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20/FI/CC/M-2023-13 Candidate's Roll Number LITTT 1) LA Question Booklet GEOGRAPHY Booklet Series 10254 Time Allowed : 2 How Maximum Marks : 100 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin te answer the questions. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 1. This Question Booklet contains 100 questions in all 2. Alt questions carry equal marks. 3. Aitempt alll questions, 4. Immediately after commenctinent of the examination, you should check up your Question Boollet and ensure that the Question Booklet Series is printed on the top right-hand comer of the Booldet. Please eheelt that the Booklet contains 32 printed pages including four pages (Page los. 28 to 31) for Rough Work and no page or question is missing or unprinted or torn ox repeated, Ifyou find any defect in this Booklet, get it replaced immediately by = complete Booldet of the came series, If there is any sort of mistake either of printing or of factual nature, then out of English and Hindi versions of the questions, the English version will be treated as standard. You must write your Roll Number in the space pravided on the top of this page. Do not write anything clse om the Question Booklet An Answer Sheet wil be supplied to you slang with Question Booldet to mark the answers ‘You must write your Kame, Roll Number, Question Boaldet Series and other particulars in the epace provided on’ Page-2 af the Answer Shect provided, failing which your Answer Shect will not be evaluated. 8. You should encode your Roll Number and the Question Booklet Series A, B, C or D-asit is printed on the top right-hand corner of the Question Booldet with Black/ Bie inks ballpyint pen in the space provided on Page-2 of yaur Anewer Sheet. If you do hot encode or fail to encode the correct serice of your Question Booklet, your Answer Sheet will net be evaluated correctly. Questions and their responses are printed in English and Hindi versions in this Booklet. Each questian comprises of four responses—iA), (B), (C) and (D). You are (o select ONLY ONE correc! response and mark ttn your Answer Sbeet. Ih case you feel that there are more than fone correct responce, mark the responce which you consider the best. In any case choone ONLY ONE response for eash question. Your total warks ‘will depend on the number of correct responses madked by you in the Answer Sheet, In the Answer Sheet, there are four circles~@. @.© and @ against each question, Ta angwer the questions, you are to mark with Blaels/ Blue inke ballpoint pen ONLY ONE elrcle ef your cheice for each question, Select only one response for each question and mark {t in your Answer Sheet, If you mark more than one circle for ene question, the answer will be irented as wrong. Use Black/Blue ink ballpoint pen only to mark the answer in the Answer Sheet. Any erasure or change is not allowed. You should nol remove or tear aff any sheet from the Question Booklet, You are not allowed to take this Question Booldet and the Answer Sheet out of the Examination Hall dure the examination, After the examination has concluded, you must hand over your Aneuer Sheet to the Invigilator. Thereafter, you are permitted to take away the Question Booklet with you. 12. Failure to camply with any of the above instructions sill render you liable to such action or penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion, 13, Candidates musi assure before leaving the Exarnination Hall that their Answer Shects will be ‘Kept in Self Adhesive LDPE Bag and completely packed/scaled in their presence, vot & s ongtath sar Gee arent get BRT Sat ge oe way By TUTTE TT 10. Ln. 1. The inner core of the Barth’s interior is in solid state due to (A) a very high temperature {B) an intense pressure (C) its extreme depth (D) its composition 2. In the thermosphere, the