CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024F3

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Assignment 2 2024
(586775) - DUE 20
June 2024
CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024
CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024

QUESTION 1: [25 marks]

1.1 A meaningful life comprises of FIVE elements. Draw a mind map using these
FIVE elements as central themes. Use the study guide content to summarise the
main ideas linked to each element as major themes in the mind map. The content
must be summarised within the mind map. (20)

1.2 What are the important tasks of a teacher counsellor? (5)

1.1 Mind Map: Elements of a Meaningful Life

Here's a textual representation of the mind map for a meaningful life comprising five
central elements, along with the main ideas linked to each:

1. Purpose

o Goals and Ambitions: Setting and striving for personal and professional

o Sense of Direction: Having a clear path or direction in life.

o Contribution: Feeling that one's actions contribute positively to the world

or community.

2. Engagement

o Flow: Experiencing deep involvement in activities.

o Passion: Engaging in activities one is passionate about.

o Presence: Being fully present in the moment.

3. Relationships

o Connection: Building deep and meaningful connections with others.

o Support Systems: Having a network of supportive friends and family.

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024
o Love and Affection: Experiencing love and affection from significant

4. Achievement

o Accomplishments: Achieving milestones and successes.

o Recognition: Receiving recognition for one's efforts and successes.

o Growth: Continuous personal and professional growth.

5. Health

o Physical Well-being: Maintaining physical health through exercise,

nutrition, and rest.

o Mental Well-being: Fostering mental health through mindfulness, stress

management, and therapy if needed.

o Balance: Maintaining a balance between work, play, and rest.

1.2 Important Tasks of a Teacher Counsellor

1. Support Student Well-being: Provide emotional and psychological support to

students to promote their mental health and well-being.

2. Academic Guidance: Assist students in their academic pursuits by offering

advice on study habits, course selection, and career planning.

3. Crisis Intervention: Act swiftly to address and manage crises that affect
students, such as bullying, abuse, or mental health emergencies.

4. Development of Social Skills: Help students develop essential social skills,

such as communication, conflict resolution, and empathy.

5. Collaboration with Stakeholders: Work collaboratively with teachers, parents,

and other professionals to create a supportive educational environment and
address students' needs effectively.

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024
This summary encapsulates the key elements and responsibilities discussed in the
study guide.

QUESTION 2 [25 marks]

2.1 Read the brief case study below and answer the questions that follow. Mia is a
happy and thriving 13-year-old girl navigating the complexities of adolescence
while balancing familial responsibilities and learning challenges. She lives in a
bustling urban setting with her single mother and two younger siblings. Despite
her mother's difficulties, who works tirelessly in multiple jobs to provide for the
family's needs, Mia is a dedicated and caring older sibling, nurturing her own
aspirations while tending to the needs of her brother and sister. Mia attends a
diverse urban middle school that is committed to inclusivity. The school
prioritises student well-being, and resources for academic support are readily
available. 6 Mia's teachers are attentive to the challenges she may face and
actively engage in providing guidance and support for her academic and personal
growth. Despite her busy schedule, Mia's mother has maintained an atmosphere
of free communication in their household. Mia's support system is built on her
mother-daughter connection, where she discusses not just her academic
accomplishments but also the daily struggles of adolescence. Mia's younger
siblings share in all the responsibilities. Mia, while pursuing her own academic
ambitions, also acts as a guiding presence for her siblings, cultivating a healthy
family environment of collaboration and mutual support that is critical to their
shared path. Mia's school plays a crucial role in her journey. It's committed to
inclusivity, valuing diversity, and providing academic support to each student.
Teachers foster an environment where every student can thrive and go beyond
traditional educational roles to support Mia through adolescence. Her story
highlights resilience, support, and academic success.

2.1.1. Mia's mother actively participates in her education and provides emotional
support. What support does she provide, and how does this support contribute to
Mia's resilience and academic success? (8)
CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024
CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024
2.1.2 Identify specific resources offered by Mia's school to support her academic
journey and overall well-being. (4)

2.1.3 What are Mia’s internal resources that act as protective factors for her and
her family? List the resources and discuss how they serve as protective factors.

