Psychological Report

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Name: Hannah Maye Lat_ Marital status: Single

Year Level: 2nd Year Age: 20
Sex: Female Ethnicity: Filipino
Examiner’s Name: Alissa Nicole Alalon

H.M. was experiencing severe and persistently intense, disturbing thoughts and feeling
associated with distressing thoughts and emotions that affected her relationship with he
parents. As concerned parents, they notice that H.M. is always easily upset or angry, ha
decreased weight, and has trouble sleeping. They referred it to the Padayon Mental Clinic, an
the clinic referred H.M. to Dr. Alalon. The symptoms or behaviors result in significant risk o
damage to health, significant distress, or significant impairment of functioning. Dr. Alalon wa
asked to evaluate H.M.’s current level of cognitive and emotional functioning. She wa
recommended for effective treatment after evaluating and interviewing potential treatments.

H.M. came
BarOn EQ-iSdressed nicely to the
(BarOn Emotional clinic Inventory
Quotient and appeared nervous. In the conversation, H.M. wa
attentive and diligent. She responds to
DASS (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales) each query swiftly and without hesitation. While taking th
NEO PI-R (NEOH.M. keeps asking
Personality how to respond to them and keeps looking irradiated. There ar
instances when she repeatedly erases her response because she is unsure of what she wrote
KOLB Learning Style Inventory.
H.M. responds to the test slowly, displays symptoms of distress, and continues to scratch he
head. I observed that H. M. Despite the room being at a comfortable temperature, she ke

Hannah Maye Lat was a 20-year-old college student living in Brgy. Bagong Pook Malva
Batangas. As the second youngest among five children, even though she's the secon
youngest, all the responsibilities have been given to her, and she has no choice but to tak
them all. As a child, most of her titos and titas were enjoyed because of how jolly and cheerfu
she is. She is also known as Lola’s girl and a favorite grandchild. Hannah has been a friend t
all; she is always there whenever you need her. She is a standard friend. Hannah, as a studen
is an academic achiever from elementary to high school. She is active at all events and is als
part of the student council. When it comes to mental health, she wasn’t diagnosed with an
mental disorders, nor was her family. According to her, she always wanted to be an academ
achiever, even though there was no pressure on her. She always feels that she needs to be tha
someone, and she also wants her parents to be proud of her.

BarOn EQ-iS

The result in BarON EQ shows that H.M.

scored has low level in emotional and
social capacity

KOLB Learning Style

Neo PI-R


According to the examiner's analysis of H.M.'s behavior based on her life history, the youn
woman always looked up to her grandmother and relied on her a lot as a child before losin
her. The test findings indicate that she was incredibly stressed on the DASS, which makes m
believe that the event had a significant impact on H.M.'s mental health. The outcome o
KOLB's learning style demonstrates that she is a divergent individual; formerly independen
she is now a risk-taker. She has an average level of neuroticism, extraversion, an
conscientiousness, according to her NEO PI-R score. She is high on agreeableness and las
but not least, low on openness. The results of H.M.'s low openness test may make
challenging to adapt to changes.


H.M psychological observation shows that her emotional score is low. It lead me to interpret
that after that event she can’t cope up. And after hearing her life story the only way to relieve
that pain is to ignore everything around her. But, after all of that pain she continue to lived and
do better.


- Spending time in nature and pursuing outdoor activities.

- Take time to relax. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, massage, or
yoga can activate the body's relaxation response.

- Taking Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) it can help you manage your problems by
changing the way you think and behave.

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