temperature keeps on rising due to (A) the concentration of ions (B) the concentration of ozone (C) the rapid molecular motion of the air {D) the pressure of the air 3. Which one of the following spheres of the Earth’s interior has the high-density material? (A) Asthenosphere (B) Lithosphere (C) Pyrosphere (D) Barysphere 4, An example of acidic igncous rock is (A) granite (B) basalt (C) gabbro (D) peridotite 20/FI/CC/M-2023-13/609-A i towing is an Which one of the fal example of transform boundary fault? (a) The Eurasian and Indo. Australian plate (B) The Pacific-Antarctic plate (c) The Arabian plate and the Anatolian plate {D) The Eurasian and North American plate Which one of the following features in the crustal parts is not created by the tensional force? (A) Fold (B) Fault (C) Fracture (D) Crack Which one of the _ following volcanoes is an example of dormant voleano? (a) Mt. Eina (8) Mt. Stromboli (C) Mt. Vesuvius (D) Mt. Pinatubo Who among the following gave the concept of slope develop- ment and weathering processes in the development of land- scape? (A) W. M. Davis (B) W. Penck (C) Lc. King (D) G. K. Gilbert SET TOA ARN 9% Which one of the valleys is not an feature? {A) V-shaped (B)_ U-shaped (C) Rint (D) Hanging following erosional 10. The complex folding mechanism caused by intensc horizontal Movement and resultant compressive force forms the feature of (A) nappe (B) asymmetrical fold (C) monoctine fold (D) isoclinal fold 11. Among the following gases in the dry air of the atmosphcre, which one is the lowest in percentage? (A) Neon (B) Hydrogen {C) Carbon dioxide (D) Argon 12. The increase in temperature with inerease in height in the troposphere is called as (A) normal lapse rate (B) positive lapse rate (©) inversion of temperature (D) surface inversion 20/F1/CC/M-2023-13/609-A 13. 14, 15. 16, the tropical cyclones devets,] out of ; (A) frontal depression (B) lec depression {c) polar depression (D) thermal depression Which one of the following is the primary source region of aiy masscs? (a) Equatorial (8) Polar {©} Tropical (D) Antarctic The highest element in terms of| percentage mass in the Earth's crust is (A) oxygen (B) silicon (C) alumina (D) iron When the cold front overtakes warm front and warm air completely displaced from the ground surface, it is called (A) stationary front (B) cold front (C) occluded front (D) warm front OREN AANA iy, 18. 19. 20. ‘The air from the ground having ‘the lowest pressure is aueked by the upper air anc suddenly uplifted is called as (A) Hurricane {B) Tornado (C) Typhoon (D) Cyclone Which one of the following components detertnines the field capacity of the soil? (A) Mineral (B) Color (C) Texture (D) Structure The pH value of the neutral soil is (ay (B) 4 (c) 7 () 11 ‘Which one of the following soil types of India is rendered infertile by the presence of excess iron? (A) Alluvial {B) Podzolic (C) Desert (D) Lateritic 20/FI/CC/M-2023-13/609-A 21, 22. 23. 24. fect of the Hae E ed by The _reenhune atmosphere i i mer bon dioxide and (A) car vapor nd oxyBen ide and ozone (8) nitrogen # (C) carbon dio: (D) krypton and xenon the following Which one among he salts in the oceans is in lowest percentage? (Ay Calcium carbonate (B) Potassium sulphate (©) Magnesium bromide (2) Calcium sulphate ‘Which one of the following is a warm ocean current? (a) Canary (B) Agulhas (C) Brazilian (D) Oyashio Which one of the following conditions is not suitable for the growth of coral polyps? (A) Temperature range of 20-30 degrees (B) Less than 30 meter depth (C} Salinity of 36 ppm (D) Away from river mouths HOULCOEAO Em eRN A 25. 26. 27. 