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Hyundai: India coffee stories

Source: MMA Smarties, Silver, India, 2023

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Hyundai, an automotive brand, created a premium five-part digital series in partnership with National
Geographic Traveller in India to build premium imagery for the Hyundai Tucson while also improving
awareness and brand consideration in the luxury automobile category.

The competition in the premium SUV range was massive with multiple international players.
The target group was made up of coffee drinkers who pursue interests in technology and new and
innovative experiences.
Hyundai Motor onboarded Suhas Dwarkanath to host the show and take the audience on five
coffee adventures across India, released a teaser which was followed by episodic promos and
accompanied each episode with a customised, digital article and photo story, along with a print
feature story.
The campaign resulted in a total reach of almost 29 million, 2.7 million engagements and more
than 8.2 million total views.

Campaign details
Brand: Hyundai Motor India Limited
Agency: Havas Media - Content
Region: APAC


The main objective behind the campaign 'India Coffee Stories - Hyundai TUCSON' is to build premium imagery
for the Hyundai Tucson while also improving awareness and brand consideration in the luxury automobile
category. To enhance the premium and aspirational brand quotient amongst our TG through the content
marketing route.
Target Audience

The competition in the premium SUV range in the Indian market was massive. With multiple international players
like Citroen and Volkswagen coming in, we needed to build the presence of Hyundai Tucson and make it stand
out. The brand wanted to build premium imagery for Hyundai TUCSON while also creating awareness and
brand consideration in the luxury automobile category.

Creative Strategy

The primary target consumers of Hyundai TUCSON are business elite and corporate elite professionals who are
looking forward to considering a purchase in the luxury automobile category. The aim was to target highly
educated professionals who are aged between 30-45 years.

As per our insights, our target group are most likely to be coffee drinkers who pursue interests in the areas of
technologies, new and innovative experiences, etc.


We mixed our brand objectives, consumer insights and emerging trends to create a premium 5-part digital series
with National Geographic Traveller India. The show was hosted by Suhas Dwarkanath, a coffee connoisseur
and an expert in brewing techniques who took audiences on 5 exciting 'coffee adventures' across the gorgeous
landscape of the western ghats & north-east India. This digital series aims to showcase 5 exciting Coffee
adventures across the gorgeous landscape of the western ghats & the north-east of India. The series captures
riveting adventures, fascinating history, and stunning wildlife while exploring the burgeoning coffee culture in
India. We kicked off the campaign with a teaser that created intrigue and followed it up with episodic promos and
the main video content. Each episode was accompanied by a customized, digital article and photo story along
with a print feature story.

Overall Campaign Execution

The total budget for our campaign 'India Coffee Stories - Hyundai TUCSON' was 68 Lakhs (Net) + Taxes out of
which 30% was allotted for the digital execution.

Mobile Execution

Owing to the rise of the cafe culture, coffee today is trendy and exciting. While the young aspirational Indian
loves to hang out at cafes, there is also a specialised audience which is not only knowledgeable about the
culture of coffee but is looking for curated experiences. This has led to the burgeoning coffee culture in India
which is also translating into tourism.

Since our target group are Coffee drinkers who are passionate and workaholics, we decided to come up with a
series that takes our audience to exciting coffee adventures across the beautiful landscapes of the Western
Ghats and the North-East of India.

Business Impact (Results)


The competition in the premium SUV range in the Indian auto market was intense. With multiple international
players like Citroen and Volkswagen coming in, we needed to build the presence of Hyundai Tucson in a way
that it stood out. We need to be innovative and fresh while also speaking the language of the TG.


Total campaign reach: 28,990,000

Total engagement: 2,700,000
Total views: 8,230,000

Market Impact

Our campaign 'India Coffee Stories – Hyundai TUCSON' is an innovative concept that is relevant and exciting
for our target audience. We integrated various touch points such as digital media, social media and print. The
impact numbers were huge on print as well as on digital which led to maximum penetration of content.

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