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SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,

International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
SRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo,
International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7
Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All
Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's
Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between
Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight
Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of
Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for
Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 SRIMAD BHAGAVATA
by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International Gita
Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 SRIMAD BHAGAVATA
by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International Gita
Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 SRIMAD BHAGAVATA
by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International Gita
Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 SRIMAD BHAGAVATA
by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International Gita
Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 SRIMAD BHAGAVATA
by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International Gita
Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 SRIMAD BHAGAVATA
by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International Gita
Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 SRIMAD BHAGAVATA
by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International Gita
Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 SRIMAD BHAGAVATA
by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International Gita
Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 ChapterSRIMAD
BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International
Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 SRIMAD BHAGAVATA
by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay Mazo, International Gita
Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the Sages 7 Chapter Two
Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source of All Incarnations
9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five Narada's Instructions
on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six Conversation Between Narada and
Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by
Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in
the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalSRIMAD BHAGAVATA by Krsna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (Compiled and edited by Jay
Mazo, International Gita Society) CONTENTS CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the
Sages 7 Chapter Two Divinity and Divine Service 8 Chapter Three Krsna Is the Source
of All Incarnations 9 Chapter Four The Appearance of Sri Narada 12 Chapter Five
Narada's Instructions on Srimad-Bhagavatam for Vyasadeva 13 Chapter Six
Conversation Between Narada and Vyasadeva 15 Chapter Seven The Son of Drona
Punished 17 Chapter Eight Prayers by Queen Kunti and Pariksit Saved 19 Chapter Nine
The Passing Away of Bhismadeva in the Presence of Lord Krsna 21 Chapter Ten
Departure of Lord Krsna for Dvaraka 24
Chapter Eleven Lord Krsna's Entrance into Dvaraka 25 Chapter Twelve Birth of
Emperor Pariksit 27 Chapter Thirteen Dhrtarastra Quits Home 29 Chapter Fourteen The
Disappearance of Lord Krsna 32 Chapter Fifteen The Pandavas Retire Timely 33
Chapter Sixteen How Pariksit Received the Age of Kali 36 Chapter Seventeen
Punishment and Reward of Kali 38 Chapter Eighteen Maharaja Pariksit Cursed by a
Brahmana Boy 40 Chapter Nineteen The Appearance of Sukadeva Gosvami 42 CANTO TWO
Chapter One The First Step in God Realization 44 Chapter Two The Lord in the Heart
46 Chapter Three Pure Devotional Service: The Change in Heart 48 Chapter Four The
Process of Creation 49 Chapter Five The Cause of All Causes 51 Chapter Six Purusa-
