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Journal Of Health Science Vol VIII. No.

2 2023 | 7 - 11


Mazidatur Rohmah1, Merry Sunaryo2, Muchammad Rafi Wahyu Pratama3 , Naufal AlFaridzi Mubarok4 ,
Moch Sahri5
1,2,3,4,5 D-IV Occupational Safety and Health, Faculty of Health, Nahdlatul Ulama University

email: 1mazidaturrohm

mochamadrafi 013. k 320@ s tudent. un usa. 4naufalal014.k320@stude
sahrimoses@ unusa.

Coresponding Author: merry@u

Article Information ABSTRACT

Article History : Potential hazards in the workplace can result in work accidents and
Received:26 -08 -2 023 occupational diseases. One of the controls against work accidents is the
Revised: 02-10-2023 availability of first aid kits in the workplace. The type of research used is
Accepted: 25-11-2023 descriptive observational research using crosssectional study research. This
research was conducted at PT X in June 2023. The population of this study
were 24 workers at PT. X. Data collection using observation sheets
(Checklist Sheets) guided by the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower
Keywords and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia No. 15 of 2008 concerning
Knowlede, first aid in accidents in the workplace. Therequirements for first aid
Fire Rescue Officer a, officers at PT X are still not implemented, there should be 1 firstaid officer
Rescue FacilitiesFirst, at PT X because it has more than 24 workers and has a mild risk of
K3 workaccidents in accordance with the regulations set by the Minister of
Manpower and Transmigration No. 15 of 2008. Completeness of t h e first
aid facility, such as the first aid room at PT X is not available, the contents
of the first aid box do not meet the standards, the placement of the first
aid box is not clearly visible, the red first aid symbol should be green. There
is no means of transportation (ambulance) and shower in additional
facilities. The implementation of First Aid at PT X is not appropriate.
Therefore, it is recommended for the company to conduct socialization to
workers, increase maintenance and create a logbook to monitor first aid
kits and their contents, add a map to the first aid kit and the contents of
the first aid kit. find out the location of the first aid kit at PT X.

and the surrounding community. It
Workplace is any room or field closed or provides all members of the workforce
open movable or fixed where labor works with physical, psychological, social and
or which is often entered by labor for the organizational conditions that protect and
purposes of a business and there are promote health and safety. It enables
source or sources of danger as detailed in managers and workers to increase control
Article 2 Law Number 1 Year 1970 over their own health and to improve it,
(PER.15/MEN/VIII/2008). Workplace A and to be more energetic, positive and
healthy workplace is a place where all satisfied. As in return, the workforce is
people work together to achieve an agreed more stable, committed and productive.
vision the health and well-being of workers

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The International Labor Organization the application of First Aid at PT X, so there

