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ITS66404 Software Engineering

Project Based Learning (PBL) with Purpose Learning

HAND OUT DATE: 4th April 2024 (Thursday)

HAND IN DATE: 3rd Mar 2024
Instructions to students:
 The assignment should be attempted in groups of 45 students.
 Complete this cover sheet and attach it to your assignment – this should be your first
Student declaration:

I declare that:
I understand what is meant by plagiarism.
The implications of plagiarism have been explained to us by our lecturer.
This project is all our work and I have acknowledged any use of the published or unpublished
works of other people.

Names of Group Members

Name Student ID

1. Pranisha Maharjan 0362170

2. Sangita Rai 0362778

3. Prasanga Ghimire 0362192

4. Gaurav Karki 0362124

5.Ajay Upadhaya 0362805

Table of Content
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1

2. Objectives................................................................................................................................1

3. Use Case Diagram...................................................................................................................2

3.1. Previous Use Case Diagram................................................................................................2

3.2. Modified use Case Diagram................................................................................................3

3.3. Use case Description and Specification...........................................................................4



Weather updates.......................................................................................................................8

4. Class Diagram........................................................................................................................11

4.1. Previous Class Diagram.....................................................................................................11

4.2. Modified Class Diagrams..................................................................................................12

5. Interface Design Proposal......................................................................................................14

6. Test Plan.................................................................................................................................20

Bug Report.............................................................................................................................23

7. Sequence Diagram.................................................................................................................30

User Registration and Admin Login......................................................................................30

Creating a post.......................................................................................................................31

Requesting for weather data..................................................................................................32

8. Activity Diagram...................................................................................................................33

9. State Chart Diagram..............................................................................................................36

10. Design Rationale................................................................................................................37

Major Strengths.....................................................................................................................37

Major Weakness.....................................................................................................................37
11. Group Analysis..................................................................................................................40

12. Individual Participation.....................................................................................................41

13. Reference...........................................................................................................................43
1. Introduction
Nepal, although rich in water resources with multiple rivers and streams running across its
landscape, presents significant barriers to irrigation due to multiple factors such as diversified
topography, seasonal difficulty of rainfall, poor infrastructure, and water management issues.
Addressing these difficulties needs a collaborative effort by government agencies,
policymakers, farmers, and other stakeholders to promote sustainable irrigation methods,
improve water resource management, and increase agricultural output for the benefit of rural
communities. So, our aqua fam project has created a website that will educate and empower
farmers in response to these issues. This website is a simple online platform where farmers can
access helpful blog components, receive local weather information, and learn about valuable
smart irrigation technologies. We also aim to encourage farmers to adopt eco-friendly materials.
Also, we believe in connecting farmers with experts online, making it easier for them to seek
help. The platform will provide literate farmers with the required information, skills, and
professional advice to help them overcome the issues created by insufficient irrigation. Our
website hopes to fill the information gap by offering real-time weather reports and adding
modern agriculture. With this effort, we hope to improve the lives of Nepal's rural people while
also supporting the country's agriculture's long-term development of cultural technologies,
which will improve the durability and efficiency of Nepal's agricultural sector.

2. Objectives
The objectives of our project are as follows:

1. Educate farmers on irrigation techniques and provide advice.

2. Deliver real-time weather updates and showcase agricultural technologies.
3. Develop online resources for farming careers.
4. Promote eco-friendly materials and technologies for sustainable production.
5. Connect farmers with experts for guidance and assistance.
6. Foster a supportive farming community for knowledge-sharing and collaboration.

3. Use Case Diagram

3.1.Previous Use Case Diagram

Figure 1 Use Case Diagram

3.2.Modified use Case Diagram

Figure 2 Modified Use Case Diagram

In this modified use case diagram. Three additional use cases have added:

 The View Feed use case allows users to view content shared by Admin on the
platform. This includes updates, photos, and videos posted by Admin. The modified
diagram contains interaction features as new use cases.
o Like News Feed-Use Case: This Like News Feed use case allows user to like
the new feed posted by the admin.
o Comment News Feed-Use Case: This comment News Feed use case allows
user to do multiple comment on the new feed posted by admin.
 Profile use case previously had only view features. Now profile contains another use
o Edit Profile-Use Case: This allows both Admin and Users to edit their profile
which contains adding change email and password etc.