sukta Confirmed 53 Chapter Seven Scheduled Incarnations with Specific Functions 55
Chapter Eight Questions by King Pariksit 59 Chapter Nine Answers by Citing the
Lord's Version
60 Chapter Ten Bhagavatam Is the Answer to All Questions 62 CANTO THREE Chapter One
Questions by Vidura 65 Chapter Two Remembrance of Lord Krsna 67 Chapter Three
Remembrance of Lord Krsna 69 Chapter Four Vidura Approaches Maitreya 70 Chapter
Five Vidura's Talks with Maitreya 72 Chapter Six Creation of the Universal Form 75
Chapter Seven Further Inquires by Vidura 76 Chapter Eight Manifestation of Brahma
from Garbhodakasayi Visnu 78 Chapter Nine Brahma's Prayers for Creative Energy 80
Chapter Ten Divisions of the Creation 83 Chapter Eleven Calculation of Time, from
the Atom 84 Chapter Twelve Creation of the Kumaras and Others 86 Chapter Thirteen
The Appearance of Lord Varaha 88 Chapter Fourteen Pregnancy of Diti in the Evening
91 Chapter Fifteen Description of the Kingdom of God 93
Chapter Sixteen The Two Doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, Cursed by the Sages 96 Chapter
Seventeen Victory of Hiranyaksa Over All the directions of the Universe 98 Chapter
Eighteen The Battle Between Lord Boar and the Demon Hiranyaksa 99 Chapter Nineteen
The Killing of the Demon Hiranyaksa 100 Chapter Twenty Conversation Between
Maitreya and Vidura 102 Chapter Twenty-one Conversation Between Manu and Kardama
104 Chapter Twenty-two The Marriage of Kardama Muni and Devahuti 107 Chapter
Twenty-three Devahuti's Lamentation 108 Chapter Twenty-four The Renunciation of
Kardama Muni 111 Chapter Twenty-five The Glories of Devotional Service 113 Chapter
Twenty-six Fundamental Principles of Material Nature 115 Chapter Twenty-seven
Understanding Material Nature 119 Chapter Twenty-eight Kapila's Instructions on the
Execution of Devotional Service 120 Chapter Twenty-nine Explanation of Devotional
Service by Lord Kapila 122 Chapter Thirty Description by Lord Kapila of Adverse
Fruitive Activities 125 Chapter Thirty-one Lord Kapila's Instructions on the
Movements of the Living Entities 126 Chapter Thirty-two Entanglement in Fruitive
129 Chapter Thirty-three Activities of Kapila 131 CANTO FOUR Chapter One
Genealogical Table of the Daughters of Manu 133 Chapter Two Daksa Curses Lord Siva
135 Chapter Three Talks Between Lord Siva and Sati 137 Chapter Four Sati Quits Her
Body 138 Chapter Five Frustration of the Sacrifice of Daksa 140 Chapter Six Brahma
Satisfies Lord Siva 141 Chapter Seven The Sacrifice Performed by Daksa 144 Chapter
Eight Dhruva Maharaja Leaves Home for the Forest 148 Chapter Nine Dhruva Maharaja
Returns Home 152 Chapter Ten Dhruva Maharaja's Fight With the Yaksas 156 Chapter
Eleven Svayambuva Manu Advises Dhruva Maharaja to Stop Fighting 157 Chapter Twelve
Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back to Godhead 159 Chapter Thirteen Description of the
Descendants of Dhruva Maharaja 162 Chapter Fourteen The Story of King Vena 164
Chapter Fifteen King Prthu's Appearance and Coronation 167 Chapter Sixteen Praise
of King Prthu by the Professional Reciters 168 Chapter Seventeen Maharaja Prthu
Becomes Angry at the Earth 170 Chapter Eighteen Prthu Maharaja Milks the Earth
Planet 172 Chapter Nineteen King Prthu's One Hundred Horse Sacrifices 173 Chapter
Twenty Lord Visnu's Appearance in the Sacrificial Arena 175 Chapter Twenty-one
Instructions by Maharaja Prthu 178 Chapter Twenty-two Prthu Maharaja's Meeting with
the Four Kumaras 181 Chapter Twenty-three Maharaja Prthu's Going Back Home 184
Chapter Twenty-four Chanting the Song Sung by Lord Siva 187 Chapter Twenty-five The
Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana 191 Chapter Twenty-six King
Puranjana Goes to Forest to Hunt, His Queen Becomes Angry 194 Chapter Twenty-seven
Attack by Candavega on City of Puranjana; Character of Kalakanya 196 Chapter
Twenty-eight Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life 197 Chapter Twenty-nine
Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi 200 Chapter Thirty The Activities of the
