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Submitted to Tumkur University in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of

Submitted By

(USN: P11SZ23M015053)

Under the Guidance of

Assistant Professor
Department of MBA

Approved by AICTE-New Delhi | Recognized by Government of Karnataka
Affiliated to Tumkur University| ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution
“Vikasa Bharathi”, #3, Veerasagara Layout, Gangasandra road Melekote, Tumkur-572-105.

June 2024


Approved by AICTE – New Delhi| Recognized by Government of Karnataka
Affiliated to Tumkur University | ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution
#3, "Vikasa Bharathi”, Gangasandra Road, Kalpataru Badavane, Tumakuru – 572105


This is to certify that Mr. Jeevan G B bearing USN: P11SZ23M015053 is a

bonafide student of I Semester MBA and has completed the Organization
Analysis Report on “Coco-Cola Company Ltd” under the guidance of Mr.
Nandan V. This is in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
Master of Business Administration of Tumkur University.


Assistant Professor Principal
Department of MBA Seshadripuram College Tumakuru
Seshadripuram College Tumakuru

I do hereby declare that this Organization Analysis report on “Coco-cocal

Company Ltd” is prepared by me during the year 2024 under the guidance and
supervision of Mr. Nandan V, Asst. Professor, Department of MBA,
Seshadripuram College Tumakuru, for the degree in Master of Business
Administration by the Tumkur University. This Report has not been submitted
earlier for the award of any other Degree/Diploma of any University or Institution.

Place: Tumakuru JEEVAN G B

Date: USN. P11SZ23M015053






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5 40-47




An Organisation Analysis Of coco cola Company Limited





Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), also known as Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)
are products that have a quick turnover and relatively low cost. Consumers generally put
less thought into the purchase of FMCG than they do for other products.

The Indian FMCG industry witnessed significant changes through the 1990s. Many players
had been facing severe problems on account of increased competition from small and
regional players and from slow growth across its various product categories. As a result,
most of the companies were forced to revamp their product, marketing, distribution and
customer service strategies to strengthen their position in the market.

By the turn of the 20th century, the face of the Indian FMCG industry had changed
significantly. With the liberalization and growth of the Indian economy, the Indian customer
witnessed an increasing exposure to new domestic and foreign products through different
media, such as television and the Internet. Apart from this, social changes such as increase
in the number of nuclear families and the growing number of working couples resulting in
increased spending power also contributed to the increase in the Indian consumers' personal
consumption. The realization of the customer's growing awareness and the need to meet
changing requirements and preferences on account of changing lifestyles required the

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FMCG producing companies to formulate customer-centric strategies. These changes had

a positive impact, leading to the rapid growth in the FMCG industry. Increased availability
of retail space, rapid urbanization, and qualified manpower also boosted the growth of the
organized retailing sector.

HLL led the way in revolutionizing the product, market, distribution and service formats of
the FMCG industry by focusing on rural markets, direct distribution, creating new product,
distribution and service formats. The FMCG sector also received a boost by government
led initiatives in the 2003 budget such as the setting up of excise free zones in various parts
of the country that witnessed firms moving away from outsourcing to manufacturing by
investing in the zones.

Though the absolute profit made on FMCG products is relatively small, they generally sell
in large numbers and so the cumulative profit on such products can be large. Unlike some
industries, such as automobiles, computers, and airlines, FMCG does not suffer from mass
layoffs every time the economy starts to dip. A person may put off buying a car but he will
not put off having his dinner.

Unlike other economy sectors, FMCG share float in a steady manner irrespective of global
market dip, because they generally satisfy rather fundamental, as opposed to luxurious
needs. The FMCG sector, which is growing at the rate of 9% is the fourth largest sector in
the Indian Economy and is worth Rs.93000 cr. The main contributor, making up 32% of
the sector, is the South Indian region. It is predicted that in the year 2010, the FMCG sector
will be worth Rs.143000 cr. The sector being one of the biggest sectors of the Indian
Economy provides up to 4 million jobs. (Source: HCCBPL, Monthly Circular)

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This report has been prepared with a specific purpose in mind. It outlines the history and
current scenario of the Coca-Cola Company globally and locally. The first part of the study
takes us through the present state of affairs of the beverage industry and Coca-Cola
Company globally.
The report contains a brief introduction of Coca Cola Company and Coca-Cola India and a
detailed view of the tasks, which have been undertaken to analyze the market of Coca-Cola
i.e. we have performed Competitive, PESTLE and SWOT analysis of Coca-Cola Company
and PESTLE and SWOT analysis of Coca-Cola India in order to identify areas of potential
growth for Coca-Cola.

We have also given a brief description of Trends and Forces that are affecting Coca-Cola
Company globally.

The main objective of this project report is to analyse and study in efficient way the current
position of Coca- Cola Company. The study also aims to perform Market Analysis of Coca-
Cola Company & find out different factors effecting the growth of Coca-Cola. Another
objective of the study was to perform Competitive analysis between Coca-Cola and its
competitors. Apart from these objectives this study is also conducted to understand the
Customer preferences towards various Coca-Cola products.

This report has been prepared with a specific purpose in mind. It outlines the history and
current scenario of the Coca-Cola Company globally and locally. The first part of the study
takes us through the present state of affairs of the beverage industry and Coca-Cola
Company globally.

The report contains a brief introduction of Coca Cola Company and Coca-Cola India and a
detailed view of the tasks, which have been undertaken to analyse the market of Coca-Cola
i.e. we have performed Competitive, PESTLE and SWOT analysis of Coca-Cola Company

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and PESTLE and SWOT analysis of Coca-Cola India in order to identify areas of potential
growth for Coca-Cola.
We have also given a brief description of Trends and Forces that are affecting Coca-Cola
Company globally.

The main objective of this project report is to analyse and study in efficient way the current
position of Coca- Cola Company. The study also aims to perform Market Analysis of Coca-
Cola Company & find out different factors effecting the growth of Coca-Cola. Another
objective of the study was to perform Competitive analysis between Coca-Cola and its
competitors. Apart from these objectives this study is also conducted to understand the
Customer preferences towards various Coca-Cola products.

On May 1, 1889, Asa Candler published a full-page advertisement in The Atlanta Journal,
proclaiming his wholesale and retail drug business as "sole proprietors of Coca-Cola ...
Delicious. Refreshing. Exhilarating. Invigorating." Sole ownership, which Mr. Candler did
not actually achieve until 1891, cost a total of $2,300.

By 1892, Mr. Candler's flair for merchandising had boosted sales of Coca-Cola syrup nearly
tenfold. He soon liquidated his pharmaceutical business and focused his full attention on
the soft drink. With his brother, John S. Candler, John Pemberton's former partner Frank
Robinson and two other associates, Mr. Candler formed a Georgia corporation named The
Coca-Cola Company. Initial capitalization was $100,000. The trademark "Coca-Cola," used
in the marketplace since 1886, was registered in the United States Patent Office on January

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31, 1893. (Registration has been renewed periodically.) That same year the first dividend
was paid; at $20 per share, it amounted to 20 percent of the book value of a share of stock.
A firm believer in advertising, Mr. Candler expanded on Dr. Pemberton's marketing efforts,
distributing thousands of coupons for a complimentary glass of Coca-Cola. He promoted
the product incessantly, distributing souvenir fans, calendars, clocks, urns and countless
novelties, all depicting the trademark.