1.3. Use case Description and Specification


Use Basic flow Alternate flow Exception flow


Register  The user  If the user enters  If there is a technical issue

accesses the invalid information with the system (such as
account registration (such as an invalid database connection failure
page. email format or or server error), the system
 The user password not displays an error message
enters their meeting informing the user that
personal requirements), the registration is temporarily
information system prompts the unavailable and advises
such as name, user to correct the them to try again later.
email address, errors.  If the system detects
and desired  The user corrects suspicious activity or
password. the errors and potential fraud during the
 The system resubmits the registration process (such
validates the registration form. as multiple registration
entered  If the user tries to attempts from the same IP
information. register with an address), it may flag the

 If the email address that registration for manual
information is is already review or temporarily
valid, the associated with an suspend the account until
system creates existing account, further verification is
a new account the system notifies completed.
for the user. the user that the
 Once verified, email is already in
the registration use and prompts
process is them to either log
complete, and in or recover their
the user can password.
log in to the  The user either logs
platform. in with their
existing account or
initiates the
password recovery

Register use case specification.

Name: User Registration

Description: This use case describes the process of a user creating a new account on the

Author(s): development team

Actor(s): User

Location(s): website

Status: Active

Priority: High


 The user has access to a stable internet connection.

 The user has basic knowledge of filling out online forms.

 The registration page is accessible.


 A new user account is created in the system.

 The user receives a verification email.

Primary (Happy) Path:

 User accesses the registration page.

 Users enter their personal information (name, email address, password).
 System validates the entered information.
 If validation is successful:
 System creates a new account for the user.
 Registration process completes, and the user can log in to the platform.
 End.

Alternate Pathway(s):

 If user enters invalid information:

 System prompts user to correct the errors.
 User corrects the errors and resubmits the registration form.
 If user tries to register with an email address already associated with an existing account:
System notifies user that the email is already in use.
 User either logs in with their existing account or initiates the password recovery process.

Exception Pathway(s):

 If there is a technical issue with the system:

 The system displays an error message informing the user that registration is temporarily
 If the email verification process fails:
System prompts user to request a new verification email or contact support for assistance.
 If the system detects suspicious activity or potential fraud:
 System may flag the registration for manual review or temporarily suspend the
account until further verification is completed.


Use Basic flow Alternate flow Exception flow

logi  User accesses the registration  If the user provides  If there is a technical
n page. invalid information: issue (e.g., server
 The user provides necessary System prompts the user error, database
information such as name, to correct the errors. connection failure):
email address, and password.  If the user attempts to System displays an
 System validates the entered register with an email error message
information. already in use: System
 If the information is valid: notifies the user that the indicating temporary
i. System email is already unavailability and
creates a new registered and prompts Users are advised to
account for them to log in or recover
the user. their password. try again later.
ii. Registration  User either corrects the  If the registration
process errors or proceeds with process is abused or
completes, the login/recovery detected as potential
and the user process. fraud: System may
can log. flag the registration.

Use Case: Login

Description: This use case describes the process of a registered user logging into the platform.

Author(s): development team

Actor(s): User

Location(s): Platform website or application

Status: Active

Priority: High


 The user has already registered an account on the platform.
 The user remembers their login credentials (username/email and password).

 The login page is accessible.


 The user is logged into their account and gains access to platform features.

Primary (Happy) Path:

 User accesses the login page.

 User enters their login credentials (username/email and password).
 System verifies the entered credentials.
 If verification is successful:
 The user is redirected to the platform's home/dashboard page.
 User gains access to platform features.
 End.
Alternate Pathway(s):

 If user forgets their password:

 User clicks on the "Forgot Password?" link.
 System prompts user to enter their email address.
 System sends a password reset link to the provided email address.
 User follows the link to reset their password.
 If user enters incorrect credentials:
 System displays an error message indicating invalid credentials.
 Users can retry entering their credentials or use the password recovery option.
Exception Pathway(s):

 If there is a technical issue with the system:

 The system displays an error message informing the user that login is temporarily
 If the system detects multiple failed login attempts:
 System may temporarily lock the user's account for security reasons.

