Rays Assignment

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Creative Collaboration Evaluation

Taking part in this assignment and undergoing the role of a team leader has been really
insightful. It has heightened my awareness to the inequalities within the industry I one day
hope to work in. The DCMS reports that women hold 37.1% of positions in creative sectors,
compared to 46.9% of occupations held by women in the UK overall, which is a lower
percentage than the wider economy (Hobson, C, 2019). The concept ‘Women Making
Waves’ was specifically planned to promote female musicians in order to combat gender
bias in the creative industry. Our overall objective was to give women a platform to
showcase their talent and close the gap of representation between both male and female

Throughout this assignment, as a team leader, I created a supportive environment for my
peers in order to accomplish our goals. We worked well as a team and bounced our ideas off
each other. As a team we all felt strongly about achieving this goal as gender equality is
something we all advocate for and so our ideas aligned successfully. One reason for this
shared belief being that there are few female students currently enrolled in production
courses at BIMM and this is something we all hope will change in the future.
Evaluating ways of working etc
Arguably my biggest contribution to this assignment was that I came up with the idea of
basing our project on achieving gender equality. This led to a team discussion where we
debated the best way to achieve this goal. We decided that hosting a music show with
female only acts was the best way to do this because not only did it provide an opportunity
for women to perform, but also put their talent out there. Furthermore, we included a
women’s only production team so that we were not only supporting female artists but also
female producers and sound technicians in the industry. As a team we discussed how we
wanted to take it one step further and enhanced the achievements of this event by donating
all profits to ‘Women Making Waves’, a non- profit organisation that utilises funds to
combat gender inequality in the music industry. Following our initial in person discussion to
determine ideas for this project, our primary communication was through WhatsApp. This
proved to be a good choice as it led to efficient task delegation and competent performance
of responsibilities due to the apps speed and dependability.
Potential complications etc
One main risk we anticipated was that people might not be able to afford to purchase
tickets or merchandise for the event due to the cost-of-living crisis. This would mean that it
may not be possible for the show to go ahead and would prevent us from donating any
money. In order to overcome this we see comment. Other risk factors included possible
technical issues, artists not showing due to any reason, problems with venue booking. These
problems were generally solved by being organised with our planning and booking in
advance to secure venues and artists. Ultimately, although not risk free, we have mitigated
these potential challenges by imposing good communication and organisation as well as
having alternative plans if necessary.
Missed Targets/ feedback from tutors/ applying theories
If I were to repeat this project, I would instead do this differently…

Random shit ive not used atm:

and we believe that by giving production women the chance to succeed and advance their
careers, they will encourage and inspire the subsequent generation of female producers.
Social impacts and risks
One of our main objectives was to raise awareness of gender bias among young people so
that more individuals would speak out against it. We specifically targeted young people
between the age of 16 and 21.
Sir Herbert Read said “Great changes in the destiny of mankind can be effected only in the
minds of little children”.
Hobson, C. (2019) Why don't more women enter Creative Industries?, Luminate. Available
at: https://luminate.prospects.ac.uk/why-don-t-more-women-enter-creative-industries-
(Accessed: January 5, 2023).
Quotes about youth engagement (2022) Freechild Institute for Youth Engagement. Available
at: https://freechild.org/2016/01/28/quotes-about-youth-changing-the-world/ (Accessed:
January 5, 2023).

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