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Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

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Construction and Building Materials

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Variations in strength and stiffness of cement-stabilized reclaimed asphalt

pavement and marginal lateritic soil blends in tropical climate
J. Suebsuk a, A. Kampala b, *, P. Waiyakorn c, C. Suksiripattanapong d, P. Chindaprasirt e
Transportation Geotechnics and Infrastructure Laboratory, Faculty of Railway Systems and Transportation, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Nakhon
Ratchasima 30000, Thailand
Faculty of Railway Systems and Transportation, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand
Bureau of Materials Analysis and Inspection, Department of Highways, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000, Thailand
Sustainable Infrastructure Research and Development Center, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, KhonKaen University, Khon Kaen 40002,
Thailand; and Academy of Science, Royal Society of Thailand, Bangkok 10300, Thailand


Keywords: This article investigated the effects of temperature on the variations in strength and stiffness of cement-stabilized
Reclaimed asphalt pavement reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and marginal lateritic soil (MLS) as a sustainable bound base course of
Lateritic soil flexible pavement. A site investigation to assess the temperature profile of highway pavement in the northeast of
Cement stabilization
Thailand was conducted to find the temperature variation of pavement structure in tropical country. Laboratory
Base course
tests including unconfined compressive strength (UCS), modulus of elasticity (E50), and indirect tensile strength
Temperature effect
Tropical climate (ITS) tests were conducted on cement-stabilized RAP and MLS blends at varying mix proportions and temper­
atures. It is evident that the temperature significantly affects the strength and stiffness of specimens containing
RAP due to the presence of bitumen covering the RAP aggregate. The additional MLS and cement can reduce the
viscoelasticity of RAP aggregate. The strength reduction due to the temperature is characteristic of the RAP
mixtures with MLS and cement. The normalized relationships of UCS and temperature and the empirical cor­
relations between E50 and ITS versus UCS were presented. This set of relationships is a valuable tool for the mix
design of cement-stabilized RAP and MLS blends as a bound base course in tropical countries.

1. Introduction valuable aggregate component in base and subbase courses. As a result,

there has been renewed interest in increasing the amount of RAP used in
Due to its relatively low initial construction cost, flexible pavement the pavement structure. However, RAP does not meet the minimum
has been preferred worldwide [1]. Pavement rehabilitation generates a requirement of crushed rock base course due to the low California
vast amount of demolition waste, commonly known as reclaimed bearing ratio (CBR) value and a low load-carrying capacity. It is thus
asphalt pavement (RAP) [2]. RAP comprises high-quality, well-graded necessary to improve the mechanical strength of RAP for utilization as
aggregates coated with aged bituminous binder [3–4]. With increased base course material [5]. Several materials such as cement, lime, fly ash,
demand and limited natural aggregate, the RAP is now being used as a fly ash geopolymer [6–13] have been applied to stabilize RAP. Portland

Abbreviations: a, First material parameter for the relationship between normalized unconfined compressive strength and temperature; A*, First material parameter
for general strength relation of cement-stabilized reclaimed asphalt pavement and marginal lateritic soil; AS, Bitumen content; b, Second material parameter for the
relationship between normalized unconfined compressive strength and temperature; B*, Second material parameter for general strength relation of cement-stabilized
reclaimed asphalt pavement and marginal lateritic soil; C, Cement content; CBR, California bearing ratio; D, Specimen diameter; DOH, Department of Highway,
Thailand; E50, Modulus of elasticity; H, Specimen height; ITS, Indirect tensile strength; k, Degradation parameter; LS, Lateritic soil; LS100, Sample ID indicated that
the specimen was composed of 100% MLS; MLS, Marginal lateritic soil; Pmax, Maximum load; qu, Unconfined compressive strength tested at TC; qu,25◦ C, Unconfined
compressive strength tested at 25◦ C; RAP, Reclaimed asphalt pavement; R**LS♣♣, Sample ID indicated that **% reclaimed asphalt pavement mixed with ♣♣%
marginal lateritic soil; SR, Strength reduction ratio; T, Test temperature; UCS, Unconfined compressive strength; w/C, Water-to-cement ratio.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: jirayut.su@rmuti.ac.th (J. Suebsuk), apichit.ku@rmuti.ac.th (A. Kampala), cherdsak.su@rmuti.ac.th (C. Suksiripattanapong), prinya@kku.ac.th
(P. Chindaprasirt).