The business continued to grow, and in 1894, the first syrup manufacturing plant outside
Atlanta was opened in Dallas, Texas. Others were opened in Chicago, Illinois, and Los
Angeles, California, the following year. In 1895, three years after The Coca-Cola
Company's incorporation, Mr. Candler announced in his annual report to shareholders that
"Coca-Cola is now drunk in every state and territory in the United States." As demand for
Coca-Cola increased, the Company quickly outgrew its facilities. A new building erected
in 1898 was the first headquarters building devoted exclusively to the production of syrup
and the management of the business. Mr. Candler hailed the new, three-story structure as
"sufficient for all our needs for all time to come." It was inadequate in just over a decade.

Protecting a Valuable Name

The bottlers of Coca-Cola in the early 1900s had their share of challenges. Probably the
most persistent and serious was protecting the product and the package from imitation.
Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but in the business world it can mean the
death of a good name.

Early advertising warned of the perils of popularity. "Demand the genuine" and "Accept no
substitutes" reminded consumers to settle for nothing less than the real thing. The never-
ending battle against substitution was the major force behind the evolution of the distinctive
hobble-skirt bottle. A variety of straight-sided containers was used through 1915, but as
soft-drink competition intensified, so did imitation. Coca-Cola deserved a distinctive
package, and in 1916, the bottlers approved the unique contour bottle designed by the Root
Glass Company of Terre Haute, Indiana. The now-familiar shape was granted registration
as a trademark by the U.S. Patent Office in 1977, an honour accorded only a handful of
other packages. The bottle thus joined the trademarks "Coca-Cola," registered in 1893, and
"Coke," registered in 1945.

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History & Background of Organisation

The history and background of Coca-Cola is a fascinating story that dates back to the late
19th century. Here's an overview:

1. Founding: Coca-Cola was invented by Dr. John S. Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta,
Georgia, in 1886. Initially, it was marketed as a medicinal tonic, claimed to cure ailments
like headaches, fatigue, and morphine addiction. Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank M.
Robinson, suggested the name Coca-Cola, and he also designed the iconic script logo that
is still used today.

2. Early Days: Pemberton sold portions of his business to various partners, and Coca-Cola
was initially sold as a syrup that could be mixed with carbonated water at soda fountains.
It quickly gained popularity, with Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, playing a
significant role in its early marketing efforts.

3. Expansion and Bottling: As demand grew, Coca-Cola was first bottled in 1894 by Joseph
A. Biedenharn, a Mississippi soda fountain operator, making it more accessible to
consumers. In 1899, three businessmen, Benjamin F. Thomas, Joseph B. Whitehead, and
John T. Lupton, secured exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola throughout the United
States. This laid the foundation for Coca-Cola's global distribution network.

4. Brand Building: Coca-Cola's success can be attributed in part to its innovative and
pervasive marketing strategies. It was one of the first brands to utilize coupons for free
samples and to employ celebrity endorsements. The company also invested heavily in
advertising campaigns, such as the iconic "Hilltop" commercial and the "Share a Coke"

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5. Global Expansion: Coca-Cola's expansion beyond the United States began in the early
20th century. By the 1920s, it was being sold in Europe, Asia, and South America. Today,
Coca-Cola products are available in over 200 countries worldwide.

6. Diversification: Over the years, Coca-Cola has diversified its product offerings to include
a wide range of beverages, including Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta, and Dasani water, among
others. It has also acquired or created numerous brands, such as Minute Maid, Powerade,
and Honest Tea.

7. Challenges and Controversies: Coca-Cola has faced its fair share of challenges and
controversies over the years, including criticism of its health impacts due to high sugar
content, environmental concerns related to plastic pollution, and accusations of labor rights
violations in its supply chain

8. Sustainability Efforts: In recent years, Coca-Cola has made efforts to address these issues
by setting sustainability goals, reducing its environmental footprint, and investing in
recycling and renewable packaging initiatives.

Overall, Coca-Cola's history is a testament to the power of branding, marketing, and

innovation, making it one of the most recognized and valuable brands in the world today.

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Vision & Mission


Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a
company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.

❖ To refresh the world...

❖ To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...

❖ To create value and make a difference.

Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business
by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality
❖ People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they
can be.

❖ Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that

anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs.
❖ Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we
create mutual, enduring value.

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❖ Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and

support sustainable communities.

❖ Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our

overall responsibilities.

❖ Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

Our Winning Culture defines the attitudes and behaviours that will be required of us to make
our 2020 Vision a reality.


Our values serve as a compass for our actions and describe how we behave in the world.

❖ Leadership: The courage to shape a better future.

❖ Collaboration: Leverage collective genius.

❖ Integrity: Be real.

❖ Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me.

❖ Passion: Committed in heart and mind.

❖ Diversity: As inclusive as our brands.

❖ Quality: What we do, we do well.


❖ Focus on needs of our consumers, customers and franchise partners.

❖ Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn.

❖ Possess a world view.

❖ Focus on execution in the marketplace every day.

❖ Be insatiably curious.


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❖ Act with urgency.

❖ Remain responsive to change.

❖ Have the courage to change course when needed.

❖ Remain constructively discontent.

❖ Work efficiently

Profiles of chairman, CEO, MD

James Quincey

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

James Quincey is Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company. Quincey, who first joined
the company in 1996, has held a number of leadership roles around the world. He became
CEO in 2017 and Chairman of the Board in 2019.

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Quincey is leading Coca-Cola in its continuing evolution as a total beverage

company. Coca-Cola is a growth company that provides brands and beverages that make
life’s everyday moments more enjoyable, all while doing business the right way. The result is
shared opportunity for communities, customers, employees and shareowners.

Before becoming CEO, Quincey served as President and Chief Operating Officer of the
company from 2015 to 2017.

From 2013 to 2015, he was President of the company’s Europe Group. Under his leadership,
the group expanded its brand portfolio and improved market share. Quincey also played a key
role in the creation of Coca-Cola European Partners, one of the largest
independent Coca-Cola bottlers in the world. Quincey served as President of the Northwest
Europe and Nordics business unit from 2008 to 2012. This role included leading the
acquisition of innocent juice in 2009.

Board of Directors

Herb Allen

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President, Allen & Co. LLC

Herb Allen was elected as a director of The Coca-Cola Company in 2021. He has been
president of Allen & Co. LLC since 2002. Allen & Co. is a privately held investment firm
based in New York, focused on the media, entertainment, technology and other innovative

As president of Allen & Co., Allen has supervised all business operations, including financial
advisory and investment banking services to public and private companies. He also
supervises the firm’s principal financial and accounting officers.

Prior to Allen & Co., Allen held positions with T. Rowe Price and Botts & Co. Ltd. Allen is a
graduate of Yale University and lives in New York.

Allen currently serves as an alternate director for Grupo Televisa. He is an advisory board
member for the Stanford Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society and the Center for a New

CSR Initiative

Coca-Cola, like many large multinational corporations, has a range of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) initiatives aimed at addressing environmental, social, and economic
challenges. Some of Coca-Cola's CSR initiatives include:

1. Water Stewardship: One of Coca-Cola's key CSR priorities is water stewardship. They aim
to replenish the water they use in their beverages and their production processes. The
company has set a goal to return to communities and nature an amount of water equivalent to
what they use in their beverages and production by 2030. They achieve this through
community water projects, water conservation efforts, and partnerships with organizations
like WWF (World Wildlife Fund).

2. Environmental Sustainability: Coca-Cola has made commitments to reduce its

environmental footprint across its value chain. This includes initiatives to improve packaging
sustainability, increase recycling rates, reduce carbon emissions, and promote energy
efficiency. For example, Coca-Cola has set a goal to make all its packaging recyclable by
2025 and to use at least 50% recycled material in its packaging by 2030.

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3. Community Development: Coca-Cola invests in community development initiatives aimed

at empowering local communities and improving livelihoods. This includes programs
focused on education, economic empowerment, women's empowerment, and disaster relief.
The company often partners with local NGOs, governments, and other stakeholders to
implement these programs effectively.

