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TEST 4A (Units 10-12)

NAME .......................................................................................................... DATE ....................................

CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK: ––––––
(Time 80 minutes)

A Choose the correct item.

1 We bought energy-….. appliances so that we 9 You’d better add some ….. to the soil if you want
can save electricity. your vegetables to grow.
A limited C purifying A pesticide C culture
B efficient D sourced B fertiliser D carbohydrate

2 Plastic is harmful to the environment because it 10 The average life ….. of people in the USA is 76
takes hundreds of years to ….. down. years.
A disappear C break A expectancy C quality
B crack D die B structure D healthcare

3 Your carbon ….. is the amount of carbon dioxide 11 Advertisers use clever techniques to …..
you produce in your everyday life. customers’ attention while promoting a product
A mark C signature or service.
B footprint D waste A spot C rush
B grab D take
4 ….. rain causes a lot of damage to buildings.
A Acid C Rotting 12 When the camera arrived, the glass lens was
B Radical D Organic ….. .
A weak C torn
5 Don’t throw the vegetable ….. away, put them on B dead D cracked
the compost heap.
A shells C peelings 13 The department store creates an amazing
B tins D grounds window ….. every Christmas.
A hoarding C display
6 After ….. the time I spend in front of my B commercial D slogan
computer to two hours a day, I’ve stopped
getting headaches. 14 A(n) ….. advert is one that makes lots of people
A eliminating C removing buy the product advertised.
B limiting D avoiding A effective C sneaky
B aware D positive
7 You should ….. more fruit and vegetables if you
want to be healthy. 15 Cyber Monday is the perfect opportunity for
A absorb C maintain shoppers to hunt for ….. online.
B apply D consume A profits C stocks
B accounts D bargains
8 I’d love to have a garden so I could ….. my own
A produce C raise
B rise D develop
Marks ____
151 15


B Choose the correct item.
1 We must protect the southern white rhino or it 4 The UK’s National Health Service was
will become endangered/deadly/extinct and launched/set/mentioned in 1948.
disappear forever. 5 Global heat/warming/growth is changing the
2 Some ice cream shops let you try samples/ Earth’s climate and affecting animal habitats.
models/examples of the ice cream before you 6 The ad agency took on a popular sports brand
decide which flavour you would like. as their resident/customer/client.
3 Thousands of plant and animal species on Earth
are under danger/risk/threat of dying out.
Marks ____
61 6

C Fill in: from, down, in, up, off, of.

1 The Amazon River is 6,575 km ………… length. 5 The coffee shop benefited a lot ………… placing
2 The manager decided to call ………… the an ad online.
meeting as he had too much other work to do. 6 You really should cut ………… on fatty foods
3 Overeating is the main cause ………… obesity. and sugar if you want to lose weight.
4 Ted heads ………… the WWF branch in
Perugia, Italy.
Marks ____
61 6

D Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in bold

1 All schools have measures that ensure the health and ………………………..……… SAFE
of staff and students.
2 Our manager has asked everyone at the office to make ………………………..……… RECOMMEND
on how we can make the office greener.
3 The number of children suffering from obesity has ………………………..……… DRASTIC
increased over the past few decades.
4 Jason’s ideas about the new advertising campaign were so ………………………..……… IMPRESS
that everyone congratulated him.
5 Try this sauce, it’s really ………………………..……… . TASTE
6 Call your doctor ………………………..……… if you feel any pain. IMMEDIATE

Marks ____
61 6


E Choose the correct item.

1 Amy eats fruit for breakfast almost ….. day. 9 The new Italian restaurant is ….. busy at
A all C every weekends.
B whole D each A a lot C extremely
B a good deal D much
2 You put too ….. lemon in my tea and it tastes
really sour. 10 They arrived at the cinema early ….. they could
A much C little get good seats.
B many D few A because of C in case of
B in order to D so that
3 She ….. him the way to the animal shelter as he
didn’t know how to get there. 11 ….. he had a huge breakfast, he was hungry an
A informed C asked hour later.
B said D told A Even C Although
B Despite D However
4 Daisy advised me ….. the TV instead of leaving
it on standby. 12 He gave me ….. good advice that I managed to
A that I would turn off C to turn off solve my problem.
B I must turn off D of turning off A a such C so
B such D such a
5 Keith has told me that he ….. a cat from the
animal shelter last month. 13 Sit ….. you want, the seats aren’t numbered.
A had adopted C adopted A somewhere C nowhere
B has adopted D would adopt B everywhere D anywhere

6 The shops were ….. crowded yesterday. 14 Neither my supervisor ….. my colleagues liked
A enough C much the jingle I wrote.
B too D by far A nor C neither
B not D no
7 I think there’s a ….. of honey in the top
cupboard. 15 I didn’t know my way to the train station so I
A jar C packet asked a passer-by where ….. .
B box D tin A was it C it was
B it is D is it
8 There are ….. of items at reduced prices on offer
during the sales.
A several C lot
B hundreds D some
Marks ____
151 15

F Choose the correct item.

1 A: There isn't any/no cereal left. What can I have for breakfast?
B: Why don’t you have a bar/slice of cake and some milk?

2 A: I have too much/such a lot of work to do tomorrow that I don’t know where to start.
B: I’d love to help you, but I’ll be working the whole/all day.

3 A: I can’t believe that Frank accused me that I stole/of stealing his idea for the ad campaign!
B: Don’t worry about him. He’s always speaking/talking nonsense.
Marks ____
61 6


G Complete each sentence with two to five words including the words in bold.

1 “Don’t forget to take your gloves for the clean-up day,” she said to him. REMINDED
She ......................................................................................................................... gloves for the clean-up day.

