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11th grade

Piecewise Function &

Real-Life Problems
Involving Functions
Also known as “Hybrid Function”
Problems Involving Functions
(X) Mathematically, we say
that “Y depends on X”.
1. Monthly Salary depends on
2. Total bill in an Unlimited
Seafood Restaurant
depends on____________
Example No.
Given a function C that can represent
the cost of buying x meals, if one meal
costs PHP 40.00.
x 1 2 3

Answer: C(x) = 40x

Example No.
Squares of side x are cut from each
corner of a 10 in x 8 in rectangle, so
that its sides can be folded to make a
box with no top. Define a function in
terms of x that can represent the
volume of the box.
Example No.
Let : x
V= L x w x h W = 8 - 2x
W= 8 inches
L= 10 inches x
h=x x x x
L = 10 - 2x
Answer: V(x) = 𝟒𝒙𝟑 − 𝟑𝟔𝒙𝟐 + 𝟖𝟎𝒙
Example No.
Bakers’ Club is trying to raise funds
by selling premium chocolate chip
cookies in a school fair. The variable
cost to make each cookie is ₱15.00
and it is being sold for ₱25.00. So far,
the organization has already shelled
out ₱790.00 for the cookie sale
Example No.
a. Find the profit function P(x) where x
represents the number of cookies sold.
b. If 146 cookies were sold, how much is the
total profit?
c. How many cookies must be made and
sold to break even?
d. How many cookie should be sold to gain
a profit of ₱250.00?
Example No.
Elisha just opened a bakery along
Macalintal Avenue which sells fresh
doughnuts. The selling price is ₱20.00
per doughnut and the cost of making
it is ₱8.00 The daily operating expense
is ₱600.00.
Example No.
a. Find the profit function P(x) where x
represent the number of doughnuts sold.
b. If 100 doughnuts were sold, what is the
total profit?
c. How many doughnuts must be made and
sold to break even?
d. How many doughnuts should be sold to
gain a profit of ₱800.00?
is a function that is defined by two or
more equations where each
equations applies to a certain
interval over a specified domain.
2𝑥 + 5 {𝑥 > 3}
𝑦=ቊ 2
𝑥 − 3 {𝑥 ≤ 3}
Graphs of a Piecewise Function
Example No.
The cost of hiring a catering service to
serve food for a party is ₱250.00 per head
for 50 persons or less, ₱200.00 per head
for 51 to 100 persons, and ₱150.00 per head
for more than 100. Represent the total
cost as a piecewise function of the
number of attendees to the party.
Let C= be the total cost for a catering service
h= the number of persons
Function Notation:
C(h) “Cost as function of the number of heads”.
250h 0< h ≤ 𝟓𝟎
C(h)= 200h 51≤ h ≤ 𝟏𝟎𝟎
150h h > 𝟏𝟎𝟎
Example No.
The fee to park in the parking lot of a
shopping mall costs P40.00 for the first 2
hours and an extra P10.00 for each
additional hour after that. If you park for
more than 12 hours, you will instead pay a
flat rate of P200.00. Represent your parking
fee using the function p(t) where t is the
number of hours you parked in the mall.
Let p= be the total parking fee
t= be the number of hours you parked in the mall
Function notation: p(t) “Parking fee as a function of time”

t 1 2
P(t)= 40 0< t ≤ 2
P(t) 40 40
t 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 12
p(t) 40 40 50 60 70 80 100 140

10 10 10 10
an = a1 + n − c d
P(t) = 40 + t - 2 10
2< t ≤ 12
12 13
140 200
P(t)= 200
t > 12
A proposed Light Rail Transit System Line 1 (LRT-1)
fare would charge ₱18.00 for the first four stations
and ₱5.00 for each additional station over the
proposed fare.
a. Find the fare function f(x) where x
represents the number of stations traveled
b. Find the proposed fare for 10 stations

No. of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Stn. (x)
Charge 18 18 18 18 23 28 33
0 0 0 5 5 5
f(x) = 18, if 0 < x ≤ 4 an = a1 + (n – c)d
f(x) = 18 + (x – 4) 5
18, if 0 < x ≤ 4 f(x) = 18 + 5x – 20
f(x) =
5x – 2, if x > 4 f(x) = 5x – 2, if x > 4
a. Find the fare function f(x) where x represents the
number of stations traveled

18, if 0 < x < 4

a.) f(x) =
5x – 2, if x > 4
b. Find the proposed fare for 10 stations
f(x) = 5x – 2 ₱ 48
f(10) = 5(10) – 2
f(10) = 50 – 2
f(10) = 48

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