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What is the outlook for the economical situation in the country?
How does market fluctuation affect investment decisions?
What is the liquidity of cryptocurrency?
What is a lump sum payment and when is it typically used?
What does it mean for a stock to dip and how can investors respond?
What are attainable goals?
What is momentum in the context of investing?
Can you explain what a financial product is and give examples?
What are some potential risks and benefits of investing into crypto
down the line?
What are some benefits of decentralization?
How does volatility affect investment performance and strategies?

What is a dimension?
What are extra dimensions?
How is the idea of extra dimensions
represented in popular culture?
Who studies the theory of extra
What does physics study in general?

dimension perspective to warp curvature

spacetime equation gravitational pull
to unify velocity acceleration

1. Everything around us, from the houses we live in to the

objects we use in everyday life, has three ... : height, length,
and width.
2. Looking at a problem from a different ... can often lead to
new insights and solutions.
3. Some science fiction movies show spaceships that can ...
through space to travel faster than light.
4. The ... of spacetime is a concept that is essential to
understanding the theory of general relativity.
5. The ... E=mc² is one of the most famous ... in the world of
6. The ... of massive objects can have a significant impact on
the motion of other objects nearby.
7. Scientists are always striving to find a way ... the different
forces of nature into a single theory.
8. ... is a measure of how fast an object is moving in a particular
9. ... is the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time.
Watch the video from 8:33 to 20:34 and discuss the questions.

1. What is the difference between a one-dimensional, two-

dimensional, and three-dimensional object?
2. In the college student part of the video Einstein’s theory of
relativity was discussed. Can you describe your
understanding of this theory? Was anything new for you?
3. What did the professor say about the concept of
“fundamental time”?
4. What does the space metric say about time?
5. What is the curvature of spacetime?
6. How would the college student explain relativity to people
who knew nothing about it beforehand?
7. What is the theory of bubble unverses?
8. What is a brane?
9. What is Grand Unified Theory and is it String Theory?
10. How does the physicist in the video explain the concept of a
fourth dimension?
11. Do you think it's possible for humans to perceive higher
dimensions beyond the third dimension? Why or why not?
12. How do you think the concept of dimensions is applicable in
our daily lives?
13. The physicist theorize that the fifth dimension is where all
possible futures and presents exist. Do you agree with this
statement? Why or why not?
14. Can you think of any other examples or analogies that could
help explain the concept of dimensions?
15. In what ways do you think the study of dimensions could be
important for scientific research and discovery?



For each sentence, choose a variety of "used to", "be used to" or
"get used to". Use the verb in the brackets to make the sentence.

1. European drivers find it difficult to (drive) on the left when

they visit Britain.
2. See that building there? I (go) to school there, but now it's a
3. I've only been at this company a couple of months. I (still not)
how they do things round here.
4. When I first arrived in this neighbourhood, I had to (live) in a
house. I had always lived in apartment buildings.
5. Working till 10pm isn't a problem. I (finish) late. I did it in my
last job too.
6. I can't believe they are going to build an airport just two miles
from our new house! I will (never) all that noise! What a
7. His father (smoke) twenty cigars a day - now he doesn't smoke
at all!
8. Whenever all my friends went to discos, I (never go) with
them, but now I enjoy it.
9. I (drive) as I have had my driving licence almost a year now.
10. When Max went to live in Italy, he (live) there very quickly.
He's a very open minded person.

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