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The 'speaking' Elephant,

who chose the Name Batyr Joannes Richter

Fig. 1 Stamp of Kazakhstan

Public Domain

An eight year old, intelligent Asian elephant may have identified the 5 sources of the human beings.
Such elephants may have learned to imitate the voices human visitors and zookeepers.
They must have identified the 5 easiest phonemes B, A, T, Y, R and the elephant's methods to
successfully imitate the “words” (BATYR). The given name BATYR of the elephant Batyr is the
easiest word, which BATYR had been learned.
While pronouncing words, only the tip of the elephant's trunk is clamped inside [the
mouth] and Batyr made subtle movements with a finger-shaped shoot on the trunk tip"1

According to the legends the first Greek alphabet was introduced in 4 stages: Moirai (7): Α, Β, Η, Τ,
Ι, Υ, ? Palamedes (11): Γ, Δ, Θ, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Ρ, Σ, Χ. Simonides (4): Ω, Ε, Ζ, Φ. Epicharmus of
Sicily (2): Π, Ψ.
Four of the letters of the elephant B, A, T, Y, R correlate to the 7 letters Α, Β, Η, Τ, Ι, Υ, ? of the 3
Moirai. The word “BATYR” may be related to “faðir” (Faroese father, FAÐIR) and “móðir”
(Faroese: mother, MÓÐIR) or “maður” (human being, people, man (generic).
Also “BATYR” may be related to “water”, in Old -Frisian “WETIR”, Ancient Greek ὕδωρ
(HÝDŌR), whence English 'HYDRO-'), Russian водаа (vodá), Irish Uisce .

1 A. N. Pogrebnoj-Aleksandroff, a young worker at the zoo[6][7] who studied Batyr's abilities and wrote many
publications about him, said of the elephant
The elephants2
Elephants are the largest existing land animals. Three living species are currently recognised:
1. the African bush elephant,
2. the African forest elephant,
3. and the Asian elephant.
They are the only surviving members of the family Elephantidae.
Georgia is a country in Eastern Europe and Western Asia. The Asian elephant may refer to the
Georgian name SP'ILO.
The African elephants may refer to the Kikongo name NZOKU.

Continent Language Name-giving Pentagrams in Name-giving Pentagram

Asia Georgian სპილო (sp'ilo) → ka სპილო (SP'ILO) → KA SP'ILO
Afrika Kikongo nzoku → kg NZOKU → KG NZOKU

Table 1 Translations of the Georgian and Kikongo (Kongo language) words for elephants

The Asian elephant3

Asian elephants have a very large and highly developed neocortex, a trait also shared by
humans, apes and certain dolphin species. They have a greater volume of cerebral
cortex available for cognitive processing than all other existing land animals.

Results of studies indicate that Asian elephants have cognitive abilities for tool use and
tool-making similar to great apes.[80] They exhibit a wide variety of behaviours,
including those associated with grief, learning, allomothering, mimicry, play, altruism,
use of tools, compassion, cooperation, self-awareness, memory, and language.[81] 4

Speaking animals which are “speaking” pentagrammatons (words), which contain the 5 places of
articulation lingual, labial, palatal, dental and guttural. The name of these animals ( BATYR) also are
Batyr (BATYR) (1970[1][2] – 1993) was an Asian elephant claimed to be able to use a
large amount of meaningful human speech. Living in a zoo in Kazakhstan in the Soviet
Union, Batyr was reported as having a vocabulary of more than 20 phrases.[3] A
recording of Batyr saying "BATYR is good", his name and using words such as drink
and give was played on Kazakh state radio and on the Soviet Central Television
programme Vremya in 1980.[4]

Batyr, the talking elephant of Kazakhstan,passed away in Karaganda Zoo in September

1993.Batyr first became famous in 1977 when a nightwatchman reported hearing the
eight year old Indian elephant talking to himself. Boris Kosinsky, the deputy director of
the zoo, was sceptical, but paid the prattling pachyderm a visit. "Batyr good boy. Go

2 Adam's List of The Created Animals

3 Soorce: Asian_elephant
4 Elephant cognition
away," said Batyr. The news spread throughout the Soviet Union and the zoo's
attendances shot up. A recording of Batyr saying "Batyr is good", "Batyr is hungry" and
using words such as "drink" and "give" was played on Kazakh state radio in 1980; and
by 1983, Batyr's vocabulary had risen to 20 phrases,including the local equivalent of
"Have you watered the elephant?"5