4. Health and Wellness: Coca-Cola has initiatives to promote health and wellness, including
efforts to reduce sugar content in its beverages, provide more low- and no-sugar options, and
promote physical activity. They also support programs aimed at addressing obesity and other
health issues, particularly in communities where they operate.

5. Diversity and Inclusion: Coca-Cola is committed to fostering diversity and inclusion

within its workforce and across its value chain. They have initiatives to promote gender
equality, support minority-owned businesses, and create an inclusive work environment. The
company also supports LGBTQ+ rights and has received recognition for its efforts in this

6. Ethical Sourcing: Coca-Cola has policies and initiatives to ensure ethical sourcing and
responsible supply chain management. This includes commitments to human rights, labor
rights, and responsible sourcing of ingredients like sugar and coffee.

These are just a few examples of Coca-Cola's CSR initiatives. The company continues to
evolve its CSR strategy and engage with stakeholders to address pressing social and
environmental issues.

Technical & Other Collaboration

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Coca-Cola collaborates with Microsoft to

boost cloud and AI initiatives

The Coca-Cola Company has entered a five-year partnership with Microsoft to align its core
technology strategy systemwide with the help of AI.

The Coca-Cola Company has announced that it is entering a five-year strategic partnership with
Microsoft with the aim of aligning Coca-Cola’s core technology strategy systemwide.

The partnership also aims to enable the adoption of leading-edge technology and foster innovation
and productivity globally.

Coca-Cola has pledged $1.1 billion to support its partnership with Microsoft Cloud, focusing on the

cloud’s generative AI capabilities .

Throughout the partnership, both companies have said that they will jointly experiment with
“groundbreaking new technology” such as Azure OpenAI Service to develop innovative
generative AI use cases across various business functions. This includes testing how Copilot
for Microsoft 365 could help improve workplace productivity.

“Through our long-term partnership, we’ve made significant progress to accelerate

systemwide AI transformation across The Coca-Cola Company and its network of
independent bottlers worldwide,” explained Judson Althoff, Executive Vice President and
Chief Commercial Officer, Microsoft.

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“We’re proud to support Coca-Cola as it continues to embrace the era of AI and looks to
solutions like Azure OpenAI Service and Copilot to drive innovation across every area of its

Coca-Cola has reportedly now migrated all of its applications to Microsoft Azure and has
been innovating with generative AI for nearly a year. It says that it has leveraged Azure
OpenAI Service to reimagine its work, including marketing to manufacturing and supply

Currently, the beverage giant is researching the use of generative AI-powered digital
assistants on Azure OpenAI Service as a way to help employees improve customer
experiences, streamline operations, foster innovation, gain a competitive advantage, boost
efficiency and uncover new growth opportunities.

“This new agreement builds on the success of Coca-Cola’s partnership strategy with
Microsoft, showing our commitment to ongoing digital transformation. Our partnership with
Microsoft has grown exponentially, from the $250 million agreement we
initially announced in 2020 to $1.1 billion today,” noted John Murphy, President and Chief
Financial Officer of The Coca-Cola Company.

Recent Mergers & Acquisitions

1886•Atlanta (United States)

Brand of multi-category beverage products

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Overview of Acquisitions of Coca-Cola

• Coca-Cola has made 7 acquisitions across sectors such as Food & Beverage
Products, Consumer Digital - US, Food as Medicine and others.

• The company has spent over $7.72B for acquisitions.

Key Statistics on Coca-Cola's acquisitions

All Acquisition

Notable Acquisitions

CHI (Feb, 2019), Guallarauco (Mar, 2018), Ipiranga (Aug, 2013)

Recent Acquisitions

Body Armor (Dec, 2021), CHI (Feb, 2019), TGI Group (Feb, 2019)

Sector Distribution

Food & Beverage Products (4), Consumer Digital - US (1), Food as Medicine (1)

List of Acquisitions of Coca-Cola

Notable Acquisitions of Coca-Cola

Here are the top 5 acquisitions of Coca-Cola ranked by their Tracxn Score (What's this?):

Acquisition Founded Acquisition

Company Name Location
Date Year Price

Jan 31, 2019 CHI 1980 Nigeria Undisclosed

Feb 02, 2018 Guallarauco 1985 Chile $80.3M

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Acquisition Founded Acquisition

Company Name Location
Date Year Price

Jul 10, 2013 Ipiranga 1938 Brazil $539M

Feb 22, 2013 innocent 1998 United Kingdom $500M

Nov 01, 2021 Body Armor 2011 United States $5.6B

Recent Acquisitions of Coca-Cola

Here are the latest 3 acquisitions of Coca-Cola:

Acquisition Founded Acquisition

Company Name Location
Date Year Price

Nov 01, 2021 Body Armor 2011 United States $5.6B

Jan 31, 2019 CHI 1980 Nigeria Undisclosed

Jan 31, 2019 TGI Group 1980 Nigeria Undisclosed

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The organizational structure of Coca-Cola has evolved over time to adapt to changing market
conditions and business strategies. As of my last update, Coca-Cola's organizational structure
typically includes the following key elements:

1. Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing the company's
overall operations and setting strategic direction. They appoint the CEO and other top

2. CEO and Executive Leadership Team: The CEO leads the executive team, which consists
of top-level executives responsible for various aspects of the company's operations such as
finance, marketing, operations, and innovation.

3. Divisions or Operating Segments: Coca-Cola often organizes its operations into divisions
or operating segments based on geographical regions or product lines. For example, it might
have separate divisions for North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa,
each with its own leadership structure.

4. Functional Departments: Within each division or segment, there are functional departments
such as marketing, finance, human resources, and supply chain management. These
departments are responsible for specific functions across the organization and report to
divisional or segment leadership.

5. Bottling Partners: Coca-Cola typically works with independent bottling partners who are
responsible for manufacturing, packaging, distributing, and merchandising Coca-Cola
products in specific territories. While these bottling partners operate independently, they often
work closely with Coca-Cola's corporate offices to align on strategies and initiatives.

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6. Global Functions: In addition to regional or divisional structures, Coca-Cola may also have
global functions that oversee company-wide initiatives such as sustainability, research and
development, and corporate communications.

Coca-Cola's organizational structure is designed to facilitate efficient operations, decision-

making, and alignment with its global business strategy. However, it's important to note that
organizational structures can evolve over time in response to internal and external factors.

Initiative towards
• Gender diversity

Coca-Cola: Gender Diversity in 2021

• Industry: Carbonates
• Current:ESG
• In 2021, Coca-Cola reported 43% women participation in its workforce
• At Coca-Cola’s senior leadership level, women’s participation was 38.7% in 2021
• Coca-Cola aims to be 50% women-led globally by 2030

Diversity, equity, and inclusivity (DEI) in an organization help bring unique perspectives and
ideas to create more innovative, productive, and resilient enterprises. It also contributes to
equality of opportunity and treatment in the workplace at all stages of the employment
relationship, including recruitment, retention, promotion, remuneration, and access to training
and skills development.

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The gender gap in organizations has narrowed over the past three decades, giving more
effortless labor mobility worldwide. There has also been an increasing global awareness
regarding the right to a dignified and respectful workplace irrespective of sexual orientation
and ethnicity of the employees, which promotes an open and inclusive workplace. However,
labor market disruption due to the COVID-19 has had devastating consequences globally.
According to International Labour Organization (ILO), women’s employment declined by
5% globally in 2020 compared with around 4% for men.

