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advocate (n) /'ædvəkeɪt/
Định nghĩa:
người ủng hộ =someone who publicly supports something
Ví dụ:
● He's a strong [advocate] of state ownership of the railways.

Ghi chú:
In passage: Amongst the most vocal advocates for a solution to London’s traffic problems
was Charles Pearson, who worked as a solicitor for the City of London.

alternative (n) /ɔːl't3ːnətɪv/

Định nghĩa:
phương án thay thế =something that is different from something else, especially from
what is usual, and offering the possibility of choice
Ví dụ:
● There must be an [alternative] to people sleeping on the streets.

Ghi chú:
In passage: The only alternative was to tunnel deep underground.

arch (n) /ɑːtʃ/

Định nghĩa:
vòm =a structure, consisting of a curved top on two supports, that holds the weight of
something above it
Ví dụ:
● Passing through the [arch], you enter an open courtyard.

Ghi chú:
In passage: Brick walls were then constructed, and finally a brick arch was added to create a

astonishing (adj) /ə'stɒnɪʃɪŋ/

Định nghĩa:
đáng kinh ngạc/chóng mặt =very surprising
Ví dụ:
● Her first novel enjoyed an [astonishing] success.

Ghi chú:
In passage: In the first half of the 1800s, London’s population grew at an astonishing rate,
and the central area became increasingly congested.
authorise (v) /authorise*/
Định nghĩa:
cho phép =to give official permission for something to happen, or to give someone official
permission to do something
Ví dụ:
● I [authorised] my bank to pay her £3,000.

Ghi chú:
In passage: Even as the Metropolitan began operation, the first extensions to the line were
being authorised; these were built over the next five years, reaching Moorgate in the east of
London and Hammersmith in the west.

carriage (n) /'kærɪdʒ/

Định nghĩa:
xe ngựa kéo =a vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and was used
mainly in the past
Ví dụ:
● The horses were hitched to a shiny black [carriage].

Ghi chú:
In passage: It could take an hour and a half to travel 8 km by horse-drawn carriage or bus.

coincide (v) /ˌkəʊɪn'saɪd/

Định nghĩa:
trùng với =to happen at or near the same time
Ví dụ:
● I timed my holiday to [coincide] with the children's

Ghi chú:
In passage: It was rejected, but coincided with a proposal from another group for an
underground connecting line, which Parliament passed.

condense (v) /kən'dens/

Định nghĩa:
ngưng tụ =to make a liquid thicker by removing some of the water
Ví dụ:
● Water vapour in the air [condenses] into fog.

Ghi chú:
In passage: Instead, the line used specially designed locomotives that were fitted with water
tanks in which steam could be condensed.

confined (adj) /kən'faɪnd/

Định nghĩa:
hạn chế =(of a space or an area) small and surrounded by walls or sides
Ví dụ:
● You can’t keep kids in a [confined] space for long.

Ghi chú:
In passage: Although the technology to create these tunnels existed, steam locomotives
could not be used in such a confined space.

congestion (n) /kən'dʒestʃən/

Định nghĩa:
tắc nghẽn giao thông =a situation in which there is too much traffic and movement is difficult
Ví dụ:
● Major airports will need new runways to relieve [congestion].

Ghi chú:
In passage: Despite the extension of the underground railway, by the 1880s, congestion on
London’s streets had become worse.

consist of (phr v) /kən'sɪst ɒv/

Định nghĩa:
bao gồm =to be made of or formed from something
Ví dụ:
● The team [consists of] four Europeans and two Americans.

Ghi chú:
In passage: The area within consisted of poorly built, overcrowded slums and the streets
were full of horse-drawn traffic.

demolish (v) /dɪ'mɒlɪʃ/

Định nghĩa:
phá hủy =to completely destroy a building, especially in order to use the land for something
Ví dụ:
● A number of houses were [demolished] so that the supermarket could be built.

Ghi chú:
In passage: Eventually, over a five-year period, £1m was raised. The chosen route ran
beneath existing main roads to minimise the expense of demolishing buildings.

emission (n) /ɪ'mɪʃn/

Định nghĩa:
khí thải =an amount of gas, heat, light, etc. that is sent out
Ví dụ:
● He uses a night observation device that picks up heat [emissions].

Ghi chú:
In passage: Objectors argued that the tunnels would collapse under the weight of traffic
overhead, buildings would be shaken and passengers would be poisoned by the emissions
from the train engines.

establish (v) /ɪ'stæblɪʃ/

Định nghĩa:
thành lập =to start a company or organization that will continue for a long time
Ví dụ:
● The brewery was [established] in 1822.

Ghi chú:
In passage: The two groups merged and established the Metropolitan Railway Company in
August 1854.

extension (n) /ɪk'stenʃn/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
phần mở rộng =the fact of reaching, stretching, or continuing; the act of adding to something
in order to make it bigger or longer
Ví dụ:
● The [extension] of police powers in the province has been heavily criticized.

Ghi chú:
In passage: Even as the Metropolitan began operation, the first extensions to the line were
being authorised; these were built over the next five years, reaching Moorgate in the east of
London and Hammersmith in the west.

firebrick (n) /'faɪəbrɪk/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
gạch chịu lửa =a type of brick that is not damaged by high temperatures and is therefore
used when building things such as chimneys and fireplaces
Ví dụ:
● The forge is lined with [firebrick].

Ghi chú:
In passage: The original plan was to pull the trains with steam locomotives, using firebricks
in the boilers to provide steam, but these engines were never introduced.

fumes (n) /fjuːmz/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
khói thải =strong, unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous gas or smoke
Ví dụ:
● Petrol [fumes] always make me feel ill.