Batyr was the offspring of once-wild Indian elephants (a subspecies of the Asian elephant) and was
the second child of his mother, Palm, (1959–1998) and father, Dubas, (1959–1978)[5] presented to
Kazakhstan's Almaty Zoo by the Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
Batyr (BATYR), whose name is a Turkic word meaning 'dashing equestrian', 'man of
courage' or 'athlete', was first alleged to speak just before New Year's Day in the winter
of 1977 when he was seven years old. Zoo employees were the first to notice his
"speech", but he soon delighted zoo-goers at large by appearing to ask his attendants for
water and regularly praising or (infrequently) chastising himself. By 1979, his fame as
the "speaking elephant" had spread in the wake of various mass-media stories about his
abilities, many containing considerable fabrication and wild conjecture. Batyr's case
was also included in several books on animal behaviour, and in the proceedings of
several scientific conferences. These developments drew a spate of zoo visitors, and
brought the offer of an exchange—Batyr for a rare bonobo—from the Czechoslovak
Circus; an offer rejected by the zoo's employees.

A. N. Pogrebnoj-Aleksandroff, a young worker at the zoo[6][7] who studied Batyr's abilities and
wrote many publications about him, said of the elephant:
Batyr, on the level of natural blares, [Batyr] said words (including human slang) by
manipulating his trunk. By putting the trunk in his mouth, pressing a tip of the trunk to
the bottom of the jaw and manipulating the tongue, [the elephant] said words. Besides,
being in a corner of the cage (frequently at night) with the trunk softly hanging down,
the elephant said words almost silently—a sound comparable with the sound of
ultrasonic devices used against mosquitoes or the peep of mosquitoes, which human
hearing hears well until approximately the age of 40. While pronouncing words, only
the tip of the elephant's trunk is clamped inside [the mouth] and Batyr made subtle
movements with a finger-shaped shoot on the trunk tip".

5 Sieveking, Paul. "Conversing cows and eloquent elephants". Archived from the original on
October 15, 2010. Retrieved 4 August 2011.
The Elephants in Adam's List of The Created Animals
The first Man (Adam & Eve) was invited to give the animals their names. A remarkable number of
the following names are 5-letter words, which represent the 5 places of articulation.
The elephants were a subset of the animals, which had been described in Adam's List of The
Created Animals. One of these elephants may have named his own name BATYR.
Some other animals (ASINU) may “speak” parts of the 5-letter words, but the Asian elephant seems
to utter the best phonemes.

Pentagram P Information Definitions Language

1. ZIBOR P Source: The Bison-Cult (or Why the Minotaur bison Slavic
ZOBIR P and Quinotaur may Symbolize a Bison)
2. WISEN(t) - Bison bonasus, WISEN(t) or European BISON bison Germanic
3. BISON P From: Latin bison "wild ox" (animal) bison Latin
4. ELGUR P the elk (Islandic: elgur (ELGUR) elk Islandic
5. BJØRN P biorn, from Old Norse bjǫrn (“bear”) - probably bjørn (bear) Old Norse
BJORN P from Proto-Indo-European *bʰer- (“brown,
6. LÚKOS P wolf (Ancient Greek: Λύκος Lúkos, "wolf" wolf Ancient
7. SWINE P Swine - Old High German swin, Middle Dutch swine English
SchWEIN swijn, Dutch zwijn, German Schwein, Old Norse, (animal) German
Swedish, Danish svin)
8. MORIN P MORIN - Mongole „Pferd“, Chinese „ma“ horse Mongol
→ in German Mähre
9. ASINU P in Corsican: asinu; Sicilian: àsinu, ASINU ass Sicilian
Usually compared to Ancient Greek ὄνος (ónos)
(which cannot be its direct ancestor)
10. FELIS P The generic name Felis is derived from Classical Felis Classical
CATUS Latin FELIS CATUS resp. FELIS, meaning Latin
FYRET "cat, ferret"
11. CETUS P Whale ( huge fish, sea monster), whale Latin
Greek ΚΗΗΤΟΣ (kêtos)
12. ŚANKU P [pointed stick, big fish] Big fish Old-Indian
13. SP'ILO P სპილო (SP'ILO) → KA - სპილო (sp'ilo) → ka Elephant Georgisch
NZOKU P NZOKU → KG - nzoku → kg Kikongo
14. MENSCh P man (person) from MENNISKO ('person') (1100) Man Germanic
Table 2 The pentagrams for the most impressive creatures in the world
(Adam's List of the Created Animals)
List of 5-letter words reported to have been spoken by Batyr6
The words and phrases often repeat all 5 places of articulation (lingual, labial, palatal, dental and
guttural). Maybe the intelligent animal recognized the 5 places of articulation of the human beings
and imitated the phrases (using the trunk in the mouth). Especially the colored samples (7 or 8)
contain the imitated pentagrammaton of:
1. 7 imitations of his name БАТЫЫР: 'BATYR' (English: 'man of courage' or 'athlete'),
2. 1 imitation of Дурак, the Russian card game Durak 'ДУРАК' (English: 'fool'),
3. resp. 1 imitation of the word ВодыЫ: [WO-DIH] (English: 'water' or 'WATI(R)').

