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INTERTANKO CHARTERING QUESTIONNAIRE 88 -O1L Version 5 fx. GENERAL INFORMATION fa [Date updated! May 13,2028 2 [vessel sname (IMO number): New Horizon (9485520) 2.3, [Vessels previous name(s) and date(s) of change: [Yangtze Diamond (Until 2014 Dec} 4 [Date deliveree/Builder (where built) Isiay 15, 2012 / Waigaogiao Shipbuilding | shanghai, China 5 [Fag/Port of Resist: [Hong Kong (China) / Hone Kone 1.5 call sign/MNs: [vrs / 477374100 1.7 [Vessels contact details (satcom/Fax/emal ete) ek NN ax NA mail mt. nh scHopistics.s [Type of vessel (as described in Form Aor Form Qi 11 ofthe 1OPPC) [crude OW Tanker 23 [Type of hal: Double Hat [Ownership and Operation [L10_|Registered owner Full syle FLEET MANAGEMENT LIMITED fiat_| Technical operator - Full sive New Horizon Shipping Company Limited 1.2 [Commercial operator Ful ste JOAO SCF-LOGISTICS |Goshenka Street 125057, Moscow, Russia et: +7(9165}586-174 axe na, [Telex: Not Applicable lEmatsinfo@sct4ogisicssu 1.13, [Disponent owner - Full style: insurance 14 [P&I Cub Fullstye sKuLo Jassuranceforoningen Skuld (Gjensidig) singaporeTel: NA Fax Na. femal: NA Web: Na 115 [P.& Club pollution liability coverage/expiration date 200,000,000 US] Way 18, 2020 16. [Hull & Machinery insured by - Full Style [The New India Assurance Company Led (Specify broker or leading underwriter) bivisonal Office ( Hull And Energy} 120500, New India Centre, lth Foor, 17-8, Cooperage Road, Mumba- 400002 lema: NA rel: NA [17 [Hull & Machinery insured value/expiration date: 720,000,000 USS]|__ May 28, 2020 ciassfieation 1.18 [classification society [Lords Register 1.19 [class notation -IA1 Tanker for O1|BIS CLEAN COMI] ED ESP HMON(AL, Ga) \UT(OCINAUTICUS|OPERATION) PLUS. PM TMON VCS(2) 1.20. ]isthe vessel subject to any conditions of cass, class extensions, outstandingmemarandums ar No cass recommendations? If yes, give details 1.21 [if classification society changed, name of previous andl date of change! N/A, Not Applicable 1.22 [Does the vessel have ie class? if yes, state what level NA, 1.23, [Date/place of ast dry-dock lian 20, 2022 / Dubai ry Back Dubal UAE 1.24 [Date next dry dock due/next annual survey due: (0ct20,2026 [Mar 8 2025 1.25 [Date of last spacial survey/next special survey due Jan 20,2022 [Oct 20,2026 1.26 [if ship has Condition Assessment Program (CAP), what the latest overall ating: Ves 2 loimensions 1.27 [Length overall (Loa) 333,0n) 1.28 [Length between perpendicular (LBP: 320,31 m| 3.29 [Extreme breadth (Beam! 60 | 1.30 [Moulded depth: 30,50 m) 1.31_|Keel to masthead (KTM)/ Keel to masthead (KTM) in colapred condition, apalicable: 500] 1.32 [Distance bridge front to center of manifo 117.28 meters 1.33 Bow to canter manifold [BCMI/Stern to center manifola (SCM) IBS Metres] 169.05 Meters 2.34" [Parallel body distances Lightship NormalBallast_| Summer Dwt Forward to mid-point manifold 7:78. 