DEI is critical to the business performance of the consumer sector, which encompasses
retailers and consumer-packaged goods manufacturers, since consumers want to buy goods
that reflect their values, wants, and needs. Consumers expect more from brands than ever,
and retailers must honor DEI. Understanding the brand, setting DEI commitments from the
top, delivering on the pledges, recruiting from diverse pools, and creating a supportive
environment can all contribute to DEI.

The Coca-Cola Co (Coca-Cola) is a producer, distributor, and marketer of non-alcoholic

beverages. It markets beverages under the brand names Sprite, Coca-Cola Zero, Diet Coke,
Fanta, Powerade, Dasani, FUZE TEA, Minute Maid, Simply, Georgia, and Del Valle.

In 2021, Coca-Cola reported 43% women participation in its workforce. During the same
year, women’s participation was 50.5% at the middle management level, while at the senior
leadership, women’s participation was 38.7%. Coca-Cola aims to be 50% women-led
globally by 2030.

• Social inclusion

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Social inclusion is an important aspect for companies like Coca-Cola, which operate on a
global scale and have significant influence in various communities. Coca-Cola has
implemented several initiatives to promote social inclusion around the world.

1. Diverse Workforce: Coca-Cola emphasizes diversity and inclusion within its workforce.
By employing people from different backgrounds, cultures, and demographics, the company
fosters an environment of inclusivity where all employees feel valued and respected.

2. Community Engagement: Coca-Cola actively engages with communities where it operates,

striving to understand their needs and concerns. Through partnerships with local
organizations and grassroots initiatives, the company works to address social issues and
promote inclusion.

3. Marketing Campaigns: Coca-Cola often uses its marketing campaigns to promote

messages of unity, diversity, and inclusion. Advertisements and promotional materials
frequently feature people from diverse backgrounds coming together over a Coke, reinforcing
the idea of inclusivity.

4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Coca-Cola invests in various CSR initiatives

focused on social inclusion. This includes supporting programs that empower marginalized
groups, promote education and job training, and address issues like poverty and inequality.

5. Supplier Diversity: Coca-Cola encourages diversity among its suppliers, seeking to work
with businesses owned by women, minorities, veterans, and other underrepresented groups.
By promoting supplier diversity, the company contributes to economic inclusion and

6. Employee Resource Groups (ERGs): Coca-Cola sponsors ERGs that provide support and
networking opportunities for employees with shared identities or experiences. These groups
help foster a sense of belonging and inclusion within the company.

Overall, Coca-Cola recognizes the importance of social inclusion in both its internal
operations and external interactions, striving to create a more equitable and diverse world
while also strengthening its business and reputation.

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• Environmental conservation


• 61% of the equivalent bottles and cans we introduced into the market in 2022 were
collected and refilled or collected for recycling. ...
• 90% of our packaging is recyclable globally. ...

Partnering to reduce waste. The Coca-Cola Operating Requirements (KORE) define the
policies, standards and requirements for managing our environmental responsibilities across
our operations. In addition to requiring compliance with applicable legal requirements,
KORE also requires that our manufacturing and distribution facilities implement ISO 14001
(internationally recognized standard for environmental management) that ensures the
provision of resources to achieve the organization’s environment objectives, together with the
fostering of continual improvement in environment performance.

To guide us in working to achieve a sustainable environment, KORE also defines a rigorous

set of operational controls to manage known risks. These controls generally align with top
global requirements and consensus standards. They include the following, keeping in mind
that the required scope and details of each element below should be consistent with the risks
and circumstances of individual operations.

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Highlight of Company Website

The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) is a total beverage company with products sold in
more than 200 countries and territories. Our company's purpose is to refresh the world and
make a difference. We sell multiple billion-dollar brands across several beverage categories
worldwide. Meet our Science-Based target through initiatives that include but are not limited
to renewable energy, improved energy efficiency, waste reduction, equipment innovation and
supplier engagement. - Bring together people and partners to support a healthy, debris-free

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Coco-Cola zero sugar

Coco-Cola real Magic

Diet Coke


Coco-Cola Life


2. Major customer
Coca Cola Consolidated Inc's Comment on Sales, Marketing and Customers Coca Cola
Consolidated Inc's Comment on Sales, Marketing and Customers
Our products are sold and distributed directly to retail stores and other outlets, including food
markets, institutional accounts and vending machine outlets. Approximately 68% of our
bottle/can volume to retail customers was sold for future consumption. The remaining
bottle/can volume to retail customers of approximately 32% was sold for immediate
consumption, primarily through dispensing machines owned either by the Company, retail
outlets or third party vending companies. Our largest customer, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.,
accounted for approximately 22% of our total bottle/can volume to retail customers and our
second largest customer, Food Lion, LLC, accounted for approximately 7% of our total
bottle/can volume to retail customers. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Food Lion, LLC accounted
for approximately 15% and 5% of the Company’s total net sales, respectively. The loss of either
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. or Food Lion, LLC as customers could have a material adverse effect on
the operating and financial results of the Company. All of our beverage sales are to customers
in the United States.
New product introductions, packaging changes and sales promotions have been the primary
sales and marketing practices in the nonalcoholic beverage industry in recent years and have
required and are expected to continue to require substantial expenditures. Brand introductions

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from the Company and The Coca-Cola Company in recent years include Tum-E Yummies,
Coca-Cola Zero, Dasani flavors, Coca-Cola Life, Full Throttle and Gold Peak tea products.
New packaging introductions include the 253 ml bottle, the 1.25-liter bottle, the 7.5-ounce
sleek can, the 2-liter contour bottle for Coca-Cola products, and the 16-ounce bottle/24-ounce
bottle package.
We sell our products primarily in nonrefillable bottles and cans, in varying proportions from
market to market. For example, there may be as many as 23 different packages for Diet Coke
within a single geographic area.

Advertising in various media, primarily television and radio, is relied upon extensively in the
marketing of our products. The Coca-Cola Company, Monster Energy Company and Dr Pepper
Snapple Group, Inc. (collectively, the “Beverage Companies”) make substantial expenditures
on advertising in the Legacy Territories and Expansion Territories. We have also benefited from
national advertising programs conducted by the Beverage Companies. In addition, we expend
substantial funds on our own behalf for extensive local sales promotions of our products.
Historically, these expenses have been partially offset by marketing funding support the
Beverage Companies provide to us in support of a variety of marketing programs, such as
point-of-sale displays and merchandising programs. While the Beverage Companies have
provided us with marketing funding support in the past, our bottling agreements generally do
not obligate the Beverages Companies to doso.

The substantial outlays we make for marketing and merchandising programs are generally
regarded as necessary to maintain or increase revenue, and any significant curtailment of
marketing funding support provided by the Beverage Companies for marketing programs
which benefit us could have a material adverse effect on our operating and financial results.

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Throughout the years, the slogans used in advertising for Coca-Cola have reflected not only
the brand, but the times. Slogans provide a simple, direct way to communicate about

The 1906 slogan, "The Great National Temperance Beverage," reflects a time when the
society in the United States was veering away from alcoholic beverages, and Coca-Cola
provided a nice alternative.

Other slogans have concerned our sales figures, such as "Three Million a Day" from 1917 or
"Six Million a Day" from 1925. In terms of drinks a day, that's a vast difference from the one
billion a day mark The Coca-Cola Company passed in 1997.

Some slogans for Coca-Cola have concentrated on the quality of the product, its refreshing
taste, or even its role in entertaining, as in 1948's "Where There's Coke There's Hospitality."

Some slogans for Coca-Cola have concentrated on the quality of the product, its refreshing
taste, or even its role in entertaining, as in 1948's "Where There's Coke There's Hospitality."

