Photography Question 2

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Question 2

[a] List any four properties of light


a. Reflection.

It occurs when light traveling in one medium hits the surface of another medium and bounces back
into the first medium, following the principles of reflection.

1. The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal to the surface at the point of incidence all
exist in the same plane.
2. The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection.

b. Absorption.

c. Transmission.

d. Refraction. Refraction is another intriguing phenomenon, where light alters its speed and
direction as it passes from one medium to another, causing the light ray to bend.

1. The incident ray, the refracted ray, and the normal to the surface at the point of incidence all
exist in the same plane.
2. For a given pair of media and for light of a specific wavelength, the ratio of the sin of the
angle of incidence to the sin of the angle of refraction is always constant.

e. Dispersion Dispersion refers to the splitting of a white light ray into its constituent colours.



Normal light vibrates in all directions perpendicular to the direction of light propagation. However,
when light is forced to vibrate in a single specific plane, it is referred to as polarised light.

F. Interference.

Interference is a phenomenon that results in changes in light intensity due to the redistribution of
light energy in the area where two or more light waves overlap.

g. Diffraction. Diffraction is the phenomenon where light bends around small obstacles and intrudes
into the geometric shadow area.

h. Travels in a straight line.

[b] State any four Functions of light in photography

[c] Describe artificial light in photography

[b:|- Ligl'|l enables pholographylo exisf.

Lighl is recorded/caplured as images on Film or lhrough lhe sensor crl a digilal camera/lighl is needed For
image Formalion {crealion]

Lighl delermines mood in phofography especially in black and while.

Lighl is used fa lransler image from a negalive unfo a phofo paper.

Lighl delermines lhe qualify crl pholographic image.

Lighl illuminafes lhe subiecl {c>biecl]/helps pholographer see whaf fa fake.

Lighl is used ‘lor aeslhelic eFFecl.

A man—madeligl'1fcreafedlo provide illuminalion in pholography/lighl used in lhe absence of nafural

lighl in pholography.

ll can be used for indoor or ouldoor picrure laking.

Arlificial lighls can be easily conlrolled.

Examples c>‘l arlilicial lighl include ‘llash, sfreellighl, florescenl, fungslen, LED halogen, oil lamp and
candle lighf.

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