2 Katie uses very little salt in her cooking. MUCH

Katie does ............................................................................................................................. salt in her cooking.

3 The new games console is expensive but it’s selling very well. HIGH
In spite .......................................................................................... , the new games console is selling very well.

4 There may be a transport strike tomorrow so make sure someone will be able to drive you to work. CASE
Make sure someone will be able to drive you to work .........................................................................................
a transport strike tomorrow.

5 I asked James and Lily to come to the theatre with us tomorrow but they’re both busy. NEITHER
I asked James and Lily to come to the theatre with us tomorrow but .................................................................

6 “I recycle more than any of you,” Darren said to us. BOASTED

Darren ................................................................................................................................ more than any of us.

Marks ____
62 12

Everyday English
H Complete the exchanges using the phrases below.

• I have a few suggestions for you.

• Thanks for your advice.
• It was broken when it arrived.
• Please put your proposals in writing.
• A good idea would be to start walking, jogging or cycling.

1 A: ..............................................................................................................
B: I’ll do that straightaway.
2 A: What is your advice about keeping fit?
B: ..............................................................................................................
3 A .............................................................................................................
B: Let’s hear the first one.
4 A: ..............................................................................................................
B: I’m so sorry.
5 A: ..............................................................................................................
B: No problem.
Marks ____
51 5


I Read the article and decide if statements 1-8 are T (True), F (False) or DS (doesn’t say).

The Ketogenic Diet

Every year, there seems to be a new diet aimed at weight loss. The cabbage soup diet, the 5/2 diet and the
Palaeolithic diet have all had their moments, and each have both supporters and critics. A so-called new diet,
however, is the ketogenic diet, which in actual fact has been around for over 100 years, and has its inspiration in
ancient Greek medicine.
For many people who first see the plan for the ketogenic diet, it does not appear to be a diet at all, but a recipe for
disaster. This is because it demands that people following it increase their intake of fats drastically, keep their
proteins to a medium level and drop the quantity of carbohydrates they consume to an absolute minimum. More
precisely, the most common proportion given for the diet is 60% fat, 30% protein and 10% carbohydrates. This
appears to go against all logic, since what most people are trying to do in a diet is to reduce the amount of fat in
their body.
However, the science behind the diet is unshakeable, and actually goes back to ancient Greece, where epileptics
were made to fast. This means they were not given any food as a cure for their disease. Pure fasting, however, is
something that many patients have a problem with doing, especially children. For this reason, the ketogenic diet
was first designed in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. The science behind the treatment is that
reducing carbohydrates to extremely low levels forces the body to switch to burning fat for energy instead of storing
it. The fat is broken down in the liver, producing fatty acids and something called ‘ketone bodies’. These are used in
the brain for energy instead of the simple sugar glucose. The results of this simple, drug-free therapy were quite
amazing. For children with epilepsy, this switch cut seizures in 56% of patients. In 12%, seizures disappeared
altogether. What’s more, after coming off the diet, for many the seizures did not return.
One of the main difficulties with the disease is keeping a high enough level of fibre in the diet. The carbohydrate
intake is so low that it must be strictly in the form of whole grain, green leafy vegetables and other high-fibre foods
in order for the dieter to consume the recommended daily amount of fibre. The other problem is that once the body
begins to get used to the ketogenic diet, it consumes more salt. This means that an increased intake of salt is
recommended, which can be problematic for somebody with high blood pressure or on blood pressure medication.
In the long run, supporters of the diet say it actually reduces blood pressure, but obviously those with a sensitivity
should only follow the diet under the eye of their doctor.
Treatment for epilepsy has moved on in the most part, since the discovery of special medication that are far more
effective in stopping seizures. But the biological effects of the ketogenic diet have been put to use more recently by
people who struggle to lose weight using conventional diets. In some recent studies, it has also shown good results
in helping people who suffer from migraines, and research is ongoing on its use in treating Alzheimer's disease,
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, neurotrauma, Parkinson's disease and sleep disorders.

1 The ketogenic diet was used in ancient Greece. .........

2 Fat makes up the largest part of the ketogenic diet. .........
3 In ancient Greece, the therapy for epilepsy had excellent results. .........
4 12% of children with epilepsy put on the ketogenic diet never have another seizure. .........
5 The ketogenic diet is naturally high in fibre. .........
6 The ketogenic diet is unsuitable for those with a liver condition. .........
7 The ketogenic diet remains the leading treatment for epilepsy. .........
8 Studies of other medical uses for the ketogenic diet are continuing .........

Marks ____
81 8


J Read the rubric and do the task. Follow the plan.

The college director, Vanessa Statham, Plan

has asked you to propose ways to Para 1: Introduction: the reason for the proposal
make your college eco-friendly. Para 2: first suggestion with examples/reasons
Write your proposal (120-180 words). Para 3: second suggestion with examples/reasons
Think about: paperless classrooms, Para 4: third suggestion with examples/reasons
recycling bins, disposable cups. Para 5: Conclusion: summary of suggestions &
expected result


Marks ____

K You will hear Lawrence Gill, a professional shopper explaining to a radio presenter how
to shop online safely. For questions 1-6, write one or two words in the gap.

1 Lawrence says that professional shoppers usually buy clothes, accessories and sometimes
……………………………………. .
2 Professional shoppers need to be very careful with their clients’ ……………………………………. .
3 A ……………………………………. in the website address means that an online shop is secure.
4 Only buy from online companies with a ……………………………………. .
5 Find out about bad online companies through online ……………………………………. .
6 A good online company will let you ……………………………………. easily and free of charge.
Marks ____
66 6


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