26.02 86.02 m) ‘Aftto mid-point manifold 27.38 | 53.52] 86.87 m) Parallel body lent: 105.76 m| 339.40 n] 158.89 7] FTonnages 1.35. [Net Tonnage 112,189.00) 1.36_|[Gross Tonnage/Reduced Gross Tonnage fapalicable) 164680 36111309 2.37 [Suez Canal Tonnage - Gross SCGTH/Net SCNT: 364,842.23] 154,274.94) 1.38 [Panama Canal Net Tonnage (PENT): 364,442.23 Loadine Information 1139 Loadline Freeboard Daft Deadweight [Displacement ‘summer: 788m 266m] __3182260MT| ___366,594.0 Mi] winter: 35m Z19m| __3036760Mi] 3580030 MT) Tropical Tain 23.13 m| 3267850] __ 3751520 MT] [Lghishipe 23.74 Meter| 3390] = 38-80 MT] ‘Normal Ballast Condition’ 17.22] 991m) 103,342.30] 147,281.30 mT] ‘Segregated Ballast Condition 17.22 my 391m) 103142.30MT] 147,281.10 MT| 2.40 [FWA/TPC at summer draft: 506.00mm| 160700] 41 [Does vessel have multiple SDWT? If yes, please provide all assigned ioadines: N/A Wa. 1.42 [Constant (excluing fresh water 3500] 43. [what's the company guidelines for Under Keel Gearance (UKC for this wessel? [DEEP SEA /OPEN PASSAGE INAVIGATION- 30M. KEEP CLEAR OF LOCALISED SHALLOW AREAS:IN CASE |ABOVE IS NOT POSSIBLE MINIMUM UKC [As PER 2 WILL APPLY. 2. NAVIGATION IN WATER WITH DEPTH FROM 2.5 TIMES OF VESSELS DRAFT- 20% | lor DYNAMIC ORAFT. s-SHALLOW WATERS (DEPTH LESS THAN [2 TIMES VESSEL DRAFT) E.G MAKING [APPROACHES TO PORT/PLOTAGE 10% sis BEAM, [oF DYNAMIC ORAFT 4. AT BERTH/SaM/CeM FOR SHIPS WITH EXTREME BREADTH OVER 20M -0.30 M s. AT BERTH/SBM/CBM/ FOR SHIPS WITH| EXTREME BREADTH OVER 20M-1,5% OF [&.AT ANCHOR -1.UNPROTECTED WATERS SHOULD NOT BE LESS THAN 203% 0F SHIPS STATIC DRAFT.2. JPROTECTED/SHELTERED WATERS SHOULD NOT BE LESS THAN 10% OF ships stanic ORAF ica [Wwhatie the maxheight of mast above waterine (ar rath FullMast_—_ | Colamsedivat ume deadweight: aaaen| onl ormal bast 5469 nf on ies: e2sin| onl fe leerminicaves iessed ‘ast Annual | Law intermediate | Expires faa [safety Equipment Cerca (SEO) Tan 20,2002 | _Nov07, 2072 020, 2028 2 [safety Rago Certieate (SRC) an 20,2002 Rov07, 2072 (0c: 20, 2026 faa [tery constuction cerfiate SCC} 7a 20,2022 Rov07, 2022 (0120, 2026 fa _[ieemationaltoadine certicate (LC) tan 20,2022 Now7, 2022 (e120, 2026 25 [laternational Oi Pollution Prevention erficate OPC: | tan 20,2022 _ NovO7, 2022 (00120, 2026 [26 [Inernatonal ship Security Certificate (SSC) an, 2022 NK (0c: 20,2026 7 [Martine Labour Certificate (MCh “an 21, 2002 WA [Apr 04,2027 fa [ISM Safety Management Certicate (SMC) Jan 21,2022 fpr 04,2077, 2.9 _loocument of Compliance (00 ees, 2019 | Maris, 2022 an 21,2025 f230 [UsC6 cenitieae of Compliance (USCGCOC) Dec 15,2023 WR wa WA 21 [ei Labty Convention (CLG 1992 erticate Feb 20,2073, WA Wa Feb 20,2024 .32_ [eit abity for Bunker Oi Potton Damage Convertion| Feb 06, 2028 WA WA Feb 20, 2024 |(CLBC) Certificate: 3 |\niity forthe Removal of Wrecks Cericate WRC: | Feb 70,2005 NA Wa Feb 20, 2024 faa [US certificate of Financial Responsibly (COFR}: Not Apoiabie | __N/A Wk Not Appicabie 35 [eerste of Class (COC): tan20,2022 | Nov0?, 2022 (020, 2026 2.36 limtemational Sewage Pllion Prevention Centiiate | _Dec09, 2011 WA NA (020, 2025, specs fav |cereeate of tness (COR: Tot Appeable wR oy Tot Rophcable }2.18 international Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEC): ‘May 05, 2023 N/A N/A Permanent. 