I - O Final Paper

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Transforming Workplaces:
The Role of Human Resource Management

Submitted by:
Flores, Kyuuzel J.
Garcia, Ma. Jessica A.
Grado, Maime Rhowin G.
Namoc, Glaidelyn I.
Quijada, Janerryl Thracy E.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology

MAY 2024

The purpose of this interview is to conduct an insightful interview with an HR Head/

Director/Specialist/Manager focusing on related concepts, theories, and lessons discussed in
Industrial/Organizational Psychology. This includes but is not limited to exploring HR Practices,
Organizational Behavior, and other important insights within the field of expertise. We aim to delve into
the intersection of academic knowledge and practical application, gaining valuable insights from
experienced professionals to understand how theoretical frameworks inform real-world HR strategies
and decision-making processes. Furthermore, this interview seeks to uncover best practices, innovative
approaches, and emerging trends that shape Human Resources Management. By looking into these
matters, we aim to provide significant insights for new and experienced HR professionals, encouraging a
better awareness of the field's complexity and nuances.


Mrs. May Ocarez is a 58 years old HR director of Caraga State University. She graduated at
Mindanao State University with a degree of Bachelor of Arts in Psychology in 1988 and completed her
internship at Davao Mental Institution. She is passionate when it comes to helping people that lead her
to proceed to counseling. Following her passion for assisting others, she pursued a Master's Degree in
Guidance and Counseling, dedicating 35 years to serving as a guidance counselor.

Mrs. Ocarez's commitment and expertise led her to the role of Guidance Counselor III within the
University. Recently, she transitioned into her current position as HR Director, bringing with her a wealth
of experience in understanding human behavior and fostering a supportive environment.

The HR Director emphasized that her position truly takes time to perform effectively especially in
her first five months since it entails assessing, developing, and understanding the people in the
organization. However, through the continuous learning and updating some skills, Mrs. May Ocarez
manage to pull off the initiatives to effectively understand and supervise the entire human resources
functions that align with the organization.


These are the questions that has been asked to the HR director:

a. The HR director was asked with some of her informational background including her
name, age, marital status, academic achievements, years in the field, and conditions in
their new building.
b. The interviewer asked Mrs. Ocarez about the overview of her role and responsibilities as
an HR director in Caraga State University. During her first five months in the field, she
was also asked what challenges she encountered and how she addressed those
challenges. How have those experiences shaped her role as an HR director.
c. As the newly hired HR director, she was asked what practices or strategies that her HR
office implements to support the University’s goals and objectives. The interviewer also
followed up a question on how they adapt and adjust to the PRIME HR by the civil
service commission.
d. Mrs. Ocarez was asked what performance management style or did they use some tools
to assess the employees performance. She was also asked how they provide feedback.
Additional question was asked if the HR director also received feedback from her
employees and how did she manage that feedback in relation to her performance as the
director of the organization.
e. The organization was now adopting the new technology, how does the HRIS technology
and PUSH technology impacted the organization especially in their employee’s
performance management.
f. What training programs or development activities does the organization offer to the
employee in line with the 3rd pillar of the PRIME HR? If any, how does this training affect
the employee?
g. The interviewer also asked about some initiatives that the HR director proposed to her
employees regarding the employees’ performance. How does this initiative affect the
employees' performance later on?
h. From the employee performance, down to the recruitment, the interviewer asked Mrs.
Ocarez how does the organization promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
i. Alongside the diversity of her workplace, Ma'am was asked to provide an overview of
her role and responsibilities as an HR director to her employees.
j. The HR director was also asked if they have any recent changes or trends in HR practices
or policies within her organization. And how they adapt to changes and/or does the
change they implement have any impacts on the overall workplace environment.
k. Regarding the employee relations, the HR director was asked how their office handles
conflict resolution among the employees. And if they have any specific protocols or
procedures in place for addressing employee grievances.
l. Based on the HR Director experiences, the interviewee asked what are the qualities or
skills she believe are the most important for individuals pursuing a career in HR or I/O
m. For the last question, the Interviewee asked if the HR Director could give advice to
students who are aspiring to enter the field of HR or Industrial and Organizational
Psychology based on her own professional journey and experiences.

