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Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem done
Research Hypothesis
Ho: There is no significant relationship between self-sufficiency and entrepreneurial tendency
among 4Ps households.
Ha: There is a significant relationship between self-sufficiency and entrepreneurial tendency
among 4Ps households.
Theoretical Framework

 Poverty Graduation Approach

Conceptual Framework done
Scope and Limitations done
Significance of the Study

 Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)

 Congressional Committees on Social Welfare
 Local Government Unit (LGU)
 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
 World Bank
 4Ps Beneficiaries
 Students
 Future Researchers
Definition of Terms

 Social Protection Program

 Self-Sufficiency
 Entrepreneurial Tendency
 4Ps Households
 Livelihood Opportunities
 Socio-Economic Empowerment
Review of Related Literature RRL

 DSWD and their Programs

 Conditional Cash Transfer Program (CCTs)
 The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
 Reassessing the Impact of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program: Results of the Third Wave
Impact Evaluation
 Comparative Analysis of Conditional Cash Transfer Implementation and Sustainability in the
 4Ps Program Aids Family- Beneficiaries to be Self-Sufficient.
 Follow-up on the Performance Audit on the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
Research Design

 Descriptive Correlational Research Design

Participant of the Study done
Sample Size

 Slovin’s formula
n = N / (1+Ne^2)
Sampling Method

 Purposive Sampling Method

 Snowball Sampling Method (complementary approach)
Research Instrument

 Survey Questionnaires
3 Parts
1. Socio- Economic Profile of households
2. Self- Efficiency
3. Entrepreneurial Tendency
 Likert Scale Questions (5-point Likert Scale)
 Follow-up Interviews
Data Collection Method
During Stage
Statistical Treatment

 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

- Frequency Distribution and Percentage
- Mean
- Pearson r (level of significance of 0.05)
 SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science Software)
Ethical Considerations

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