ICAS Jaimini Special Lagna Part3

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ICAS- Jaimini Astrology

Special Lagnas
Part 3
Special Lagnas
• Arudha Lagna
• Bhava Lagna
• Hora Lagna
• Varnada Lagna
• Ghatika Lagna
• Nisheka Lagna
Bhava Lagna

• Check the Birth Ghatika.

• Devide it by 5.
• Add 1 to the quotient. (A)
• Reminder may be converted in degrees by multiplying it by
30 .
• Check the nature of Ascendant as Odd or Even.
• If it is Even, count (A) above from the Lagna Rashi
(including the Lagna Rashi) and if the Rashi is Odd then
count it from the Rashi of the Sun.
• Bhav Lagna is of 5 ghatikas , means 2 Hours.
• 5 Ghati = 1 Rashi= 30 degrees
• 1Ghati= 6 degrees
Bhava Lagna
• Birth Ghatika 14.5 devide by 5= 2.9
• Add 1 to the quotient. 2+1=3 (A)
• Reminder .9*30=27 degrees.
• Birth Lagna is Vrushabh. Count 3 (A) from
Vrushabh . It will be Karka Rashi and 27
• However, mathematical calculation will be
Sinha 10 deg 9 Kala and as per the next slide.
Bhava Lagna
• Mathematically, the Bhava Lagna can be arrived
at from the Rising Degree ( Longitude) of
Ascendant or Sun’s Rashi / longitude. For
example: Longitude of Lagna is 43 degree 9 Kala.
• Birth Ghati is 14.5. multiplied by 6=87 degrees.
• Rising Lagna 43 deg 9 kala plus 87 degrees = 130
deg 9 kala. Means , sinha Rashi 10 deg 9 Kala.
Hora Lagna
• Check the Birth Ghatika.
• Devide it by 2.5.
• Add 1 to the quotient. (A)
• Reminder may be converted in degrees by multiplying it by 30 .
• Check the nature of Ascendant as Odd or Even.
• If it is Even, count (A) above from the Lagna Rashi (including the Lagna
Rashi) and if the Rashi is Odd then count it from the Rashi of the Sun.
• This calculation is as per Savayva Hora Lagna. It is slightly different from
parasara's hora lagna, where the counting is always from Sun's longitude
both for ODD and EVEN rasis.

• Hora Lagna is of 2.5 ghatikas , means 1 Hours.