Received 20 April 2023; Received in revised form 19 September 2023; Accepted 1 November 2023
Available online 15 November 2023
0950-0618/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Table 1 quality LS is difficult to obtain locally because of the source limita­

Specification of material properties for cement-bound base course. tion, and the transportation of LS to the construction site adds up to the
Specification of Material Properties Soil cement base (DH-S 204/2021) construction cost [21]. Over the past decade, the Department of High­
ways, Thailand, has investigated the use of locally available marginal LS
Liquid limit Max. 40
Plastic index Max. 15 (MLS) for soil–cement base course. However, this MLS cannot be used
Percent passing the 2.00 mm sieve Max. 70 due to its liquid limit, plastic index, and fine particle were over the limit
Percent passing the 0.075 mm sieve Max. 25 specified by the DS-H 204 Standard [22] for a soil–cement base course as
Los Angeles abrasion (%) Max. 60 shown in Table 1. The stabilization of MLS by adding crushed aggregates
CBR (%) Not specified
or demolition material, especially RAP is applied and acceptable locally
by the DS-H 213 standard [23]. Suebsuk et al. [16] reported the benefit
of MLS blended with RAP. The cement-stabilized MLS and RAP have
provided excellent performance as soil–cement base material. Recently,
Suebsuk et al. [17] presented the use of MLS to improve the gradation of
RAP before being stabilized by cement. It was evident that the MLS
replacement improved the compatibility and reduced the bitumen
content, enhancing the strength development of cement-stabilized RAP.
They also proposed the general strength equation of cement-stabilized
RAP and MLS blends with the effect of bituminous binder and water-
to-cement ratio as follows:

qu,25◦ C = B*
(w/C[1 − kAS] )

where qu,25◦ C is the unconfined compressive strength tested at 25 ◦ C, w/C

is the water-to-cement ratio, AS is the bitumen content, A* and B* are
material parameters, and k is the degradation parameter.
Using RAP and local aggregate blends to construct the base and
subbase courses was an economically and technically feasible alterna­
tive to traditional raw aggregate used in tropical and subtropical
Fig. 1. Comparison of the air and pavement surface temperatures.
In tropical countries like Thailand, the temperature during hot sea­
son often rises over 40 ◦ C [24]. The temperature in the pavement
cement is most widely used due to its cost-effectiveness and practicality
structure varies depending on the air temperature and depth from the
[14]. However, the cement-stabilized RAP exhibits low strength and
pavement surface. Generally, the RAP used as bound pavement base
durability. Mixing RAP with other virgin or recycled aggregates can
material in Thailand is designed based on a standard temperature of
improve the compressive strength of cement-stabilized RAP [15–19].
25 ◦ C. However, the bituminous binder performs differently under
A considerable volume of lateritic soil (LS) throughout the country
different temperature conditions due to its viscoelasticity. A number of
was used extensively for road construction in Thailand [20]. High-
research have thus been conducted to evaluate the potential effects of

Fig. 2. Variation in temperature versus time of pavement structure.

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 3. Maximum temperature of pavement structure observed at the ten stations during April 2016.

Table 2 Table 4
Summary of the on-site maximum temperature during April 2016. Chemical composition of cement and aggregates.
Value Average maximum temperature (◦ C) Chemical Composition (%) Cement RAP MLS

Air Pavement Base Base course Subbase SiO2 24.1 53.2 56.2
(Elev. surface (Elev. course (Bottom) course Al2O3 4.7 13.0 25.2
+1.0 m) +0.0 m) (Top) (Elev. − 0.3 (Elev. Fe2O3 3.6 14.4 13.3
(Elev. m) − 0.45 m) CaO 58.9 7.8 2.9
− 0.1 m) SO3 5.5 3.9 N.D.
K2O 0.5 1.0 N.D.
x 42.9 61.6 48.6 43.4 42.9
MgO 1.9 4.9 N.D.
Max 43.8 63.6 51.1 45.3 44.7
LOI 0.8 1.8 2.4
Min 41.5 59.4 46.2 40.3 39.8
SD 0.83 1.14 1.39 1.55 1.55 Remarks: N.D. Not detected.

of the bituminous binder are prone to change with temperature. Previ­

Table 3 ous research has mainly focused on cold regions, where temperature,
Geotechnical properties of materials. humidity, and solar radiation vary in a different way compared to
Properties Standard method RAP MLS
tropical areas. The literature only mentioned maximum temperatures
ranging from 25 to 40 ◦ C. However, there have not been enough studies
Liquid limit (%) BS 1377 23.0
evaluating the effect of temperature in tropical climates.

