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The Digital Creation Start-Up Guide

In this guide I am going to break down the steps that you need to take in order to build a successful business
creating and selling your own digital products (downloadable guides, eBooks, online courses, and online
coaching programs). So, get ready to take some notes and we’ll jump straight into it!

Step 1) Researching Your Idea

Most people make the mistake of jumping headfirst

into creating a digital product without doing any
market research, and this is a mistake. Before you even
begin creating anything you first need to make sure
that there is a demand for your product idea.

The quickest and easiest way to do this is a simple

Google or YouTube search. Type in the main keywords
of your idea, so some examples could be fitness,
baking, meditation, yoga, carpentry etc. and follow the
main keywords with either “online course” or “online

Once you do that, hit search, and see what results you
find. If there are multiple search results for your topic,
then this is a good sign that people are interested and
searching for answers and knowledge inside of your
chosen niche. This means that you're off to a great start
as you can monetize your knowledge because you
know that the demand is there.

Step 2) Building an Audience

Regardless of what the product that you plan on selling is, you
won’t make any sales without having an audience of people who
know, like and trust you. The best way to find these people is to
create and share free, relevant, and consistent content in the
form of blogs, articles or my personal favourite, YouTube videos.

There are millions of people online at any one given moment in

time and they’re searching for helpful information regarding
your niche. So, the more content that you have out there waiting
to be discovered by people looking for answers = the more
chances you have of being discovered and building up a trusting
relationship with them.

Step 3) Collecting Email Addresses & Building Your List

Now that you’re creating and sharing helpful free content with your audience and building up trust with them,
it's time to take the relationship to the next level and offer them even more free & helpful content in the form
of what is known as lead magnet.

A lead magnet is usually a free piece of content or an offer in

exchange for your audience's email address. Exactly like this
guide that you’re reading now. So, think about how you
came to be reading this guide for a moment… You found a
YouTube video of mine that I assume you found helpful.
Inside of that video I have offered you this guide (which is
my lead magnet) in exchange for your email address.
Because you were interested in the guide and learning more
about digital products, you gave me your email address and
in exchange received this guide.

Your lead magnet can be a downloadable guide, a training

video, a quiz or even a weekly newsletter. Providing that it
offers your audience something valuable that they desire
then this will work fine.

You must do the exact same thing inside of your content.

Inside of every piece of content that you create and share
online, you must also offer your audience your lead magnet,
which must be related to your original piece of content, in
exchange for their email address.
Step 4) Automated Email Sequence

You now need something in place that will send emails

automatically to everybody who downloads your lead
magnet. This is where your automated email sequence
comes in.

Inside of every email marketing software (I use and

recommend ConvertKit) you will have the ability to set up a
series of automated emails that will be sent to anybody who
downloads one of your lead magnets.

Over the course of time, these emails that you create and
send can be used to provide value, further educate your
leads, build up a stronger relationship with them, and finally
introduce your paid products or services to them!

This method is by far the most profitable way to sell your

own online digital products as email marketing provides the
highest ROI compared to anything else out there.

You may have heard the saying “the money is in the list” before, and it couldn’t be truer. Email marketing is
the number one most profitable way to make money online for your business.

Now as somebody who has built a very successful six figure business selling online courses and training
programs as well as having taught thousands of people to do the exact same thing, I can guarantee that this
is the most effective and profitable way for you to build an audience and sell your digital products too.

The final piece of the puzzle once you have all of this in place is to actually create your digital product (unless
you already have).

So, if you would like to know more about how to do that then you can check out the Digital Creator
Academy. Also feel free to check out my YouTube channel which will be a great resource for you as I have
multiple videos breaking down every aspect of digital product creation.

I hope you found this guide helpful, and I wish you luck with building your own digital content business!
If you’re looking for an even deeper breakdown for how you can start and build your own online business
that earns at least $1,000/month and takes just 30 minutes per day of your time, then you should watch my
completely free Digital Creator Workshop. Click here to watch it now Digital Creator Workshop

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