In 1985, the introduction of a new taste of Coca-Cola (commonly called new Coke® ) and
the reintroduction of Coca-Cola classic and the original formula led to multiple slogans. 1985
featured "America's Real Choice," while by 1986, two slogans were used to differentiate the
brands, with "Red, White & You" for Coca-Cola classic and "Catch the Wave" for Coca-Cola.

Some advertisements themselves rise to the level of memorable slogans. The 1971 "Hilltop"
ad featured a song with the words "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke." Although that wasn't
an actual slogan (the ad in fact was part of the "It's the Real Thing" campaign), the ad and
song lyrics are still so well known today that the lyrics are considered a slogan to many.

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Punch line / slogan

logans for Coca-Cola From 1886 to 2021 1969 - It's the Real Thing

1971 - I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke (part of the "It's the Real Thing" campaign)

1975 - Look Up America

1976 - Coke Adds Life

1979 - Have a Coke and a Smile

1982 - Coke Is It!

1985 - We've Got a Taste for You (for both Coca-Cola & Coca-Cola classic)

1985 - America's Real Choice (for both Coca-Cola & Coca-Cola classic)

1986 - Red, White & You (for Coca-Cola classic)

1986 - Catch the Wave (for Coca-Cola)

1987 - When Coca-Cola is a Part of Your Life, You Can't Beat the Feeling

1988 - You Can't Beat the Feeling

1989 - Official Soft Drink of Summer

1990 - You Can't Beat the Real Thing

1993 - Always Coca-Cola

2000 - Coca-Cola. Enjoy

2001 - Life Tastes Good

2003 - Coca-Cola ... Real

2005 - Make It Real

2006 - The Coke Side of Life

2009 - Open Happiness

2016 - Taste the Feeling

2021 - Real Magic

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Our products are sold and distributed directly to retail stores and other outlets, including food markets,
institutional accounts and vending machine outlets. Approximately 68% of our bottle/can volume to retail
customers was sold for future consumption. The remaining bottle/can volume to retail customers of
approximately 32% was sold for immediate consumption, primarily through dispensing machines owned
either by the Company, retail outlets or third party vending companies. Our largest customer, Wal-Mart
Stores, Inc., accounted for approximately 22% of our total bottle/can volume to retail customers and our
second largest customer, Food Lion, LLC, accounted for approximately 7% of our total bottle/can volume
to retail customers. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Food Lion, LLC accounted for approximately 15% and 5%
of the Company’s total net sales, respectively. The loss of either Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. or Food Lion, LLC
as customers could have a material adverse effect on the operating and financial results of the Company.
All of our beverage sales are to customers in the United States.

New product introductions, packaging changes and sales promotions have been the primary sales and
marketing practices in the nonalcoholic beverage industry in recent years and have required and are
expected to continue to require substantial expenditures. Brand introductions from the Company and The
Coca-Cola Company in recent years include Tum-E Yummies, Coca-Cola Zero, Dasani flavors, Coca-Cola
Life, Full Throttle and Gold Peak tea products. New packaging introductions include the 253 ml bottle, the
1.25-liter bottle, the 7.5-ounce sleek can, the 2-liter contour bottle for Coca-Cola products, and the 16-
ounce bottle/24-ounce bottle package.
We sell our products primarily in nonrefillable bottles and cans, in varying proportions from market to
market. For example, there may be as many as 23 different packages for Diet Coke within a single
geographic area

Advertising in various media, primarily television and radio, is relied upon extensively in the marketing of
our products. The Coca-Cola Company, Monster Energy Company and Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc.

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(collectively, the “Beverage Companies”) make substantial expenditures on advertising in the Legacy
Territories and Expansion Territories. We have also benefited from national advertising programs
conducted by the Beverage Companies. In addition, we expend substantial funds on our own behalf for
extensive local sales promotions of our products. Historically, these expenses have been partially offset by
marketing funding support the Beverage Companies provide to us in support of a variety of marketing
programs, such as point-of-sale displays and merchandising programs. While the Beverage Companies
have provided us with marketing funding support in the past, our bottling agreements generally do not
obligate the Beverages Companies to do so.

The substantial outlays we make for marketing and merchandising programs are generally regarded as
necessary to maintain or increase revenue, and any significant curtailment of marketing funding support
provided by the Beverage Companies for marketing programs which benefit us could have a material
adverse effect on our operating and financial results.

Advertising agency competitors

Top Coca Cola Competitors & Similar Companies

• Pepsi.
• Dr Pepper.
• Gatorade.
• Red Bull.
• Nestle.
• Tropicana.
. 1. Pepsi:

Pepsi Co, being a huge company has a lot of brands under its hat. There are various products
of Pepsi Co, like Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Lays, Tropicana beverages, 7Ups, Cheetos, Lipton
Tea, Aquafina, etc. Pepsi are mainly targeting the food and beverages market.

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2. Dr Pepper:

Dr Pepper is a soft drink which started its journey in 1880 and have successfully completed
its 132 years. It is one of the oldest company manufacturing coldrinks with the addition of
natural and artificial flavors. Dr Pepper’s journey started from Waco, TX and till now it has
been situated in almost all the parts of the world and are preferred by customers as their first

3. Gatorade:

Gatorade Company Inc. is an American manufacturer of sports beverages. Founded in 1965

at University of Florida by a team of researchers, was then taken over by Quaker Oats
Company in 1987 and by PepsiCo in 2000.

Read more about Coca Cola

• Coca Cola SWOT Analysis

• Coca Cola Marketing Strategy & Mix
• Coca Cola PESTLE Analysis
• Coca Cola Porter Five Forces Analysis

4. Red Bull:

Red Bull Energy drink was founded in the 1980s by Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich
Mateschitz in partnership with Chaleo Yoovidhya. This came as an inspiration to an existing
drink called Krating Daeng which was introduced in Thailand by Chaleo Yoovidhya. Dietrich
modified the ingredients and the first red bull drink was sold in Austria in the year 1987.

5. Nestle:

Nestle – largest food company in terms of revenue is based out of Vaud, Switzerland. It has a
wide range of product line such baby foods, coffee, tea, dairy products, Maggi and many
more. It has presence in 194 countries having approximate 450 factories with a head count of
339,000 people.

6. Tropicana:

Tropicana is an American company founded in the year 1947 in Bradenton, Florida by

Anthony T. Rossi. It specializes in not from concentrate fruit juices.

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7. Danone:

DANONE, one of the world famous food product based company is based in Paris. It was
founded in the year 1919, in Barcelona Spain. Currently, chairman of the board is Franck
Riboud and chief executive officer is Emmanuel Faber.

8. Unilever:
Unilever is one of the biggest FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) company in the world. It
is a British-Dutch company co headquartered in Rotterdam and London. Unilever has more
than 400 brands and operates in more than 190 countries with a turnover of €50+ billion

Throughout the years, the slogans used in advertising for Coca-Cola have reflected not only
the brand, but the times. Slogans provide a simple, direct way to communicate about

The 1906 slogan, "The Great National Temperance Beverage," reflects a time when the
society in the United States was veering away from alcoholic beverages, and Coca-Cola
provided a nice alternative.

Other slogans have concerned our sales figures, such as "Three Million a Day" from 1917 or
"Six Million a Day" from 1925. In terms of drinks a day, that's a vast difference from the one
billion a day mark The Coca-Cola Company passed in 1997.

Some slogans for Coca-Cola have concentrated on the quality of the product, its refreshing
taste, or even its role in entertaining, as in 1948's "Where There's Coke There's Hospitality."

Some slogans for Coca-Cola have concentrated on the quality of the product, its refreshing
taste, or even its role in entertaining, as in 1948's "Where There's Coke There's Hospitality."