Weather updates

Use case Basic flow Alternate flow Exception flow

Weather  User accesses  If the specified  If there is a technical
update the weather location is not found issue with the weather
update or invalid: System service:
service prompts the user to a. System displays an
through a enter a valid error message
website, location. indicating temporary
application,  If there is a delay in unavailability.
or other retrieving weather b. User is advised to try
means. data: System advises again later.
 User them to try again  If the weather data is
specifies the later. incomplete or
location for  If the user wants unavailable for the
which they weather updates for specified location:
want to their current a. System notifies the
receive location: user about the issue
weather  System and suggests
updates (e.g., utilizes alternative methods for
city name,). geolocation obtaining weather
 System services to information (e.g.,
retrieves the determine the checking another
current user's current source, contacting
weather data location support).
for the automatically.  If the system detects
specified unusual activity or
location. potential misuse:
 System a. System may restrict
displays the access to weather
weather updates for the user or
information IP address.
to the user, b. Users may be required
including to provide additional
temperature, verification to regain
humidity, access.
wind speed,
suggestion to

Use Case Weather Updates

Description: This use case describes the process of a user accessing weather updates for a
specific location.

Author(s): Development

Actor(s): User

Location(s): Website, mobile application, or any platform providing weather services.

Status: Active

Priority: Medium


 The weather service is operational and accessible.

 The user has basic knowledge of how to access and navigate weather updates.

 The weather service is available and accessible.


 The user receives accurate weather updates for the specified location.
Primary (Happy) Path:

 User accesses the weather update service.

 User specifies the desired location for weather updates.
 System retrieves and displays the current weather data for the specified location.
 User views the weather information, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and
any relevant alerts.
 End.

Alternate Pathway(s):

 If the specified location is not found: System prompts the user to enter a valid location.
 If there is a delay in retrieving weather data:
 System informs the user to try again later.
 If the user requests weather updates for their current location: System utilizes
geolocation services to determine the user's current location automatically.
Exception Pathway(s):

 If there is a technical issue with the weather service:
The system displays an error message indicating temporary unavailability.
 If the weather data is incomplete or unavailable for the specified location: The system
notifies the user about the issue and suggests alternative methods for obtaining weather
 If the system detects unusual activity or potential misuse: The system may restrict
access to weather updates for the user.

4. Class Diagram

4.1.Previous Class Diagram

Figure 3 Previous Class Diagram

4.2.Modified Class Diagrams

Figure 4 Modified Class Diagram

Explanation of Modified class diagram

User: The User class represents a user of the system. It includes attributes such as id, name, and
email. These attributes store information about the user. It has one to many relation with the class
‘Education’ and “market place” many to one relations with the class “admin”.

Weather Data: The Real-time Weather Data class is responsible for providing detail information
about the current weather conditions. It includes attributes like temperature, humidity,
precipitation ,windspeed.

Admin: The admin class represents an administrator of the system. It includes attributes such as
id, name, and email to store information about the administrator. It has many to many relations
with the class ‘User’, ‘marketplace’.

Education: The Educations class is responsible for providing the education content to the users.
It includes attributes like blogs and post. It has many to one relation with the “users “and

Marketplace : The marketplace is responsible for display the products to the users. It includes
attributes such as product-id, product-name ,product-details. It has many to one relations with the
admin and users.

5. Interface Design Proposal
Interface of our farmers media application is simple user friendly. The login page is the entry
point of our web application which is first displayed. After that new users can register and
become a member of the application. We have implemented new and better technologies
making our web app performance oriented yet simple to use.