Pracetas 205 Chapter Thirty-one Narada Instructs the Pracetas 208
CANTO FIVE Chapter One The Activities of Maharaja Priyavrata 210 Chapter Two The
Activities of Maharaja Agnidhra 213 Chapter Three Rsabhadeva's Appearance in the
Womb of Merudevi, Wife of King Nabhi 215 Chapter Four The Characteristics of
Rsabhadeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead 217 Chapter Five Lord Rsabhadeva's
Teachings to His Sons 218 Chapter Six The Activities of Lord Rsabhadeva 221 Chapter
Seven The Activities of King Bharata 223 Chapter Eight A Description of the
Character of Bharata Maharaja 224 Chapter Nine The Supreme Character of Jada
Bharata 226 Chapter Ten The Discussion Between Jada Bharata and Maharaja Rahugana
228 Chapter Eleven Jada Bharata Instructs King Rahugana 231 Chapter Twelve
Conversation Between Maharaja Rahugana and Jada Bharata 232 Chapter Thirteen
Further Talks Between King Rahugana and Jada Bharata 234 Chapter Fourteen The
Material World as the Great Forest of Enjoyment 236 Chapter Fifteen The Glories of
the Descendants of King Priyavrata 240 Chapter Sixteen A Description of Jambudvipa
242 Chapter Seventeen The Descent of the River Ganges 244 Chapter Eighteen The
Prayers Offered to the Lord by the Residents of Jambudvipa 246 Chapter Nineteen A
Description of the Island of Jambudvipa 249 Chapter Twenty Studying the Structure
of the Universe 252 Chapter Twenty-one The Movements of the Sun 255 Chapter Twenty-
two The Orbits of the Planets 256 Chapter Twenty-three The Sisumara Planetary
Systems 258 Chapter Twenty-four The Subterranean Heavenly Planets 259 Chapter
Twenty-five The Glories of Lord Ananta 262 Chapter Twenty-six A Description of the
Hellish Planets 263 CANTO SIX Chapter One The History of the Life of Ajamila 266
Chapter Two Ajamila Delivered by the Visnudutas 270 Chapter Three Yamaraja
Instructs His Messengers 273 Chapter Four The Hamsa-guhya Prayers Offrered to the
Lord by Prajapati Daksa 275 Chapter Five Narada Muni Cursed by Prajapati Daksa 279
Chapter Six The Progeny of the Daughters of Daksa 282 Chapter Seven Indra Offends
His Spiritual Master, Brhaspati 283 Chapter Eight The Narayana-kavaca Shield 285
Chapter Nine Appearance of the Demon Vrtrasura 288 Chapter Ten The Battle Between
the Demigods and Vrtrasura 292 Chapter Eleven The Transcendental Qualities of
Vrtrasura 293 Chapter Twelve Vrtrasura's Glorious Death 295 Chapter Thirteen King
Indra Afflicted by Sinful Reaction 297 Chapter Fourteen King Citraketu's
Lamentation 298 Chapter Fifteen The Saints Narada and Angira Instruct King
Citraketu 301 Chapter Sixteen King Citraketu Meets the Supreme Lord 303 Chapter
Seventeen Mother Parvati Curses Citraketu 307 Chapter Eighteen Diti Vows to Kill
King Indra 309 Chapter Nineteen Performing the Pumsavana Ritualistic Ceremony 313
CANTO SEVEN Chapter One The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone 315 Chapter Two
Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons 318 Chapter Three Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become
Immortal 321
Chapter Four Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe 323 Chapter Five Prahlada
Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu 326 Chapter Six Prahlada Instructs His
Demoniac Schoolmates 329 Chapter Seven What Prahlada Learned in the Womb 331
Chapter Eight Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons 334 Chapter Nine
Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers 338 Chapter Ten Prahlada, the Best
Among Exalted Devotees 342 Chapter Eleven The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
345 Chapter Twelve The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes 347 Chapter Thirteen
The Behavior of a Perfect Person 349 Chapter Fourteen Ideal Family Life 351 Chapter
Fifteen Instructions for Civilized Human Beings 354 CANTO EIGHT Chapter One The
Manus, Administrators of the Universe 359 Chapter Two The Elephant Gajendra's
Crisis 360 Chapter Three Gajendra's Prayers of Surrender 362 Chapter Four Gajendra