2.1.4 Reflect on what factors may contribute to individual and family adversities
in this case study. (7)

2.1.1 Mia's Mother's Support

Support Provided by Mia’s Mother:

1. Emotional Support:

o Open Communication: Maintains an atmosphere of free communication,

allowing Mia to discuss her academic accomplishments and daily

o Emotional Availability: Provides a nurturing and understanding

presence, helping Mia navigate the emotional complexities of

2. Practical Support:

o Balancing Responsibilities: Manages multiple jobs to provide for the

family's needs, ensuring financial stability.

o Encouragement: Encourages Mia's academic ambitions and provides a

role model of dedication and hard work.

Contribution to Mia’s Resilience and Academic Success:

• Emotional Stability: The open communication and emotional availability provide

Mia with a secure environment to express herself, which is crucial for emotional

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024
• Motivation and Self-Esteem: The encouragement and active participation in
Mia's education boost her motivation and self-esteem, which are key to academic

• Role Modeling: Seeing her mother balance responsibilities and work hard
inspires Mia to adopt a similar approach to her own challenges, fostering

2.1.2 School Resources Supporting Mia

Resources Offered by Mia’s School:

1. Inclusive Environment: The school's commitment to inclusivity and valuing

diversity helps Mia feel accepted and supported, fostering a positive school

2. Academic Support: Availability of academic resources and attentive teachers

who provide guidance and support tailored to Mia’s needs.

3. Well-being Programs: Initiatives and resources aimed at promoting student

well-being, ensuring that Mia's emotional and psychological needs are met.

4. Teacher Engagement: Active engagement of teachers in Mia's academic and

personal growth, ensuring she receives comprehensive support.

2.1.3 Mia’s Internal Resources as Protective Factors

Internal Resources:

1. Resilience:

o Coping Skills: Ability to manage and adapt to the challenges of

adolescence and familial responsibilities.

o Emotional Strength: Emotional fortitude to navigate personal and

academic challenges.

2. Dedication:

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024
o Commitment to Education: Dedication to her academic ambitions,
reflecting a strong work ethic and perseverance.

o Caring Nature: Dedication to her siblings’ well-being, demonstrating

responsibility and maturity.

3. Positive Relationships:

o Strong Family Bonds: Close relationship with her mother and siblings,
providing emotional support and a sense of belonging.

o Supportive School Environment: Positive interactions with teachers and

peers, enhancing her school experience.

How They Serve as Protective Factors:

• Resilience: Helps Mia bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive
outlook despite difficulties, contributing to mental well-being and academic

• Dedication: Drives her to overcome challenges and achieve her academic

goals, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-efficacy.

• Positive Relationships: Provides a support network that offers emotional and

practical assistance, essential for navigating adolescence and balancing

2.1.4 Factors Contributing to Adversities

Individual Factors:

1. Adolescence: The natural complexities and challenges associated with this

developmental stage, including identity formation and emotional fluctuations.

2. Learning Challenges: Potential academic difficulties that may require additional

support and resources.

Family Factors:

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024

CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024
1. Single-Parent Household: The pressures and limitations of a single-parent
family, including financial constraints and reduced availability of the parent.

2. Parental Workload: The mother’s multiple jobs leading to limited time and
energy to support the children fully.

Environmental Factors:

1. Urban Setting: The demands and stressors of living in a bustling urban

environment, which can include safety concerns, noise, and limited access to

2. Socioeconomic Status: Potential financial limitations impacting access to

resources, extracurricular activities, and opportunities for enrichment.

How These Factors Contribute to Adversity:

• Adolescence and Learning Challenges: Can create stress and overwhelm

Mia, affecting her mental health and academic performance.

• Single-Parent Household and Parental Workload: Might lead to less parental

supervision and support, impacting the children’s well-being and development.

• Urban Setting and Socioeconomic Status: Can introduce additional stressors

and limit opportunities for Mia and her siblings, impacting their overall quality of
life and future prospects.


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and exam help:
email: musyokah11@gmail.com
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CSP2601 Assignment 2 2024 (586775) - DUE 20 June 2024

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