For creating posts, admin is responsible and has a create post section which can be used to
create posts for all users at once, which can be seen in the dashboard of the admin panel.
Normal users will have feed on their dashboard where they can see all the post created by the
admin. Along with that, they also have a weather card to check the temperature without going
to the detailed weather section. Other sections include, Detailed weather Info, marketplace,
farmers media events, contact professionals. These sections make our application unique and
useful. We also have a dark and light theme mode which allows users choose theme
themselves. Users can also interact with each other using comments features. We also have
user edit section and profile feed.

These interfaces demonstrate our focus on user-friendliness, security, and efficiency within
the farmers social media application.

Figure 5 -login page

Figure 6 -contain sections.

Figure 7 -weather dashboard

Figure 8-marketplace.

Figure 9 -content posted by admin

Figure 10- showing comments posted by users.

Figure 11- profile to connect agricultural expert.

Figure 12- profile sections.

Figure 13-admin dashboard.

Figure 14-dashboard to push content.

6. Test Plan

Use Case Test Case Description Procedure Expected Result

Successful User User can  Access the The system should redirect the
Registration successfully registration user to a confirmation page or
register on page of the the user's dashboard,
the system. system. indicating that the registration
process was successful.
 Fill in all
required fields
with valid
(e.g., username,

 Submit the

Unsuccessful User system  Access the  the system should

Registration (Invalid handles registration display an error
registration page of the message indicating that
Email) system.
attempts with the email address
invalid email  Fill in all provided is invalid and
addresses required fields, prompt the user to
appropriately but provide an correct it before
. invalid email proceeding with
address format registration
(e.g., missing
"@" symbol).
 Submit the

Unsuccessful User when a user  Access the  The system should
Registration (Existing tries to registration display an error
register with page of the message indicating that
Username) system.
a username the chosen username is
that already  Fill in all already in use and
exists in the required fields, prompt the user to
system. including a choose a different one.
username that is
registered by
another user.
 Submit the

Unsuccessful User when the  Access the  The system should

Registration (Empty user attempts registration display error messages
to register page of the indicating which fields
Fields) system.
with empty are required and
required  Leave one or prompt the user to fill
fields. more required them in before
fields empty. proceeding with
 Submit the registration.

Successful User user can  Access the login  the system

Login successfully page of the should redirect
log in to the system. the user to their
system. dashboard or
 Enter valid
the main page
Login of the
and password) of
indicating that
a registered user.
the login
 Click on the process was

login button. successful.

Unsuccessful User checks how the  Access the login  The system
Login (Invalid system handles page of the should display
login attempts system. an error
with invalid message
 Enter invalid
credentials. indicating that
the provided
(either incorrect
credentials are
incorrect and
or password).
prompt the user
 Click on the to enter valid
login button. credentials.

Unsuccessful User  the user  Access the The system should

Login (Empty attempts login page of display error messages
to log in the system. indicating which fields
with  Leave either are required and
empty the prompt the user to fill
required username/email them in before
fields. field or the proceeding with the
password field login.
 Click on the
login button.

Admin Successful Post Admin can  Access the  the system

Pushing Posts Push by Admin successfully push admin panel should display a
or confirmation
a post to the dashboard message
system of the indicating that
system. the post has
 Navigate to been
the section successfully
for pushing pushed and is
posts. now visible to
 Fill in the users

fields (such
as title,
 Click on the
"Push Post"

Unsuccessful Post checks how the  Access the  The system

Push by Admin system handles admin panel should display
or dashboard an error
(Invalid Content) attempts to push of the system. message
posts with invalid  Navigate to indicating that
content by the the section for the content of
pushing posts. the post is
admin. invalid and
 Fill in the
required fields prompt the
with invalid admin to edit it
content (e.g., before
inappropriate proceeding with
language, the post push.
 Attempt to
push the post.

Bug Report

Addressing admin route accessibility issue

ID number FM01

Name Farmers Media - Admin Route Accessibility

Reporter Gaurav

Submit Date 1st march, 2023

Addressing admin route accessibility issue in Farmers Media


URL http://localhost:3000/admin


Platform Windows

Operating System Windows 11

Browser Chrome 9.0

Severity Major

Assigned to Prasanga Ghimire

Priority High


● Logged-in users were able to access admin route, leading to unauthorized access and
misuse. Admin route has been protected so only admin can access it.
Steps to reproduce

● Create account and login into farmers media.

