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MFP1501 Assignment 2 20


MFP1501 Assignment 2 2024 - 18 June 2024

Question 1
Jacob and Willis (2003) outline hierarchical phases through which
multiplicative thinking develops, which include one-to-one counting, additive
composition, many-to-one counting, and multiplicative relations. Discuss each
phase to show how best you understand it. N.B. It should not be the same. Be
creative. (20)
One-to-One Counting
Description: One-to-one counting is the foundational phase where children learn
to count objects one at a time. Each object is paired with a single counting word,
ensuring a direct correspondence between the number of items and the number
Example: Imagine a child playing with blocks. As they place each block into a
box, they count aloud: "one, two, three, four, five." This phase focuses on the
child's ability to correctly assign one number to each object, ensuring an accurate
Educational Activity: A teacher might use a counting book where children have
to count the number of animals on each page. This reinforces the concept of one-
to-one correspondence as they point to each animal and say the corresponding
Significance: This phase is crucial because it establishes the basic understanding
of numbers and counting, which is necessary for more complex mathematical
concepts. Without mastering one-to-one counting, a child would struggle with
higher-level arithmetic.
Additive Composition
Description: Additive composition involves understanding that numbers can be
broken down into parts and recombined. Children learn that numbers are composed
of smaller numbers added together.
Example: Consider a child who has 7 apples. They realize that this total can be
broken down into 3 apples and 4 apples, or 5 apples and 2 apples, and still add up
to 7.
Educational Activity: A teacher might provide a set of 10 blocks and ask the
children to find all the different ways to group the blocks into two piles. For
instance, 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, etc. This exercise helps children see the flexibility of
numbers and the various ways they can be combined.
Significance: Additive composition is essential for understanding more complex
operations like addition and subtraction. It helps children see the relationships
between numbers and prepares them for multiplication and division.
Many-to-One Counting
Description: Many-to-one counting, also known as skip counting, involves
counting objects in groups or sets rather than individually. This phase introduces
the concept of multiplication as repeated addition.
Example: A child counting by twos might count: "2, 4, 6, 8, 10," instead of
counting each number individually. This method groups numbers into sets of two.
Educational Activity: A teacher might use a number line and ask children to place
markers at intervals of 5. By doing so, children practice counting by fives (5, 10,
15, 20, etc.), reinforcing the idea of grouping.
Significance: Many-to-one counting is a stepping stone to understanding
multiplication. It helps children grasp the concept of adding equal groups together,
which is fundamental to more advanced mathematical operations.
Multiplicative Relations
Description: Multiplicative relations involve understanding the relationships
between numbers in terms of multiplication and division. Children learn to see
numbers as factors and products, understanding that multiplication is not just
repeated addition, but a relationship between quantities.
Example: A child might understand that 3 groups of 4 apples (3 x 4) equal 12
apples. Conversely, they can also comprehend that dividing 12 apples into 3
groups gives 4 apples per group (12 ÷ 3 = 4).
Educational Activity: A teacher could use arrays or grids to visually demonstrate
multiplication. For instance, showing a 3 by 4 grid of dots helps children visualize
3 x 4 = 12. This method helps them see the structure and pattern in multiplication.
Significance: Understanding multiplicative relations is critical for higher-level
math, including fractions, ratios, and algebra. It enables children to move beyond
simple arithmetic to more abstract mathematical thinking.

Conclusion: Each phase in the development of multiplicative thinking builds on

the previous one, creating a robust understanding of numbers and their
relationships. One-to-one counting lays the groundwork, additive composition
introduces flexibility in numbers, many-to-one counting shows grouping, and
multiplicative relations provide a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
Educators can design activities targeting each phase to ensure a comprehensive
development of multiplicative thinking in children.
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Question 2
In the Foundation Phase, multiplication is commonly introduced as repeated
addition, that is, situations where several groups of the same size need to be
added together. We usually ask questions such as: “How big is each group or
how many groups? Provide five examples which are different from those in
the study guide. (10)
Introducing multiplication through repeated addition helps young learners grasp
the concept in a familiar and manageable way. Here are five unique examples that
can be used to illustrate this concept in the Foundation Phase:
1. Books on Shelves
Scenario: A library has 4 shelves, and each shelf holds 5 books.
Question: How many books are there in total?
Explanation: Repeated addition: 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20
2. Bowls of Fruit
Scenario: There are 3 bowls, and each bowl contains 7 oranges.
Question: How many oranges are there altogether?
