Fob Trancation Procedure En&cn 202406

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1. Buyer issues ICPO addressed to seller/refinery mandate along with TSA.

2. Seller issues commercial invoice, buyer signs and returns back to seller within the
validity period stipulated on the commercial invoice.
3. Seller verifies buyer tank farm and if approved, seller proceed to request for invoice of
2 days payment remittance seller leases the buyer tank farm for 2 days only while
buyer pays for 2 days after confirmation of seller's payment Seller also issues injection
schedule upon buyer tank farm receiving payment and issuance of the TSR and seller
proceed to inject the product into the leased tank storage.

4. Upon successful injection, seller releases the following PPOP documents to buyer:
a) Product certificate of origin.
b) Authorization to sale and collect (ATSC)
c) Product passport.

d) Unconditional dip test authorization
e) Injection report.

f) NCNDA / IMFPA will be signed by all intermediaries involved in the transaction.
5. Upon buyer receipt of the PPOP, buyer inspects product with SGS agent or equivalent.
6. After buyer's successful dip test on the product, buyer makes the payment for the total
value of the product via MT103-TT.
7. Upon seller receiving the payment for the product from the buyer, seller issues to buyer
the title ownership of the product and all exportation documents of the product.

8. Buyer lifts the product with its vessel tanker. Seller pays all intermediaries involved in
the transaction and send spa to buyer for one-year subsequently monthly shipments
continue as per terms and conditions of the contract.

1. 买方向卖方/精炼厂发出 ICPO 和 TSA。

2. 卖方开具商业发票,买方签字并在商业发票规定的有效期内将发票寄回卖方。

3. 卖方核实买方油库,如果获得批准,卖方申请 2 天付款汇款发票。卖方仅租用买方油库 2 天,买方在


确认卖方付款后支付 2 天的租金。卖方还在买方油库收到付款和签发 TSR 后签发注入计划,卖方开始


4. 成功注入后,卖方向买方发放以下PPOP文件:

a. 产品原产地证书
b. 销售和提货授权书 (ATSC)
c. 产品护照
d. 无条件浸渍测试授权
e. 注塑报告。
f. NCNDA/IMFPA 将由参与交易的所有中间商签署。

5. 买方收到 PPOP 后,由 SGS 代理或同等机构检验产品。

6. 买方对产品浸渍测试成功后,通过 MT103-TT 支付产品总价值。

7. 卖方收到买方支付的产品货款后,向买方签发产品所有权证书和所有产品出口单据。

8. 买方用其油轮吊运产品。卖方向所有参与交易的中间商付款,并向买方发送 spa,为期一年,随后根据合

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