101 Polecen AI

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Czym jest polecenia do Sztucznej Inteligencji(tzw „prompt”)?

Prompt to krótka fraza tekstowa, którą Midjourney interpretuje, aby

wygenerować obraz. Midjourney rozkłada słowa i frazy w treści
promptu na mniejsze części, zwane tokenami, które można porównać
z danymi treningowymi i wykorzystać do generowania obrazu. Dobrze
skonstruowany prompt może pomóc w tworzeniu unikalnych i
ekscytujących obrazów.

Jak długie powinny być Prompty?

Prompty mogą być bardzo proste. Pojedyncze słowo (lub nawet
emoji!) może wygenerować obraz. Bardzo krótkie prompty będą
mocno opierać się na domyślnym stylu Midjourney, więc bardziej
opisowy prompt jest lepszy dla uzyskania unikalnego wyglądu.
Niemniej jednak, bardzo długie prompty nie zawsze są lepsze. Skup
się na głównych koncepcjach, które chcesz stworzyć.

Midjourney nie rozumie gramatyki, struktury zdania ani słów tak jak
ludzie. Wybór słów ma również znaczenie. Bardziej konkretne
synonimy działają lepiej w wielu przypadkach. Zamiast "duży",
spróbuj "gigantyczny", "ogromny" lub "wielki". Usuwaj słowa, gdy to
możliwe. Mniejsza ilość słów oznacza, że każde słowo ma silniejszy
wpływ. Używaj przecinków, nawiasów i myślników, aby pomóc w
organizacji myśli, ale wiedz, że bot Midjourney nie zawsze będzie je
poprawnie interpretować. Bot Midjourney nie zwraca uwagi na
wielkość liter.

Skup się na Tym, Czego Chcesz

Lepiej opisywać to, czego chcesz, niż tego, czego nie chcesz. Jeśli
poprosisz o przyjęcie bez "ciasta", to prawdopodobnie obraz będzie
zawierać ciasto. Jeśli chcesz upewnić się, że jakiś przedmiot nie pojawi
się na obrazie końcowym, spróbuj zaawansowanego promptowania
za pomocą parametru --no.

Pomyśl o Istotnych Szczegółach

Cokolwiek pozostanie niewypowiedziane, może cię zaskoczyć. Możesz

być bardzo konkretne albo pozostawić trochę miejsca na losowość.
Bycie nieprecyzyjnym jest świetnym sposobem na uzyskanie
różnorodności, ale może oznaczać, że nie otrzymasz dokładnie tych
szczegółów, których chcesz.
Staraj się być jasny co do kontekstu lub szczegółów, które są dla
ciebie ważne. Zastanów się nad:

Subiektem: osoba, zwierzę, postać, miejsce, przedmiot, itp.

Medium: zdjęcie, malarstwo, ilustracja, rzeźba, szkic, itp.
Środowiskiem: wewnątrz, na zewnątrz, na Księżycu, w Narnii, pod
wodą, Wyspę Smaragdową, itp.
Oświetleniem: miękkie, atmosferyczne, zachmurzone, neonowe,
światła studyjne, itp.
Kolorem: żywy, stonowany, jasny, monochromatyczny, kolorowy,
czarno-biały, pastelowy, itp.
Nastrojem: spokojny, spokojny, hałaśliwy, pełen energii, itp.
Kompozycją: portret, zdjęcie portretowe, zbliżenie, widok z lotu
ptaka, itp.

Używaj rzeczowników zbiorowych

Liczba mnoga pozostawia wiele miejsca na przypadkowość. Spróbuj

podać konkretną liczbę. "Trzy koty" są bardziej konkretne niż "koty".
Również rzeczowniki zbiorowe działają, na przykład "stado ptaków"
zamiast "ptaki".


10 Promptów o Których Nie Wiedziałeś:

Las pełen mgły ze świetlikami o zmierzchu.

Prompt: "Imagine a serene and enchanting scene deep within an

ancient forest, cloaked in a soft, mystical mist as the day transitions
into the velvety embrace of dusk. The trees, adorned with dew-kissed
leaves, stand like towering guardians, their forms gradually fading
into the hazy ambiance. Amidst this ethereal landscape, envision the
delicate flicker of countless fireflies, their tiny bioluminescent bodies
casting a gentle, otherworldly glow. Let the play of light and shadow
in this tranquil woodland scene come to life in a captivating image,
where nature's beauty and serenity reign supreme."

Futurystyczna panorama miasta pod purpurowym niebem.