Explanation: Repeated addition: 7 + 7 + 7 = 21
3. Rows of Chairs
Scenario: A classroom has 6 rows of chairs, with each row containing 4 chairs.
Question: How many chairs are there in total?
Explanation: Repeated addition: 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 24
4. Packets of Crayons
Scenario: There are 5 packets of crayons, and each packet contains 8 crayons.
Question: How many crayons are there in total?
Explanation: Repeated addition: 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 40
5. Bunches of Flowers
Scenario: A florist arranges flowers in 4 bunches, and each bunch contains 6
Question: How many flowers are there altogether?
Explanation: Repeated addition: 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 24

These examples help children visualize and understand multiplication as repeated

addition, laying a strong foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts.
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Question 3
You can teach doubling in the Foundation Phase in various ways. These
approaches depend on the grade level you teach or what learners can or
cannot do. It is important always to be responsive to your learners' cognitive
level. It would be best if you always were moving learners to a more abstract
level but using concrete apparatus to scaffold these moves. There are also a
variety of diagrams for teaching doubling apart from using body parts as
resources. 4
3.1 Identify two diagrams that you can use to teach doubling to the
Foundation Phase. (4)
3.2 Motivate how you will use each diagram. Do not copy from the study guide
(6) (10)
3.1 Identify Two Diagrams to Teach Doubling
1. Number Line Diagram
2. Array Diagram
3.2 Motivation for Using Each Diagram
Number Line Diagram
Description: A number line is a visual representation where numbers are placed at
equal intervals along a straight line.
Usage in Teaching Doubling:
 Introduction: Introduce the concept of doubling by starting at zero on the
number line.
 Example: To double the number 3, find 3 on the number line and then count
three more steps forward from 3.
 Steps:
o Place a marker at 0 and then at 3.
o From 3, count three steps forward (3 + 3).
o Place another marker at 6.
o Show that doubling 3 results in 6.
 Engagement: Allow students to use physical markers or draw their own
number lines and practice doubling different numbers.
Rationale: Using a number line helps students visually understand the concept of
doubling as moving forward by the same number of steps twice. It concretizes the
idea of repeated addition and helps them see the relationship between numbers
Array Diagram
Description: An array diagram consists of rows and columns of dots or objects
arranged in a grid pattern.
Usage in Teaching Doubling:
 Introduction: Explain that an array shows multiplication visually. When
doubling, we are essentially creating a 2-row array.
 Example: To double the number 4, create an array with 2 rows of 4 dots
 Steps:
o Draw a 4 by 1 row of dots (4 dots in one row).
o Add another identical row below it.
o Count the total number of dots (4 + 4).
 Engagement: Have students draw their own arrays or use physical objects
like counters to build arrays representing different numbers being doubled.
Rationale: An array diagram helps students visualize the concept of doubling by
showing the number of objects in two equal groups. It links to multiplication and
reinforces the idea that doubling is the same as multiplying by 2. The spatial
arrangement makes it easier for students to count and verify their results.
Both the number line and array diagrams are effective tools for teaching doubling
in the Foundation Phase. They provide concrete visual aids that help students
understand and internalize the concept, moving from concrete to more abstract
levels of mathematical thinking. Using these diagrams, educators can scaffold
students' learning experiences, making abstract concepts more accessible and
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Question 4
Kindly note that the “long division” method should be introduced only when
learners fully understand the horizontal division process. The traditional
long-division method is undoubtedly one of the most challenging algorithms
for learners to understand. Many teachers struggle to teach it and many
learners struggle to learn it! This method should, therefore NOT be
introduced too early.
4.1 Apply the scaffolding approach to teach a Grade 3 learner how the
following problems can be solved:
4.1.1 96 ÷ 20 (10)
4.1.2 728 ÷ 300 (10)
4.2 Design a learning activity in which you illustrate how you will teach
division as a grouping. (10)
4.3 Differentiate between two situations of division using the table below as a
guide Do not copy what is in the study guide (10) Division situation Problem
structure Question asked Examples (40)
4.1 Applying the Scaffolding Approach to Teach Division
4.1.1 96 ÷ 20
Step-by-Step Scaffolding Approach:
1. Concrete Understanding:
o Introduction: Begin with concrete objects like blocks or counters.
Give the learner 96 blocks and ask them to group the blocks into sets
of 20.
o Activity: The learner will physically group the blocks, count how
many complete groups of 20 they can form, and see how many blocks
are left over.
