FALL 2020 Presentation Sign-Up Sheet

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FALL 2020

LANC 1102 Presentation Sign-up Sheet


Charts Names

2-3 Non-progressive verb

2-8 Past progressive

3-3 Present perfect vs. simple


3-4 Present perfect


3-5 Past perfect

4-3 Expressing the future in

time clauses

4-5 Future progressive

4-6 Future perfect and future

perfect progressive

B-2 Question words

B-5 Tag questions

D-1, 2 and 3 Negative words

14-6 Common verbs followed

FALL 2020

by infinitives

14-7 Common verbs followed

by either infinitives or gerunds

7-7 Basic article usage

7-8 General guidelines for

article usage

9-5 Expressing necessity: must,

have to, have got to

9-7 Advisability: should, ought

to, had better

10-3 Degrees of certainty: past


6-3 Subject-verb agreement:

using the expressions of

6-5 Subject-verb agreement:

some irregularities

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