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Observation in First Grade C

In this school the classrooms are large and tall. The seats are very old but there are enough seats for the children that attend there. The blackboard has a nice size because is very big but it hasnt good conditions to write in it. The space is not big enough because there are twenty eight children in this classroom (fourteen girls and fourteen boys). The classroom has four big windows so the light in the classroom is good. The equipment is very poor because there is a TV, DVD player but the DVD are not in good conditions thats why teachers cant use them in a proper way. At the beginning of the class the teacher waits the students, they continue playing after break. After that the teacher says Hello Children! And the children answer Hello Miss ! The teacher indicates where she is going to write because the blackboard is written and she cant erase it. She writes the date on the board. Indicates the page that they are going to work on. Then she writes on the board ACTIVITY BOOK PAGE 21 in capital letter. Then she starts to explain the activity and after that she starts to check if all the students are working in the right page. In that page there are some monsters where the students must paint according the color written on the monsters. One student tells her that she forgot the book so she indicates to work with a partner. The book the students use is English Adventure. Some students have photocopies from that book. She seems to be nervous because only few of them are working in a proper way but the majority not. She asks them the ones who are playing or fighting about the activities but she has no answer from them. The seats are organized in four rows. But only the students sitting in the very first places work without any problem. The ones in the middle and back play and explode some juices boxes. The teacher tries to calm and make them to work doing movements with her body. The teacher starts to check the ones which are finishing the activity and she notice some mistakes so she explain how to solve them. All the time she tries to silence them and sit them in their seats. Some others students open the door and the teacher asks them to close it again. The ones who finish the

exercise call the teacher to correct the exercise. Meanwhile she tries to silence the others which are playing and shouting at the back of the classroom. Others open the door again. Immediately the teacher writes on the board the names of the students that are doing bad things in class. Some of them dont care about that and continues playing and shouting. She tells them that she is going to get them to the headmaster in that moment they sit for a moment. Other students bring her the finished activity. Some minutes later the sound the ring and all the students go out running to the playground. Only a girl stays in the classroom finishing the activity. The teacher only use the board and chalk.

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