39 [intemational Air Potution Prevention Cetfcae (APPCE | _bec08 2014 (Oct 20, 2016 Documentation 63 owner warrant that vessel e member of TOPFandwil venaino forthe entre duration of this Ye levoeeicontrat F:a5-[ooes vessel haven pace a Dragand Acohal Policy complying with OGM guns for Control Ye ot orgs and Alcohol Onboard Sis? fae |sthe F Specia Agreement onboard applicable WA 67M ele Care expiry date applicable: NA 5. [enew Fa1_[Naionatty of Master Paka 5.2 [dumber and nationality of Offers: ha uearan, Eeypian, dan, Pakistan fusion [.3,_Number and nationality of Crew he pin, Russian, Georgan, Latvian 4 [What isthe common working language onboard natn fas officers speak and understand English? res 5.6 Jirorrcers/ratings employed by a manning agency -Full_ officers: ORO SCF-LOGISTICS svt: |GASHENKA STREET 125057, Moscow, RUSSIA, Email: info@sct-logistcs su Ratings: OAO ScF-LOGISTICS |oasHenka streer 125057, moscow, RUSSIA. mal: info@sc-logistes su [a [FORUSA caus [2.2 |aas the vessel Operator submitted a Vessel Spl Resporse Planto the US Coast Guard which has [No Jocen approved by official USCG letter? [2.2 Jouatiiesinawiduat (cy - Ful style va [2.3 _ [ou spit Response Organization (OSRO)- Fullste: Ina [2.4 [Salvage and Marine Firefighting Services (SMIFF) Full Style: Ina 5. |SAFETY/HEUICOPTER 5.2 |s the vessel operated under a Quality Management System? if Yes, what type of system? fies 409002 o- IMO Resolution A741(18) as amended) 130 s0001:2012 / iso 9001:2015 /150 12001-2015 / 1S0 as001:2018 [5.2 _[Canthe ship comply withthe ICS Helicopter Guidelines? [res 5.2.1 Yes, state whether winching or landing area provided Landing 5.2.2 [i Yes, what is the diameter ofthe circle provided [13.00 [s.__[coarincyanones Jai [Tari Coating coated Type To What Extent ‘Anodes [carzo tanks NA Pure epoxy, Top [2 meter from top No 1200 micron 1 coat, Jand 0.5 Meter from [Bottom 250.micron)bottom 1 coats [alias tanks ves pure epoxy, Top 2 meter from tap No 1200 micron 1 coat, Jand 0.5 Meter from lsottom 250micron)bottom 2 coats [sop tanks ves pure epoxy, Top 2 meter from tap ves 1200 micron 1 coat, ando.S Meter from laottam 250.micron)bottom 2 coats J|AULAST [7a pumps No. | ivee Capacity ’at What Head (s6=1.0) [paiast Pumps: 2 [Vertcalcentrfugal | 2,000 37 Ea [asliast Eductors: 2 [Maker kien 20 ma/he 20m} lz |carco Double Hull Vessels [a1 _[s vessel fitted with centerline bulkhead in all cargo tanks? Hf Ves, solid or perforated: ho, Sot [cargo Tank capacities [2.2 JNumber of cargo tanks and total cubic capacity (maxX per company policy: 98%, 97%, 96% or [14 341,516.70 m3| 9596) excluding slops tanks: [52-1 [capacity (maxss per company policy: 98%, 97%, 96% or S58) af each natural segregation with [double valve (specty tanks) [savas 113,307,691 ma (1C,2C,86, SW 55) fegu2: 118,581.41 ma (2W.3C,4W, Slops) eau: 114,581,934 m3 (2W,3W, 50) otal 98%- 344, 731.8 m3. [2.22 [IMO class (Oll/Chemical Sip Type 1,2 or 3): Wa [5.3 _|Numiver of siop tanks and total cubic capacity (max8 per company policy: 98%, 97%, 95% or 95%: 3 9.197.703] [3.3.1 Specify segregations which slops tanks belong to and thelr capacity with double valve: segnas 113,307.68 ms (a¢2c.4c, SW. 55] [3.3.2 [Residua/retention ol tanks) capacity (98%), if applicable 338135 3 ser vessels [8.3.3 [What s total SBT capacity and percentage of SDWT vessel can maintain? 