Full list of words and phrases reported to have been spoken by Batyr
Living in a zoo in Kazakhstan in the , Batyr was reported as having a vocabulary of
more than 20 phrases.[3] A recording of Batyr saying "BATYR is good", his name and
using words such as drink and give was played on Kazakh state radio.

I added some comments and markers to the most interesting 5-letter words (pentagrammatons):
1. БатыЫр: 'BATYR', said abruptly;
2. Я (YA): 'I'm', said very abruptly, in combination with his name, using long pronunciation;
I'm-Batyr (“YA BATYR') sounded almost together;
3. БаЫтыЫр: 'BATYR', said thoughtfully-tenderly and lingeringly;
4. Батыр, Батыр, Батыр…: 'BATYR, BATYR, BATYR', joyfully running in a cage;
5. Батырушка: Batyrushka, an affectionate version of the name BATYR;[4]
6. ВодыЫ: 'water', a request; Pronunciation: водыы́ [WO-DIH] → 'WATIR'
7. Хорооший: 'good', as in good fellow;
8. Батыр хорооший: 'good BATYR';
9. Ой-ё-ёй: 'Oh-yo', sonorously;
10. Дурак: 'fool', seldom and abruptly; DURAK (Russian: ДУРАК, IPA: [dʊˈrak] ⓘ; lit. 'fool')
is a traditional Russian card game
11. Плохой: 'bad', rarely;
12. Батыр плохой: 'bad BATYR', rarely; Pronunciation: плохоЫй • [PLOXÓJ]
13. Идио: 'go';
14. Иди [на] хуй: 'go to hell', obscene Russian phrase; said for the first and only time during a
telecast shooting;
15. Хуй: Russian curse word for 'penis', seldom and abruptly;
16. Бао-ба: short form of babushka 'grandmother'; short children's sound ba;
17. Дао: 'yes';
18. Дай: 'give (me)';
19. Дай-дай-дай: 'give, give, give';
20. Раз-два-три: 'one, two, three', while dancing, turning and hopping.

6 Batyr
Communication between African Elephants7
The communication is not restricted between Asian (Indian) elephants 8. Investigations describes the
name-giving in the communications between African elephants. Each elephant addresses a
companion with an uniquely given name to the partner.

7 Communication between Elephants Status: 11.06.2024 14:31 o'clock (in German language)
8 Loxodonta africana
An eight year old, intelligent Asian elephant may have identified the 5 sources of the human beings.
Such elephants may have learned to imitate the voices human visitors and zookeepers.
They must have identified the 5 easiest phonemes B, A, T, Y, R and the elephant's methods to
successfully imitate the “words” (BATYR). The given name BATYR of the elephant Batyr is the
easiest word, which BATYR had been learned.
While pronouncing words, only the tip of the elephant's trunk is clamped inside [the
mouth] and Batyr made subtle movements with a finger-shaped shoot on the trunk tip"9

According to the legends the first Greek alphabet was introduced in 4 stages: Moirai (7): Α, Β, Η, Τ,
Ι, Υ, ? Palamedes (11): Γ, Δ, Θ, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Ρ, Σ, Χ. Simonides (4): Ω, Ε, Ζ, Φ. Epicharmus of
Sicily (2): Π, Ψ.
Four of the letters of the elephant B, A, T, Y, R correlate to the 7 letters Α, Β, Η, Τ, Ι, Υ, ? of the 3
Moirai. The word “BATYR” may be related to “faðir” (Faroese father, FAÐIR) and “móðir”
(Faroese: mother, MÓÐIR) or “maður” (human being, people, man (generic).
Also “BATYR” may be related to “water”, in Old -Frisian “WETIR”, Ancient Greek ὕδωρ
(HÝDŌR), whence English 'HYDRO-'), Russian водаа (vodá), Irish Uisce .

9 A. N. Pogrebnoj-Aleksandroff, a young worker at the zoo[6][7] who studied Batyr's abilities and wrote many
publications about him, said of the elephant
The elephants........................................................................................................................................2
The Asian elephant...........................................................................................................................2
The Elephants in Adam's List of The Created Animals...................................................................4
List of 5-letter words reported to have been spoken by Batyr..............................................................5
Full list of words and phrases reported to have been spoken by Batyr...........................................5
Communication between African Elephants .......................................................................................6

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