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1.Choose the appropriate option:

a) Which one of the following is an example of a molecule?
i) O ii) Na+ iii) H2 iv) OH-
b) Which polyatomic ion does NaNO3 contain?
i) Nitrite ii) Carbonate iii) Nitrate iv) Sodium
c) The vertical lines present in the periodic table is known as groups.
How many groups are present in the modern periodic table?
i) 17 ii) 18 iii) 14 iv) 16

2. Fill in the blanks:

a) In ozone, there are 3 atoms of oxygen and hence is referred to as a _______ molecule.
b) In the periodic table, elements are arranged in order of their ___________.
c) A mixture of ___________ liquids with different boiling points can be separated by
fractional distillation.

3. Answer the following questions:

a) Define radicals. If two water molecules combine what are radicals it will form?
b) What is the difference between 5H and 5H2?
c) Why an atom is electrically neutral?
d) How you will separate the mixture of salt, sand and grain?
e) Write any three uses of paper chromatography.
f) Write the chemical formula of the following compounds:
i) Quick lime ii) Baking soda iii) Marble iv) Galena v) Plaster of Paris.

Note: All the above questions have been discussed many times in online class and
Revision class. So, before the exam try to write the answers by yourself, take it
as a practice and boost your confidence.


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