Plastic index (%) BS 1377 – 18.0
Gravel (%) (>4.75 mm) ASTM 54.1 4.0 This article investigates the effect of high temperature on the
Sand (%) (0.075–4.75 mm) ASTM 45.4 68.5 strength and stiffness properties of cement-stabilized RAP aggregate and
Silt and Clay (%) (<0.075 mm) ASTM 0.55 27.5 MLS blends. A site investigation has been conducted to investigate the
Soil classification USCS GW SC
temperature profile of the flexible pavement on the cement-stabilized
AASHTO A-1-a A-2-6
Coefficient of uniformity, Cu ASTM D2487 4.46 860
base course materials in Thailand. After 28 days of curing, the uncon­
Coefficient of curvature, Cc ASTM D2487 1.56 10.9 fined compressive strength (UCS), modulus of elasticity (E50), and in­
D50 (mm) – 5.18 0.48 direct tensile strength (ITS) of samples from various depths were tested
Optimum moisture content (%) ASTM D1557 6.4 7.4 to verify the variations in strength and stiffness. The findings could
Maximum dry density (g/cm3) ASTM D1557 1.79 2.17
provide critical information for using cement-stabilized RAP and MLS
Bulk specific gravity ASTM D854 2.66 2.68
Specific gravity without bitumen ASTM D854 2.82 – blends as a base course of flexible pavement in tropical countries.
Bitumen content (%) ASTM D2172 6.72 –
Los Angeles abrasion (%) ASTM C131 15.5 52.9 2. Site investigations
California bearing ratio (%) AASHTO T 193 35 –
Unconfined compressive stregnth (kPa) ASTM D5102 68 190
Cohesion (kPa) ASTM D3080 12 82
2.1. Data collection
Internal friction angle (◦ ) ASTM D3080 49 31
The temperature profile of flexible pavement in Thailand was
investigated in this study. Thailand locates in a tropical zone, 15 degrees
temperature on RAP aggregate [25–34]. The findings indicated that above the equator, and sits in the center of Southeast Asia. Thailand
temperature has a significant impact on the strength and stiffness experiences warm temperatures throughout the year, but its weather is
characteristics of pavement containing RAP. The mechanical properties characterized by two monsoon seasons. Consequently, Thailand’s

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 4. Particle size distribution of RAP and MLS blends.

Fig. 5. Compaction curves of RAP and MLS blends.

weather is defined by three seasons: the wet season (May to October), (bottom), and subbase course, respectively. The flexible pavement
the cool season (November to February), and the hot season (March to consisted of wearing and binder courses using asphalt bituminous
May). The research site is on highway No. 24 of the Nang Rong – Prakon AC60/70, cement-stabilized crushed rock base, and granular subbase.
Chai (km.73 – km.98) segment located in Buriram Province, northeast of The measurement was conducted on a sunny day during the daytime
Thailand. The measurements of ten stations along the research site were (8.00 to 18.00) to reduce the influence of climate factors such as
taken during April 2016, the hottest month of the year. The distance humidity.
between the stations was 2 km. For each station, the air temperature and
the temperatures of pavement structure at various depths were recorded 2.2. Temperature profile of flexible pavement structure
using thermocouple type K with a data logger. The temperatures of
pavement structure were observed at the depths of 0, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.45 The Nang Rong station’s temperature increased to 43.0 ◦ C on April
m corresponding to the pavement surface, base course (top), base course 12, 2016. Similarly, the maximum air temperature at the research site of

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 6. Variation in stress versus strain of cement-stabilized RAP-MLS blends under different temperatures: (a) 1% cement; (b) 3% cement; (c) 5% cement; (d)
7% cement.

