Nadyne Sourooz 373

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Braeburn Garden Estate Secondary School

Summary Progress Report

Term Two 2022 - 2023
Issued February 2023
Student Name: Nadyne Sourooz Form: 10B

Subject Teacher Target Achievement Progress Organisation Homework Participation Behaviour

Biology ARE Bb Ab

Computer Science ESA Cb Bb

English GMB Bb Ac


Geography JKI Bb Aa

History TVA Bb Ab

Mathematics DWA Bb Ac

Physics PNG Bb A*

Spanish SRI Bb Ca

Head Teacher has read this report. Signed

General Report Information:

Report Headings

Students should be trying to achieve this grade or higher at the

end of this year.
Given by the subject teacher. Based on the tests completed that
half term.
This is the average score of in class curriculum tests completed.
Theory Paper This represents the theory component of the syllabus and
contributes 50% of the total overall grade.
This grade is based on current practical coursework work
Practical Work
completed. This contributes 50% of the total overall grade.
This grade combines both theory and coursework grades. This
Overall Grade
grade would appear on the IGCSE results certificate.

Information within the Report

Working Above Expectation

Working At Expectation

Working Below Expectation

NA Information is Not Applicable for this subject

NG No Grade. Please seek clarification from subject teacher.

Grade Sub-levels

a Top of the grade boundary

b Middle of the grade boundary

c Bottom of the grade boundary

Teacher Name Abbreviations

First initial of teacher’s name (J) and first two letters of teacher’s
surname (HE). Example: John Herbert

Subject Name Abbreviations

ICT Information and Communication Technology

PSHE Personal, Social and Health Education

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