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Licungo University

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Bachelor's Degree in Law

Zacarias João Armando

Domestic violence against men in my community: Is it a reality?


Licungo University

Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy

Bachelor's Degree in Law

Zacarias João Armando

Domestic violence against men in my community: Is it a reality?

Scientific work to be presented to the Faculty

of Social Sciences and Philosophy, in the
Degree Course in Portuguese Language
(Distance Learning) in the subject of English,
for the purpose of evaluation





General Objective:............................................................................................................................4

Specific Objectives:..........................................................................................................................4



Types of Domestic Violence Against Men......................................................................................6

Causes of Domestic Violence Against Men.....................................................................................7

Consequences of Domestic Violence Against Men.........................................................................7

Reporting Behavior of Male Victims...............................................................................................8




Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects individuals across all demographics, yet it is
commonly perceived as a problem that predominantly impacts women. This perception often
leads to the neglect of male victims, whose experiences of abuse can be equally devastating but
are less frequently acknowledged or addressed. In my community, the reality of domestic
violence against men remains largely hidden, shrouded by societal norms and stereotypes that
discourage men from speaking out or seeking help.

In our community, the prevalence and impact of domestic violence against men may be obscured
by societal stereotypes and misconceptions that portray men as inherently strong and
invulnerable. These stereotypes not only silence male victims but also contribute to a culture of
disbelief and marginalization, where their experiences are often invalidated or dismissed.

This assignment aims to explore the reality of domestic violence against men in my community
by examining the various forms it can take, understanding its causes and consequences, and
analyzing the factors that influence whether men report such abuse.


General Objective:

To investigate and raise awareness about the reality of domestic violence against men in
my community, examining its forms, causes and consequences.

Specific Objectives:

Identify the Forms of domestic violence against men;

Examine and describe the various types of domestic violence that men can experience;
Explore the Causes of Domestic Violence Against Men;


To comprehensively investigate domestic violence against men in my community, this study will
employ a mixed-methods approach, like literature review, to gather existing knowledge and
theoretical perspectives on domestic violence against men and academic books, journal articles,
government reports, and reputable newspaper articles, incorporating both qualitative and
quantitative research methods.

This approach will provide a well-rounded understanding of the issue by combining numerical
data with personal experiences and insights.


Domestic violence against men has been a topic of increasing interest and research in recent
years. While historically overshadowed by discussions focused on female victims, scholars have
begun to explore the prevalence, dynamics, and impacts of intimate partner violence on men.
This section provides an overview of key findings from academic books, journal articles,
government reports, and reputable online sources, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of
domestic violence against men. Domestic violence against men can take various forms, including
physical, emotional, psychological, and financial abuse. However, due to societal stereotypes and
gender norms, male victims of domestic violence may face unique challenges in acknowledging
their experiences, seeking help, and accessing support services.

Types of Domestic Violence Against Men

It's important to recognize that domestic violence against men is often underreported due to
stigma, societal expectations, and misconceptions about gender roles. Victims may face barriers
in seeking help, but resources and support services are available to assist male victims of
domestic violence. The types of types of domestic violence against men include:

Psychological Violence: Psychological violence includes behaviors that aim to

intimidate, manipulate, or control another person's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. This
can include verbal threats, constant criticism, gaslighting, or isolation tactics.
Psychological abuse can have long-lasting effects on a person's mental health and self-
Physical Violence: Physical violence involves the use of physical force with the intent to
cause harm or injury. This can range from pushing, hitting, or punching to more severe
forms such as beating, strangling, or using weapons. Physical violence can result in
serious injuries or even death.
Sexual Violence: Sexual violence against men encompasses any unwanted sexual activity
or behavior, including rape, sexual assault, or coercion. Perpetrators may use physical

force, threats, manipulation, or substances to coerce or control the victim. Sexual violence
can have profound psychological and emotional consequences for male survivors.
Economic/Financial Violence: Economic or financial violence involves controlling or
manipulating someone's financial resources as a means of exerting power and control.
This can include withholding money, preventing access to employment or education,
sabotaging financial independence, or using financial dependence as a tool for
manipulation or coercion.
Emotional Violence: Emotional violence refers to behaviors that aim to undermine a
person's emotional well-being or sense of self-worth. This can include constant criticism,
belittling, name-calling, or threats.

Causes of Domestic Violence Against Men

Domestic violence against men, like any form of intimate partner violence, is a complex
phenomenon influenced by a variety of individual, relational, and societal factors. While the
causes of domestic violence against men may vary widely from one case to another.

