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Lea el siguiente texto y conteste Ias preguntas.

Woman charged for unusual crime

Charleen Newman is the first woman to be charged with a very unusual crime:

cleaning her nose on a police officer’s shirt. It all happened after police in West

Virginia were called out to deal with a domestic dispute. Officer Elliot was the first

to arrive. He found a woman outside the house shouting at a man who was in the

kitchen. The man refused to open the door, claiming that he was frightened that

the woman was going to hit him. So, the police arrested Ms. Newman, 36, after

she refused to calm down. However, as they were walking her to the police car,

Ms. Newman allegedly wiped her nose on the back of the police officer’s shirt.

Ms. Newman was charged with battery on a police officer. This crime is defined

as ‘intentionally making physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature

against an officer’. So, now you know.

The police officer was called out because...

A) a very unusual crime had happened

B) a couple was having a dispute

C) he was near the crime scene

D) the husband was afraid of his wife

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Woman charged for unusual crime

Charleen Newman is the first woman to be charged with a very unusual crime:

cleaning her nose on a police officer’s shirt. It all happened after police in West

Virginia were called out to deal with a domestic dispute. Officer Elliot was the first

to arrive. He found a woman outside the house shouting at a man who was in the

kitchen. The man refused to open the door, claiming that he was frightened that

the woman was going to hit him. So, the police arrested Ms. Newman, 36, after

she refused to calm down. However, as they were walking her to the police car,

Ms. Newman allegedly wiped her nose on the back of the police officer’s shirt.

Ms. Newman was charged with battery on a police officer. This crime is defined

as ‘intentionally making physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature

against an officer’. So, now you know.

When the police officer arrived the woman was…

A) shouting to her husband

B) hitting the kitchen door

C) cleaning her nose

D) refusing to calm down

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91. Lea el siguiente texto y conteste las preguntas.

Woman charged for unusual crime

Charleen Newman is the first woman to be charged with a very unusual crime:

cleaning her nose on a police officer’s shirt. It all happened after police in West

Virginia were called out to deal with a domestic dispute. Officer Elliot was the first

to arrive. He found a woman outside the house shouting at a man who was in the

kitchen. The man refused to open the door, claiming that he was frightened that

the woman was going to hit him. So, the police arrested Ms. Newman, 36, after

she refused to calm down. However, as they were walking her to the police car,

Ms. Newman allegedly wiped her nose on the back of the police officer’s shirt.

Ms. Newman was charged with battery on a police officer. This crime is defined

as ‘intentionally making physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature

against an officer’. So, now you know.

The woman’s crime was unusual because she...

A) refused to hit Mr. Newman

B) cleaned her nose on the officer’s shirt

C) hit the police officer

D) frightened her husband to death.

92. Complete el siguiente enunciado.

The vegetables in this market are ________ than in the supermarket.

A) a lot cheap

B) as cheap as

C) the cheapest

D) cheaper

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93. Lea el siguiente texto y conteste Ias preguntas correspondientes.

The Studio Musicians

Who are the studio musicians? They are people who help create the sound you

hear, but you don’t see their names on the record. They are anonymous, so you

don’t know who they are, but nevertheless, they are important.

What qualities does a good studio musician have? He learns a new song

quickly (because time is money in the recording studio); he understands quickly

what kind of sound the producer wants; he is flexible (there are different

producers, so he must often adapt his style), and he usually plays several

instruments well (thus, he may play a clarinet on one track and a saxophone on

another for the same record). These are the unknown soldiers of the music


Why are studio musicians flexible?

Because they...

A) learn a song in a short time

B) play several different instruments

C) must change their style according to the producers’

D) can understand the producers’ sound

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Lea el siguiente texto y conteste Ias preguntas correspondientes.

The Studio Musicians

Who are the studio musicians? They are people who help create the sound you

hear, but you don’t see their names on the record. They are anonymous, so you

don’t know who they are, but nevertheless, they are important.

What qualities does a good studio musician have? He learns a new song quickly

(because time is money in the recording studio); he understands quickly what kind of

sound the producer wants; he is flexible (there are different producers, so he must

often adapt his style), and he usually plays several instruments well (thus, he may

play a clarinet on one track and a saxophone on another for the same record).

These are the unknown soldiers of the music world!

Complete Ia idea con base en el texto:

The studio musicians are the unknown soldiers of the music world…

A) because they work hard but nobody knows them

B) although in the studio everybody knows them

C) but the work quickly and anonymously

D) even though they spend a lot of time at the studio

Nota: la frase pide una explicación, por eso la palabra because es la indicada

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95. Complete el siguiente diálogo.

Sally: Why are you and your sister so happy?

Billy: Because our school gave ________ a scholarship.

A) we

B) our

C) ours

D) us

96. Complete el siguiente diálogo.

Ted: What did you give your girlfriend for her birthday?

Bill: I gave ________ a sweater

A) her

B) hers

C) she

D) she´s

Nota: Como decir “yo le di a ella un sueter”

97. She ________ in Hiroshima since 2006.

A) lived

B) lives

C) has lived

D) will live

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98. I have been a doctor _______ seven years

A) ago

B) from

C) since

D) for

99. Complete el diálogo.

Laura: ________ you ever ________ to Europe?

George: Yes, two years ago.

A) Have - gone

B) Has – gone

C) Have – been

D) Has – been

100. I have always ________ my clothes in this store. Where do you _______


A) buy - buy

B) bought - bought

C) bought - buy

D) buy – bought

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101. Complete el siguiente diálogo.