• 2.5 Ghati = 1 Rashi= 30 degrees
• 1Ghati= 12degrees
Hora Lagna
• Birth Ghatika 14.5 devide by 2.5= 5.8
• Add 1 to the quotient. 5+1=6 (A)
• Reminder .8*30=24 degrees.
• Birth Lagna is Vrushabh. Count 6 (A) from
Vrushabh . It will be Tula Rashi and 24
• However, mathematical calculation will be
Scorpio 7 deg 9 Kala and as per the next slide
Hora Lagna
• Mathematically, the Hora Lagna can be arrived at
from the Rising Degree ( Longitude) of Ascendant
or Sun’s Rashi / longitude. For example:
Longitude of Lagna is 43 degree 9 Kala.
• Birth Ghati is 14.5. multiplied by 12=174 degrees.
• Rising Lagna 43 deg 9 kala plus 174 degrees = 217
deg 9 kala. Means , Scorpio Rashi 7 deg 9 Kala.
Varnada Lagna
• If Birth Lagna is odd then count from Mesha to
Birth Lagna. If the Birth Lagna is even then
count from Meena to Birth Lagna in reverse
order. (A)
• If Hora Lagna is odd then count from Mesha to
Hora Lagna. If the Hora Lagna is even then
count from Meena to Hora Lagna in reverse
order. (B)
Varnada Lagna
• If both Birth Lagna and Hora Lagna are of same
category like odd or even , then take sum of (A)
and (B). Call this as (C)
• But, if one is odd & another is even then take the
difference between (A) & (B). Call this as
( C)
Expunge multiples of 12 and Varnada Lagna is the
Rashi arrived at by counting from Mesha ( Direct)
or Meena ( Reverse) according to Birth Lagna is
odd or even.
Varnada Lagna
• Birth Lagna is Vrushabh, Even sign.
• Hora Lagna is Tula ( Odd sign)
• A= 11 ( Counting reverse from Meena to Birth Lagna
• B=7 (Counting in direct order from Mesha to Hora
Lagna Tula.
• Birth Lagna is even and Hora Lagna is Odd,.
• A-B=C, 11-7=4.
• As Birth Lagna is even counting 4 from in reverse order
from Meena , it will be Dhanu.( Varnada Lagna for
Varnada Lagna
• Varnada for all Bhavas can be calculated.
• Treat the appropriate Bhava/ Rash as Lagna and
the same number of house/ Rashi from the Hora
Lagna shall be considered for calculation .
• For example, if wants varnada for second bhava
then treat it as Birth Lagna and also take second
bhava from the Hora Lagna as if hora Lagna. The
calculation shall be done in the similar way.
Ghatika Lagna
• Divide the Birth Ghatika by 12.
• Reject the quotient and integral part of
• Integral part plus 1.
• Count this number from Birth Lagna to arrive
at Ghatika Lagna.
• The fractional part shall be reduced to degree.
Ghatika Lagna
• Birth Lagna Taurus 13 deg 9 kala ( 43 deg 9 Kala)
• Birth Ghatika is 14.5
• Birth Ghatika 14.5/12 = 1 – 2.5 ( Remainder)
• Integral part is 2 and fractional part is .5 from the
• Add one to Integral part 2 , we get 3
• Third from Birth Lagna Taurus will be Karka will
be Ghatika Lagna .
• .5( Fraction)*30 degrees= 15 degrees.
• Cancer 15 will be Ghatika Lagna.
Ghatika Lagna
• Mathematically each ghati is equivalent to 30
degrees. So , Birth Ghati multiplied by 30 shall
be added to Birth Lagna to get Ghatika Lagna.
• Birth Ghati 14.5* 30=435 deg
• Birth Lagna is 43 deg 9 kala.
• 435 plus 43 deg 9 kala=478 – 360= 118 deg 9
• Means, Cancer 18 deg 9 Kala.
Nisheka or Adhana Lagna
• The sign rising at the time of conception.
• Parasara Method of Calculation
• Find Distance from the Shani to Mandi(Gulika)
• Find distance from the longitude of 9th House and
• Add (a) and (b) =C. Omit the signs . Add Moon
degree and seconds to (C)
• This is the interval between Adhan and Birth.