2. Pictorial Representation:
o Drawing: Have the learner draw 96 dots on a piece of paper and
circle groups of 20.
o Counting Groups: They should count the number of circles (groups
of 20) they can draw and the number of dots remaining.
3. Abstract Representation:
o Division Equation: Write the division problem on the board:
96÷2096 \div 2096÷20.
o Estimate: Teach the learner to estimate how many times 20 fits into
96 by simplifying the numbers (e.g., 20 fits into 96 approximately 4
times because 20×4=8020 \times 4 = 8020×4=80).
o Subtraction: Show the learner to subtract 80 from 96, leaving a
remainder of 16.
o Remainder Understanding: Explain that the remainder (16) is what
is left after grouping into sets of 20.
4. Verification:
o Check Work: Multiply the quotient (4) by the divisor (20) and add
the remainder (16) to check the result: 20×4+16=80+16=9620 \times
4 + 16 = 80 + 16 = 9620×4+16=80+16=96.
4.1.2 728 ÷ 300
Step-by-Step Scaffolding Approach:
1. Concrete Understanding:
o Introduction: Start with a large quantity, like 728 counters, and ask
the learner to make groups of 300.
o Activity: The learner groups the counters into sets of 300 and counts
how many full groups they can make.
2. Pictorial Representation:
o Drawing: Have the learner draw 728 dots and circle groups of 300.
o Counting Groups: They count how many circles (groups of 300)
they can draw and the number of dots remaining.
3. Abstract Representation:
o Division Equation: Write the division problem on the board:
728÷300728 \div 300728÷300.
o Estimate: Teach the learner to estimate how many times 300 fits into
728 by simplifying the numbers (e.g., 300 fits into 728 approximately
2 times because 300×2=600300 \times 2 = 600300×2=600).
o Subtraction: Show the learner to subtract 600 from 728, leaving a
remainder of 128.
o Remainder Understanding: Explain that the remainder (128) is what
is left after grouping into sets of 300.
4. Verification:
o Check Work: Multiply the quotient (2) by the divisor (300) and add
the remainder (128) to check the result:
300×2+128=600+128=728300 \times 2 + 128 = 600 + 128 =
4.2 Learning Activity for Division as Grouping
Activity: Dividing Cookies into Groups
Objective: Teach division as grouping by dividing cookies among friends.
 30 paper cut-out cookies
 Plates for grouping
 Markers
1. Introduction:
o Present the 30 paper cookies to the class.
o Explain that we need to divide these cookies equally among friends.
2. Grouping Activity:
o Step 1: Ask how many friends will share the cookies. (e.g., 5 friends)
o Step 2: Begin by placing one cookie on each plate until all cookies
are used.
o Step 3: Count the number of cookies on each plate. Each plate should
have the same number of cookies.
3. Discussion:
o Question: How many cookies does each friend get?
o Answer: Each friend gets 6 cookies.
4. Reinforcement:
o Visual Check: Draw the plates and cookies on the board.
o Written Division: Write the division equation: 30÷5=630 \div 5 =
5. Extension:
o Change the number of cookies or friends and repeat the activity to
reinforce the concept.
4.3 Differentiating Division Situations
Division Question
Problem Structure Examples
Situation Asked
Example: 12 cookies shared
Partitive Sharing a total equally How many in among 4 friends. How many
Division into groups each group? cookies does each friend get?
12÷4=312 \div 4 = 312÷4=3
Quotative Determining how How many Example: 20 apples placed into
Division many groups of a groups can be bags of 5 apples each. How
Division Question
Problem Structure Examples
Situation Asked
certain size can be many bags can be made?
made 20÷5=420 \div 5 = 420÷5=4
Partitive Division Example:
 Scenario: 24 candies are to be shared among 6 children equally.
 Question: How many candies does each child get?
 Solution: Each child gets 24÷6=424 \div 6 = 424÷6=4 candies.
Quotative Division Example:
 Scenario: You have 50 pencils and want to pack them into boxes with 10
pencils each.
 Question: How many boxes can you pack?
 Solution: You can pack 50÷10=550 \div 10 = 550÷10=5 boxes.
Conclusion: By using a scaffolding approach, incorporating concrete, pictorial,
and abstract representations, and designing engaging learning activities, educators
can effectively teach division concepts. Differentiating between partitive and
quotative division helps students understand the various contexts in which division
can be applied, providing a comprehensive foundation for future mathematical
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Question 5
Most children find fractions very difficult to learn, and fractions are one of
the topics in mathematics that many teachers teach poorly.