A: _______ you finished yet?

B: No, I _____________.

A) Do - don’t

B) Did-didn’t

C) Will-won’t

D) Have-haven’t

102. Lea con atención el siguiente texto y conteste las preguntas correspondientes.

Fantastic Mr. Fox.

In his first animated film, Wes Anderson proves to be the perfect filmmaker to bring this children’s story
to the screen.

Mr. and Mrs. Fox are a married fox couple who live an idyllic life with their son Ash and their visiting
young nephew Kristofferson. But, after 12 years, the country life proves too much for Mr. Fox’s wild
animal instincts. Soon he slips

back to his sneaky ways as a chicken thief, and in doing so endangers not only his own beloved family,
but the whole animal community. Trapped underground with not enough food to go around, the
animals band together to fight against the evil farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean, who are determined to
capture the

audacious, fantastic Mr. Fox at any cost. Anderson’s film is a superb animated film that is uniquely
entertaining and

enjoyable. The voices of the characters include George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray and Owen
Wilson. Fantastic Mr. Fox will be first screened at the BFI 53rd London Film Festival in the Opening Gala.

Adapted from The Times BFI 53rd London Film Festival Programme.

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Who is Wes Anderson?

A) The leading actor in the film

B) The director of Fantastic Mr. Fox

C) A relative of Mr. and Mrs. Fox

D) A judge at the London Film Festival

103. Lea con atención el siguiente texto y conteste las preguntas correspondientes.

Fantastic Mr. Fox

In his first animated film, Wes Anderson proves to be the perfect filmmaker to

bring this children’s story to the screen. Mr. and Mrs. Fox are a married fox couple who live an idyllic life
with their son

Ash and their visiting young nephew Kristofferson. But, after 12 years, the country life proves too much
for Mr. Fox’s wild animal instincts. Soon he slips back to his sneaky ways as a chicken thief, and in doing
so endangers not only

his own beloved family, but the whole animal community. Trapped underground with not enough food
to go around, the animals band together to fight against the evil farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean, who
are determined to capture the

audacious, fantastic Mr. Fox at any cost. Anderson’s film is a superb animated film that is uniquely
entertaining and

enjoyable. The voices of the characters include George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Bill Murray and Owen
Wilson. Fantastic Mr. Fox will be first screened at the BFI 53rd London Film Festival in the Opening Gala.

Adapted from The Times BFI 53rd London Film Festival Programme.

Fantastic Mr. Fox can be described as _________________

A) dreary

B) shallow

C) adventurous

D) dull

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104. Complete el siguiente diálogo.

A: What ________ you ________ when you saw him?

B: I ______ outside the train station

A) are –do – was standed

B) are - doing - am standing

C) were - do - am standed

D) were - doing - was standing

105. What is the text about?

As soon as we received the notice of her arrival, everything became a whirl of

excitement. We had to be prepared so we practically changed all our usual way of

living. We called her “Storm” because of her energy and vital restlessness but we

certainly missed her when she wasn’t home.

A) The arrival of springtime

B) Organizing the visit of someone

C) Moving to another house

D) The coming of bad weather

106. What is the topic of the text?

There are hundreds of mountains higher than the Matterhorn; there are

hundreds that are harder to climb. But there is none, anywhere in the world,

which was so consistently and deeply stirred the imagination of men. Through

all the centuries that men have known the Alps their eyes have been drawn

irresistibly upward to its savage soaring pinnacle.

William Eller, et al. The study of literature

A) Different mountains hard to climb

B) Stories that men have imagined on the subject of climbing

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C) Description of a mountain which excels all the others

D) Attempts of hundreds of men to climb the Alps.

107. What is the main idea of the text?

How fast a person blinks his eyes is a pretty good index of his state of inner tension The average person
normally blinks his eyes about thirty-two times a minute. If he is tense he blinks them more frequently,
under extreme tension up

to fifty or sixty times a minute. If he is notably relaxed on the other hand his eyeblink rate may drop to a
subnormal twenty or less. Vance Packard The hidden persuaders

A) An average person blinks his eyes thirty-two times a minute

B) A good index of a person’s inner tension is measured by the blinking of his


C) Under extreme tension someone may blink his eyes 50 or 60 times a minute

D) The eye blinking of a relaxed person drops to a subnormal 20 each minute

108. According to the text, what is one of the requirements requested in the ad? An adventurous and
exciting career could be yours flying with us to the holiday centres of Europe. Neat appearance, ability
to deal with people, aged between 20-30 with good educational background. Foreign language and
nursing/first aid

qualifications are advantages. Full-time employment for six months leading to

permanent appointments.

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Geoffrey Land What’s in the News?

A) Having 20-30 years of flying experience

B) To know most holiday centres of Europe

C) Keeping permanent appointments

D) To be able to understand a foreign language

109. What is the title for the text?

Created by the legendary writer/artist team of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, Captain America was initially
going to be named Super American. His debut in Captain America Comics #1 (1941) was to prove an
immediate hit. Sales of the title

rocketed to nearly a million copies per issue. Mike Conroy. 500 Great Comic Book Action Heroes

A) Legends of some super American heroes

B) Story of the creation of a motion picture

C) How a comic superhero was created

D) Sales report of a bestselling comic title

110. While climate change in the past ________ a result of natural causes, the current

scenario ________ Iargely ________ by human behavior.

A) has been – is being - caused

B) was - has been - caused

C) has been – is - causing

D) was - had been – causing

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