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First Law of

Durjoy Kumar Paul
Lecturer, Department of
Mech. Eng., RUET,
Rajshahi- 6204.

ME – 2101 (Thermodynamics)
❑ When a system undergoes a cyclic change, the net heat to or from the
system is equal to the net work from or to the system.
First Law of Thermodynamics for a Change in State

❑ ‫׬‬1 (δQ − δW )is independent of path and dependent only on the initial and final states;
hence, it has the characteristics of a property and this property is denoted by energy, E.
First Law of Thermodynamics for a Change in State

δQ - δW = dE ⇛ Q12 - W12 = ∆E

❑ Energy (E): represents all forms energy of the system in the given state. It might be
present in a variety of forms, such as:

❖ Kinetic Energy (KE): energy of a system associated with motion.

❖ Potential Energy (PE): energy associated with a mass that is located at a specified
position in a force field.

❖ Internal Energy (U): some forms of energy, e.g., chemical, nuclear, magnetic,
electrical, and thermal depending in some way on the molecular structure of the
substance that is being considered, and these energies are grouped as the internal
energy of a system, U.
First Law of Thermodynamics for a Change in State

❑ KE & PE are external forms of energy as these are independent of the

molecular structure of matter. These are associated with the selected
coordinate frame and can be specified by the macroscopic
parameters of mass, velocity & elevation.

❑ Internal energy, like kinetic and potential energy, has no natural zero
value. So, internal energy of a substance is arbitrarily defined to be
zero at some state, known as Reference State.
Internal Energy (U): A Thermodynamic Property
Closed Mass (CM) System
Stationary System
Example Problem
❑ The piston-cylinder material is a ceramic composite and thus a good insulator.
Determine the heat transfer from the resistor to the air, in kJ, for a system consisting of
(a) the air alone, (b) the air and the piston.

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Example Problem

Estimate work and heat.

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Enthalpy (H): A Thermodynamic Property

❖ Heat transfer in a constant-pressure quasi-equilibrium process is

equal to the change in enthalpy, which includes both the change in
internal energy and the work for this particular process.
Joule’s Free Expansion Experiment
Example Problem
❑ Electric Heating of Gas at Constant Pressure: T2 = ?

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Specific Heats
❑ The specific heat is defined as the energy required to raise the temperature of a unit
mass of a substance by one degree.

❑ In general, this energy depends on how the process is executed.

❑ In thermodynamics, we are interested in two kinds of specific heats: specific heat at

constant volume cv and specific heat at constant pressure cp.
Specific Heats

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Specific Heats
For Solids and Liquids
❑ Both solid and liquid are incompressible.
❑ The relations above mentioned becomes:

▪ Specific heats:

▪ Internal Energy Change:

▪ Enthalpy Change:

➢ For Solid:

➢ For Liquid:

For Compressed Liquid enthalpy can be expressed as: (Check Ex. 4.11 from Cengel)
Example Problem
❑ Long cylindrical aluminum rods (2700 kg/m3 and Cp =0.973 kJ/kg·K) of 5-cm diameter
are heat treated from 20˚C to an average temperature of 400˚C by drawing them at a
velocity of 8 m/min through a long oven. Determine the rate of heat transfer to the rods
in the oven.

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Mass Continuity Equation

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Mass Continuity Equation
Conservation of Energy for CV System

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First Law of Thermodynamics (FLT) for CV System
Example Problem
❑ Air Compressor : Determine power required, 𝑊ሶ𝑐𝑣 .

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Feedwater heater at steady-state. Determine m2 & V2. Assume, v2 ≃ vf (T2).
Raise Your Hand If you have
any confusions

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