● The practice and strategies that Ma’am Ocarez implements specifically to her organization
employees is to guide them and send them to training. She is also the one who handles
employee relation issues within the organization and addresses it all by talking to them or
deciding a plan for the goodness of everyone.
● She explained about the Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human
Resource Management (PRIME) where they give assessment, shows what they lack off that’s
needing of work and develop together with its pillars (1) recruitment, selection, and placement,
where she said she gives equal opportunity to all applicant who will apply either external or
internal applicant where they need to do same process, and also, they don’t base whether the
applicant is magna cumlaude or where they graduated at because this is competency base which
they’re looking for, (2) learning and development, where she said if you want them to perform
better you will guide and train them (e.g. send them to training or seminars) that will help them
grow to their profession or upgrade their skills, (3) performance management, upon hiring the
right people that fits for the job is very important. Their way to see and evaluate the employee is
their commitment performance every semester or depending to their position (e.g. OPCR, DPCR,
IPCR). She also mentioned that just because you’re permanent already in the job there is no way
for you to kick out, if you got ( 1 poor or 1 un-satisfactory ) in your performance then you can
get fired, and lastly, (4) rewards and recognition, where she said if they work well you will give
them reward, one of the example she shares about is PASIDUNGOG event.
● Mrs. Ocarez's way to assess and give feedback to her employees is to observe them by their
action (e.g. error in attendance) where they input an exact time for time in every morning even
though they’re already late. So Mrs. Ocarez decided to not rectify the mistake of attendance in
the morning, if you come late then you're late in attendance and you cannot change it already.
In addition, it is also very important not just to give feedback and address problems to others but
also you need to address the feedback that is given by other employees to you. According to
Mrs. Ocarez, she want them to tell her their plan before they do or send it to the ones in higher
position because it’s hard to defend them if she doesn’t know what is going on, same as what
feedback from others to her as well that she also need to ask them to what their decision
because they are part of it. One of the ways to address the problem or feedback is
communication so that the person will be aware and will know what to do.
● When it comes to the technology impact in HR practices, recruitment, performance
management, and employee selection, it makes the job easy and less hassle not just for
employees but also to the applicants who will apply. According to her, the applicants can go
directly to the post system where the interviewer will rate in the same post as well. The system is
said to be owned by the university itself and not by others, which is a great advantage since Mrs.
Ocarez mentioned that some Universities buy their system to use for their own needs as well.
● One of the initiatives that Mrs. Ocarez does to her employees regarding their performance is
one-on-one talk. According to her, if she observes that the employee has been performing badly
on their job, she will talk to them privately and ask about their personal struggles. That way, the
employees will feel that they matter to the organization and will look for ways to prevent further
bad performance.
● According to Mrs. Ocarez, they need to revise the policies aligned to technology due to its
oldness that does not need approval with The Civil Service Commission since it has already been
administered. The technology they used and adapt in this modern days are the HRIS technology
also known as Human Resource Information System, this will help integrate various function of
HR such as recruiting, training performance analysis, and more in just one system, and also PUSH
(a communication method information process) like MASAO LMS and CSU Website. Both HRIS
and PUSH technology play crucial roles in enhancing the organization efficiency, communication,
and decision making process.
● According to Mrs. Ocarez, she’s looking for the characteristics in individuals who are not only
smart but also a good attitude and good communication skills both verbal and nonverbal, such
as written, leadership skills, integrity, and skills in understanding the human and situation.
According to her, being HR is not just only focusing on following rules, it is also important that
you understand the culture where you are working. Although she said that all of the workers
inside their organization are non-psychology graduates, it will be nice to have applicants who
have psychology degrees.


Human Resource Management is responsible for managing employees’ overall performance in

the organization, deals with recruiting, employee relations, compensation, and benefits. Our paper
includes the interview process, answers to HR related questions, and more information regarding the
field. The role and responsibilities of Mrs. May A. Ocarez as an HR Director in Caraga State University is to
supervise the entire human resources function such as making strategic plans that align with the
organization, university, employee training and development. During the interview, we gather insights
concerning her profession. Upon working so far in 5 months, changes and development was
implemented in the workplace. One of the things she mentioned was PRIME which stands for Program to
Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management. The PRIME offers
assessment tools for training in each pillar as mentioned above. Although there can be mistakes (e.g.,
payroll, attendance, services), they are trying to correct that by improving their work quality. Since they
are newly formed, they are still adjusting and learning.

As an HR Director, Ma’am Ocarez have been through conflicts and employee misunderstanding
as well. In resolving those, she recalls labor laws and regulations, teaching employees the right way to be
a top performing worker. She emphasized the importance of good manners and right conduct in an
organization that an employee should practice and that mistakes are not tolerated if it occurred
continuously. She also stated how important a positive and permanent workplace is, in which employee’s
work won’t be interrupted by changing of office location. She also highlighted the importance of the
right selection process, by saying one thing that the organization did not work properly is because you
failed to hire the right employee. Human Resource Management is a very important function in every
organization. Us interviewers find the process of obtaining information during the interview significant.
As psychology students, we are intrigued on how our program also plays a key role in the workplace, as
we are not just studying about behavior but also the cause of emotions that leads employees to be
incompetent on their job.