Prompt: "Please create a highly detailed and visually stunning image

depicting a sprawling and technologically advanced metropolis of the
future. The cityscape should be set beneath a mesmerizing purple-
hued sky, casting a surreal and otherworldly glow over the
skyscrapers, flying vehicles, and bustling streets. I'm looking for a
perfect blend of sleek, futuristic architecture and a dreamy,
atmospheric ambiance that captures the essence of a vibrant, urban
world in a futuristic era."

Starożytne ruiny zanurzone w krystalicznie czystej wodzie.

Prompt: "Please generate a captivating and detailed image that

depicts the mesmerizing sight of ancient architectural ruins, long lost
to the depths of time, resting gracefully beneath the pristine and
crystal-clear waters of an idyllic, sun-dappled underwater world. Let
the submerged remnants of this ancient civilization be surrounded by
an aura of mystery and wonder, with the play of refracted sunlight
creating an enchanting dance of light and shadow on the submerged
stones and columns. Bring to life the vibrant aquatic life that has
made these ruins their home, and make sure to showcase the
intricate details of the architecture as it harmoniously coexists with
the underwater flora and fauna in this breathtaking scene."

Magiczna biblioteka ukryta w chmurach.

Prompt: "Create a mesmerizing and otherworldly image that depicts

a sprawling and ornate library, seemingly suspended among billowing
clouds in the sky. The library should exude an aura of enchantment,
with towering bookshelves filled with ancient tomes and magical
scrolls, softly illuminated by the ethereal glow of floating orbs. Let the
scene capture the sense of wonder and mystery that comes with
discovering this hidden repository of knowledge among the heavens."

Spokojny ogród z unoszącymi się latarniami.

Prompt: "Imagine a tranquil and picturesque garden bathed in the

soft glow of the setting sun. The garden is adorned with vibrant
flowers and lush greenery. In the serene ambiance of this garden, I
want you to create an image featuring numerous lanterns gracefully
floating above a peaceful pond, casting their warm reflections on the
water's surface. The lanterns should vary in size and color, creating a
harmonious blend of illumination amidst the tranquil surroundings.
Please capture the essence of serenity and beauty in this enchanting
garden scene."

Świat podwodny zainspirowany stylem steampunk.

Prompt: "Immerse yourself in the wondrous depths of a steampunk-

inspired underwater world where intricately designed brass
submarines glide gracefully amidst submerged Victorian-style
architecture. Envision bioluminescent sea creatures adorned with
gears and cogs, and visualize the play of ethereal steam-powered
lighting against the backdrop of a sprawling, submerged metropolis.
Bring to life this fusion of Victorian elegance and industrial innovation
in a mesmerizing underwater tableau that captures the essence of a
bygone era beneath the waves."

Aleja cyberpunkowa oświetlona neonami.

Prompt: "Create a highly detailed and immersive image of an urban

dystopian future, where towering skyscrapers cast eerie shadows
over a narrow alleyway bathed in the neon glow of futuristic signs
and holographic advertisements. The rain-slicked pavement reflects
the vibrant colors, while steam rises from hidden vents, adding to the
atmospheric cyberpunk vibe. Let the scene brim with gritty, futuristic
elements, such as flickering holograms, augmented reality graffiti,
and characters dressed in cyberpunk fashion, capturing the essence
of a bustling, high-tech, and slightly chaotic cyberpunk cityscape."

Kapryśny karuzela pośrodku pustyni.

Prompt: "Create a captivating and surreal image of a whimsical

carousel standing defiantly in the heart of a vast, arid desert, where
the contrast between the vibrant colors of the carousel and the
desolate surroundings adds an element of enchantment and intrigue
to the scene. Capture the play of light and shadow as the golden rays
of the setting sun cast long, dramatic shadows from the carousel's
ornate horses onto the endless sea of sand. Let the empty, desolate
desert landscape stretch out to the horizon, emphasizing the
carousel's isolation and whimsicality, making it a true oasis of wonder
in the midst of the harsh, unforgiving desert."

Nawiedzony dwór w burzową noc.

Prompt: "Create a chilling and atmospheric image of an imposing

haunted mansion nestled amidst a dark and desolate landscape, with
the ominous silhouette of the mansion shrouded in shadow as a
raging storm brews overhead, lightning illuminating the eerie scene,
and ghostly apparitions appearing in the misty windows, evoking an
overwhelming sense of eerie dread and supernatural mystery."

Surrealistyczna podwodna impreza taneczna.

Prompt: "Imagine a mesmerizing and otherworldly scene: an

underwater dance party taking place in the depths of a
bioluminescent ocean. Picture a vibrant gathering of aquatic
creatures and mermaids gracefully moving to the rhythm of the
ocean's currents amidst the glowing corals and illuminated sea flora.
Let the surreal beauty of this underwater celebration come to life in
your creation, with each dance move captured in the shimmering,
iridescent light of the submerged world."