● In homepage URL, http://localhost:3000/dashboard replace dashboard with admin.
● Admin dashboard would be open.
Expected result

● Access to admin routes should be prohibited to authorized normal users.

Actual result

● All users are able to access admin dashboard.

Alt texts were shown instead of image

ID number FM02

Name Farmers Media – Uploaded post access Issue

Reporter Pranisha

Submit Date 15th march, 2023

alt texts were shown instead of image


URL http://localhost:3000/dashboard


Platform Windows

Operating System Windows 11

Browser Chrome 9.0

Severity Major

Assigned to Prasanga Ghimire

Priority High


● Posts are uploaded successfully but alt text were shown in dashboard. This had
occurred because public folder was not given access by the server using required
Steps to reproduce.

● Login in and go to dashboard.

● Check posts uploaded by the admin.
Expected result

● Uploaded images should be shown in the dashboard.

Actual result

● Instead of uploaded images, alt text is being shown.

Delete icon is present in different user’s comment.

ID number FM03

Name Farmers Media - Comment Deletion Unauthorized

Reporter Ajay

Submit Date 10th march, 2023

Fixing unauthorized comment deletion in Farmers Media


URL http://localhost:3000/post/65feccfd8541d29d9d6d9e6d


Platform Windows

Operating System Windows 11

Browser Chrome 9.0

Severity Major

Assigned to Prasanga Ghimire

Priority High


● Unauthorized users previously had the ability to remove comments from posts, which
presented a security risk and raised concerns about data integrity. We can fix this by
checking the logged user and then providing him authority to delete own comment.
Steps to reproduce
● Login in and go to a post.
● Comment in the post.
● Create another account and again add another comment.
Expected result

● Delete Icon should only be seen in the logged user profile.

Actual result

● Delete icon is present in different users comment as well.

7. Sequence Diagram

User Registration and Admin Login

Figure 15 User Registration and admin login



 Admin requests for login with the admin email and password.
 The smart irrigation system checks if the admin exists in the database or not.

 The user request for registration with a username, Email, and password.
 The smart irrigation system checks whether the user already exists with the same
credentials or not.
 Depending on the user’s existence, the system shows user that “this user already exists”
message and suggest entering another username and email.
 If the user is new, Smart irrigation system creates a user with same credentials inserted by
user and sends a registration successful message and redirects to login page.
Creating a post

Figure 16 Admin Creating a post


 Admin creates a post with a photo and description.

 Smart irrigation system takes and sends it to the database which saves the post.
 Smart irrigation system, now displays the saved post to the home screen display which
can be viewed by both user and admin.
 Both user and admin can interact on the post i.e. likes and comments
 Admin can also delete the created post.

Requesting for weather data

Figure 17 Requesting for weather data


 User Requests for the weather data of a particular place through smart irrigation system
 Smart Irrigation System connect with weather API to collect the weather data of that
 Weather API provides the weather data of that place to smart irrigation system .
 Smart irrigation system displays that data to the user in it own interface.

8. Activity Diagram
User signup

Figure 18 user signup activity diagram

The figure of the signup activity diagram represents a flowchart depicting the process of a user
signup into a system, with subsequent steps depending on the validity of the provided credentials
and the success of authentication.

Figure 19 User Login Activity Diagram

The figure of the login activity diagram represents a flowchart depicting the process of a user
logging into a system, with subsequent steps depending on the validity of the provided
credentials and the success of authentication.


Figure 20 Fetching Weather Data Activity Diagram

The weather activity diagram outlines the process of using the weather app feature on the
website, including fetching current weather data, displaying current weather information,
fetching weather forecast data for a desired location, displaying the weather forecast, and
checking for weather alerts or advisories.

