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Resume Review Instructions

VMock is machine learning platform designed to provide data-driven analysis of your resume. All Texas MBA students
are required to recreate their resumes using the standard resume template we have developed using feedback from top
employers. Please expect an email from VMock to sign-up.

1. Login to VMock – Click on the Verify Account button in the email sent your mailbox. Once registered, the
platform will redirect you to the McCombs dashboard and you can start working on your resume.
2. Go to the Resume module on the left menu and upload your resume in PDF format. The VMock SMART Editor
will automatically convert your resume into the McCombs template.
3. Once your resume has been processed and you receive a score, click on View Detailed Feedback to understand
your score based on three key criteria: impact, presentation, and competencies.
4. Click on the blue SMART Editor icon in the upper right corner to make edits. Click on the score itself for further
details on the components of the scores and guidance on improvements. Reference the Resume Template,
Resume Checklist and Resume Handbook for additional guidance on formatting, style, and content.
5. After making the necessary edits to your resume, you can rescore it by clicking the Rescore button in the upper
right corner.
6. Once you have achieved a score of 86 or above, download your resume in .docx format by clicking the download
icon in the upper right corner.
7. Use Microsoft Word’s Insert Comment feature under the Review tab to insert a brief note describing your
internship and post-MBA career goals. This information will be helpful for the career team as they provide
additional feedback on your resume.
8. Email your new resume to as a Word document using the naming
convention of LastName_FirstName_Resume.

Completion Dates:
We recognize some incoming students are still working, and as such offer two different deadlines to submit your
resume to the Career Education & Coaching team and receive personalized feedback.

June 24 (1st Deadline): VMock 86+ scored resume due to Career team (in Microsoft .docx format). Resumes
submitted by the first deadline will receive personalized feedback by July 15 th.
July 15 (2 Deadline): VMock 86+ scored resume due to Career team (in Microsoft .docx format). Resumes
submitted by the second deadline will receive personalized feedback by July 31st.

You will meet with a 2nd-year Peer Career Coach for additional resume feedback at the beginning of the school
year. While you will continue to edit your resume throughout your time at McCombs, our goal is to ensure you have a
high quality, MBA-level resume ready for early fall recruiting opportunities and applications to McCombs+ projects. We
will provide additional instructions on uploading your resume to the McCombs recruiting platform, RecruitMcCombs,
early in the fall semester.

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