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BSW3703 Assignment
1 2024 - DUE 8 May
BSW3703 Assignment 1 2024 - DUE 8 May 2024

Question 1
1.1 Discuss community work and community development (16 marks)
1.2 Discuss the difference between community work and community
development. (4 marks)
Community Work and Community Development (20 marks)
1.1 Community Work and Community Development (16 marks)
Community work and community development are interrelated concepts that focus on
improving the lives of people within a geographic community. Here's a breakdown of
Community Work (8 marks):
• Focuses on addressing immediate needs and challenges faced by individuals
and families within a community.
• Involves direct service provision such as running food banks, organizing after-
school programs, or offering counseling services.
• Aims to empower individuals and families to overcome difficulties and
improve their well-being.
• Often works on a reactive basis, responding to existing problems.
Community Development (8 marks):
• Focuses on long-term, sustainable improvements within a community.
• Involves working with residents to identify their needs and develop solutions
• Emphasizes capacity building, equipping community members with skills and
resources to address their own challenges.
• Works on a proactive basis, aiming to prevent problems and build a stronger
Examples of Community Work:
• Providing meals to the homeless.
• Organizing a neighborhood clean-up day.
• Offering addiction recovery support groups.
Examples of Community Development:
• Establishing a youth leadership training program.
• Advocating for better public transportation options.
• Creating a community garden to promote healthy eating.
1.2 Difference Between Community Work and Community Development (4
While both aim to improve communities, key differences exist:
• Focus: Community work addresses immediate needs, while community
development focuses on long-term solutions.
• Approach: Community work often provides direct services, while community
development empowers residents to find their own solutions.
• Timescale: Community work is often reactive, responding to existing
problems. Community development is proactive, aiming to prevent problems.
• Sustainability: Community work provides support, while community
development builds capacity for long-term improvement.
In essence, community work is the what, addressing present issues, while
community development is the how, building capacity for a better future.
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Question 2
Identify and discuss five community work theories/approaches. (20 marks)
Community work draws on various theories to guide its practice. Here are five
prominent approaches:
1. Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) (4 marks):
• Focuses on identifying and leveraging existing strengths and resources within a
• Empowers residents to utilize their skills and talents to address challenges.
• Builds social capital and fosters collaboration among community members.
• Useful for mobilizing residents and promoting ownership of solutions.
2. Empowerment Theory (4 marks):
• Emphasizes the importance of empowering individuals and communities to
take control of their lives and destinies.
• Challenges power imbalances and promotes social justice.
• Builds self-confidence and fosters participation in decision-making processes.
• Useful for addressing issues of marginalization and oppression.
3. Anti-Oppressive Practice (4 marks):
• Recognizes the existence of systemic inequalities and works to dismantle them.
• Challenges discrimination and promotes inclusion of all community members.
• Focuses on social justice and building solidarity across different identities.
• Useful for promoting equity and advocating for the rights of marginalized
4. Systems Theory (4 marks):
• Views communities as complex systems with interconnected parts.
• Analyzes how problems in one area can affect other aspects of the community.
• Focuses on collaboration and finding solutions that address the needs of the
whole system.
• Useful for understanding the interconnectedness of issues in a community.
5. Cultural Humility (4 marks):
• Requires ongoing self-reflection and a commitment to learning about different
• Recognizes the importance of respecting and valuing diverse cultural
backgrounds and practices.
• Builds trust and rapport with community members from varied backgrounds.
• Essential for effective community work in today's multicultural societies.
Each theory offers a unique lens for understanding community issues and
developing effective interventions. Community workers often use a combination
of approaches depending on the specific context and needs of the community.
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Question 3
Identify and discuss five community practice models (20 marks)
Community work practitioners utilize various models to guide their interventions.
Here are five key models:
1. Community Development (4 marks):
• Focuses on empowering residents to identify their needs, build capacity, and
find solutions to long-term challenges.
• Emphasizes resident participation, capacity building, and resource
• Promotes social change and sustainable improvements within the community.
• Useful for building resilient communities and tackling systemic issues.
2. Social Planning (4 marks):
• Aims to address social problems through collective action and strategic
• Involves research, data analysis, and advocacy to influence policy and resource
• Focuses on collaboration between community members, government agencies,
and NGOs.
• Effective for tackling broad social issues that require systemic change.
3. Social Action (4 marks):
• Employs collective action strategies to address social injustice and advocate for
• Utilizes tactics like protests, petitions, and public awareness campaigns.