(ILO) report states that every year there are needs to be an in-depth evaluation of the
2.78 million workers who are killed due to first aid facilities at PT X. evaluation of the
workplace accidents or occupational first aid facilities at PT.X. By Therefore, the
diseases. More than 374 million workers are identification of the suitability of first aid kits
injured or fall or fall ill every year due to in the work area work area is necessary as an
work-related accidents. The impact on world early prevention effort the consequences of
economy due to lost work days is close to 4% occupational diseases and work accidents.
of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) From the background above, the
globally (ILO, 2019). researcher interested in conducting
Potential hazards in the workplace research with title "Evaluation of the
sometimes realized by workers, but workers Application of First Aid First Aid in Accidents
do not know the impact and how to control (P3K) at PT.X.
it (Sunaryo et al., 2017). control it (Sunaryo
et al., 2017). One of the controls to achieve Research Methods
protection is to provide first aid for accidents The type of research used is observational
(P3K) quickly and precisely. First aid for descriptive research with using cross-
accidents in the workplace (P3K) is sectional study research (cross sectional
regulated by the government through a study). This research conducted at PT. X in
through the Regulation of the Minister of June 2023. Population The population of this
Manpower and Transmigration Number 15 study was 25 workers at PT. X. Data
of 2008. Article 2 paragraphs (1) and (2) collection using observation sheet (Checklist
states that employers are obliged to provide Sheet) guided by the Regulation of the
first aid officers and first aid facilities in the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration
workplace workplace and must implement of the Republic of Indonesia No. 15 year
first aid at the workplace. This shows the 2008 concerning first aid in accidents in the
existence of obligation for the company to workplace.
implement P3K as well as provide P3K
officers and facilities P3K facilities in their Results and Discussion
workplace to provide protection to workers The results of this study are an evaluation of
when an accident occurs. Application of First Aid to Accidents (P3K) at
Survey results and interviews in June PT X include, completeness of first aid
2023 with workers of PT X. workers stated facilities. Evaluation results will be
that work accidents that often occur include discussed and explained below below.
falling, Tripping, Hand Clamped Roll
machine, Slashed by the tip of the zinc, then First Aid Officer
stated again that when workers experience Research results obtained using the
work accidents in the low risk category risk Observation Sheet (Checklist Sheet)
category then treatment is carried out using Checklist) states that at PT.X the number of
first aid by using red medicine while workers as many as 24 male workers. The
workers experience work accident in the number of first aiders is determined based
high risk category then are transferred to the on the number of workers and the potential
nearest clinic at PT X. hazards in the workplace. If the workplace
workplace has a low potential hazard with
The results of the next researcher survey the number of workers 25 to 150 people
that PT X has implemented P3K at The then one first aid officer is needed, but if the
location of the company. But it looks P3K number of workers is more than 150 people
mismatch at that location. A first aid kit was then one first aid officer is needed First Aid
found that had no contents or first aid Officer for every 150 workers or less than
equipment in the box. first aid equipment in that. If the workplace workplace has a high
the box, lack of maintenance on the first aid potential hazard with the number of
kit, as well as placement of the first aid kit workers less than orexactly 100 then one
that is not appropriate. Workers must know person is needed first aid officer, but if the

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number of workers more than 100 people First Aid Kit and Contents
then one first aid officer for every 100 First aid boxes that are placed in the
workers or less. workers or less. Level high company area also has requirements,
potential hazard level is a company that has namely made of strong material and easy to
potential hazards that can result in accidents carry carried, white base color with green
that are detrimental to human life, first aid symbol, the contents of the first aid
disruption of the production process kit in accordance with the provisions of
production process and pollution of the Permenakertrans Number:
work environment among others, PER.15/MEN/VIII/2008, placement of the
companies engaged in mining, oil and gas first aid box with the following provisions
The duties of the first aid officer are carry out easy to see and reach, marked direction,
first aid measures in the workplace enough light and easy to lifted when used,
workplace, maintaining first aid facilities in adjusted with the number of workers or,
the workplace workplace, record every first type and number of first aid kit. PT X has
aid activity in the activity book, report first provided a P3K box in the company but still
aid activities to the management and do not meet the specified requirements.
conduct training First Aid exercises in the Components that do not meet the
workplace at least 6 once a month and requirements based on the rules contained
recorded in the book activities of first aid in Permenakertrans Number:
officers in the workplace. Per.15/MEN/VIII/2008 as follows:
At PT. X does not yet have a First Aid a. The first aid kit is attached to the wall and
Officer, PT. X should have at least 1 First Aid cannot be carried or moved to other places
Officer because the company has 24 workers easily, not in accordance with the provisions
people and have a risk of accidents Light. that require the First aid kits are easy to
This shows that first aid officer is in carry especially when needed during an
accordance with the requirements that have emergency.
been set by Regulation of the Minister of b. First aid kit is white base color and The
Manpower and Transmigration No. 15 of emblem on the first aid box is red, not in
2008 concerning first aid for accidents in the accordance with the provisions that
workplace workplace (Ministry of Labor, mentions that the emblem that is on the first
2008). aid kit should be green.
c. The contents of the first aid kit at PT X are
First Aid Facilities empty, there are contents of the first aid kit
The first aid facilities include a first aid room, such as betadine. empty, there are contents
first aid kit and contents of p3k boxes such as betadine Sterile gauze,
Alcohol, Plaster and bandages but are not
First Aid Room put in the first aid kit only placed in the office
If the company employs workers of the company. The contents of the first aid kit
100 people or more, or employs less than that incomplete can hinder the process of
100 people but with a high potential hazard implementation of first aid when the tools
high potential hazards, the company is needed are not in the first aid kit in the
obliged to provide a first aid room with the company the company.
P3K room which is regulated in d. The number and type of first aid kits are
Permenakertrans Number: not in accordance with the number of
PER.15/MEN/VIII/2008. workers based on the rules that exist in
At this PT. X does not yet have a First Permenakertrans Number:
Aid Room First Aid Room because the Per.15/MEN/VIII/2008. If company has 50
workers at PT. X have not yet have a workers more or less then the provisions is
minimum of 100 workers and potential that every one work unit must have one box
hazards that are owned at PT. X in the Low type B. with the number of workers 24 PT. X
category, so it does not require a First Aid must provide 1 type B first aid kit to be
Room. placed in the company area of PT. X.
However, from the results of observation
shows that PT. X provides P3K box but the

