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When we feel that two variables can affect the outcome of an experiment, the preferred strategy is to


Select one:

a. Conduct one two-factor experiment

b. Conduct two sequential one-factor experiments

In the ____________ chart, we have a sample size of one.

Select one:

a. Xbar and R

b. Xbar and S

c. X and RM

d. None of the above

If the Cp = Cpk for a particular process, it means that the process is necessarily centered about the target value.

Select one:

a. True

b. False

When we conduct experiments, if we take one data point for the “before” condition, and one for the “after”
condition, and we see an improvement, _______________________________

Select one:

a. The change being tested has resulted in the improvement

b. There may be other processes at work resulting in the improvement

Design of experiments can represent _____________ action to bring about improvement in the system

Select one:

a. Only proactive

b. Proactive and reactive

c. Only reactive

The UCL and LCL are always equidistant from the centerline in a Xbar chart

Select one:

a. Always false

b. True only if the chart is in control

c. Always true

If we need to study 4 factors, each at 2 levels, in an experiment, the total number of experimental units will be
_______ in a factorial design.

Select one:

a. 8

b. 16
c. None of the above

Which of the following charts always has time as one of the axes, typically the x axis?

Select one:

a. Pareto Chart

b. Histogram

c. Run chart

d. None of the above

We can increase our degree of belief that the change in output in an experiment is caused by the change we
made by ______________

Select one:

a. Running the experiment over a longer period of time

b. Using run charts for a few weeks before and a few weeks after the change

c. Both of the above

d. Neither of the above

If the value of np in 1 and the sample size is 100, the value of p will be ___________

Select one:

a. 100

b. 0.001

c. 10

d. None of the above

In Quality Function Deployment, the technical descriptors are in the

Select one:

a. Top row

b. Bottom row

c. Left column

d. Right column

The focus of _____________ studies is prediction of a future event.

Select one:

a. Enumerative

b. Analytical
Which of the following is deliberately changed to see the effect on output in a designed experiment?

Select one:

a. Nuisance variables

b. Background variables

c. Factors

Brainstorming is normally used with the Affinity Diagram

Select one:

a. True

b. False

The more common use of design of experiments is to discover reasons for __________ of variation

Select one:

a. Common causes

b. Special causes

c. Neither of the above

In the figure shown below, representing a two-factor experiment, there is evidence of ____________ interaction
between the 2 factors

Select one:

a. No

b. Strong

c. Moderate
If we conclude with the help of a Control Chart that a process is in control, it necessarily means that we will be
able to meet the customer requirements

Select one:

a. False

b. True

A high RPN value needs

Select one:

a. High RPN value never results in any design evaluation process

b. No attention at all

c. Less attention

d. High attention

In the Dabbawala case discussed in class, the each Dabbawala stays with the organization for

Select one:

a. A short time

b. Most of their life

Variability in a process may be caused by variability in the incoming material from the same supplier will typically
be classified as ________________

Select one:

a. Common cause variation

b. Special cause variation

If all points in a Control Chart are within the USL and LSL, we can say _____________

Select one:

a. The process is definitely in control

b. Nothing about the process

If a process is in control, the Cpk value will necessarily be greater than 1

Select one:

a. True

b. False

Which of the following measures of variation in the data is easy to calculate manually?

Select one:

a. Standard deviation

b. Range

c. None of the above

When we take the PDSA approach to experimentation, if the result of the experiment is not what we expected, it
means that our assumptions regarding the effect of the change we tried were definitely wrong

Select one:

a. False

b. True

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is used in ______________

Select one:

a. Executing a specific quality policy

b. Planning day to day operations

c. Planning a new product/service

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