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Monthly test

- May -

Task 1: Listening (Names, numbers, and Dates) 3. Passport number:

1. Name:
4. ID number:

2. Last name:
5. Cindy’s party: ______________
6. Time: ___________________

Task 2: Gap-filling
1. Tenth – Eleventh – _____________ 6. January – ______________ – March
2. Nineteenth – Twentieth – _____________ 7. 23/8: The twenty-________ of ____________
3. T_xt b_ _k 8. This room haven’t / hasn’t got any window.
4. There _____ a book in my backpack. 9. Have / Has she got a pet?
5. There _______ two bottles of water on the 10. There _______ a pen in my pencil case.

Task 3: Writing
0. There / blue / pencils / are. à There are blue pencils
1. I / got / heavy / have / bag. 3. isn’t / pencil case / on / There / the / table / a/.
______________________________________ _________________________________________

2. got / any / Have / you / books/ ? 4. We / exercise / book / haven’t / got / an / .

______________________________________ _________________________________________


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