Several factors contribute to domestic violence against men. Traditional gender roles and societal
expectations often paint men as the stronger sex, discouraging them from admitting vulnerability
or seeking help. This cultural stigma can prevent men from acknowledging abuse or reporting it.
Additionally, some abusers exploit these stereotypes, knowing that their actions are less likely to
be scrutinized or believed. Other causes can include substance abuse, mental health issues, and a
history of experiencing or witnessing violence, all of which can contribute to the cycle of abuse.

Consequences of Domestic Violence Against Men

The consequences of domestic violence on male victims can be severe and far-reaching.
Physically, men may suffer from injuries that can lead to chronic pain or disability. Emotionally
and psychologically, the abuse can result in depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD), and a diminished sense of self-worth. Socially, victims may become isolated from

friends and family, further exacerbating their suffering. Economically, the impacts can include
lost wages, legal costs, and medical expenses, which can lead to financial instability or poverty.

Domestic violence against men can have severe and lasting consequences, both physical and
psychological. Men who experience domestic violence may suffer physical injuries ranging from
bruises, cuts, and broken bones to more severe injuries requiring medical attention or
hospitalization. In extreme cases, domestic violence can result in permanent disability or even

Victims of domestic violence may experience a decline in self-esteem and self-worth as a result
of the emotional and psychological abuse inflicted upon them. Constant belittling, criticism, and
manipulation by the perpetrator can undermine the victim's sense of value and confidence.
Domestic violence can negatively impact the victim's relationships with family members, friends,
and romantic partners. The stress and strain of abuse may lead to difficulties in forming and
maintaining healthy connections with others.

Reporting Behavior of Male Victims

Men's reporting behavior concerning domestic violence is influenced by several factors,

including societal attitudes, personal shame, and fear of not being believed. Many men do not
report abuse due to the stigma attached to being a male victim of domestic violence. The fear of
being perceived as weak or unmanly can deter men from seeking help. Furthermore, there is often
a lack of resources specifically tailored to male victims, making it challenging for them to find
appropriate support services.

The reporting of domestic violence by men not always consistent across different individuals and
circumstances. While some men do report violence to the authorities, others may choose not to
for a variety of reasons. Understanding these dynamics requires an exploration of the factors that
contribute to men's decisions to report or not report domestic violence. Those who do report
violence are typically driven by severe and persistent abuse, a need to protect themselves or their
children, or a breaking point where the consequences of not reporting outweigh the potential
stigma. However, even when men do report abuse, they may face skepticism from law

enforcement and the legal system, which are often more attuned to addressing female victims of
domestic violence.


Domestic violence against men is a significant yet underreported issue in my community that
demands greater attention and understanding. Despite the pervasive societal belief that men are
less likely to be victims of such abuse, the reality is that men experience various forms of
domestic violence, including physical, emotional, psychological, and financial abuse. The stigma
associated with male vulnerability and the traditional gender roles that emphasize male strength
often prevent men from acknowledging or reporting their experiences.

The consequences of domestic violence for men can be as severe as those faced by female
victims, encompassing physical injuries, psychological trauma, social isolation, and financial
instability. However, the reluctance to report and the lack of tailored resources for male victims
further exacerbate their suffering and hinder their ability to escape abusive situations.

To address this issue, it is crucial to challenge societal norms that stigmatize male victims,
provide accessible resources and support systems specifically for men, and educate the
community about the reality of domestic violence against all genders. By fostering a more
inclusive understanding and response to domestic violence, we can ensure that all victims,
regardless of gender, receive the support and protection they need.


HINES, D. A., & Douglas, E. M. (2010). Men Who Are Victims of Domestic Violence.

JONES, M. (2021, July 10). Why Men Don't Report Domestic Violence. BBC News. Retrieved
from BBC News.

MIGLIACCIO, T. A. (2002). Abused Husbands: A Narrative Analysis. Journal of Family

Issues, 23(1), 26-52.

PATEL, R. (2020, September 5). Male Victims of Domestic Violence: A Silent Crisis. The
New York Times. Retrieved from NYT.

SMITH, A. (2022, January 15). Breaking the Silence: The Hidden Epidemic of Domestic
Violence Against Men. The Guardian. Retrieved from The Guardian.

STRAUS, M. A. (2005). Women’s Violence Toward Men is a Serious Social Problem. In D.

R. Loseke, R. J. Gelles, & M. M. Cavanaugh (Eds.), Current Controversies on Family Violence
(pp. 55-77). Sage Publications.

TSUI, V., Cheung, M., & Leung, P. (2010). Help-Seeking Among Male Victims of Partner
Abuse: Men's Hard Times. Journal of Community Psychology, 38(6), 769-780.

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