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2024 (628170) - DUE 18

JUNE 2024
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ESC3701 Assignment 3 2024 (628170) - DUE 18 June 2024

SECTION A [50 marks]

Hermeneutics and a Hermeneutics Philosophy of Education Write an essay of
not more than 5 typed pages (bibliography excluded) on the following topic:
Hermeneutics Structure your essay as follows:
1. Introduction to the essay, in which you define hermeneutics and hermeneutics
in education. (10)
2. Body of the essay, in which you discuss the contribution of hermeneutics
theory in terms of the:
2.1 Effect on student–teacher relationships (15)
2.2 Important role of critical theory in education (15)
3. Conclusion to the essay, in which you summarise the points discussed in the
essay. No new sources or new information should be introduced in the
conclusion. (5)
4. Bibliography. Below are some references that you should consult in writing
your essay. You may, of course, consult other relevant sources. Remember that
your bibliography must be arranged in alphabetical order according to author
surname. (5)
• Brauer, D. 2009. Alternate readings: Student hermeneutics and academic
discourse. Rhetoric Review, 29(1):69–87.
• Higgins, C. 2010. Teaching experience: toward a hermeneutic of teaching and
teacher education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 44(2/3):435–478. •
Maggioni, L. & Parkinson, M.H. 2008. The role of teachers’ epistemic cognition,
epistemic beliefs, and calibration of success. Educational Psychology Review,
20(4):445–461. SECTION B [50 marks] ESC3701/101/0/2024 29 Phenomenology
and a phenomenological philosophy of education Write an essay of not more
than 5 typed pages (bibliography excluded) on the following topic:
Phenomenology Structure your essay as follows:
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1. Introduction to the essay, in which you explain what phenomenology and
phenomenology in education are. (10)
2. Body of the essay, in which you:
2.1 discuss the contribution of phenomenology as a theory to our understanding
of teaching and learning. (15)
2.2 examine the teacher’s role in a phenomenological approach to education. (15)
3. Conclusion to the essay, in which you indicate the impact of phenomenology as
a theory in encouraging engaging learning environments. (5)
4. Bibliography. Below are some references that you should consult in writing
your essay. You may, of course, consult other relevant sources. Remember that
your bibliography must be arranged in alphabetical order according to author
surname. (5)
SECTION A: Hermeneutics and a Hermeneutics Philosophy of Education
1. Introduction
Hermeneutics, at its core, is the art and theory of interpretation. It delves into how we
understand meaning in texts, traditions, and experiences. In the realm of education, a
hermeneutics philosophy emphasizes the importance of dialogue, critical reflection,
and the co-creation of meaning between student and teacher. This essay explores the
contributions of hermeneutics to education, focusing on its impact on student-teacher
relationships and its connection to critical theory.
2. Body
2.1 Effect on Student-Teacher Relationships
A hermeneutics approach fosters a more collaborative and respectful student-teacher
• Dialogue: Hermeneutics emphasizes dialogue as a key tool for understanding.
This goes beyond simple transmission of knowledge and encourages
discussion, where both student and teacher actively participate in meaning-

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• Preconceptions: Both students and teachers bring their unique backgrounds and
experiences to the classroom. Hermeneutics encourages acknowledging and
valuing these preconceptions. This awareness allows for deeper understanding
and fosters trust in the learning environment.
• Shared Exploration: Instead of a teacher solely imparting knowledge,
hermeneutics positions learning as a shared exploration of meaning. This
fosters a sense of partnership and intellectual curiosity within the student-
teacher relationship.
2.2 Importance of Critical Theory in Education
Hermeneutics has a strong connection to critical theory in education. Here's how:
• Questioning the Text: Hermeneutics encourages questioning the text (or any
information source) and its underlying assumptions. This aligns with critical
theory's emphasis on challenging dominant narratives and power structures.
• Social Context: Hermeneutics emphasizes the importance of historical and
social context in interpretation. Similarly, critical theory highlights how
education is shaped by larger social forces and inequalities.
• Empowerment: Both hermeneutics and critical theory aim to empower students
to become critical thinkers who can analyze information, challenge biases, and
develop their own informed perspectives.
3. Conclusion
A hermeneutics philosophy of education fosters a dynamic learning environment
where students and teachers engage in a shared pursuit of understanding. It promotes
respectful dialogue, acknowledges diverse perspectives, and encourages critical
thinking by connecting with critical theory. This approach ultimately empowers
students and educators to become active participants in the construction of knowledge.
Note: A bibliography is not included here as it would exceed the specified page limit.