9. State Chart Diagram

Figure 21 Overall function of state flow diagram

The above state char diagram represents the overall state of our websites from the user
registration process and subsequent navigation through different sections of the website,
including farmer agriculture posts, tools, expert connections, and weather updates.

10.Design Rationale
Aqua Fam is a smart irrigation online platform that offers a user-friendly interface where farmers
can access helpful blog components, receive local weather information, and learn about valuable
smart irrigation technologies. It has some of strengths and weakness which are explained below:

Major Strengths

 User-friendly interface: Aqua Fam offers a user-friendly interface that makes it simple
for users to move through the website. The login page guarantees secure access, and the
entire layout is simple to understand and visually appealing. It has involved designing a
visually appealing and easy-to-navigate interface that allows users to know the real-time
weather, comment, browse through the latest product etc.
 Direct interactions between farmers and agricultural specialists: In our website,
agricultural specialists can work directly with farmers to assess their individual needs,
understand their current irrigation practices, and identify difficulties with water
management and crop cultivation. By getting this information through direct experiences,
experts can develop smart irrigation solutions to meet the unique requirements of
individual farmers or farming communities.

Major Weakness

 Visual presentation of product only: Allowing farmers to have a look at the product
without the opportunity to purchase may cause dissatisfaction or disappointment.
Farmers may feel confused or irritated if they are unable to obtain the technologies
they wish to explore right away. This strategy may prevent farmers from further
participating in the project or considering the implementation of smart irrigation
technology entirely.
 Absence of real-life chat system as we are in developing phase: The lack of a real-life
chat system throughout the development phase of a smart irrigation project can be a
significant obstacle. Farmers may struggle to receive instant support or provide timely
provide information in the absence of real-time communication channels, limiting
problem-solving efforts and possibly delaying project development. The lack of a chat
system additionally limits participant involvement and knowledge sharing, lowering the
project's collaborative potential and preventing the interchange of key thoughts and
experiences. Furthermore, the lack of accessible support may give a feeling of
inaccessibility or unresponsiveness on the part of the project team, destroying trust and
confidence in the project's effectiveness and trustworthiness.
Strength and Weak Analysis

Strengths Weakness

User friendly interface Allows you to have a look at the product but not buy.

Use of eco-friendly agriculture technologies Absence of real-life chat system as we are in

and medicines developing phase

Allow for collaborative exchange of Limited Integration with other platforms


Quick access to real-time weather updates Occasional performance issues.

Direct interactions between farmers and

agricultural specialists

Alternative Design


Initially, one alternative platform that was considered was as native mobile applications for
both Android and iOS devices were contemplated. These applications boasted unique features
such as improved performance and tailored functionality specifically optimized for the mobile
environment. However, after careful consideration, the idea of developing native mobile
applications was dismissed. Despite their advantages, this decision was influenced by factors
like affordability, universal accessibility, and concerns regarding licensing.
Ultimately, opting for a web-based platform proved to be the most pragmatic choice for the
Aqua Fam Project. This approach ensures that the platform can be accessed from any type of
device, thereby facilitating ease of use and accessibility for farmers seeking to enhance their
farming practices. Regardless of the device preference of individual users, the web-based
nature of the platform enables farmers to leverage its capabilities and resources to improve
their agricultural endeavors effectively.
Platform selection

Another alternative design matter noticed was adopting a progressive web application (PWA)
approach as an alternative design strategy. PWAs offer the enticing prospect of blending the
best features of both web and mobile applications, including offline functionality, push
notifications, and an app-like experience, all accessible through web browsers. However, the
decision to forgo PWAs in favor of maintaining a web-based platform likely stemmed from
several considerations. These may include concerns about compatibility with older devices or
browsers, the intricacies of development complexity, and the challenge of ensuring a seamless
transition for users accustomed to basic websites.
Furthermore, disadvantages associated with PWAs, such as higher development costs,
increased time investment, and potential hurdles in ensuring consistent functionality across
diverse devices and browsers, may have factored into the decision-making process. Despite
the allure of PWAs, the Aqua Fam Project prioritized the primary objective of providing users
with a convenient experience. This decision was made with careful consideration of the
diverse preferences and needs of users across various devices, ultimately opting for the web
platform to ensure ease of use, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness in delivering the project's
agricultural resources to farmers.