7779.20 mS 31.20% 8.3.4 [Does vessel meet the requirements of MARPOL Annex. Reg 18.2; Yes (cargo Handling and Pumping Systems [8.4 [How many grades/products can vessel load/discharge with double valve segregation: 3 [85 [Are there any cargo tank filing restrictions? ‘Not Applicable ves, specify number of slack tanks, max, ullage restrictions ete. 18.6 [Max loading rate for homogenous cargo With vECS Without VECS Loaded per manifold connection: 3,000 m3/hr 3,000 ma/hr [Loaded simultaneously through all manifolds 20,500.00 make] 20,500.00 m7 [Cargo Control Room [3.7 Is ship ited with a Cargo Control Room (CCR)? Yes fs _[Can tank innage/ulage be read from the CCR? ves [Gauging and Sampling [8.9 _ [lc gauging system certified and calibrated? Ino, specify which ones are not calibrated ves, [What type of fied closed tank gauging system is ited [Rosemount tank radar [are high level alarms fitted tothe cargo tanks? If Yes, Indicate whether to altanksor partial: [Yes Al [5.9.1 [can cargo be transferred under closed loading conditions in accordance with SGOTT 11.1.667 ves [3.5.2 [Are cargo tanks fited with multipoint gauging? If yes specify type and locations: Ino, [3.20 [Number of portable gauging units [example- MIMIC) on board 4 [vapor Emission Control System (VECS) [B21 ea vapour return system (VAS) fied? [res [3.12 |Number/size of VECS manifolds (per side 2 300 mn 18.13 |Number/se/type of VECS reducers: Ina. [venting 8.14 [State what type of venting system is fitted [FoR INDIVIDUAL CARGO TANK Jpeinan’=/'v VALVE TO EACH TANK; lseconDaRY= SECONDP/V VALVE TO JeAcH Tank; FORIG line common vasTRISER: [Cargo Manifolds and Reducers [8.35 [Total number/sze of cargo manifold connections on each ide: 37650 mm 8.16 _[Whatiype of valves ae fted at manifold: Buttery 18.17 |Whatis the materiaVrating of the manifold [CARBON STEEL /ANSIB 1655 Class 1507 last A150 / 1.17-1]Does vessel comply with the latest edition af the OCIMF ‘Recommendations fer Ol Tanker ve [Manifolds and Associated Equipment’? [3.18 [Distance between cargo manifold centers: 3,000.00 mmm [8.19 [Distance ships ral wo manifold 4,600.00 18.20 [Distance manifold to ships side 14,800.00 mm [8.21 [Top of ralto center of manifold 76.00 mm [8.22 _[Dictance main deckto center of manifold 2,081,00 mm [3.23 _[Spilltank grating to conter of manifold ‘900.00 me [24 [Manifold height above the waterline in normal ballas/at SDWT condition 20m 30107] [8.25 [Number/size/type of reducers [5x 650/500mm (26/207) J x 650/200mm (26/16") 3x 650/300mm (26/12") lax 300/250mm (22/10") 1x 650/25¢mm (26/10") lanst (5.26 Is vessel fitted with astem manifold? yes, state size [No, 400.00 mm Heating 18.27 [Cargo/slop tanks fitted witha cargo heating system? Tyee coiled Material [cargo Tanks Ino. op Tanks Ino. [8.28 _[Mavirwum temperature cargo can be loaded/maintained: .28-a]Minimum temperature cargo can be loaded) maintained: Inert Gas and Crude OllWathing [3.29 [isan inert Gas system (165) fitted/operational? vesTves [8.29 afi