Returns to the Spiritual World 364 Chapter Five The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for
365 Chapter Six The Demigods and Demons Declare a Truce 368 Chapter Seven Lord Siva
Saves the Universe by Drinking Poison 370 Chapter Eight The Churning of the Milk
Ocean 372 Chapter Nine The Lord Incarnates as Mohini-Murti 375 Chapter Ten The
Battle Between the Demigods and the Demons 376 Chapter Eleven King Indra
Annihilates the Demons 379 Chapter Twelve The Mohini-murti Incarnation Bewilders
Lord Siva 381 Chapter Thirteen Description of Future Manus 384 Chapter Fourteen The
System of Universal Management 385 Chapter Fifteen Bali Maharaja Conquers the
Heavenly Planets 386 Chapter Sixteen Executing the Payo-vrata Process of Worship
387 Chapter Seventeen The Supreme Lord Agrees to Become Aditi's Son 390 Chapter
Eighteen Lord Vamanadeva, the Dwarf Incarnation 391 Chapter Nineteen Lord
Vamanadeva Begs Charity from Bali Maharaja 393 Chapter Twenty Bali Maharaja
Surrenders the Universe 395 Chapter Twenty-one Bali Maharaja Arrested by the Lord
397 Chapter Twenty-two Bali Maharaja Surrenders His Life 399 Chapter Twenty-three
The Demigods Regain the Heavenly Planets 401 Chapter Twenty-four Matsya, the Lord's
Fish Incarnation 402 CANTO NINE Chapter One King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman 405
Chapter Two The Dynasties of the Sons of Manu 407 Chapter Three The Marriage of
Sukanya and Cyavana Muni 408 Chapter Four Ambarisa Maharaja Offended by Durvasa
Muni 410 Chapter Five Durvasa Muni's Life Spared 414 Chapter Six The Downfall of
Saubhari Muni 415 Chapter Seven The Descendants of King Mandhata 418 Chapter Eight
The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva 419 Chapter Nine The Dynasty of Amsuman 420
Chapter Ten The Pastimes of the Supreme Lord, Ramacandra 423 Chapter Eleven Lord
Ramacandra Rules the World 426 Chapter Twelve The Dynasty of Kusa, the Son of Lord
Ramacandra 428 Chapter Thirteen The Dynasty of Maharaja Nimi
429 Chapter Fourteen King Pururava Enchanted by Urvasi 430 Chapter Fifteen
Parasurama, the Lord's Warrior Incarnation 433 Chapter Sixteen Lord Parasurama
Destroys the World's Ruling Class 434 Chapter Seventeen The Dynasties of the Sons
of Pururava 436 Chapter Eighteen King Yayati Regains His Youth 437 Chapter Nineteen
King Yayati Achieves Liberation 439 Chapter Twenty The Dynasty of Puru 441 Chapter
Twenty-one The Dynasty of Bharata 442 Chapter Twenty-two The Descendants of
Ajamidha 444 Chapter Twenty-three The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayati 446 Chapter
Twenty-four Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead 448 CANTO TEN Chapter One The
Advent of Lord Krsna: Introduction 450 Chapter Two Prayers by the Demigods for Lord
Krsna in the Womb 454 Chapter Three The Birth of Lord Krsna 457 Chapter Four The
Atrocities of King Kamsa 459 Chapter Five The Meeting of Nanda Maharaja and
462 Chapter Six The Killing of the Demon Putana 463 Chapter Seven The Killing of
the Demon Trnavarta 465 Chapter Eight Lord Krsna Shows the Universal Form Within
His Mouth 468 Chapter Nine Mother Yasoda Binds Lord Lord Krsna 471 Chapter Ten
Deliverance of the Yamala-arjuna Trees 472 Chapter Eleven The Childhood Pastimes of
Krsna 474 Chapter Twelve The Killing of the Demon Aghasura 477 Chapter Thirteen The
Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahma 480 Chapter Fourteen Brahma's Prayers to
Lord Krsna 484 Chapter Fifteen The Killing of Dhenuka, the Ass Demon 487 Chapter
Sixteen Krsna Chastises the Serpent Kaliya 490 Chapter Seventeen The History of
Kaliya 494 Chapter Eighteen Lord Balarama Slays the Demon Pralamba 495 Chapter
Nineteen Swallowing the Forest Fire 496 Chapter Twenty The Rainy Season and Autumn
in Vrndavana 497 Chapter Twenty-One The Gopis Glorify the Song of Krsna's Flute 499
Chapter Twenty-Two Krsna Steals the Garments of the Unmarried Gopis 500 Chapter
Twenty-Three The Brahmanas' Wives Blessed 502 Chapter Twenty-Four Worshiping
Govardhana Hill 504 Chapter Twenty-Five Lord Krsna Lifts Govardhana Hill 506