Conver it in to Months, Days , hours.
Nisheka or Adhana Lagna- Parasara
Method- Birth Chart
• Shani Long- 26.38 , Gulika Long-10.6 . Difference
will be 16.32 (A)
• Longitude of 9th House- 29.50, and Lagna 149.48.
• 29.50 Minus 149.48= 240.2 (B)
• Add (a) and (B) =256.34 (C) Means without signs=
• Moon Long= 6.34 , So, 16.34+6.34=23.08 (
Difference between Birth Time and Adhan.
• 8 sign( Months)- 23 days 3.2 hours
Finding Sun’s Longitude @ coitus
• Sun @ Birth is 305.2
• Shani ( Minus) Gulika = 16.32 ( A)
• Long of 9th ( Minus ) Log of Lagna= 240.2 (B)
• (a) + (B)= 256.34 Adding Birth Moon -6.34=
• Birth Sun Long ( Minus ) 263.8= 305.2-263.8=
• 41.54 ( This is the Long of Sun @ coitus
Stamersingh’s Method
• In Work entitled Manushya Jatak, reference is
made of Adhan Lagna by author Stamersingh.
• When longitude of Lagna and the Moon in
birth horoscope are the same, the period of
gestation would be 273 days.
• When they are opposite, the duration of
pregnancy would be 258 days.
• We have to fix period of gestation
proportionately by the rule of three.
Adhan Lagna
• If the Adhan Lagna is carnal , the birth is in the
9th Month, If in Fixed sign then in the 10th
Month, if in common sign , in the 11th Month.
• That is birth takes place after 287,292,281 ( or
276) days.
• It can take place after 258, 270, 274 or 288
Pranpada Lagna
• Check whether Sun is in movable, Fixed or
common sign.
• Birth time vighaties multiplied by 2 (A)
• (A) + Sun’s longitude ( If sun is in Movable
• (A) + Sun’s Longitude+ 240 ( If Sun is in Fixed
• (A) + Sun’s longitude + 120 ( if Sun is in
common sign)
Pranpada Lagna
• Birth Ghatika 14 gh 30 vighatika ( 14*60+ 30)=
870 vighatika.
• Sun = 301 de12 ka or 1deg 12 kala in Kumbha (
Fixed sign)
• ( 2*870) + 301-12+ 240)
• = 1740 +( 541- 12)
• =2281-12 ( Expunging multiples of 360, we get
121-12= Sinha 1 deg 12 Kala = Pranpad Lagna.
Divya Lagna
• Add the degrees and minutes (leaving the Rashi) for both the Lord
of Lagna and Yogad Planet. ( Some considers Longitude of Birth
• If there is no Yogad Planet take the Keval Planet.
• Moon will be considered if both (Yogad and Keval Grahaa) are
absent in the Horoscope.
• Count this number from Birth Lagna to get the Diya Lagna.
• Birth Lagna is Mesha.
• Take the Sphoot positions (without Raashi) of Saturn ( Yogada
Planet)and Mars (Lord of Lagna)
21/37 for Mars, and
13/05 for Saturn ---- their addition is 34/42 - which leaves a balance
of 10/42 after both the numbers have been divided by 12;
therefore Divya Lagna is the 11th Raashi from Birth Lagna ( Mesha)
- Aquarius.
Divya Lagna- Yogada & Keval Planet
• A Planet is said to be Yogad Planet if it aspects the
Birth Lagna, in the Rashi, Drekkaan and
Navaansh Charts OR
in the Rashi and Navansh charts, OR
in the Raashi and Drekkan charts.
• Keval Graha is the one which aspects the Birth
Lagna only in Rashi chart.
• Some considers the lord of the Moon -Sign
aspecting the Ascendant or the Moon as Keval.
Divya Lagna
• Divya Lagna aspected or occupied by its own
lord or by exalted planet/planets or by both
confer Rajayoga .In case Divyalagna is
associated with or aspected by malefic
planet/planets , debilitated planet/planets
leads to poverty.
Tripravarna Lagna
• 1)Add the the longitudes of Ascendant lord and the
Moon. 2)If the number of signs exceeds 12 remove the
• 3)Now add the longitude of the Ascendant lord to get

