The Conservation of Momentum

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The Conservation of momentum- is the general law of physics according

to which the quantity called momentum that characterizes motion never change in
an asolated collection of objects that is the total momentum of a system remains
costant. Momentum is equal to the mass of an object multiplied by its velocity and
is equivalent to the force required to bring the object to a stop in a unit legth of
time. For any array of several object, the total momentum is the sum of the
individual momenta.there is a peculiarity,however, in the momentum is a vector,
involving the both direction and the magnitude of motion. So the momenta of
object going in opposite direction can cancel to yield an overall sum of zero
The conservation of momentum states that,within some problem domain the
amount of momentum remians costant, momentum is neither created nor
destroyed, but only changed through the action of forces as described by newton’s
law of motion
Conservation of momentum is a major law of physics which states that the
momentum of a system is a constant if no external force are acting on the system.
It is embodied in newtons first law or law of inertia.
The law of conservation of momentum states that in an isolated system the total
momentum of two or more bodies acting upon each other remains constant unless
an external force is applied. Therefore, momentum can neither be created nor
destroyed. And the momentum is important because in an islotaed system ther are
no external force,so momentum is conserved. Because, momentum is conserved.
Application of the law of conservation of momentum is important in the solution of
collision problems.
Momentum is the quantity that used to describe the staste of motion of an object
with a non-zero mass. Hence, momentum is applicable to any moving bobject and
is the velocity with which this body travels.

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