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The Mekong River is of immense importance to Vietnam, offering a

multitude of benefits:
• Agriculture: It's one of the most fertile regions in the world, producing half of
Vietnam's rice and 70% of its aquaculture .

• Economy: The river contributes significantly to the country's GDP, being a

crucial driver of growth for the region

• Hydropower: Opportunities in hydropower production are vast along the

Mekong River

• Fisheries: The river produces 4.5 million metric tons of fish annually, accounting
for about 80% of the protein consumed in the region

• Transportation: It sustains trade and commerce, enabling the flow of goods and
services across borders

• Climate Resilience: Efforts are being made to ensure the delta's productivity and
climate resilience, considering it's one of the areas most vulnerable to climate

These factors make the Mekong River an essential lifeline for Vietnam's
social, economic, and environmental well-being.

18. The influence of the Mekong River's upstream activities on the Mekong
Delta is significant and multifaceted. Here are some key impacts
• Hydroelectric Dams: The construction of hydroelectric dams upstream,
particularly in China, has led to water shortages in the delta. This affects
agriculture, industry, and daily life, exacerbating the effects of climate change

• Drought: The delta faces intensified droughts, which lead to acid sulfate soil
acidification over an area of 1.7 million hectares, causing severe damage to
ecosystems and human livelihoods

• Salinization: Saltwater intrusion from the sea, exacerbated by upstream

damming, penetrates more than 100 km inland, affecting agriculture and
freshwater availability

• Economic Impact: Changes in water quantity, quality, and sediment flow due to
upstream projects can drastically harm the region's economy, which relies heavily
on agriculture and fisheries

• Rice and Crop Yields: Water shortages and saltwater intrusion have caused
yields of rice and other crops to plummet, which is a significant concern for food
security in the region

• Fisheries: The annual fish catch has declined due to changes in the river's
hydrology, affecting the livelihoods of millions who depend on fishing

These influences underscore the need for transboundary water

management and cooperation among the countries through which the
Mekong River flows to ensure the sustainability of the delta and the
well-being of its inhabitants.

19.The current trend of hydropower plants in the Mekong River Basin is

characterized by significant growth and development.
As of February 2024, there are an estimated 167 Hydropower Plants (HPPs) in the
Mekong, with a combined installed capacity of approximately 36,376.3 MW.
Additionally, there are 20 HPPs under construction at various stages of completion

The hydropower potential of the Mekong River Basin is estimated to be about

58,930 Megawatts (MW). The energy demand for the Lower Mekong River Basin
is projected to grow annually by 6-7%, and riparian countries are capitalizing on
the river's hydropower potential to meet this demand

Hydropower development in the Mekong began years ago in the tributary basins of
Thailand and Vietnam, upstream of Cambodia. Over the last decade, this
development has expanded in the Lower Mekong Basin, accompanied by increased
private sector investment in power infrastructure. On the mainstream, 11 projects
are planned, with seven in Laos, two in Cambodia, and two across the Laos-
Thailand border

While hydropower development brings economic gains and supports sectors like
irrigation, electricity access, regional trade, and climate change adaptation, it also
comes with potential costs. The decline of fisheries and loss of forests, wetlands,
and mangroves due to dam construction and sediment reduction could have
significant environmental and social impacts

By 2040, hydropower is estimated to generate more than 30,000 MW. However,

the balance between development and sustainability remains a critical challenge
for the region
Thủy điện thượng nguồn sông MÊ KÔNG ở Trung Quốc

Thủy điện Xayaburi của Lào

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