11.Group Analysis
Strength and Weakness of the Project Team

The team that worked on the program brought together individuals with diverse competencies,
which is very important for the execution of the project effectively. Each group member
possesses their computing skills, serving as a project manager, business analyst, and
developer, respectively, which are packed together. In this way, innovation and skillfulness are
obtained through a comprehensive strategy in which both technological and direct agricultural
knowledge are included to solve the farmer’s problems. Additionally, our group proved to be
talented in communication and collaboration which together secured an efficient coordination
and tracking process. The team’s commitment to creating a website to empower farmers
reflects a shared vision and dedication to making a positive impact on the agricultural sector.
However, weaknesses were also evident, particularly in terms of resource allocation and time
management. At times, there were challenges in balancing competing priorities and meeting
deadlines, leading to occasional delays in project milestones.
To manage these strengths and weaknesses effectively, we implemented several strategies.
Team meetings regularly and progress evaluations kept us on track with our goals and tasks,
alongside this, we also created an online platform where we could address any problem when
it arose, fostering a collaborative environment where all voices are heard, and contributions
are valued can help mitigate these challenges. Moreover, we promoted everyone on the team
to capitalize on their strong points and get help if anyone needed it. Learning to recognize
weaknesses and actively managing these with our strengths enhanced our capabilities and
proved our abilities to deliver a successful project.
Lesson Learned about Teamwork and Future Improvements

Our experience as team members is what made us the most interested in effective and result-
oriented teamwork and collaboration. We just understood how important the first stage was
when we were about to define and clarify the roles and responsibilities at the beginning and
avoid misunderstandings in the future. Ahead on the journey, we’ll make certain to emphasize
the clarifications of expectations and create a common ground for the synergy of efforts. Both
establishing appropriate time management approaches and balancing timelines with realistic
deadlines are going to be responsible for getting on time or even faster.
Additionally, communication, as well as evaluations, were the other points we highlighted as
essential for creating an ambiance characterized by honest and ongoing communication.
Through the emphasis on the exchange of team member’s thoughts and comments, we ended
up dealing with challenges at an earlier stage and producing iterative solutions one by one.
Bringing in the concept of growth and encouraging each team member to speak out laid the

background for developing the atmosphere, where innovation was the core element. As we
move ahead, we will still lay heavy emphasis on learning and development, and strongly
believe that the lessons we accumulated will help us maintain daily progress and boost our
team's overall performance.

12. Individual Participation

S.N Name Roles and Responsibilities
1. GAURAV KARKI My role as front-end developer and leader, my
responsibilities are I not only create visually
engaging and user-friendly interfaces using HTML,
CSS, JavaScript and React but also provide
direction and inspire my team. As a leader, I guide
projects, foster collaboration, and ensure our
collective success through effective communication
and strategic decision-making.
2. PRASANGA My Role as backend developer who is responsible
GHIMIRE for designing, implementing, and maintaining
server-side logic and databases to ensure seamless
communication between the server and frontend
components, enabling efficient and functional web
applications, along with connecting frontend with
the backend. I have also fixed multiple bugs that
had occurred during development and testing.
3. SANGITA RAI My Role as business analyst who is responsible for
gathering requirements, analyzing the market,
collaborating with teams, ensure quality, monitor
performance, and ensure compliance with the
4. PRANISHA Role as project manager who is responsible for
MAHARAJAN planning, organizing, and overseeing the execution
of a project. They coordinate team members, set
goals, allocate resources, manage timelines, and
ensure successful project delivery within scope,
time, and budget constraints.


My role in the project was developer and I was

assigned to the front- end part of the project so, to
complete front-end part I had learned the js html
CSS and react. In the group to complete assignment
my contribution was to develop front end part and
weather app features. Similarly, I had contributed to
documentation for assignments 1 and 2. For the
evidence of development part this is an screenshot
of repo which I had pushed in git hub













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