Crude Oil Washing (COW) installation fited/operational? yesives [8.30 |Is1G5 supplied by flue gas, inert gas (I) generator and/or nitronen! [lve Ges [cargo Pures [8.31 [How many cargo pumps can be run simultaneously at full capacity 3 18.32 [Pumps Wo. [vee Capacity ‘At What Head (sg=10) [Cargo Pumps 3 WVericalcentrfugal| 5300 Ma/HR pump 150 Meters 150 Meters [cargo Eauctor: 2 ion, SC/SUS316 300 m7] asa) stripping a sw. Base 400 37h] 750 | reciprocating, shinko [8.33_|isat least one emergency portable cargo pump provided? No 9. |moorins 5.2 [wires (on drums) Na Diameter Material Length Breaking Strength Forecasts B “40 mr Galvanized wel 3007] 1720 Mi] Main dec fwd 4 40 mmf Galvanized Steet 3007] 11720 Mn| IMain deck at 4 40 mn) Galvanized steel 300 | 117.20 Nn] Poop deck 6 40 mn) Galvanized stee! 300 | 11720 Mn] 92 [wire tas No. Diameter Material Lenah Breaking Strength Forecactle 6 ‘20 mmPolster/Polyoletin in| 74940 Mi] Jsual Fite iain deck fwd 4 ‘20 mm Polster/Polyoletn in| Tao wn ual Fie IMain deck at 4 £20 mm) Pohster/Polyolefin inl 149.40 wn] ual Fite Poop deck 6 ‘20 mm) Polyster/Polyoletn re Ta9a0 wn] Jsual Fite [93 [Ropes (on drums) Ne. Diameter Material Length Breaking Strength Forecastle 6 ‘20 mm|Polvpropyiene and 220.007] 105.30 wi Jpotyethylene Main deck fwd ‘a0 mmfrigh tenacty 220 | 33.20 7mm Jpotyolefin and high tenacity polyester Iain deck ait 1 ‘80 mm)igh tenacty 220 | 3.20 | olvokein and high tenacity polyester Poop deck 3 | 80.00 milimewes| Polypropylene 220.00 metres 111.00 M1] 19.4 [Other ines No Diameter Material Length Breaking Strength Forecasts 4 40mm _[PP&Polvester 220m 3420MT [Main deck fwd ° 40mm _[PPaPotester 220m 3420] [Main deck aft {68 mm PP/PES 2207 116 wr Poop deck 2 (68 mu PP/PES 220 116 Mr 95 [winches a No. Drums | MotivePower | BrakeCapacity | Type! Brake Forecasts 3 [Double Drums [Hydraulic 92 Mf screw type, Manual [Main deck fwd 2 [DoubleDrums —_ |bydraulic 32 MT] Screw type, Manual Main deck aft 2 [boubleDrums — |yaraulc 32 MT] serew type, Manual Poop deck '3_[DoubleDrums _|bydraulc 92 Ml Screw type, Manual 196 [Bits, closed chocks/faitleads No. itis SWLBitts | No. Gosed chocks | SWL Closed Chocks Forecastle 5 2m] 3 106 "| [Main deck we a oat] 14 206 mi ‘Main deck aft 8 251] 6 25m] Poop deck 6 32T] iu 280 mT] 250M] [Anchors/Emergency Towing System [3.7 _ [Number of shackles on port/starboard cable 1/34 Jo. _|Type/Swi of emergency Towing system forward [Fowing Chain 350m [3.9 _|Type/Sw of emergency Towing system aft [Towing wire 200 MT] 5.20.1] what Is size of closed chock and/or faileads of enclosed type on stern 00 xaso] escort Tus. 5.20.2] wnat s SWI of closed chock andor falrleads of enclosed type on stem: 200.00 Wr] [2.1 [Whats SWI of Bollard on poop deck suitable for escort tug 200.00 tting Equipment/Gangway 3.22 [Berriek/crane description (Number, SWL and locaton) [Derricks:0.00 Tonnes, Cranes: 3x 12.8 Ironnes {sw Port Midship 15 tonnes |SWLSTBD Midship 15 tonnes |swL Man hadling Crane crane 10 Tonnes, Provision Crane Port Tonnes Provision Crane Port Tonnes [a3 [Accommodation adder direction: antl [Does vessel have a portable gangway? If yes, state