28. Which one among the following Seas/lakes records the lowest Salinity of water? (A) Lake Van (B) Red Sea (C) Dead Sea (D} Great Salt Lake Which one of the following Pelagic deposits is in the highest Percentage in deep sea area of the Indian Ocean? (A) Diatom ooze (B) Red clay (C) Globigerina ooze (D) Radiolarian ooze Which one of the following submarine mid-oceanic central ridges is the widest in the Indian Ocean? (A) Chagos (B) St. Paul (C) Kerguelen-Grasberg (D) Amsterdam-St. Paul The longest oceanic trench in. terms of length in km is (A) Sunda (B) Chile-Fern (C) Mariana (D) California 20/FI/CC/M-2023-13/609-A 29. 30. 31, 32. the following Which one of he ‘Island islands is known as t of Fire’? (a) Iceland (B) Canary (C) Sicity (D) Hawaii more different Two or : plants or animals organisms, whieh are dependent upon one another is called in cology as (A) dominance (B) dependence (©) symbiosis (D) competition Who among the following geographers is the originator of ‘dualism’ in geography between Physical and human geography? (A) Ratzel (B) Peschel (€) Gerlana (D) Hettner is credited for the development of possibilism in geography. (4) Brunhes (B) Sauer (C) Fleure (D) Blache OETA NUE ALL 33, 34. 35. 36. Who among the following Beographers developed the view Of ‘Stop and Go Determinism’ in &cography? (A) O'Riordan (8) Gritith Taylor (C) Vidal de La Blache (D) Ratzel Which onc of the following countries is not a part of the ‘Turko-Mongolian cultural realm? (a) 6) (c) (D) ran Afghanistan. Iraq Armenia Which one of the following pairs of tribe and country is not correctly matched? (A) Maya—Mexico (B) Afridi—Kazakhstan (C) Zulu—South Africa {D) Semang—Malaysia Which one of the following African countries is not having linear latitudinal and longitudinal boundaries? (A) Egypt (B) Mauritania {C) Namibia {D) Nigeria 20/FI/CC/ M-+2023-13/609-A 37. 38. 10 39. 40, Which one of the following pairs of activity and workers is not correctly matched? (A) Primary activ collar workers Secondary activitics—Bme collar workers: ; activities—Pink Red (B) (C) Tertiary collar workers (D) Quaternary and IT. sel collar workers Identify the mismatched pair: | (A) Pomology—Growing of fruit trees Olericulture—Growing plants for kitchen Floriculture—Growing ornamental plants Viticulture—Growing grapevine for producing wine ®) ) m) Which one of the following pairs of the city and river is not correctly matched? (A) Cuttack—Mahanadi (8) Panaji—zuari {C) Madurai—vVaigai (D) Stinagar—Jhelum Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park and Rani Jhansi Marine National Park are located in (A) Andaman and — Nicobar Islands (B) Lakshadweep and Minicoy Island (C) Gulf of Kutch (D) Gulf of Mannar ie 08 IEMA 41, 42. 43. In . : a the Indian agricultural sector, tne Silver Revolution refers to © increased produetion of (A) egg (B) cotton (C) jute {D) fertilizer Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (A) Pink Revohution—Prawn/ Onion production (8) Red Revolution—Meat/ Tomato production (C) Black Revolution— Leather /Cocoa/ Coffee production. (D) Golden Revolution— Horticulture, Honcy and Fruit production Identify the correct chrono- logical order of becoming their Federal State. USA, Canada, Switzerland fay and Australia Switzerland, USA, Canada (By and Australia Canada, Australia, USA and (Cc) Switzerland Australia, Switzerland, (D) Canada and USA 20/ FI/CC/M-2023-13/ 609-4 12 44. 45. 46. Ts diagram helps in determining the formation and extent of (A) water masses (B) ocean currents. (C) tidal waves (D) coral reefs. The State with the highcst percentage of the _ total geographical area under forest cover is (A) Mizoram (B) Arunachal Pradesh (C) Meghalaya {D) Manipur Which one of the following pairs of National Park and State/ UT is not matched correctly? (A) Salim Ali National Park— Jammu & Kashmir (B) Kasu Brahmananda Reddy National Park— Andhra Pradesh (C) Rajaji National Park— Uttarakhand (D) Guru Ghasidas National Park—Chhattisgarh (UST 47. a8. 49. 50. 