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What is the meaning of the expression Contempt Court? Discuss different categories of
contempt of court? Is fair comment a good defence for contempt of court? Under Advocates
act,1961 with section and case law's

The term "Contempt of Court" refers to any action that disrespects or defies the authority or
dignity of a court. It can take various forms, which can be broadly categorized into two types:

1. Civil contempt: This occurs when a person fails to comply with a court order or judgment,
such as refusing to pay a fine or comply with a court-ordered injunction.
2. Criminal contempt: This involves behavior that obstructs or undermines the administration of
justice, such as disrupting court proceedings, disobeying a court order, or showing
disrespect to the judge or judicial process.

Within these categories, contempt of court can manifest in several ways, including:

• Direct contempt: Behavior that occurs within the presence of the court, such as disrupting

proceedings or disobeying the judge's orders in the courtroom.

• Indirect contempt: Actions that occur outside the presence of the court but still obstruct or

undermine the administration of justice, such as publishing defamatory statements about a

judge or ongoing legal proceedings.

Regarding whether "fair comment" is a good defense for contempt of court, it depends on the
jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the case. Fair comment generally allows
individuals to express opinions or criticisms about matters of public interest without being
held in contempt, as long as the comments are based on true facts and do not amount to wilful
disobedience or interference with the administration of justice. However, the boundaries of fair
comment can vary, and what constitutes fair comment in one jurisdiction may not be
considered as such in another.

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