Ghi chú:
In passage: However, smoke and fumes remained a problem, even though ventilation shafts
were added to the tunnels.
generator (n) /'dʒenəreɪtər/ UK US
Định nghĩa:
máy phát điện =a machine that produces electrical power
Ví dụ:
● The hospital's emergency [generators] are designed to cope with power cuts.

Ghi chú:
In passage: It wasn’t until the development of a reliable electric motor, and a means of
transferring power from the generator to a moving train, that the world’s first deep-level
electric railway, the City & South London, became possible.

invest (v) /ɪn'vest/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
đầu tư =to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage
Ví dụ:
● He's not certain whether to [invest] in the property market.

Ghi chú:
In passage: The GWR, aware that the new line would finally enable them to run trains into the
heart of the City, invested almost £250,000 in the scheme.

merge (v) /m3ːdʒ/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
hợp nhất =to combine or join together, or to cause things to do this
Ví dụ:
● They decided to [merge] the two companies into one

Ghi chú:
In passage: The two groups merged and established the Metropolitan Railway Company in
August 1854.

objector (n) /əb'dʒektər/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
người phản đối =someone who objects to something or someone
Ví dụ:
● 200 [objectors] were present at the inquiry.

Ghi chú:
In passage: Objectors argued that the tunnels would collapse under the weight of traffic
overhead, buildings would be shaken and passengers would be poisoned by the emissions
from the train engines.

overcrowded (adj) /ˌəʊvə'kraʊdɪd/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
quá đông đúc =containing too many people or things
Ví dụ:
● The world market for telecommunications is already [overcrowded] with businesses.

Ghi chú:
In passage: The area within consisted of poorly built, overcrowded slums and the streets
were full of horse-drawn traffic.

persist (v) /pə'sɪst/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
kiên trì, khăng khăng =to try to do or continue doing something in a determined but often
unreasonable way
Ví dụ:
● If he [persists] in asking awkward questions, then send him to the boss.

Ghi chú:
In passage: However, Pearson and his partners persisted.

radical (adj) /'rædɪkl/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
cấp tiến =believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or
political change
Ví dụ:
● These people have very [radical] views.

Ghi chú:
In passage: The organisation had difficulty in raising the funding for such a radical and
expensive scheme, not least because of the critical articles printed by the press.

reject (v) /rɪ'dʒekt/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
từ chối =to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone
Ví dụ:
● The appeal was [rejected] by the court

Ghi chú:
In passage: It was rejected, but coincided with a proposal from another group for an
underground connecting line, which Parliament passed.

relocate (v) /ˌriːləʊ'keɪt/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
di dời =to move or move something or someone from one place to another
Ví dụ:
● The couple [relocated] to Florida.

Ghi chú:
In passage: His idea was to relocate the poor workers who lived in the inner-city slums to
newly constructed suburbs, and to provide cheap rail travel for them to get to work.
slum (n) /slʌm/ UK US
Định nghĩa:
khu ổ chuột =a very poor and crowded area, especially of a city
Ví dụ:
● She was brought up in the [slums] of Lima

Ghi chú:
In passage: The area within consisted of poorly built, overcrowded slums and the streets
were full of horse-drawn traffic.

solicitor (n) /sə'lɪsɪtər/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
luật sư, cố vấn pháp luật =a type of lawyer in Britain and Australia who is trained to
prepare cases and give advice on legal subjects and can represent people in lower courts
Ví dụ:
● He served as city [solicitor].

Ghi chú:
In passage: Amongst the most vocal advocates for a solution to London’s traffic problems
was Charles Pearson, who worked as a solicitor for the City of London.

steam locomotive (n) /stiːm ˌləʊkə'məʊtɪv/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
đầu máy hơi nước =a vehicle with an engine powered by steam, used for pulling trains
Ví dụ:
● The trains used to be pulled by [steam locomotives].

Ghi chú:
In passage: The original plan was to pull the trains with steam locomotives, using firebricks
in the boilers to provide steam, but these engines were never introduced.

submit (v) /səb'mɪt/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
đưa ra, trình bày =to give or offer something for a decision to be made by others
Ví dụ:
● You must [submit] your application before 1 January

Ghi chú:
In passage: Pearson’s ideas gained support amongst some businessmen and in 1851 he
submitted a plan to Parliament.

suburb (n) /'sʌb3ːb/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
vùng ngoại ô =an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the town
or city often live
Ví dụ:
● Box Hill is a [suburb] of Melbourne

Ghi chú:
In passage: His idea was to relocate the poor workers who lived in the inner-city slums to
newly constructed suburbs, and to provide cheap rail travel for them to get to work.

temporarily (adv) /'temprərəlɪ/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
tạm thời =in a way that does not last for long or for ever
Ví dụ:
● This office is closed [temporarily] for redecoration.

Ghi chú:
In passage: A trench about ten metres wide and six metres deep was dug, and the sides
temporarily held up with timber beams.

timber (n) /'tɪmbər/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
gỗ =a long piece of wood used for building, especially houses and ships
Ví dụ:
● We use a [timber] preservative regularly.

Ghi chú:
In passage: A trench about ten metres wide and six metres deep was dug, and the sides
temporarily held up with timber beams.

trench (n) /trentʃ/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
hào =a narrow channel dug into the ground
Ví dụ:
● A workman was killed when the sides of the [trench] he was working in collapsed.

Ghi chú:
In passage: A trench about ten metres wide and six metres deep was dug, and the sides
temporarily held up with timber beams.

ventilation (n) /ˌventɪ'leɪʃn/ UK US

Định nghĩa:
thông gió =the movement of fresh air around a closed space, or the system that does this
Ví dụ:
● Her room had poor [ventilation] and in summer it became unbearably stuffy.

Ghi chú:
In passage: However, smoke and fumes remained a problem, even though ventilation shafts
were added to the tunnels

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