Generally, our interview with Ma’am Ocarez resulted smoothly. We obtained helpful guidance in
case we want to pursue a career in HR in the future. It provided us with supplemental counsel regarding
the responsibilities as an HR that isn’t really taken into account. Our group proceeded with the interview
despite the lack of assurance it would happen and eventually, after going back-and-forth to their office,
we were provided a certain time to discuss.



Ma'am May A. Ocarez, our interviewee, was soft-spoken, and accommodating. Her background
as a former guidance counselor III explained her warmth and positive energy. I was impressed by her
academic achievements and passion. She shared that counseling was her first love during college,
expressing a desire to pursue a helping profession. Transitioning from counseling to human resource
management showcased her determination to improve and upgrade her skills. At 58, Ma'am May
continued to learn about organizational laws and adapt to her environment.One thing I will forever bring
as I become an employee or soon to be HR is to always listen and communicate with subordinates
regardless of differences. She emphasized the importance of respect, observation, openness to change,
setting boundaries, and self-awareness for a healthy work environment. Managing diverse people,
assessing performance, resolving conflicts, and continually updating skills are demanding tasks in HR.
However, witnessing organizational growth and fostering quality employee performance is rewarding.
Ma'am May's journey exemplifies the concept of career development and lifelong learning in our IO
Psychology, as she transitioned from counseling to HR management despite her age, showcasing the
importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the workplace. Furthermore, her leadership style,
characterized by a willingness to listen, communicate, and adapt, reflects principles of effective
leadership, emphasizing the significance of interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and
employee-centered management practices in promoting the success of the organization.
Industrial Organizational psychology taught me to be a diligent employee and a competent
employer. Diligent employee, as it discussed such attributes that an employee must have. From
searching a fit job to being employed it teaches us how we act, what skills we should use and the impact
of an employee to the whole organization. While from the employer point of view, from job analysis, to
searching for the right employee, giving them training and development, and guiding the employee
throughout the journey. Reflecting on this course, I realized the need to plan for my future role, whether
as a diligent employee or a competent employer. Whichever path I choose, I'm committed to continuous
improvement, skill enhancement, and adaptability. This course has taught me that success lies not just in
mastering content but in embracing growth opportunities, aiming higher, and striving for excellence in
every endeavor. I am eager to apply these values to my professional path, anticipating great things to
come, and making positive contributions to the growth of my organization.


The entire interview was about more than just learning how HRM works, but also about the HR's
personal experience, such as how it relates to your own personal views in life and how they relate to the
work environment, also on how you gave yourself time to understand the differences between this work
and your life and how it applies in your daily lives. I am saying this because Ma’am May Ocarez did not
just discuss how employees work under her name, but the big responsibility she holds in all of the
individuals who want to be a part of any specific organizations here at Caraga State University. She
mentioned she is more passionate about being a counselor back then than working as an HR Director,
but after all this time, she loved her work more than she could imagine. This is a challenge for her, she
said, and that inspired me to see how brave she was to face this another stage of her life in terms of
work responsibilities. One thing that stuck in my mind during the interview was she discusses a lot of
things that actually what we discussed in the reports of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, where
she talks about the hiring and recruitment processes, that all employees will have to go to the same
process no matter what rewards you get from your college, even internal and external employees were
not an exception in applying, all should have an equal opportunity. Next is assessment, assessing if the
employees are actually fits in his/her preferred job, lastly is the training, but the difference is the
employees there did not go to process in training but they are already implementing the Program to
Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME HRM) which
empowers the organization by developing their human resource competencies, or practices towards HR
excellence and to improve their quality of works, this is pretty common issues since they are also new
employees and this strategy will be a big help to the current employees. Regarding to this, Ma’am May
Ocarez also tackles about the 4 pillars of PRIME HRM, the 1st pillar is the Recruitment or hiring
applicants, 2nd pillar is performance management where they evaluate and monitor employers work,
3rd pillar is Learning and Development and lastly the 4th pillar the Rewards and Recognition. After all of
this ma’am shared about the conflicts behind the work during stressful times, this is where how Ma’am
May Ocarez handles her employees who are not working their job well, she said that she totally wants to
communicate directly to that employee if she sees that there is a problem and can already affects their