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color of the P3K, does not match and the Special equipment as referred to is in
placement of P3K not easily accessible when the form of tools for quick body wetting
an work accident, the contents and number (shower) and flushing or eye wash. At PT X
of first aid kits that are not in accordance has not provided a body wetting tool
with the rules contained in contained in (shower) and has rinsing or eyewash and
Permenakertrans Number: uses eye wash and uses sterile water
Per.15/MEN/VIII/2008 aquabides. Research by Sunaryo et al.,
(2017) with a descriptive research method
Evacuation and Transportation conducted at PT. descriptive research
Equipment method conducted at PT ABC, the results of
According to the Regulation of the the results of the study are in accordance
Minister of of Labor and Transmigration No. with the standards has been determined by
15 year 2008 concerning first aid in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower
accidents at work in article 11 states that and Transmigration No. 15 of 2008 Minister
evacuation equipment or stretcher that of Labor and Transmigration Regulation No.
serves to move victims to a safe place or 15 of 2008, but there is no discussion of the
referral. While the transportation tool is a body quickly because there is no special
car ambulance or vehicle that can used for room space available.
transporting victims. First aid room or first
aid clinic at Pelabuahan Kalimas has an Conclusion
evacuation tool, namely a stretcher located 1. The results of the evaluation of the first aid
in the room. which is a stretcher located in officer at PT. X is that PT. X has not provided
the first aid room P3K. first aid officer at the company, PT. X should
Research by Tambipi et al, (2020) in have a First Aid Officer at least 1 Officer
Iswari (2019) showed that disaster because stipulated by the Regulation of the
management on evacuation and Minister of Minister of Manpower and
transportation are very necessary in Transmigration Regulation No. 15 year
emergencies, with this one of the equipment 2008, namely every company that has 25 to
that must be available in first aid. From the 150 workers in the low hazard potential
research results transportation equipment, category, First aid officers are physically and
namely ambulance cars at PT X does not mentally healthy, willing to be appointed as
exist. The results of interviews with workers a First Aid Officer, and has been certified and
at PT.X stated that when a work accident have carried out assignments in accordance
occurs the transportation tool used is a with article 6 includes carrying out first aid
company car that will go directly to company measures in the workplace, maintaining first
car that will go directly to The nearest aid facilities every month, record every first
hospital at PT.X. aid activity in the activity book, reporting on
First Aid Activities.
Additional Facilities in the Form of 2. The results of the evaluation of the
Equipment Personal Protective completeness of the First aid facilities that
Equipment and/or Special Equipment in exist at PT X are in the form of 1 first aid kit
Workplaces with Potential Special with the contents of the first aid kit The
Hazards contents of the first aid kit are not
Additional facilities in the form of appropriate, the placement of placement of
personal protective equipment according to the first aid box is not appropriate and
Regulation Minister of Manpower and difficult to reach reach of workers when they
Transmigration No. 15 of 2008 concerning are need first aid, The color of the first aid
first aid in accidents at work in article 8 symbol is still not appropriate, namely Red
paragraph (2) as referred to is equipment should be green color, not yet available
that is adapted with the potential hazards transportation or ambulance and shower or
that exist in the workplace workplace that is quick body rinse in additional facilities. In
used in an emergency. accordance with stipulated by the
Regulation of the Minister of Manpower and

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