5.1 Identify difficulties which Foundation Phase learners may experience with
fractions. (3)
5.2 Elaborate in detail how they experience difficulties with each of the
difficulties you mentioned in 5.1 (9)
5.3 Certain pre-knowledge domains are necessary for developing a strong
understanding of fraction concepts. Some of these knowledge domains include
the following: equal sharing, partitioning, and unitising. Utilise the
descriptions in the study guide to explain each of these knowledge domains.
5.4 What should the Foundation Phase teacher do to support learners to
realise that the more a unit is partitioned, the smaller the pieces you get?
5.1 Difficulties Foundation Phase Learners May Experience with Fractions
1. Understanding the Concept of a Fraction
2. Recognizing Equivalent Fractions
3. Partitioning and Equal Sharing
5.2 Elaborate on the Difficulties
1. Understanding the Concept of a Fraction
 How They Experience the Difficulty:
o Abstract Nature: Fractions are an abstract concept that can be
difficult for young learners to grasp. They often struggle to understand
that a fraction represents a part of a whole.
o Misinterpretation: Children may confuse the numerator and
denominator, not understanding their respective roles. For example, in
the fraction 34\frac{3}{4}43, they might not understand that 3
represents parts taken out of 4 equal parts.
2. Recognizing Equivalent Fractions
 How They Experience the Difficulty:
o Conceptual Challenge: Recognizing that different fractions can
represent the same quantity is challenging. For instance,
understanding that 12\frac{1}{2}21 is the same as 24\frac{2}{4}42
requires a deep conceptual understanding of fractions.
o Visual Misunderstanding: Learners might struggle with visualizing
fractions as equivalent, especially if the shapes or representations
differ. They might not realize that two halves of different shapes can
still be equal.
3. Partitioning and Equal Sharing
 How They Experience the Difficulty:
o Inconsistent Division: Children might find it difficult to divide
objects or shapes into equal parts accurately. For instance, when asked
to divide a circle into thirds, they might create sections that are not
equal in size.
o Practical Application: They might also struggle with real-life
applications of partitioning, such as sharing a set of items equally
among a number of people. This difficulty is often rooted in their
inability to visualize and perform the equal partitioning accurately.
5.3 Pre-Knowledge Domains for Understanding Fraction Concepts
1. Equal Sharing
 Concept: Equal sharing involves dividing a quantity into equal parts.
 Example: If you have 12 candies and 4 children, each child should get an
equal share of 3 candies.
 Importance: This foundational concept helps learners understand how
fractions represent parts of a whole divided equally.
2. Partitioning
 Concept: Partitioning is the process of dividing a whole into equal parts.
 Example: Cutting a pizza into 8 equal slices.
 Importance: Partitioning is essential for understanding how a whole can be
divided into smaller, equal pieces, which is the essence of fractions.
3. Unitising
 Concept: Unitising involves recognizing and working with units or groups
of items as single entities.
 Example: Viewing 4 groups of 2 apples each as four units of two.
 Importance: This helps learners see fractions as parts of a whole and
develop a deeper understanding of how numbers can be grouped and
5.4 Supporting Learners in Understanding Partitioning and Smaller Pieces
Approach for Foundation Phase Teachers:
1. Use Concrete Materials:
o Activity: Provide learners with objects like clay, paper, or blocks to
physically divide into smaller pieces.
o Example: Ask learners to cut a piece of paper into 2 parts, then 4
parts, then 8 parts, and observe how the pieces get smaller each time.
2. Visual Aids and Diagrams:
o Activity: Use visual aids like fraction circles or bars to show how a
whole can be divided into equal parts.
o Example: Show a circle divided into 2 equal parts, then into 4 equal
parts, and discuss how each division results in smaller pieces.
3. Interactive Activities:
o Activity: Use interactive activities where students can manipulate
virtual fraction pieces on a tablet or computer.
o Example: An app that allows students to divide shapes into different
numbers of parts and compare the sizes of the pieces.
4. Real-life Examples:
o Activity: Relate fractions to real-life scenarios that are familiar to
students, such as sharing food.
o Example: If a pizza is cut into 4 pieces and then 8 pieces, discuss
how each piece gets smaller as the number of pieces increases.
5. Guided Discovery and Discussion:
o Activity: Engage students in guided discovery where they explore and
discuss their findings with peers.
o Example: After dividing objects, have students share their
observations about how the pieces change in size with the class.
By combining these approaches, teachers can effectively scaffold learning and help
students develop a strong, intuitive understanding of fractions and partitioning.
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