20/F1/CC/M Which one of the States has the Percentage share of NSDP (2019-2020 current _ prices), from the primary sector of the economy? (A) Andhra Pradesh (B) Rajasthan (C) Chhattisgarh (D) Madhya Pradesh following highest Which one of the States has the percentage share of NSDP (2019-2020 current prices), from the secondary sector of the economy? (A) Gujarat (B) Uttarakhand (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Jharkhand following highest Which State does not have the National Park? (A). Punjab (B) Goa (C) Manipur (D) Sikieim Which one of the following major soils of India covers the largest percentage of the geographical area of the country? (A) Alluvial (B) Red (c) Black (D) Lateritic -2023-13/609-A 51. 52. 53. 54. Which district of Bihar has three Wildlife Sanctuaries/National Parks? (A) Jamui (B) Rohtas (C) West Champaran (D) East Champaran Which one of the following pairs of mineral and district is not correctly matched? (A) Lead-Zino—Banka and Rohtas (8) Bauxite—Gaya, Jamui and Rohtas (C) Mica—Nawada (D) China clay—Bhagalpur and Monghyr Bharat Wagon and Engineering Company Limited is located in (A) Patna (B) Barauni (C) Muzaffarpur (D) Begusarai Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (A) Shahi Litchi—Muzaffarpur (B) Foxnut (Makhana}— Darbhanga (C) Silk—Gopalganj (D) Stone pottery—Kishanganj fv uae A 8S. Which one of the following tribes 57. is not significant in Bihar State? (A) Munda. (8) Oracn. (C) Gond (D) Santhal Which one of the following is not having Geographical Indication (Gl) tag? (A) Kashmir Saffron (B) Aligarh Locks (C) Thanjavur Painting (D) Tirupati Laddu The total number of Railway Zones in India (2022) is (A) 12 (B) 16 (Cc) 18 (D) 19 20/Ft/CC/M-2023-13/609-A 16 . Which one of the following continents has the lowest umber of sovereign countries? (a) Burope (B) Asia (OQ) North America (0) South America |. Which one of the following major islands of Indonesia is the largest in terms of geographical arca? (A) Sumatra (B) Java (C} Borneo {D) Sulawesi . Which oné of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (A) Camp David—UK (B) Davos—Switzerland (C) Cannes—France ©) Macau—China {EECCA VA A 61. whi Which One of the following types Nore mine is practised in lorth-West India? (A) ®) tS] D) ‘Organic Subsistence Contract Plantation 62. Which onc : of the following countries sharcs the shortest length of boundaries with Afghanistan? (A) (8) (c) (D) Uzbekistan Tajikistan Turlonenistan India 63. Which one of the Union = Territories number of districts? (A) NCT of Delhi (B) Puducherry (C) Ladakh ©) following has less Andaman Islands and Nicobar 64, Which one of the following is not a metallic mineral? (A) (8) (c) (D) Hematite Cuprite Bauxite Anthracite 20/FI/CC/M-2023-13/609-A 18 65. 67. 68. Whieh one of the fellewing States is leading in terms of the percentage of total limestone reserves? ) (B) (c) () Andhra Pradesh Kamataka Rajasthan Gujarat As on Ist March, 2019, the tot length of National Highways ig highest in (A) Maharashtra (8) Uttar Pradesh {C) Rajasthan (D) Madhya Pradesh The Indian Standard Meridisn (82 degrees 30 minutes) does not pass through (A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Chhattisgarh (C) Odisha (D) Telangana Which one of the following pais of Island and State is not correctly matched? (A) Elephanta—Kerala (8) Chandipur—Odisha (©) Sriharikota— Andhra Pradesh {D) Pirotan—Gujarat COTTE AE EA DERN 69. 70. 721. 72. Which one of the following rivers discharges water in the greater Rann of Kutch? (A) Banas (B) Luni (C) Mahi ©) Sabarmati Among the highest peaks of respective States of India, which one is the overall highest peal? (A) Anai Mudi—Kerala (8) Kangto— Atunachal Pradesh (C) Sandakphu—West Bengal (D) Deddabetta—Tamil Nadu Which one of the following pairs of Hills and State is not correctly matched? (A) Dafla Hills — Arunachal Pradesh (B) Mahadey Hills — Madhya Pradesh Rajmahal Hills — Jharkhand (D) Shevaroy Hills— Andhra Pradesh Which one of the following groups of States/UTs receives North-East monsoon rains? (c) (A) Jammu, Punjab and Western Rajasthan (B) Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand (C) Southern Andhra Coast, Tamil Nadu and SE Karnataka (D) Kutch and Saurashtra Coast 20/F1/CC/M-2023-13/609-A 20 73. 