In 1985, the introduction of a new taste of Coca-Cola (commonly called new Coke® ) and
the reintroduction of Coca-Cola classic and the original formula led to multiple slogans. 1985
featured "America's Real Choice," while by 1986, two slogans were used to differentiate the
brands, with "Red, White & You" for Coca-Cola classic and "Catch the Wave" for Coca-Cola.

Some advertisements themselves rise to the level of memorable slogans. The 1971 "Hilltop"
ad featured a song with the words "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke." Although that wasn't

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an actual slogan (the ad in fact was part of the "It's the Real Thing" campaign), the ad and
song lyrics are still so well known today that the lyrics are considered a slogan to many.


The Coca-Cola Company owns a product portfolio of over 3500 products. From the superstar
‘Coca-Cola’, Fanta, and Vita in Africa, to Thums Up in India, you’d be surprised to know that
it’s all owned by The Coca-Cola Company.

The Coca-Cola Company has a presence in more than 200 countries. It has been listed as the
world’s most valuable brand serving a daily average of 1.9 billion people. 94% of the world’s
population recognizes the red and white Coca-Cola logo. And around 3.1% of all beverages
consumed around the world are owned by Coca-Cola.

All of this was made possible because of Coke’s impeccable marketing and branding strategy
which we’ll dive into in this article.

Coca-Cola in its early days (Candler’s era) was sold only through soda fountains. But
Benjamin Thomas and Joseph Whitehead, two ingenious minds, secured exclusive rights for
bottled Coca-Cola sales from Candler, at just $1.

As we know, its bottling operations are the backbone of Coca-Cola’s distribution. In 1894, a
shopkeeper set up the first bottling device to trade crates of Coke across the Mississippi
River. In 1926, the bottling operations spread abroad.

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The famous Coca-Cola glass ‘Contour’ bottle was actually designed in 1915, to protect the
brand from its growing imitators. The army of imitators was determined to cash on Coca-
Cola’s success. To prevent this and send out a message to its consumers that there was only
one authentic Coca-Cola, the ‘Contour’ bottle originated.

Its designers (the Root Glass Company of Terre Haute, Indiana) were instructed to create a
bottle that a person would recognize, even if felt in the dark. Furthermore, the bottle should
be shaped so, even if broken, a person could tell what it was.

Local players

Coca-Cola remains the world’s largest fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) brand for the
fourth year in a row despite losing ground to the global backlash against sugar, according to
Kantar Worldpanel’s annual Brand Footprint report.

Of the top ten local FMCG players growing fastest in value, seven of them are food brands.
Snack and convenience food brands performed well, as consumers increasingly turned to
FMCG brands to satisfy hunger between meals, while Sprite was the fastest growing
beverage brand in the top ten.

The report uses Kantar Worldpanel’s Consumer Reach Points (CRP) metric, which measures
how many households around the world are buying a brand – or its penetration – and how
often – its frequency – to determine global consumer purchasing behaviour.

The list of the ten largest beverage brands is topped by Coca-Cola and Pepsi, who also
dominate the rest of the top ten with three brands apiece. Nestlé has two brands in the top ten,
while Mondelēz and Unilever has one each. The list of the top ten food brands is more evenly
distributed, with only Nestlé and The Kraft-Heinz Company appearing in the list more than

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In other findings, local brands are closing in on their multinational competitors by growing
value at nearly twice the rate of global brands for the third year running, Kantar Worldpanel
said. The total value of the FMCG sector grew by 4.7% in 2015; local players grew by 6.2%
while global brands only increase their value by an average of 3.4%.

Brand choices are dominated by local players in terms of both the number of brands available
as well as the number of times they are chosen, the market insights company added,
particularly in the food and beverage industry.

Local brands are especially prevalent in Asia, Latin America and also parts of Europe such as
Spain. Most notable, however, is China, where local brands comprise 75% of shopper
decisions followed by Indonesia (61%) and India (57%).

Kantar Worldpanel director Alison Martin explained: “Where modern trade (supermarkets
and hypermarkets) is the dominant distribution channel for many global brands, the opposite
is true for local brands, who distribute through more traditional methods and are thriving in
the emerging markets, which are naturally showing higher rates of growth.

“For local brands, the world is their country: they look nationwide rather than just at tier-one
or tier-two cities. Not only are there significantly more local brands across the world, it is
generally the case that they will reach more shoppers in more remote parts of their market,
working in closer concert with consumer need. Where budgets are tight, they will adjust price

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points or pack sizes. In large emerging markets such as China, India and Indonesia, many
consumers see local brands as not only familiar, but also more affordable and widely

Josep Montserrat, global CEO of Kantar Worldpanel, added: “The focus of this year’s Brand
Footprint report extends beyond the top 50 ranking, as the pressure from local brands
continues to bear on their global competition. While reflecting the growth of smaller and
local brands, we also scrutinise more niche players, looking at both local brands and brands
poised to break into the ranking.”
Technological development

Coca-Cola, being one of the largest beverage companies globally, invests significantly in
technology development to enhance its operations, products, and customer experiences. Here
are some areas where Coca-Cola has been known to focus its technology development

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Sustainable Packaging: Coca-Cola has been investing in technology to develop sustainable

packaging solutions, including plant-based plastics, recyclable materials, and innovative
bottle designs to reduce environmental impact.

Supply Chain Optimization: Coca-Cola employs various technologies like data analytics,
artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain to optimize its supply chain, including inventory
management, distribution, and logistics.

Digital Marketing and Consumer Engagement: Coca-Cola utilizes technology to engage with
consumers through digital marketing campaigns, social media platforms, and personalized
experiences to build brand loyalty and drive sales.

Smart Vending Machines: Coca-Cola has been deploying smart vending machines equipped
with IoT sensors and digital displays to gather data on consumer behavior, optimize inventory
management, and offer personalized promotions.

Product Innovation: Coca-Cola invests in research and development (R&D) to create new
beverage products, flavors, and formulations, often leveraging advanced technology and
consumer insights to meet changing consumer preferences and trends.

Water Stewardship: Coca-Cola invests in water stewardship programs and technologies to

manage water resources sustainably, minimize water usage in its production processes, and
support water conservation efforts in communities where it operates.

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Coca-Cola focuses on improving energy

efficiency in its operations and investing in renewable energy sources like solar and wind
power to reduce its carbon footprint and mitigate climate change impacts.

Data Analytics and Decision Support Systems: Coca-Cola harnesses the power of big data
and analytics to gain insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and operational
performance, enabling data-driven decision-making across its business units.

These are just a few examples of how Coca-Cola utilizes technology to drive innovation,
sustainability, and operational efficiency across its business ecosystem.

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Technological Development

Coca-Cola, being one of the world's leading beverage companies, has engaged in various
technological developments over the years to enhance its products, production processes, and
customer experiences. Beverage Dispensing Technology Coca-Cola has continuously
innovated in beverage dispensing technology to ensure that consumers get their favorite
drinks in the most convenient and efficient way possible. This includes advancements in
fountain dispensers, self-serve machines, and even mobile apps for ordering and
customization.Packaging Innovations Coca-Cola has invested in research and development to
create sustainable and innovative packaging solutions. This includes lightweight materials,
plant-based plastics, and recyclable packaging to reduce its environmental footprint.Supply
Chain Management Coca-Cola has leveraged technology to optimize its supply chain,
including inventory management, logistics, and distribution. This helps ensure that its
products reach consumers efficiently and on time while minimizing waste and
costs.Marketing and Consumer Engagement Coca-Cola has embraced digital technology to
engage with consumers through social media, mobile apps, and interactive campaigns. This
includes personalized marketing strategies, augmented reality experiences, and digital loyalty
programs to connect with consumers in new and innovative ways.Data Analytics Coca-Cola
utilizes data analytics and artificial intelligence to gain insights into consumer preferences,
market trends, and supply chain optimization. By analyzing large volumes of data, Coca-Cola
can make data-driven decisions to improve its products and operations.Product Development
Coca-Cola invests in research and development to innovate its product offerings, including
new flavors, ingredients, and formulations. This includes experimenting with natural
sweeteners, functional beverages, and healthier options to cater to changing consumer
preferences.Overall, Coca-Cola's technological developments span across various aspects of
its business, from product innovation to marketing strategies, supply chain management, and
sustainability initiatives. These advancements reflect Coca-Cola's commitment to staying
relevant in a rapidly evolving market while also addressing the challenges of sustainability
and consumer preferences.

