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The value of the pitching moment is directly proportional to the square of the equivalent airspeed and
the pitching moment coefficient (Cm) is equal to the pitching moment divided by the dynamic pressure,
the aerofoil plan area and the chord of the aerofoil. It can be deduced from Figure 4.9 that when Cl is
zero the pitching moment is negative, i.e. nose-down. When the angle of attack is changed not only does
the amount of lift change but also the position of the CP, and consequently the pitching moment Cm
also changes.

Pitching Moment
CM =
Dynamic Pressure × Planform × Chord Length

Because of its variable nature, Cm is difficult to use when designing an aerofoil or when determining its
longitudinal stability. For such a task it would be beneficial if the Cm remained constant irrespective of
the angle of attack. There is such a point called the aerodynamic centre of an aerofoil.

4.12 The Aerodynamic Centre

There is a point along the chordline at which the pitching moment, Cm, remains the same no matter what
the angle of attack. In other words, the pitching moment coefficient is constant at the zero lift value,
Cm0. This is the aerodynamic centre (AC) of the aerofoil. Regardless of camber, aerofoil thickness or
angle of attack the AC is located at a point approximately 25% of the chordline from the leading edge
of the aerofoil for subsonic flight, rarely is it forward of 23% or aft of 27%. For supersonic flight it is at
a point approximately 50% from the leading edge, which increases the static longitudinal stability. It is
the point about which all lift changes effectively act.




Figure 4.10 The Two Ways of Representing the Lift Force. Lift at the CP = Lift at the AC + M0 .

It should be noted that a symmetrical aerofoil at zero lift has no pitching moment about the AC
because the upper and lower surface lifts act along the same vertical line. An increase of lift for such
an aerofoil does not alter the situation; the CP remains fixed at the AC. Therefore, the total lift may be
shown in one of the two ways shown in Figure 4.10.

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