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On the first evening of the program, there will be a time for each team member to share a short
testimony. Depending on the size of the team, these will be two or three minutes long. The following are
some basic guidelines to use for preparing and delivering your testimonies.

The two to three-minute testimonies should follow this general structure:
1. What brought you to JOURNEY? Try to share some specific issues you were struggling with or
wanted to address.
2. What happened at JOURNEY? How did God meet you? What did God begin through JOURNEY?
3. What is God continuing to do in your life now?

Please respect the time limit so that everyone on the team has an equal opportunity to share their story.


Here are some examples of what not to do during your testimony:
• "Hi everybody, I am really excited to be here, but I am also freaking out inside because this is my
first time on the team! Last year I was a participant like you and acting out all over the place so I
am really sorry that I do not know what the heck I am doing! But I'll do my best not to mess you up
too badly, ok?"
- You don't have to apologize or tell them you're afraid. This doesn't inspire confidence!
Trust that God has you here because He can use your story as it is right now.
• "Life has really changed for me since doing "JOURNEY." I've been dealing with my narcissism and
Father wound. I've also been breaking that cycle and getting into some healthy hetero. And I think
my invaded heart has finally been able to get my mother to stop emotionally incesting me and
take it to the Cross."
- Don't use "lingo", "difficult" or buzz language. Another way to share the above could
"There have been some significant shifts in my life since going through JOURNEY. I've
become aware of the ways I created an image of myself that I wanted others to admire.
Being here helped me explore how my dad not being able to meet all my needs growing up
impacted me, and was some of the reason why I needed to project an image of having it
all together. Having Father God be present to that hurt child in me has helped me to let go
of my need to have a facade, and it’s also helping me to step into life-giving relationships
with the opposite sex. I’ve also been able to begin the process of forgiving my mom for
times when she crossed my boundaries and used me to meet her needs....."
- Other examples of such language: codependency, misandry, misogyny, etc.
• "I grew up in a small town in Ontario where everyone knew everyone and I used to pick tobacco in
the summers to make money and it was really hard work and I played sports at school I like
baseball because I can bat left handed or right handed I went to church too and I sang in the choir
because my Dad was the conductor of the choir but that's another story altogether but I guess
what I really need to get to is about how much time I spent doing yard work when I could have
been reading my Bible and praying for the missionaries in Africa…"
- This doesn't follow the general structure and address the three sections of the
testimony. It will also likely go beyond the time limit.


• "I want to tell you all about how Jesus changed my life through JOURNEY, and I really want to
encourage you guys to really press in, because sometimes it may be really difficult, but don't shut
down, don't hide. It will be really worth your while if you can stick it out and give it your all! Bless
you guys, it's going to be great!"
- Don't exhort or set yourself apart. Be one of them and model vulnerability in first-
person language.
• "Since taking JOURNEY my life has completely turned around. I used to struggle with same-sex
attraction and I used to struggle with addiction. I also used to be a drunk and a drug addict. I used
to sin but God has delivered me and is so faithful. Praise God!"
- Model the reality of being in process. None of us is "all fixed" now.
• "So I wanted to share some of my story with you guys on how God has helped me with so many of
my issues. There were times that I would really struggle to hold it together. There were times that
my life was pretty dark, and I hurt people, people that love me. Then I hit bottom and I knew I
needed help and some very dear friends reached out to me when I thought no one would... and I
owe them so much. I just want to praise God for the way He has completely brought life to my
heart of darkness."
- Don't be too vague. Be honest and specific, but not graphic. (e.g., "I would see a
prostitute once a week" is specific. Describing what she wore or how you acted out is
• " JOURNEY, oh my, there's so much to tell you. JOURNEY totally changed my life so that now my life is
divided into pre- JOURNEY and post- JOURNEY because of all that JOURNEY has done for me. I give
JOURNEY pamphlets out where ever I go because the world would be a better place if everyone took
JOURNEY 8 or 9 times. Go JOURNEY! Go!"
- It's not about JOURNEY. It's about Jesus.
• "Let's see… what to say here… I was thinking about it in the car on the way here… um…"
- Write it out! Time it. Practice it. (But that doesn't mean you have to read it.)

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