43.8 ◦ C was observed at midday on April 12, 2016. The temperature of layer (− 0.3 m), the fluctuation was slight because the influence of
the pavement structure is affected by two significant factors, air tem­ temperature transfer to the deep structure layer was relatively small.
perature and solar radiation. Fig. 1 shows the relationship between the Fig. 3 illustrates the maximum internal temperature of pavement
air and pavement surface temperatures. The daytime temperature was structure recorded from ten stations at the research site during April
generally between 30.2 ◦ C and 43.5 ◦ C. The patterns of pavement sur­ 2016. The internal temperature curve is relatively coherent without the
face temperature and air temperature change are similar in shape. The mutation point. Table 2 shows the on-site recording maximum midday
average maximum temperature in the hot season is around 10 ◦ C higher temperature. An average maximum temperature of 61.6 ◦ C was
than those in the other seasons. Interestingly, the pavement surface observed at the pavement surface. This value is in accordance with the
temperature was higher than the air temperature, and the difference was hot mix asphalt pavement requirement with solar reflectance of
18.4 ◦ C. This arises from solar reflectance, which is important regarding 0.15–0.20 as reported by EPA [37]. Typical solar reflectance ranges
how pavement surfaces interact thermally with the environment when from 0.04 to 0.16 for asphalt pavements [38]. Furthermore, the pave­
exposed to sunlight. Thermal emittance, thermal conductivity, and ment solar reflectance changes with time, with that of asphalt pavement
specific heat capacity of the pavement surface materials are second- increases as they age [39]. The average maximum temperatures of the
order factors [35]. The internal temperature of the pavement structure top and bottom base courses were 48.6 ◦ C and 43.4 ◦ C, respectively. The
is mainly affected by changes in the upper air temperature. The specific subbase course temperature was less variable, with an average
heat, thermal conductivity, and density of the pavement materials have maximum temperature of 42.9 ◦ C. Although the pavement temperature
played a part in the temperature regularity to be different [36]. The reached a maximum value of 61.6 ◦ C during site investigation, an upper
change in temperature of the pavement structure during the daytime is limit of 75 ◦ C was chosen for the experiments to simulate extreme
illustrated in Fig. 2. The pavement surface temperature was lower than temperatures as it was reported that the extreme temperature could be
the base and subbase layers earlier in the day. This implies that the heat higher than 70 ◦ C [40].
was transferred from the pavement surface to the upper cooler air during
nighttime. Due to solar radiation in the daytime, the pavement surface 3. Laboratory tests
continuously absorbed heat. The measured results showed that the
pavement surface temperature increased to the maximum value at 3.1. Materials
midday and gradually decreased related to the upper air temperature.
Although the pavement surface temperature fluctuated between 38.7 ◦ C The RAP was obtained by milling the surface layer (thickness 100
and 61.9 ◦ C, the observation showed that the fluctuation decreased with mm) of 7-year-old pavement. The geotechnical properties of RAP are
depth. The effect of the layer thickness generated transfer time that led summarized in Table 3. It consisted of crushed basalt and 6.72 %
to the temperature of the lower structure layer lagging behind that of the bitumen binder. More than 54.1 % RAP was retained on the No. 4 sieve
upper structure. When the depth range reached the bottom of the base (>4.75 mm) and thus could be classified as well-graded gravel (GW) and

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 7. Variation in stress versus strain of cement-stabilized MLS under different temperatures: (a) 1% cement; (b) 3% cement; (c) 5% cement; (d) 7% cement.