The interview was full of new information, and it is very overwhelming that we know how HR
actually works from someone’s personal experience. I can say that I understand it better now than just
reading the book, summaries, and ppt’s of the I/O psychology subject. Because we are able to apply new
ideas to reality, we relate what we read in the book to reality, and that is what Ma’am May Ocarez did in
the interview. During our class in I/O psychology, what I have learned the most, or what topic I am most
interested in, is hiring, the problems in hiring, and HRM and HRD. But most of the topic, even though it is
difficult for me, Ma'am Esther Montilla our Lovely instructor in I/O psychology didn’t skip any parts of
the topic giving her general knowledge in every chapter. Ma'am Esther actually did a great job discussing
directly the important parts of the chapter. It was fun because psychology is not just studying human
minds and behavior but also work. Work is where we are supposed to go in the future; we are applying,
and maybe we are the ones hiring. It’s really a subject that we can use for lifetime knowledge; we are
trained to be professionals and to train professionals.


As we gathered together with my group mates at the campus, we felt nervous because of course
we had to interview one of the well-respected people in the campus which is the HR
manager/director/specialist. When we entered her office, we felt welcome and happy because Mrs.
Ocarez is so kind to us and she really lent her time for us to participate for our final requirement despite
her hectic schedule. She gave us insights and shared her personal experience of how she started doing
her passion up until her job. This reflects on myself as a student that is studying psychology and also for
real life experience such as understanding people/person and how we deal with it and learn from it. Mrs.
Ocarez also mentioned that she was a former guidance counselor as it aligns how soft-spoken she is and
a very approachable person. As I listened to her answers when we interviewed her, I learned a lot. Such
as that she said that being an HR is not an easy job to do. Other people might think that they only hire
and select potential employees, just about payroll, but there is more than that. Their job is very complex.
Also she mentioned that the quality and skills for the HR are communication (written and verbal
communication), leadership skills, understanding people, because it is not merely following the rules but
also it has to understand the culture of their work in organization also to determine if this employee is
motivated enough to do the task. Furthermore, she mentioned about passion, because it drives to
achieve the goals and to keep going even if it gets tough. Mrs. Ocarez added and reminded us that it is
okay to have mistakes because it is part of our learning because she, the HR herself also has mistakes
and she acknowledges it. Lastly, she gave us advice to us as psychology students, especially to those
aspiring HR managers and IO psychologists based on her professional journey, professionalism and
integrity. Like for example in professionalism, she needs to talk to the concerning employees personally
and talk to them each and privately. So that they have privacy and the employee will talk comfortably,
they feel safe and talk freely because of the environment and for integrity, they must possess it to gain
respect and trust from the peers and managers, which can also play a big part in the career growth,
progression and overall success for the individual.

As we finish this semester, I find Industrial Organizational Psychology truly helpful for us not only
for psychology majors, but also for other programs or people that they may apply when about to have a
job and to manage an organization or company. IO psychology helps me to learn what is necessary to do
if in the future I had a job and I already know how to reduce conflicts, stress also for gaining motivation
and how to improve well and to adapt in organizational development and change and etc,. This course
taught me to enhance our skills and knowledge in the world of industry and organization that also helps
me to have personal growth and to be a competent person.


The role of HR plays a huge part in organization. They are not only focused on the employee
evaluation, recruiting, selection process, payroll, etc., it actually plays deeper insights, consideration,
understanding, excellent skills that keeps employees altogether. Not just in behavior but behavior in the
organization. In the PRIME HRM, there are four pillars. (1) Recruitment, Selection, and Placement, (2)
Performance Management, (3) Learning and Development, and lastly (4) Rewards and Recognition.
There were people assigned to the tasks. Regarding the specific training, there is said to be no training
implemented in the HR field in CSU. Employees are just given a job and perform it. But they are planning
to develop an assessment to measure the employees’ abilities. In terms of hiring, they provide equality.
As long as you have the competency to perform nicely to a given position, you’ll most definitely pass the
evaluation, with observation on how you work. The interview was very informative. I like how Ma’am
Ocarez speaks and in my mind that time can say that she’s a good head. Although she has been working
for just 5 months in her position, she made changes and improvements. Which is one of the skills that an
HR director should have. I therefore conclude that the role of HR is not for the weak. They cover most
parts of the organization, dealing with employee relations, paper works, and performance appraisal.