Chapter Twenty-Six Wonderful Krsna 507 ChapterTwenty-Seven Lord Indra and Mother
Surabhi Offer Prayers 509 Chapter Twenty-Eight Krsna Rescues Nanda Maharaja from
the Abode of Varuna 510 Chapter Twenty-Nine Krsna and the Gopis Meet for the Rasa
Dance 511 Chapter Thirty The Gopis Search for Krsna 513 Chapter Thirty-One The
Gopis' Songs of Separation 515 Chapter Thirty-Two The Reunion 516 Chapter Thirty-
Three The Rasa Dance 517 Chapter Thirty-Four Nanda Maharaja Saved and Sankhacuda
Slain 519 Chapter Thirty-Five The Gopis Sing of Krsna as He Wanders in the Forest
520 Chapter Thirty-Six The Slaying of Arista, the Bull Demon 521 Chapter Thirty-
Seven The Killing of the Demons Kesi and Vyoma 523 Chapter Thirty-Eight Akrura's
Arrival in Vrndavana 524
Chapter Thirty-Nine Akrura's Vision 526 Chapter Forty The Prayers of Akrura 529
Chapter Forty-One Krsna and Balarama Enter Mathura 530 Chapter Forty-Two The
Breaking of the Sacrificial Bow 532 Chapter Forty-Three Krsna Kills the Elephant
Kuvalayapida 534 Chapter Forty-Four The Killing of Kamsa 535 Chapter Forty-Five
Krsna Rescues His Teacher's Son 537 Chapter Forty-Six Uddhava Visits Vrndavana 539
Chapter Forty-Seven The Song of the Bee 541 Chapter Forty-Eight Krsna Pleases His
Devotees 544 Chapter Forty-Nine Akrura's Mission in Hastinapura 546 Chapter Fifty
Krsna Establishes the City of Dvaraka 547 Chapter Fifty-One The Deliverance of
Mucukunda 549 Chapter Fifty-Two Rukmini's Message to Lord Krsna 552 Chaptert Fifty-
Three Krsna Kidnaps Rukmini 553 Chapter Fifty-Four The Marriage of Krsna and
Rukmini 556 Chapter Fifty-Five The History of Pradyumna 558 Chapter Fifty-Six The
Syamantaka Jewel
559 Chapter Fifty-Seven Satrajit Murdered, the Jewel Returned 561 Chapter Fifty-
Eight Krsna Marries Five Princesses 563 Chapter Fifty-Nine The Killing of the Demon
Naraka 565 Chapter Sixty Lord Krsna Teases Queen Rukmini 567 Chapter Sixty-One Lord
Balarama Slays Rukmi 570 Chapter Sixty-Two The Meeting of Usa and Aniruddha 571
Chapter Sixty-Three Lord Krsna Fights with Banasura 573 Chapter Sixty-Four The
Deliverance of King Nrga 575 Chapter Sixty-Five Lord Balarama Visits Vrndavana 577
Chapter Sixty-Six Paundraka, the False Vasudeva 578 Chapter Sixty-Seven Lord
Balarama Slays Dvivida Gorilla 580 Chaptrer Sixty-Eight The Marriage of Samba 581
Chapter Sixty-Nine Narada Muni Visits Lord Krsna's Palaces in Dvaraka 583 Chapter
Seventy Lord Krsna's Daily Activities 585 Chapter Seventy-One The Lord Travels to
Indraprastha 587 Chapter Seventy-Two The Slaying of the Demon Jarasandha
589 Chapter Seventy-Three Lord Krsna Blesses the Liberated Kings 591 Chapter
Seventy-Four The Deliverance of Sisupala at the Rajasuya Sacrifice 592 Chapter
Seventy-Five Duryodhana Humiliated 594 Chapter Seventy-Six The Battle Between Salva
and the Vrsnis 596 Chapter Seventy-Seven Lord Krsna Slays the Demon Salva 597
Chapter Seventy-Eight The Killing of Dantavakra, Viduratha and Romaharsana 599
Chapter Seventy-Nine Lord Balarama Goes on Pilgrimage 600 Chapter Eighty The
Brahmana Sudama Visits Lord Krsna in Dvaraka 601 Chapter Eighty-One The Lord
Blesses Sudama Brahmana 603 Chapter Eighty-Two Krsna and Balarama Meet the
Inhabitants of Vrndavana 605 Chapter Eighty-Three Draupadi Meets the Queens of
Krsna 607 Chapter Eighty-Four The Sages' Teachings at Kuruksetra 609 Chapter
Eighty-Five Lord Krsna Instructs Vasudeva and Retrieves Devaki's Sons 612 Chapter
Eighty-Six Arjuna Kidnaps Subhadra, and Krsna Blesses His Devotees 615 Chapter
Eighty-Seven The Prayers of the Personified Vedas 617 Chapter Eighty-Eight Lord
Siva Saved from Vrkasura 621
Chapter Eighty-Nine Krsna and Arjuna Retrieve a Brahmana's Sons 623 Chapter Ninety
Summary of Lord Krsna's Glories 625 CANTO ELEVEN Chapter One The Curse Upon the
Yadu Dynasty 627 Chapter Two Maharaja Nimi Meets the Nine Yogendras 629 Chapter
Three Liberation from the Illusory Energy 632 Chaptrer Four Drumila Explains the
Incarnations of Godhead to King Nimi 636 Chapter Five Narada Concludes His
Teachings to Vasudeva 638 Chapter Six The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhasa 641