A-1-a according to USCS and AASHTO systems, respectively. The bulk aggregates, and the resulting hydration product mainly came from the
specific gravity was 2.66. The CBR value of RAP of 35 % was relatively cement [43–44]. The RAP was blended with MLS to develop the
low and did not pass the minimum requirement of the crushed rock base gradation of the blend before the cement stabilization. The gradations of
course (CBR must be higher than 80 % at 95 % of the maximum unit RAP and MLS blends as shown in Fig. 4 met the grading requirement of
weight) specified by DH-S 201 standard [41]. the bound base course as shown in Table 1. The packing density of the
The MLS used for this research was a disturbed sample obtained from blended materials under modified Proctor compaction increased with
a borrow pit at Sikhio, Nakhon Ratchasima, in northeast Thailand at 2.0 the MLS content up to 50 % as shown in Fig. 5. The effect of MLS
to 3.0 m below the ground surface. The MLS samples were sealed in the replacement on the compaction behavior of RAP and MLS blends has
bags before being transported to the laboratory. As shown in Table 3, the been explained in past research by Suebsuk et al. [17].
soil composed of 4.0 % gravel, 68.5 % sand, and 27.5 % fine and was
classified as clayey sand (SC) and A-2–6 according to USCS and AASHTO 3.2. Samples preparation and testing program
systems, respectively. The fine particle of MLS of 27.5 % was over the
maximum fine particle of 25 % for bound granular material specified by The collected RAP and MLS were air-dried for 3 days at ambient
DH-S 204 standard [22]. Therefore, this LS was classified as marginal temperature and then oven-dried at 50 ◦ C for 48 h to complete the
soil. The bulk specific gravity of MLS was 2.68, while the liquid limit and drying process. The samples were prepared with MLS contents of 0, 30,
plastic index of fine particles were 23 % and 18 %, respectively. 50, 70 and 100 %. The RAP-MLS blend was mixed with water at the
The chemical composition of the RAP, MLS, and Portland cement are optimum moisture content and stored in a plastic bag for 24 h. After­
summarized in Table 4. The main chemical compositions of RAP ward, the cement was added, and the mixing was done until the mixture
analyzed by X-ray fluorescence test were 53.2 % SiO2, 14.4 % Fe2O3, and was uniform. The cylindrical specimen 50 mm in diameter and 100 mm
13.0 % Al2O3. The aggregate in RAP was crushed basalt. The MLS was in height was used to compact the sample at the maximum dry density.
composed of silica (56.2 % SiO2), iron (13.3 % Fe2O3), alumina (13.3 % The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for all mixes
Al2O3), and calcium oxide (2.9 % CaO). The sesquioxide ratio defined are listed in Fig. 5. The cement content (C) was varied as 0, 1, 3, 5, and 7
according to SiO2/[Fe2O3 + Al2O3], was used to categorize the lateritic % by weight of dry RAP and MLS. All specimens were wrapped with
soil. The sesquioxide ratio of 1.45 indicated that the soil was a lateritic plastic film and cured in a 25 ◦ C controlled chamber for 28 days.
soil [42]. The UCS and ITS tests were conducted according to ASTM D5102-09
The MLS and cement were used to modify and improve the [45] and ASTM D6931-12 [46] standards, respectively. The specimens
geotechnical properties of RAP aggregate. The calcium oxide (CaO) were cured at 25, 45, 60, and 75 ◦ C. Before the tests, the specimens were
content of both the MLS and RAP was lower than that of the cement, and exposed to controlled temperatures for 2 h to simulate on-site temper­
the particle diameter of the aggregates was greater than that of the ature. The simulated temperature was kept constant during the test. The
cement. Therefore, MLS and RAP were considered unreactive E50 was measured from the slope of the stress–strain curve of the UCS

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

pavement temperature; otherwise, bitumen in the layer gets softened

and comes out. Generally, the softening point of asphalt bituminous
AC60/70 is between 45 ◦ C and 55 ◦ C [47]. The basic and rheological
properties of bituminous in RAP were changed with age. This phe­
nomenon produced an increase in the softening point [32–34]. How­
ever, the viscoelasticity of material is affected by heating, which causes
the degradation of asphalt pavement due to temperature cycling. In the
tests at temperatures of 60 ◦ C and 75 ◦ C, the bituminous binder was
softened, and the bonding between the cementation product and
aggregate was weak. This reduced the strength and stiffness of cement-
stabilized RAP aggregate at high temperatures.
Based on the test result, the strength reduction due to the high
temperature showed a relationship with that of a reference specimen
tested at 25 ◦ C. For instance, the UCS of the specimen tested at 75 ◦ C is
half that of the specimen tested at 25 ◦ C. Hence the ratio between the
UCS of the specimen tested at 75 ◦ C and that of the specimen tested at
25 ◦ C was 0.5. This ratio was designated as the strength reduction (SR)
ratio. Fig. 8 shows the effect of temperature on the stress–strain curve
specimen under 30 % and 70 % MLS content. The same trend of the SR
ratio was observed for RAP stabilized with 30 % and 70 % MLS. The UCS
of the specimen with 30 % and 70 % MLS tested at 45 ◦ C and 60 ◦ C also
gave constant SR ratios under different cement contents. The SR ratio
was the identity of the mixture at the same MLS and cement contents and
decreased with the increase in temperature. The UCS of all specimens
with the focus on the variations of UCS versus MLS and cement contents
under different temperatures is illustrated in Fig. 9. In practice, the
cement stabilization is used to improve the RAP strength to meet the
minimum 7 days curing strength requirement of 1,724 kPa for the
cement-bound base course. Suebsuk et al. [17] showed that according to
the 7d-UCS requirement, the RAP stabilized with at least 5 % cement
was needed for a low MLS content mixture (Fig. 9a), while only 3 %
cement was required for a high MLS content mixture (Fig. 9b, 9c).
However, the 28d-UCS of the RAP specimens were related to tempera­
ture, MLS content, and cement content. The results showed that the 28d-
UCS of the RAP specimen with 5 % cement and 30 % MLS subjected to a
temperature of 60 ◦ C was higher than the 7d-UCS. This confirms that the
pavement base course’s factor of safety is not less than the initial value
Fig. 8. Comparison of the stress–strain relations of cement-stabilized RAP-MLS at the construction state (7 days) in accordance with the requirement of
blends under different cement contents and temperatures: (a) 30% MLS; (b)
the Department of Highways’ standard. Increasing the MLS content
70% MLS.
resulted in a higher UCS at the same cement content. The same trend was
observed for the different temperatures.
test at 50 % of the ultimate load. The ITS was determined by the formula: Based on the unique character of the SR ratio, the relationship be­
ITS = 2Pmax / πHD, where D and H were the diameter and height of the tween the normalized UCS and temperatures was obtained as shown in
cylindrical specimen. At least five samples were tested under the mix­ Fig. 10. The variation in the strength of cement-stabilized RAP and MLS
tures and tested conditions to verify the consistency of the test with a blends under different temperatures was normalized into a unique linear
standard deviation of less than 10 %. This research analyzed and pre­ relation. The following equation presents the normalized relationship
sented the average UCS, E50, and ITS along with the standard deviation. between UCS and temperature:

4. Test results and discussions qu

= a − bT (2)
qu,25◦ C
4.1. Stress-Strain behavior and unconfined compressive strength
where qu is the UCS of the specimen tested at T◦ C, T is a test temperature
(◦ C), a and b are viscoelactic material paremeters. Although the cement
The effect of temperature on the stress–strain curve of cement-
content varied, the bituminous binder in the sample with the same MLS
stabilized 30 % RAP and 70 % MLS blends at different cement con­
content remained constant. As a result, the viscoelastic properties of the
tents is presented in Fig. 6. Generally, the UCS and stiffness increased
specimen with the same MLS content were identical. This facilitates the
with increasing cement content [17]. The stiffness defined by the slope
normalization of the UCS at different temperatures to the UCS at 25 ◦ C
of the stress–strain curve decreased significantly with increasing tem­
for the same MLS content.
perature. The same trend was observed for cement-stabilized RAP and
From the investigation, intercept a and slope b from the linear
MLS blends under different cement contents. In contrast, the stress–­
regression are 1.272 and 0.0115 for 30 % MLS content, 1.238 and
strain curve of MLS without RAP was independent of the temperature
0.0104 for 50 % MLS content, and 1.222 and 0.0084 for 70 % MLS
effect as shown in Fig. 7. This result indicated that the MLS did not
content, respectively. The values a and b slightly decreased with
adversely affect the bond strength and stiffness of cement-stabilized RAP
increasing the MLS content and confirmed that the increase in MLS
and MLS blends at high temperatures. The bituminous binder coating of
content reduced the viscoelasticity of cement-stabilized RAP.
the RAP aggregate is a temperature-sensitive material, resulting in
stiffness change related to the temperature. For the bitumen used in road
construction, the softening point value should be higher than the

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 9. Variation of UCS versus cement content under different temperatures: (a) UCS at 30% MLS; (b) UCS at 50% MLS; (c) UCS at 70% MLS.

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 10. Relationship between normalized UCS and temperature: (a) at 30% MLS; (b) at 50% MLS; (c) at 70% MLS.

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 11. Variation of E50 versus cement content under different temperatures: (a) E50 at 30% MLS; (b) E50 at 50% MLS; (c) E50 at 70% MLS.

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 12. Correlation between UCS and E50 under different cement contents, RAP contents, and temperatures.