• Aims to empower marginalized groups and challenge existing power structures.
• Useful for tackling issues of discrimination and promoting social justice.
4. Community Education (4 marks):
• Focuses on educating community members about issues that affect them.
• Provides knowledge and skills to empower individuals to advocate for
themselves and their communities.
• Utilizes workshops, training programs, and informational campaigns.
• Effective for raising awareness, promoting behavior change, and building
community capacity.
5. Social Marketing (4 marks):
• Applies marketing principles and techniques to promote positive social change.
• Uses persuasive communication strategies to influence behaviors and attitudes.
• Targets specific audiences with messages tailored to their needs and
• Useful for addressing public health issues, promoting healthy lifestyles, and
encouraging positive social change.
Choosing the appropriate model depends on the specific needs of the community
and the desired outcomes. Often, a combination of models is used for a
comprehensive approach.
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Question 4
Identify and discuss five phases of the community work process according to
Only Study guide for BSW3703 (20 marks)
The Only Study Guide for BSW3703 outlines five key phases in the community work
process. Here's a breakdown of each:
1. Situational Analysis (4 marks):
• Focuses on gathering information and understanding the context of the
• Involves collecting data on demographics, needs, resources, and power
• Analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of the
• Lays the foundation for selecting appropriate interventions.
2. Identification and Analysis of Needs and Impediments (4 marks):
• Identifies the specific needs and challenges faced by the community.
• Analyzes the root causes and factors contributing to these problems.
• Considers both individual and systemic factors that hinder progress.
• Involves working alongside community members to ensure their voices are
3. Formulation of a Plan of Action (4 marks):
• Develops a clear plan to address the identified needs and challenges.
• Sets SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-
• Identifies resources, strategies, and timelines for implementation.
• Involves collaboration with community members in shaping the plan.
4. Implementation of the Plan (4 marks):
• Puts the plan of action into practice.
• Utilizes chosen strategies and interventions to address the identified needs.
• Monitors progress and makes adjustments as needed.
• Emphasizes ongoing communication and collaboration with community
5. Evaluation of the Process and Results, Coupled with Sustainment of
Change (4 marks):
• Assesses the effectiveness of the implemented plan in achieving desired
• Evaluates both the process and the results of the intervention.
• Identifies lessons learned and areas for improvement.
• Develops strategies to ensure the positive changes are sustained in the long run.
• Focuses on empowering the community to continue addressing their own
These phases are cyclical and iterative. As the community worker progresses
through the process, new information may necessitate revisiting earlier stages.
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Question 5
Identify and discuss five principles for guiding work with communities
Effective community work requires a foundation of strong principles that guide
interactions and interventions. Here are five key principles to consider:
1. Community Participation and Empowerment (4 marks):
• Places residents at the center of the process, ensuring their voices are heard
and valued.
• Empowers community members to identify their needs, develop solutions,
and take ownership of change.
• Fosters a sense of agency and builds capacity for long-term improvement.
• Requires active listening, respect for diverse perspectives, and creating
opportunities for participation.
2. Asset-Based Development (4 marks):
• Focuses on identifying and leveraging the existing strengths and resources
within a community.
• Builds on the skills, talents, and knowledge of residents to address
• Empowers communities to utilize their own resources and promotes self-
• Requires a strengths-based approach and collaboration with community
members to identify local assets.
3. Social Justice and Equity (4 marks):
• Works towards creating a just and equitable society where everyone has the
opportunity to thrive.
• Challenges systemic inequalities and discrimination that hinder some
community members.
• Promotes inclusion and ensures all voices are heard, particularly those who
are marginalized.
• Requires ongoing self-reflection and commitment to dismantling oppressive
4. Sustainability (4 marks):
• Aims for interventions that have lasting positive impacts beyond the initial
• Builds capacity within communities to address their own challenges in the
long term.
• Focuses on empowering residents and fostering local leadership.
• Requires considering long-term consequences and building exit strategies
that leave communities self-sufficient.
5. Cultural Humility (4 marks):
• Requires ongoing learning and respect for diverse cultural backgrounds and
• Recognizes the limitations of one's own cultural understanding.
• Builds trust and rapport with community members from varied backgrounds.
• Emphasizes cultural sensitivity and avoids imposing external values or
By adhering to these principles, community workers can build stronger
relationships with communities, develop more effective interventions, and
promote long-term positive change.
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