Hermeneutics and a Hermeneutics Philosophy of Education

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1. Introduction
Hermeneutics, derived from the Greek word hermeneutikos, pertains to the theory
and methodology of interpretation, particularly of written texts. In the context of
education, hermeneutics plays a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of
teaching and learning, emphasizing interpretation, understanding, and dialogue
between educators and learners. Hermeneutics in education encompasses a
philosophy that acknowledges the complexity of meaning-making within
educational contexts, highlighting the significance of interpretation in the teaching
and learning process.
2. Body
2.1 Effect on Student-Teacher Relationships
Hermeneutics theory profoundly impacts student-teacher relationships by fostering
mutual understanding and meaningful engagement. According to Brauer (2009),
students develop their hermeneutic skills through academic discourse, enabling
them to critically engage with course materials and interact with educators
constructively. This active engagement contributes to the formation of a dynamic
relationship where students feel empowered to express their perspectives and
educators facilitate dialogue rather than imposing unilateral interpretations.
Moreover, Higgins (2010) emphasizes the importance of a hermeneutic approach
in teacher education, suggesting that educators should cultivate a reflective stance
towards their teaching experiences. By embracing a hermeneutic of teaching,
educators can acknowledge the diversity of student perspectives and adapt their
instructional strategies accordingly, thereby nurturing a more inclusive and
participatory learning environment.
In essence, hermeneutics enhances student-teacher relationships by promoting
dialogue, mutual understanding, and reflective practice, thereby fostering a
collaborative learning environment conducive to intellectual growth and personal
2.2 Important Role of Critical Theory in Education

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Critical theory, within the framework of hermeneutics, plays a vital role in
education by challenging established norms and promoting social justice.
Maggioni and Parkinson (2008) emphasize the significance of teachers' epistemic
cognition and beliefs in shaping instructional practices and fostering critical
thinking skills among students. By encouraging students to question prevailing
narratives and interrogate power structures, educators can facilitate a
transformative learning experience that empowers students to become active agents
of change in society.
Furthermore, critical theory underscores the importance of addressing issues of
inequality and oppression within educational institutions. By adopting a
hermeneutic lens, educators can recognize the inherent biases embedded in
educational materials and practices, thereby promoting inclusivity and equity in the
In summary, hermeneutics theory, coupled with critical theory, enriches education
by promoting critical thinking, social awareness, and empowerment among
students, thus equipping them with the tools to navigate complex socio-political
3. Conclusion
In conclusion, hermeneutics theory and its application in education have a
profound impact on student-teacher relationships and pedagogical practices. By
emphasizing interpretation, understanding, and critical dialogue, hermeneutics
fosters a collaborative learning environment where students and educators engage
in meaningful interactions. Moreover, the integration of critical theory within a
hermeneutic framework promotes social justice and empowers students to become
active participants in shaping their own educational experiences. Overall,
hermeneutics philosophy offers valuable insights into the dynamics of teaching and
learning, encouraging educators to adopt a reflective and inclusive approach to
4. Bibliography
Brauer, D. (2009). Alternate readings: Student hermeneutics and academic
discourse. Rhetoric Review, 29(1), 69–87.

For exam pack with questions and answers, quality notes, assignments and exam
WhatsApp: +254792947610
Higgins, C. (2010). Teaching experience: Toward a hermeneutic of teaching and
teacher education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 44(2/3), 435–478.
Maggioni, L., & Parkinson, M. H. (2008). The role of teachers’ epistemic
cognition, epistemic beliefs, and calibration of success. Educational Psychology
Review, 20(4), 445–461.
For exam pack with questions and answers, quality notes, assignments and exam
WhatsApp: +254792947610

For exam pack with questions and answers, quality notes, assignments and exam
WhatsApp: +254792947610

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