4.2. Modulus of elasticity The relationship in this study shows a trend consistent with those in the
previous work by Mengue et al. [48] performed with cement-stabilized
The results of E50 with temperatures, MLS content, and cement lateritic soil for use in road construction. However, the obtained equa­
content are shown in Fig. 11. The temperature played a significant role tion gave lower ITS because of the effects of bituminous binder and
in the variation in stiffness development of material containing the temperature. There was thus an indication that the ITS was more sen­
bituminous binder. Even though cement stabilization was adopted, E50 sitive to the increase in temperature than the UCS.
representing material stiffness dropped significantly with increasing
temperature. Furthermore, the trend of stiffness reduction due to the
temperature was similar to the strength reduction. Although the tem­ 4.4. Design recommendations
perature was raised to 60 ◦ C, the E50 values of the RAP specimen with 5
% cement content and 30 % MLS content were over 100 MPa. For the This investigation reveals that the strength and stiffness of cement-
same cement content and temperature, the use of higher MLS content stabilized RAP and MLS blends vary with the temperature increment
resulted in a greater E50. In practice, the E50 is usually estimated based under the tropical climate. The site investigation showed that the tem­
on the UCS. Fig. 12 shows the exponential relationship between UCS and perature in pavement structures increased to 61.6 ◦ C, 48.6 ◦ C, and
E50 for all mixtures and temperatures. The difference in MLS content, 42.9 ◦ C for pavement surface, base course, and subbase course, respec­
cement content, and temperature had little effect on the relationship. tively. The high temperature in the hot season should be considered for
The fitted equation for the data gave a high regression coefficient of the design process of the cement-bound base course using RAP aggregate
0.937, using the following power function equation: as a major component in tropical countries. The mechanism of RAP
stabilized by MLS and cement is mainly as follows (vide Fig. 15). (1) The
E50 = 4.491(qu )1.37 (3)
replacement of RAP aggregate with MLS enhances the packing density
and bonding between aggregates and cement, promoting the develop­
The relationship obtained in this study is consistent with the previous
ment of strength and stiffness. (2) The heating due to the increasing
studies by Mengue et al. [48] and Al-Jabban et al. [49]. It has, however,
pavement temperature affects the mechanical properties of cement-
the advantage of this proposed trend in the case of cement-stabilized
stabilized RAP and MLS blends, leading to strength and stiffness re­
RAP and MLS blends at any mix proportions and temperatures.
ductions of pavement structure exposed to high temperature. It is rec­
ommended that the use of RAP as a base course should include the
4.3. Indirect tensile strength temperature effect in the mix design. Eq. (1) proposed by Suebsuk et al.
[17] should be modified to incorporate the effect of temperature ac­
Fig. 13 describes the variation of ITS versus MLS and cement con­ cording to Equations (2) to (4).
tents under different test temperatures. The ITS showed a trend similar
to that of UCS and E50. The ITS reduction was significant for the speci­
5. Conclusions
mens with 3 % to 7 % cement contents. The ITS at 25 ◦ C was used as a
reference strength for calculating the ITS reduction. The reduction in ITS
This study investigates the possibility of using recycled asphalt
with increasing temperature was in accordance with the concept of the
pavement (RAP) aggregate-marginal lateritic soil (MLS) blend stabilized
SR ratio presented earlier. Fig. 14 shows the correlation between ITS and
with cement as a sustainable bound base coarse structure in a tropical
UCS. The obtained relationship is in exponential relations, which fits
climate. The temperature profile of flexible pavement structures in hot
well with a simple power equation as follows:
weather varies with the depth and times of the day. The temperatures of
ITS = 0.001(qu )1.5148 (4) 42.9 ◦ C to 61.6 ◦ C at the pavement structure were observed between
8:00–18:00, which are over the room temperature in the laboratory tests

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 13. Variation of ITS versus cement content under different temperatures: (a) ITS at 30% MLS; (b) ITS at 50% MLS; (c) ITS at 70% MLS.

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

Fig. 14. Correlation between UCS and ITS under different cement contents, RAP contents, and temperatures.

Fig. 15. Sketch for cement-stabilized RAP and MLS blends, including the temperature effect.

of the base course materials. The on-site measured temperatures were strength and stiffness of cement-stabilized RAP and MLS blends. The
used to simulate the temperature that affected the RAP behavior in the bitumen in RAP is a material that exhibits both viscous and elastic
laboratory. A series of laboratory tests including the UCS, E50, and ITS properties. It is responsible for the decrease in strength and stiffness of
tests were conducted on the cement-stabilized RAP and MLS blends at the blended material as the temperature increases. At least 30 % MLS
temperatures of 25 ◦ C to 75 ◦ C covering the high temperatures of the and 5 % cement contents are recommended for the stabilization to
pavement structure. The temperature significantly influences the obtain the 28d-UCS of the RAP specimen at 60 ◦ C to be over its 7d-UCS at

J. Suebsuk et al. Construction and Building Materials 409 (2023) 134062

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