length ves, 19 | Single Point Mooring (SPM) Equipment 9.14 [Does the vessel meet the recommendations inthe latest edition of OCIMF “Recommendations for Yes Equiament Employed in the Bow Mooring of Conventional Tankers at Single Point Moorings (seuay? [2.35 lifted, how many chain stoppers: B 5.26 [State type/SWt of chain stoppers): [ocime Tounge Type| s0m| [.27_|What isthe maximum sie chain ameter the bow stopper(s) can handle: Tam] [9.28 [Distance between the bow falriead and chain stopper/bracket: 331 | 5.19 [ic bow chock and/or farlead of enclosed type of OCIMF recommended size (600mm x 450mm)? If Ves nat, give details of ire 10. [PROPULSION 10.1 |Speca Maximum Economical ballast speed: [16.53 Knots (WSN) is (WSN Laden space: 16.42 Knots (WSN is (WSN 10.2. [What type of fuel is used for main proaulsion/generating plant Mco-paa:2005 ‘VISFO aB0cst 103 |Type/Capacity of bunker tanks: [crude OW (€5P0): 7,872.70 m3 fiesel oi: 451.20 m3 Gas Ol 688.60 m3 20.4 [ls wesc! fitted with fixed or controllable pitch propeller(s Fixed 05 [Engines No Gapacity Make/Type [Main engine 15,540Kw [SULZER 7RTASZU [aux engine: 3 1535 Kw [SSANGYONG MIAN BeW 123/304 [Power packs a ‘737 HATLAPA SN F6OERAOU4-WZ faces 2 55.00 MT/Hr|AALBORG AQ-18, OILFIRED BOILER [Bow/Stem Thruster 20.6 [What isbrake horse power of bow thruster if fited) [W7a. 0.00 bho 30.7 [Whats brake horse power of stern thruster (fitted: N/A, 0.00 bho Emissions 0.8 [Main engine IMO NOx emission standard 109 [Energy Efficiency Design index (EEDI rating number 27] a1, _ [SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFER 21.2, [Does vessel comply with recommendations containedin OCIME/ICS Ship To Ship Transfer Guide Yes Petroleum, Chemicals or Lgulfied Gas, as applicable)? f1.2__|what is maximum outreach of cranes/derricks outboard of the ship's side 7007] 13. [Date/place of last STS operation: render 21.42.2021 / Mina’ al Ahmadi oil Feta 2, [RECENT OPERATIONAL HISTORY 22.4. [last three cargoes/charterers/voyages (Last/2nd Last/3d Last): ft £5PO/ Novorossiysk port to Fujairah 2. crude O11 / Dongiiakou to Fast 3. £5P/ Fujairah port to Novorossiysk 172.2. [Has vessel been involved in a polution, grounding, serious casualty, unscheduled repair or Petution: No, NA |colision incident during the past 12 months? If yes, provide details: Grounding: No, NA Casuatty: No, NA Repair: No, Not Applicable Collision: No, NA 223 [Date and place of ast Port State Control inspection Feb 03, 2016 / GINGDAO, CHINA 12.4. [Any outstanding deficiencies as reported by any Port State Control? If yes, provide details No Na. 1225 [Recent Ol company Inspections /sereenings (To the best of owners knowedge and withaut Contact owner for etal lzvarantee of acceptance for future business)" + “Approvals’ are not given by Oil Majors end ships are accepted forthe voyage on a case by cose boss 12:6 [Date/Place of last SIRE inspection: Jan 28, 2023, Ningbo, China 22.7 _[Adetional information relating to features ofthe ship or operational characteristics: Ni Fox completed on paw e88 cam ntepration aspx Revised 2018 (INTERTANKO/

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