
1 4 siblings 7 go
1 in 5 husband 8 Are you enjoying
2 at 6 parents-in-law
3 for 7 grandchildren Unit 2
4 into 8 nephew Vocabulary
5 about
Grammar 1
2 1 1 shy
1 go 2 happy
A J M N I V W K R K H I O 3 bored
2 do
S Z Z M T B W U WW P X E 4 smart
3 Where
N H G I W N R G N I E C E 4 usually have 5 kind
W P Y M I N T I X L K N F 5 hardly ever 2
E P P D N A B S U H Z P I 6 Why 1B 2C 3A 4B 5B 6C 7A 8B
H O L G S U X B T H J S O 7 What
P D M O X E F I W Z F P Z 8 hang Grammar
E M P E P S C I Z I A J Z 2 1
N E R D L I H C D N A R G 1 play 1 brought
W A L N I S T N E R A P I 2 are/’re waiting 2 didn’t buy
L C S GN I L B I S O U S 3 is/’s chatting 3 thought

126 Teen Explorer new 7 © National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Nowa Era
Answer key
4 drank 2 10 petrol station
5 taught 1E 2C 3G 4B 5F 6H 7A 8D 11 row under
6 broke Grammar Down
7 stayed
1 1 corner shop
8 caught
1 are/’re going to drive 2 walk into
2 2 will/’ll help 3 stadium
1 was living 3 will/’ll answer 4 sports centre
2 did you get 4 is going to visit 5 run across
3 were driving 5 are/’re going to miss 7 go through
4 was hanging out 6 will/’ll have
5 hated Grammar
6 was studying 2
1A 2C 3B 4C 5A 6B 7A 8C
1 that
Unit 3 2 These
Unit 5
Vocabulary 3 This
Vocabulary 4 Those
1 candles 1 5 these
2 are, streamers 1 seasons 6 This
3 up 2 stove 2
4 on 3 blanket 1 We went to Spain on holiday.
5 out 4 frames 2 Can I have an orange juice,
6 had 5 dining room please?
7 company 6 hall 3 Do you play the piano?
8 time 7 sofa 4 I’m going to go skiing in the
8 curtains Andes.
1 snail 2 5 They had pasta for lunch.
2 recent 1 lawnmower 6 I live near the River Seine in Paris.
3 ski 2 patio 7 The Mediterranean Sea is quite
4 respect 3 barbecue warm at this time of year.
5 overseas 4 noisy 8 The people on the train looked
6 useful 5 kitchen tired this afternoon.
Grammar 6 utility room
Unit 7
1 Grammar
1 are/’re driving 1
2 are/’re playing 1 Have you ever stayed 1
3 is/’s tidying 2 have/’ve never lived 1 pollution
4 is/’s meeting 3 hasn’t had 2 endangered
5 is/’s visiting 4 have/’ve never travelled 3 natural environment
6 am/’m doing 5 has learnt 4 toxic
7 are/’re going 6 hasn’t changed 5 protection
8 is/’s downloading 7 have/’ve tried 6 waste
2 8 Have you enjoyed 2
1 at 2 1 away
2 At 1 children’s 2 out
3 on 2 boy’s 3 down
4 at 3 girls 4 out
5 on 4 David’s 5 out
6 into 5 parents’ 6 up
7 from 6 mine Grammar
8 towards 7 Theirs
8 your
1 don’t need
Unit 4
Unit 6 2 throw
Vocabulary 3 will/’ll go
1 Vocabulary 1, 2 4 is
1 sweep Across 5 use
2 iron 2 walk past 6 pick up
3 brush 6 factory 7 don’t have
4 hang 8 chemist’s 8 will
5 take 9 jump over 9 would give
6 make 10 asked

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2 3 cricket Grammar
1 see 4 opponent 1
2 to invite 5 manager 1B 2B 3A 4B 5C 6C
3 Helping 6 athletics
4 cleaning 7 goalkeeper 2
5 swim 8 referees 1 mustn’t
6 use 2 needn’t
2 3 have
7 to help 1 give up
8 preparing 4 don’t have to
2 score 5 should
3 serve 6
Unit 8 4 race
7 can’t
Vocabulary 5 drop out 8 must
1 6 pass out
1 volleyball
2 tennis

Key to Quizzes
Quiz 1 Quiz 4 Quiz 7
Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary
1B 2A 3A 4C 5B 6B 7A 8B 1C 2B 3C 4A 5B 6A 7A 8B 1B 2C 3C 4A 5C 6B 7A 8B
9C 10C 11B 12B 13A 14C 9C 10C 11A 12A 13A 14B 9C 10C 11A 12C 13C 14B
15B 16C 17A 18C 19B 20B 15B 16C 17B 18C 19A 20C 15B 16A 17C 18B 19B 20C
Grammar Grammar Grammar
1A 2C 3B 4A 5A 6B 7C 8C 1C 2A 3B 4A 5C 6A 7A 8B 1B 2A 3A 4B 5A 6C 7B 8A
9A 10A 11C 12A 13B 14B 9B 10A 11B 12A 13C 14C 9C 10C 11B 12B 13C 14A
15C 16C 17B 18A 19C 20B 15B 16C 17A 18C 19B 20B 15A 16B 17C 18B 19B 20C

Quiz 2 Quiz 5 Quiz 8

Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary
1C 2B 3C 4A 5C 6C 7B 8B 1C 2A 3B 4C 5B 6B 7C 8C 1B 2C 3A 4C 5C 6A 7B 8B
9A 10C 11C 12A 13B 14C 9A 10B 11C 12C 13C 14A 9A 10C 11C 12A 13C 14B
15B 16C 17A 18C 19C 20B 15A 16B 17C 18B 19C 20A 15A 16B 17B 18A 19B 20C
Grammar Grammar Grammar
1B 2C 3C 4B 5C 6B 7A 8C 1B 2C 3A 4C 5A 6B 7A 8A 1A 2B 3A 4C 5C 6A 7C 8A
9B 10B 11A 12B 13A 14B 9C 10C 11A 12C 13A 14B 9B 10B 11A 12C 13A 14B
15C 16C 17A 18B 19C 20C 15B 16A 17C 18B 19C 20C 15B 16B 17A 18C 19A 20B

Quiz 3 Quiz 6
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1B 2A 3B 4C 5A 6C 7C 8B 1C 2A 3B 4B 5A 6C 7A 8B
9B 10A 11C 12C 13B 14A 9B 10C 11B 12C 13C 14A
15B 16B 17A 18C 19B 20A 15A 16C 17B 18C 19A 20A
Grammar Grammar
1B 2A 3A 4C 5B 6C 7C 8A 1A 2C 3C 4B 5B 6A 7B 8C
9B 10C 11C 12A 13C 14A 9C 10A 11C 12A 13A 14C
15B 16C 17C 18B 19A 20B 15C 16A 17C 18A 19A 20B

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