• Ex: Longitude of the Ascendant lord=2s.26d

• Longitude of Moon =9s.3d
• Total =11 s,29d

• Now 11 s.29d+2s.26d (longitude Ascendant lord)=

• 14s.25d- I2 =2s.25d. Mithun will be Tripravarna Lagna
Tripravarna Lagna
• Tripmvna lagna occupied or aspected by its
own lord, by exalted planet/planets confer
Rajayoga. Aspect or association if malefic
planet/planets with Tripmvana lagna leads to
poverty. If Rahu is placed in or aspects the
Tripmvana lagna it may cause danger from
Tara Lagna
• Find out the elapsed vimsottari dasa at birth.
• Convert this into months and divide it by the
number of years of dasa lord.
• The quotient plus one gives Tara lagna when
counted from the Ascendant.
• If Ketu is the dasalord count the number in
the reverse from the Ascendant to get Tara
Tara Lagna
• Sreemantayoga forms if
• a) an exalted or debilitated planet is in the
Tara lagna.
• b) the lord of Tara lagna is exalted or
• c) occupied by the waxing Moon,
• d) planetary dasa lord is exalted(Moon"s star
Tara Lagna
• Dhana yoga forms if
• a) Tara lagna is occupied by its own lord or by
a friendly planet.
• b) the lord of Tara lagna is in own house or
friend's house
• c) planetary dasa lord is in own house or in
Tara Lagna
• Nirdhana yoga forms if
• Tara lagna is occupied by an inimical planet
• The lord of Tara lagna is in an inimical sign.
Karkamsa Lagna
• The sign in which Atmakaraka is posited in
navamsa is called Karakamsa Lagna. That is
Karaka (Atma) in Amsa-Kundali is Karakamsa
Lagna or simply known as Karakamsa. This is
different from (Navamasa)Amsa Lagna. It is
one of important reference points while
delineating the horoscope. Profession,
disease, spouse and other important
parameters are delineated with reference to
Karkamsa Lagna
• General readings from Karakamsa are as below.

• Aries: If Ak is posited in Aries in Navamsa kundali, then the

native may suffer from the nuisance of rats & cats or may
involve with trading of animals.

• Taurus: If Ak is posited in Taurus in Navamsa kundali, then

the native may get benefit through quadruped animals.

• Gemini: If Ak is posited in Gemini in Navamsa kundali, then

the native may Suffer from skin diseases.
Karkamsa Lagna
• Cancer: If Ak is posited in Cancer in Navamsa
kundali, then the native may face Danger from

• Leo: If Ak is posited in Leo in Navamsa kundali,

then the native may have fear and danger from
wild animals.
• Virgo: If Ak is posited in Virgo in Navamsa
kundali, then the native may sufferfrom itches
and allergies of skin.
Karkamsa Lagna
• Libra: If Ak is posited in Libra in Navamsa
kundali, then the native may be involved in

• Scorpio: If Ak is posited in Scorpio in Navamsa

kundali, then the native may have fear from
reptiles. He may also be deprived of mother's
Karkamsa Lagna
• Saggitarius: If Ak is posited in Saggitarius in
Navamsa kundali, then the native may suffer
from vehicle accidents or fall from higher places.
The native may be fond of horse riding.

• Capricorn: If Ak is posited in Capricorn in

Navamsa kundali,
then the native may Gain from marine products.
• Aquarius: If Ak is posited in Aquarius in Navamsa
kundali, then the native may be involved with the
construction activities related to water bodies.
Karkamsa Lagna
• Pisces: If Ak is posited in Pisces in Navamsa
kundali, then the native may be a
philanthropist and attain salvation attend.

• General: If the angles and Trines from

Karakamsa are occupied by benefics, then the
native is knowledgeable and wealthy.
• The position of Gulika is important for
determining profession, disease etc.
• 1) For the Day birth divide the duration of the
Day into 8 equal parts.
• 2) The ruler of the first part is the ruler of the
week day of Birth. ( Birth Week Day)
• 3) Count the next parts as per the Week Day

• 4) At the end of Shani’s part we have Gulika .

• 5)For Night birth , divide duration of night by 8.
• 6) ) The ruler of the first part is the ruler of the
fifth week day from the birth week day . Example:
Birth during night time of Monday. The fifth is
Friday ( Venus). So, it is the first part . You count
up to end of part of shani in the week day order
like Friday, Saturday. Then Gulika rises at he end
of shani’s part.
• Birth in day time of Tuesday.
• The duration of day is 28.4 ghatika.
28.4/8= 3.55 gh for each part.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
So, we will have Gulika ( After Shani) means
after 5 parts. This will be 17.75 converting
into gha/ Pale- 17 gh 45 Pale, when Gulika
rises. Find out the lagna rising at this time.

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