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SWOT Analysis

Considered one of the powerhouses controlling the beverage industry, Coca-Cola is a

carbonated-drink manufacturing company valued at $74 billion. In 1886, John Stith
Pemberton, a chemist, created the soda. He combined caffeine from kola nuts and cocaine
from the coca leaves to create a stimulant. The coca and kola are the ingredients that gave rise
to the product moniker and the advertising of Coca-Cola as a “healthy tonic.”

Coca-Cola has been using varied advertising since it first began to grow its market share. As
a result, it has grown into one of the greatest recognizable brands around the globe. Most of
the company’s output is syrup concentrate, sold to numerous bottlers with exclusive markets
worldwide. According to Business Insider, 94% of people worldwide can immediately
recognize the brand because of the red-with-white Coca-Cola logo. Below is the swot
analysis for Coca-Cola.


Coca-Cola possesses several strengths that have contributed to its status as one of the world's
most iconic and successful brands:

Strong Brand Recognition: Coca-Cola has unparalleled brand recognition globally. Its logo is
one of the most recognized symbols worldwide, and the company has successfully
established an emotional connection with consumers through its marketing campaigns, iconic
packaging, and consistent brand messaging.

Wide Product Portfolio: Coca-Cola offers a diverse range of beverages, including carbonated
soft drinks, juices, sports drinks, teas, and bottled water. This broad portfolio allows the

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company to cater to various consumer preferences and market segments, ensuring that it
remains competitive in different regions and demographic groups.

Global Presence and Distribution Network: Coca-Cola operates in over 200 countries and
territories, making it one of the most geographically diversified beverage companies. Its
extensive distribution network, comprising bottling partners, distributors, and retailers,
ensures that Coca-Cola products are widely available and accessible to consumers worldwide.

Marketing and Advertising Capabilities: Coca-Cola is renowned for its innovative and
effective marketing campaigns. The company invests heavily in advertising, sponsorships,
and promotions to maintain brand visibility and relevance. Coca-Cola's marketing prowess
enables it to engage with consumers across various platforms and effectively communicate its
brand values and messages.

Strong Financial Performance: Coca-Cola has a history of strong financial performance and
profitability. The company generates significant revenue and cash flows from its global
operations, allowing it to reinvest in product innovation, marketing initiatives, and expansion
strategies while also returning value to shareholders through dividends and share buybacks.

Supply Chain Efficiency: Coca-Cola has a well-established and efficient supply chain
infrastructure. Through strategic partnerships with bottling companies, suppliers, and
distributors, the company ensures timely production, distribution, and delivery of its products
while minimizing costs and maximizing operational efficiency.

Commitment to Sustainability: Coca-Cola has made significant strides in sustainability,

focusing on areas such as water stewardship, packaging recycling, and reducing carbon
emissions. By integrating sustainable practices into its operations and supply chain, Coca-
Cola demonstrates its commitment to corporate social responsibility and environmental
stewardship, which resonates with consumers and stakeholders.These strengths collectively
contribute to Coca-Cola's market leadership, resilience, and enduring appeal as a global
beverage powerhouse.

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Despite its many strengths, Coca-Cola also faces several weaknesses and

Dependency on Carbonated Soft Drinks: While Coca-Cola offers a diverse

portfolio of beverages, including juices, teas, and water, it still heavily relies on
carbonated soft drinks for a significant portion of its revenue. With increasing
consumer concerns about health and wellness, particularly regarding sugary
drinks, Coca-Cola's dependence on carbonated beverages could pose a
vulnerability if consumer preferences continue to shift away from these

Health Concerns and Regulation: The growing awareness of health issues

associated with excessive sugar consumption has led to increased scrutiny and
regulation of sugary beverages. Coca-Cola has faced criticism and legal
challenges related to the health impacts of its products, including concerns
about obesity, diabetes, and dental health. Regulatory changes and public health
campaigns aimed at reducing sugar consumption could impact Coca-Cola's
sales and reputation.

Competition and Fragmented Market: The beverage industry is highly

competitive, with numerous competitors ranging from multinational
corporations to smaller regional players. Coca-Cola faces intense competition
from rival brands, particularly in emerging markets where local competitors
may have a stronger foothold. The fragmented nature of the market presents
challenges in maintaining market share and pricing power.

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Vulnerability to Economic Conditions: Coca-Cola's financial performance is

sensitive to macroeconomic factors such as economic growth, consumer
spending, and currency fluctuations. During periods of economic downturn or
currency volatility, consumers may reduce discretionary spending on beverages,
impacting Coca-Cola's sales and profitability.

Environmental Concerns: Despite its efforts to improve sustainability, Coca-

Cola continues to face criticism over its environmental impact, particularly
regarding plastic pollution and water usage. Increasing pressure from
environmental activists, regulators, and consumers to address these issues could
result in additional costs and reputational damage if not adequately addressed.

Dependency on Bottling Partner: Coca-Cola relies on a network of independent

bottling partners to manufacture, package, and distribute its products. While this
model provides flexibility and scalability, it also introduces complexities in
supply chain management and quality control. Issues such as production
disruptions, quality inconsistencies, or disagreements with bottling partners
could negatively impact Coca-Cola's operations and brand reputation.

Addressing these weaknesses requires Coca-Cola to adapt its strategies,

innovate its product offerings, and prioritize sustainability and health-conscious
initiatives to remain competitive and resilient in a rapidly evolving market.


Coca-Cola has several opportunities for growth and expansion:

Diversification into Healthier Beverages: With increasing consumer demand for healthier
options, Coca-Cola has the opportunity to expand its portfolio with more low-sugar, low-
calorie, and functional beverages. Investing in products such as bottled water, teas, juices,

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and sports drinks can help Coca-Cola tap into new market segments and address changing
consumer preferences for healthier alternatives.
Innovation in Sustainable Packaging: Coca-Cola can capitalize on the growing trend towards
sustainability by innovating its packaging solutions. This includes investing in recyclable,
biodegradable, and plant-based packaging materials to reduce environmental impact and meet
consumer demand for eco-friendly options.

Expansion in Emerging Markets: Emerging markets present significant growth opportunities

for Coca-Cola due to rising disposable incomes, urbanization, and changing consumer
lifestyles. By investing in marketing, distribution, and product localization, Coca-Cola can
further penetrate these markets and capture market share from local competitors.

Digital Transformation and E-Commerce: Coca-Cola can leverage digital technology and e-
commerce platforms to enhance its marketing strategies, engage with consumers, and drive
online sales. By investing in e-commerce capabilities, mobile apps, and digital marketing
initiatives, Coca-Cola can reach consumers directly and create personalized experiences
tailored to their preferences.

Health and Wellness Partnerships: Collaborating with health organizations, nutritionists, and
fitness influencers presents an opportunity for Coca-Cola to promote health and wellness
initiatives and educate consumers about the benefits of balanced lifestyles. Partnerships with
wellness brands or endorsements from health professionals can enhance Coca-Cola's
credibility and appeal to health-conscious consumers.


