CH 6

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Computer Science

Level #3

Chapter #6

System Design
Q1. What are the two main types of data storage formats?
1) Files
 Electronic list of data that have been optimized to perform a particular
2) Database.
 Is a collection of a grouping information that related to each other in some
Q2. What is DBMS? State the most popular Open source DBMS
 Database management system.
 A software that create and manipulates databases.
 Example of Open Source MySQL.
Q3. Compare between End-User DBMS and Enterprise DBMS.

End- User DBMS Enterprise DBMS

Support small-Scale database. Manage huge volumes of data.

Such as Microsoft access Such as SQL Server, DB2, Oracle

Q4. Describe each type of files?

1) Master files:
 Stores core information such as customer mailing information.
 They usually are kept for long periods.
 A new records are appended to the end of the file.
2) A transaction file.
 Holds information used to update a master file.
 Can be destroyed after changes are added.
3) Look-up files.
 Contains static values such as a list used for validation.

1 System Design 2020

Q5. Describe legacy database?
 The name legacy refer to it based on old technology.
 It include hierarchical database and network database.
Q6. State advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical database
 Advantages: rapid search capabilities (e.g. airline industry)
 Disadvantages: con not efficiently represent many-to-many relations.
Q7. What is network database?
 A collections of records that are related to each through pointers.

Q8. Describe relational database?

 A relation database is based on collections of tables.
 Each table has a primary key.
 Primary key: is a filed(s) whose value is different for every row of the table.
 The tables are related to each other by the placement of the primary key
from one table into the related table as a foreign key.
 SQL: is the standard language for accessing the database.
 Example of RDBMS software are Microsoft Access, Oracle, and SQL Server.
Q9. Describe Object- Oriented database Management Systems.
 Combination of data and processes is represented by object Classes.
 A class can contains a variety of subclasses.
 E.g. a person class can have subclasses of employee and customer.
 The relationships among classes are maintained by pointers.
 OODBMS used to support multimedia applications or systems that involve
complex data.

2 System Design 2020

Q10. Describe multidimensional Database?
 A type of relational database that is used extensively in data warehousing.
 It supports decision support system (DSS).
Q11. Complete the following statements.
 Entity Relationship (ERD) is a logical models depict the "business view" of
Q12. State steps that are required to move data from logical model to
physical data model.
1) Step1: Change entities to Tables or files.
2) Step2: change attributes to fields.
3) Step3: Add primary Key.
4) Step4: Add foreign keys.
5) Step5: Add system related components.

3 System Design 2020

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