Chapter Seven Lord Krsna Instructs Uddhava 643 Chapter Eight The Story of Pingala
647 Chapter Nine Detachment from All that Is Material 650 Chapter Ten The Nature of
Fruitive Activity 652 Chapter Eleven The Symptoms of Conditioned and Liberated
Living Entities 654 Chapter Twelve Beyond Renunciation and Knowledge 657 Chapter
Thirteen The Hamsa-avatara Answers the Questions of the Sons of Brahma 659 Chapter
Fourteen Lord Krsna Explains the Yoga System to Sri Uddhava 661 Chapter Fifteen
Lord Krsna's Description of Mystic Yoga Perfections
663 Chapter Sixteen The Lord's Opulence 665 Chapter Seventeen Lord Krsna's
Description of the Varnasrama System 667 Chapter Eighteen Description of
Varnasrama-dharma 670 Chapter Nineteen The Perfection of Spiritual Knowledge 673
Chapter Twenty Pure Devotional Service Surpasses Knowledge and Detachment 675
Chapter Twenty-One Lord Krsna's Explanation of the Vedic Path 677 Chapter Twenty-
Two Enumeration of the Elements of Material Creation 679 Chapter Twenty-Three The
Song of the Avanti Brahmana 682 Chapter Twenty-Four The Philosophy of Sankhya 685
Chapter Twenty-Five The Three Modes of Nature and Beyond 687 Chapter Twenty-Six The
Aila-gita 688 Chapter Twenty-Seven Lord Krsna's Instructions on the Process of
Deity Worship 690 Chapter Twenty-Eight Jnana-yoga 693 Chapter Twenty-Nine Bhakti-
yoga 695 Chapter Thirty The Disappearance of the Yadu Dynasty 698 Chapter Thirty-
One The Disappearance of Lord Sri Krsna 700
CANTO TWELVE Chapter One The Degraded Dynasties of Kali-yuga 701 Chapter Two The
Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter Four The Four
Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva Gosvami's Final
Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit Passes Away 709
Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight Markandeya's Prayers to
Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the Illusory Potency of the
Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven
Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The Topics of Srimad-
Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-Bhagavatam 725
CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by the Sagess 1. O
my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of Godhead, I
offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna because He
is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalTwo The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalTwo The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalTwo The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalTwo The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalTwo The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalTwo The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalTwo The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalTwo The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primeval Two The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the
primevalTwo The Symptoms of Kali-yuga 702 Chapter Three The Bhumi-gita 704 Chapter
Four The Four Categories of Universal Annihilation 706 Chapter Five Sukadeva
Gosvami's Final Instructions to Maharaja Pariksit 708 Chapter Six Maharaja Pariksit
Passes Away 709 Chapter Seven The Puranic Literatures 713 Chapter Eight
Markandeya's Prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 714 Chapter Nine Markandeya Rsi Sees the
Illusory Potency of the Lord 717 Chapter Ten Lord Siva and Uma Glorify Markandeya
Rsi 718 Chapter Eleven Summary Description of the Mahapurusa 720 Chapter Twelve The
Topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam Summarized 722 Chapter Thirteen The Glories of Srimad-
Bhagavatam 725 CANTO ONE Chapter One Questions by the SageChapter One Questions by
the Sagess 1. O my Lord, Sri Krsna, son of Vasudeva, O all-pervading Personality of
Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You. I meditate upon Lord Sri Krsna
because He is the Absolute Truth and the

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