Coca-Cola faces several threats that could impact its business operations and
market position:

Health Concerns and Regulation: Increased awareness of health issues related to

sugary beverages poses a significant threat to Coca-Cola's core products.
Regulatory measures aimed at reducing sugar consumption, such as sugar taxes
and advertising restrictions, could impact Coca-Cola's sales and profitability.

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Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifts in consumer preferences towards

healthier, natural, and functional beverages pose a threat to Coca-Cola's
traditional carbonated soft drink portfolio. If consumer demand continues to
trend towards healthier alternatives, Coca-Cola may face challenges in
maintaining market share and revenue growth.
Intense Competition: The beverage industry is highly competitive, with
numerous multinational and local players vying for market share. Coca-Cola
faces competition from rival brands across various beverage categories, as well
as emerging startups and niche players offering innovative products. Intense
competition could pressure Coca-Cola's pricing, market share, and profitability.

Water Scarcity and Sustainability Concerns: Coca-Cola's operations depend on

access to clean water, and water scarcity or quality issues could disrupt its
production processes and supply chain. Additionally, environmental concerns
related to plastic pollution and carbon emissions pose reputational risks and
regulatory challenges for Coca-Cola's sustainability efforts.

Economic Volatility: Coca-Cola's financial performance is sensitive to

macroeconomic factors such as economic growth, inflation, and currency
fluctuations. Economic downturns or currency devaluations in key markets
could impact consumer purchasing power and discretionary spending on
beverages, affecting Coca-Cola's sales and profitability.
Supply Chain Disruptions: Coca-Cola's global supply chain is susceptible to
disruptions caused by natural disasters, geopolitical conflicts, labor strikes, or
transportation issues. Any disruptions in the supply chain could lead to
production delays, inventory shortages, and increased costs for Coca-Cola.

Negative Public Perception: Public perception of Coca-Cola's brand could be

influenced by negative publicity, such as controversies related to health issues,

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environmental practices, or labor practices. Negative publicity could damage

Coca-Cola's reputation, erode consumer trust, and impact sales and brand

To mitigate these threats, Coca-Cola must proactively address health and

sustainability concerns, innovate its product portfolio to meet changing
consumer preferences, strengthen its competitive position through strategic
partnerships and acquisitions, and enhance its risk management practices to
anticipate and mitigate potential disruptions.


John Stith Pemberton founded the soft drink brand Coca-Cola in 1886. Today, we'll discuss
the McKinsey 7S framework of Coca-Cola as a 7S framework in strategic management and
change management; strategy, structure, system, staff, style, skill, and shared values of the
McKinsey 7S model with Example Company.

The McKinsey 7S Model is a management framework developed by the consulting firm

McKinsey & Company. It consists of seven interdependent elements that are crucial for
organizational success. Let's apply the McKinsey 7S Model to Coca-Cola:

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Strategy: Coca-Cola's strategy focuses on delivering refreshing beverages to consumers

worldwide while maintaining its position as a market leader. This includes expanding its
product portfolio, entering new markets, and leveraging its brand strength to drive growth.

Structure: Coca-Cola has a hierarchical organizational structure with centralized decision-

making. It operates through a network of subsidiaries, bottling partners, and distributors to
manufacture, distribute, and market its products globally.

Systems: Coca-Cola's systems include processes and procedures for production, distribution,
marketing, and sales. This includes supply chain management systems, marketing analytics,
and financial reporting systems to support its operations and decision-making processes.

Skills: Coca-Cola's employees possess skills in marketing, sales, product development,

supply chain management, and finance. The company invests in training and development
programs to enhance employee capabilities and foster innovation and collaboration.

Staff: Coca-Cola has a diverse workforce comprising employees from different backgrounds,
cultures, and expertise. Its workforce includes professionals in marketing, finance,
operations, research, and development, all contributing to the company's success.

Style: Coca-Cola's leadership style emphasizes innovation, collaboration, and customer-

centricity. The company's leaders encourage a culture of creativity, diversity, and inclusion,
fostering a supportive environment for employees to thrive.

Shared Values: coca-Cola's shared values include integrity, quality, sustainability, and
community engagement. The company is committed to operating ethically, reducing its
environmental footprint, and making a positive impact on society through various corporate
social responsibility initiatives.

By aligning these seven elements – strategy, structure, systems, skills, staff, style, and shared
values – Coca-Cola aims to achieve its organizational objectives, drive growth, and maintain
its competitive advantage in the global beverage industry.

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Analysis Of Financial Statement

The Coca-Cola Company reported earnings results for the first quarter ended March 29,
2024. For the first quarter, the company reported sales was USD 11,300 million compared to
USD 10,980 million a year ago. Net income was USD 3,177 million compared to USD 3,107
million a year ago.

Details of option moment during the financial year 2022-2023

As of my last update in January 2022, I don't have access to real-time or future financial data,
including specific details of Coca-Cola's option movement during the financial year 2022-
2023. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on Coca-Cola's financial
performance, including any option movements or financial transactions, I recommend
referring to official financial reports, statements, or news releases provided by Coca-Cola or
reputable financial news sources. These sources would provide detailed information on any
option movements or other financial activities undertaken by the company during the
specified period.

Five years profitability

Coca-Cola's operated at median gross profit margin of 59.5% from fiscal years ending
December 2019 to 2023. Looking back at the last 5 years, Coca-Cola's gross profit margin

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peaked in December 2019 at 60.8%. Coca-Cola's gross profit margin hit its 5-year low in
December 2022 of 58.1%.

Coco cola share price

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Market Description surveys

The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE: KO) is a total beverage company with products sold in
more than 200 countries and territories. Our company's purpose is to refresh the world and
make a difference. We sell multiple billion-dollar brands across several beverage categories

Major Awards

Coca-Cola India has been awarded National Water Award 2022 conferred by the Ministry of
Jal Shakti, Government of India in the “Best Industry for CSR activities in the field of Water
Conservation” category. The company is the first beverages company in India to receive the
National Award for water stewardship.

Cash flow statement

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CocaCola annual cash flow from operating activities for 2023 was $11.599B, a 5.27%
increase from 2022. CocaCola annual cash flow from operating activities for 2022 was
$11.018B, a 12.73% decline from 2021.

2 May 2024 — Cash Flow. v3.24.1.u1. CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS

OF CASH FLOWS - USD ($) $ in Millions. 3 Months Ended. Mar. 29, 2024. Mar. 31,


Coca-Cola as the world's leading soda beverage, with the strength of high resources company
and also a very good and well-known brand image will be accepted at ease almost all over the
world. Coca-Cola remains a global powerhouse in the beverage industry, leveraging its iconic
brand, diverse product portfolio, and extensive distribution network to maintain its market
leadership. Despite facing challenges such as health concerns, intense competition, and
environmental scrutiny, Coca-Cola continues to innovate and adapt to changing consumer
preferences and market's commitment to sustainability, health-conscious
initiatives, and digital transformation positions it well to capitalize on emerging opportunities
and mitigate potential threats. By focusing on diversification, innovation, and responsible
corporate practices, Coca-Cola aims to sustain its growth trajectory, drive shareholder value,
and make a positive impact on society.Overall, Coca-Cola's enduring legacy, strong brand
equity, and strategic initiatives solidify its position as a dynamic and resilient leader in the
global beverage market.

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 Marketing Management – Kotler Philip.

 Research Methodology – Kothari.










 Annual report of Coca-Cola 2008.

 Annual report of Coca-Cola 2009.

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