As what I’ve learned throughout my entire course in I/O Psychology, the necessary means of
selecting the right employee for the position comes through competencies. I am grateful to have
obtained knowledge on my course for I understand immediately what Ma’am Ocarez was saying during
the interview and relate to it. Before the semester began, I wasn’t really sure what I’ll take in life or what
my career should be after everything, but after the introduction to I/O course, I somehow feel motivated
to pursue a position in HR, especially after knowing that they prefer Psychology graduates for applicants.
As Ma'am Ocarez mentioned, you don’t need to love your job immediately, but to learn how to love it
and have a motivational drive to work efficiently. From what I’ve learned from Ma’am Montilla about
HRM and HRD, I am thankful that she provided general insights regarding that topic. Now, I can say that I
really learn a lot in that field---though I still need to learn further for more knowledge. As someone who
always wants to help others, there are several ways in which I can do that, and one I consider is in
Human Resource Management.


After the experience of witnessing the journey of Mrs. Ocarez before and after she became an
HR Director. I gained knowledge of some incredible ideas of the work of HR in the real-word. With her
hard work and determination to reach her dream job which is a helping profession, she keeps seeking
knowledge and guidance from other people. She's very dedicated to her job despite challenges she
encounters. She is very positive that she will pass it through because of a feeling of love and fulfillment
to her job. I realize it's very important also to know what you really want from the beginning or what you
want to achieve because whatever may come or how hard that life may be, you will find ways to
overcome and enjoy it instead of being stressed. According to her, Psychology graduates are more fit to
the job than other courses. I guess it's true because to be one of the people who handles everything you
must learn how to manage your stress that won't affect your job or the people surrounding you because
you're holding a big responsibility as a whole. Despite her position she admits that she still keeps
learning, I admire her because of her strong spirit where she never gives up easily but rather she takes all
challenges it may come. She's a very responsible and selfless person because all her hard work is not just
only for the satisfaction of herself but also for the better of the whole organization. I realize it wasn’t
really easy to be in her position because you're not just making policies and decisions or even signing
papers easily but you must read, think, observe, and analyze first what’s important to her organization or
employee needs to be developed. According to her they were planning to apply in the Program to
Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HR) which is
competency based by the Civil Service Commission and assess how they do their job and to assist the
employees in the organization which makes her glad because this it will help to the employee and
organization to development.

When it comes to the selection process I also admire her ways about the Equal Opportunity of
all, they don’t base and look for its background such as graduate in or at but rather she ensure fairness
and diversity in hiring process. Although I remember in our class that one of the unfair selection or hiring
practice is if there will be someone will backing you up for you to get hired easily, which I hope it will
stop normalizing it because there are people who woks fair with their hard work and knowing someone
will easily get hired without no reason makes people lost hope to their life. Also in her ways of handling
employee I think highly to her because she’s not kind of person who will make you embarrass to your
mistake in crowd but rather she will talk to you privately with concern of what’s your problem, she’s not
kind of person who will judge you easily base to what she see but rather she seek for your reason why
and so understanding and considerate to your health and well-being, but as she said everything had a
limits, so despite her good intention she must also to maintain her profession and think not just for one
person but also for the whole organization. Truly it wasn’t easy to be in her position, I couldn’t imagine
how hard it would be to manage that kind of life where you must balance your personal and professional
life matters that you must think about not just one person but rather the whole organization. In this kind
of life, all I think is that you must be perfect and wise because one mistake might ruin the whole. It is so
amazing and intimidating at the same time. According to her there is a person who ask her before if she
wasn’t felt scared in this position, but as I said there will be nothing makes your worried and scared if
you choose and loved your job dearly, but rather it makes you felt satisfy and that’s how important
knowing what you want to your life.

In my journey this whole semester in Industrial Organizational Psychology I’m so grateful for the
experience and knowledge I gained about this course despite all captivating challenges I encountered. I
never lost hope and am still positive about what the result may be. Just like according to Mrs. Ocarez
whatever may happen to her life either success or failure she will accept it with all her heart, still she
won't lose hope believing the right path for her and keep working hard and learn for that’s how life goes
on. If ever there is a lesson captive to myself in the whole class, that is how to manage people and at the
same time to manage your stress. Stress won’t really totally gone just like one of my classmate said, it
will always be there all you need to do is to manage it not to getting worst, because if ever you had a
hard time to manage and control your stress ot self it will surely affect to your health and environment (
e.g. social life and work). Either you will be an HR Director or staff or employee to any organization or
company. A good relationship with other people and the reputation of your organization or company Is
necessary for you to maintain or develop and to maintain or develop it you should know how to manage
yourself in stress. Life is kind of a roller coaster so if you find it fun instead of scared or overwhelmed
then you will be able to embrace the unpredictable ride of the journey with a sense of excitement and
curiosity. It will help you navigate through any obstacles and create better results until you reach your

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