74. 75. 76. i of India is more | mr se a estimated percentage Of Urbay population (2021)? a) 8) (¢) (Dp) Maharashtra Mizoram Tamil Nadu Goa Which Statc has the secong highest absolute mumber of tribal population (April 2021) in India? (A) (B) () (D) Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Rajasthan Which one of the following tunnels is under construction? (A) Atal Tunnel (B) Zoji La Tunnel {C) Jawahar Tunnel (D) Shyama Prasad Mookeriee Tunnel Which one of the following States has the maximum number of intermediate scé ports? (A) ®) {e) 0 Maharashtra Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Gujarat ONIN ENA AUeAEANNDA 77, 78. 79. 80. Which one of the following paira of river and tributary is not correctly matched? (a) ®) Krishna—Tungabhadra Brahmaputra—Lohit Narmada—Chambal Godavari—indravati Garo, Khasi and Jaintia Hills are Farts of which one of the following geographical regions? (A) Eastern Himalayas (8) Meghalaya Plateau (C) Assam Plains (D) Tripura Plains Which one of the following States generates the highest solar power in India (2020)? (A) Karnataka (B) Telangana (©) Rajasthan {P) Andhra Pradesh Which State in India produces the highest quantity of rice (2020)? (A) Uttar Pradesh (B) Punjab (©) Andhra Pradesh (D) West Bengal 20/FI/CC/M-2023-13/609-a 22 81. 83, 84. ‘The mainland of India falls between the latitudes of (A) 8°10’N and 30°S‘N (B) 7°8°N and 35°2'N (C) 8°4°N and 37°6'N (D) None of the above The study of lakes is called (A) glaciology (B) limnology (C) fluviology (D) marinology The highest plateau in India is | (A) Ladalch (8) Malwa (C) Ranchi (D) Pune Which international boundary is not connected to country India? (A) China (8) Sri Lanka (OC) Pakistan (D) Bangladesh WEISMAN NALA ‘HV ANATH AMALLTESMTHN LE 8s, . How many islands are there in 86. 87. 88, Lakshadweep? (a) 26 (B) 36 (Cc) 16 (D) 46 The longest river of Indian peninsula is {A) Godavari (B) Krishna {(C) Ganga (D) Narmada The highest Indian peak is (A) Everest (B) Naina Devi (C) K2 (D) None of the above How many Indian States share their boundary with Nepal? (a) 3 (B) 4 (Cc) 6 (D) 5 20/FI/CC/M-2023-13/609-A 24 ‘The National River of India jg | (a) Narmada | (B) Ganga (c) Yamuna (D) Mahanadi In India, first oil refinery | established in (A) Digboi (B) Kanpur (©) Hazira (D) Duliajan The Tsangpo River in Tibet called for (a) Ganga (B) Koshi (C) Brahmaputra @) None of the above In milk production, India stand} —— in the world. (A) Ist (8) 2nd (C) 3rd (D) 4th SOUCY EEE tl 93. Which Indian State maximum population densi (A) Maharashtra (8) Gujarat (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Bihar 94, Places? (A) Srinagar and Ladakh (B) Leh and Ladakh (C) Srinagar and Leh (D) None of the above 95. As per the new guidelines, literacy percent of India is (A) 60% (B) 70% (C) 55% (PD) 65% has ity? Zoji La Pass connects to which the 96. The National Botanical Research Institute is situated in (A). Dhanbad (B) Lucknow (C} Kolkata (D) Mumbai 20/FI/CC/M-2023-13/609-A. 100, 97. The birth ratio in child is take, out of (a) 100 (B) 1000 (c) 500 (D) None of the above The main India is gs energy resource if (A) coal co) {C) petroleum thermal {D) solar Kishanganga — Projed| relates to whi 99. India’s controversy country? (A) China (8) Sti Lanka (C) Bangladesh (D) Pakistan Which Indian State is known al the bowl of rice? (A) West Bengal (B) Chhattisgarh. (C) Bihar (D) Andhra Pradesh URDU aca TEL RO/

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