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Frame 1 (Where you live now)

I’m currently residing in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, which is a fascinating and
vibrant city. To be more specific, it offers citizens and tourists with valuable tangible and
intangible heritages, attracts foodie with outstanding specialties and impress everyone
come here by how friendly local people are

Well, from my point of view, Hanoi has to face some challenges, which I am quite
worried about, in improving the process. For example, Air quality could be a concern in
my city, with factors like vehicle emissions and industrial activities contributing to overall
pollution levels. In addition, traffic congestion is one of the nightmares with Hanoi ‘s
citizens , particularly during peak hours, traffic jams seem to be a significant obstacle to
efficient movement within the city.

Well, to be honest, although Hanoi has many outstanding infrastructures such as

skyscrapers or schools with high-tech facilities, and it proves many opportunities for
everyone there to enhance their own career paths, I want to live in another region with
my family, because I appreciate which cities don't be contaminated by pollution and I
believe that I could build my business by myself. However, I don't have any idea about
where I will go, because I am still too young, and I will consider it carefully after
graduating from university.
My city has undergone some interesting changes recently, particularly in terms of
infrastructure. For example, Hanoi has been investing heavily in expanding its
transportation network. This includes new highways, bridges, and the development of a
comprehensive urban railway system. These projects aim to improve traffic flow and
connectivity within the city.
I’m currently residing in a house in Hanoi, which is approximately 15 km far from the
heart of the capital of Vietnam. To be more specific, my home has 6 functional rooms, a
garage and a small playground. From my heart, I want to say that I really appreciate my
house which is symbolized for a happiness of my family

From my point of view, I really appreciate the kitchen room because it is where all my
family members will gather for dinner after a tiring day. We always enjoy delicious meals
together as well as chat about what happened that day. In my opinion, the cozy space
which the kitchen provides is so valuable, therefore, this room plays a vital role in
connecting my family members.

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