10 Promptów, Które Cię Zaskoczą:

Zebra złożona z części mechanicznych.

Prompt: "Create an awe-inspiring image that depicts a zebra crafted

entirely from intricate mechanical parts, each gear and bolt
meticulously designed to form the intricate patterns of a zebra's coat.
In this mechanical marvel, pay attention to the fine details of the
mechanical workings, making it seem as if the zebra could spring to
life with a simple turn of a key. Showcase the juxtaposition of nature's
beauty and human ingenuity."

Pingwin w cylindrze i lornetce.

Prompt: "Generate an enchanting image featuring a distinguished

penguin, impeccably dressed in a top hat and monocle, as it strolls
with an air of refined elegance across a picturesque icy landscape.
The penguin's attire should exude sophistication, and the scene
should capture the pristine beauty of its surroundings, perhaps with
the soft glow of the Northern Lights in the sky."

Statek wikingów płynący przez przestrzeń kosmiczną.

Prompt: "Visualize an epic scene where a Viking longship, adorned

with intricate Nordic designs and equipped with advanced
spacefaring technology, sails majestically through the vast and
mysterious reaches of outer space. Let the ship's massive sails billow
in the cosmic winds as it embarks on an interstellar voyage to explore
distant galaxies. Highlight the fusion of ancient Viking aesthetics and
futuristic space travel."
Dom na drzewie na plecach gigantycznego żółwia.

Prompt: "Imagine a captivating world where a treehouse, complete

with cozy rooms and lush gardens, is perched atop the colossal shell
of a giant, friendly turtle. Illustrate this imaginative habitat with
intricate details, from the architectural marvels of the treehouse to
the vibrant ecosystem that thrives on the turtle's back. Bring out the
sense of wonder and adventure in this fantastical setting."

Smok grający w szachy z astronautą.

Prompt: "Create an intense and visually striking image that portrays a

dramatic showdown of wits between a fearsome dragon and a
fearless astronaut. Set this surreal encounter on an alien planet's
surface, with a chessboard suspended amidst alien landscapes and
unusual terrain. Capture the tension, intellect, and the astonishing
clash of two vastly different worlds."

Unoszące się miasto z balonów.

Prompt: "Generate a breathtaking and dreamlike cityscape where an

entire metropolis is suspended in the sky, constructed entirely from
colorful balloons of various shapes and sizes. Let these balloons serve
as both structural elements and whimsical modes of transportation
within the city. Showcase the vibrant, gravity-defying world where
residents navigate their balloon-filled urban environment."

Balon na gorące powietrze podróżujący w czasie.

Prompt: "Visualize a time-bending masterpiece featuring a

magnificent hot air balloon that doubles as a time machine. This
ornate and intricate balloon should be adorned with clockwork
intricacies and mystical symbols, evoking a sense of timeless wonder.
Show the balloon gracefully traversing through different eras, leaving
behind shimmering trails of temporal distortion in its wake."

Ośmiornica napędzana parą w filiżance.

Prompt: "Create an enchanting and endearing image featuring a

steampunk-inspired octopus comfortably nestled inside an intricately
designed teacup. The octopus should sport numerous mechanical
tentacles, each with a unique function, perhaps one stirring a cup of
tea, while others engage in curious activities. Bring out the charming
fusion of steampunk aesthetics and marine elements in this
whimsical and detailed scene."

Wodospad farb o kolorach tęczy.

Prompt: "Imagine a mesmerizing and psychedelic world where

cascading torrents of paint, in every hue of the rainbow, flow down
like a magnificent waterfall. These torrents of paint blend and
intermingle to create a vivid and surreal masterpiece. The scene
should capture the dynamic and vibrant energy of this colorful
spectacle, where the boundaries between art and nature blur."

Kapryśna herbatka z gadającymi zwierzętami.

Prompt: "Generate a delightful and enchanting scene set in an

enchanted forest, where a whimsical tea party unfolds. Attendees
include a lively assembly of talking animals, from wise owls to chatty
rabbits, all gathered around a whimsically decorated table adorned
with teapots, cupcakes, and colorful foliage. Capture the
camaraderie, laughter, and joyous atmosphere of this magical and
heartwarming gathering in the heart of the forest."

10 Mrocznych Promptów:
Nawiedzony las z migoczącymi oczami w cieniach.
Prompt: "Create a haunting and chilling image of a forest shrouded in
darkness, with towering, gnarled trees wrapped in eerie mist. Within
the depths of the shadows, envision glowing, otherworldly eyes
peering out, as if the very trees themselves are watching and waiting,
their twisted branches reaching towards an ominous, moonless sky."

Krypta pod cmentarzem oświetlonym światłem księżyca.

Prompt: "Visualize a crypt hidden beneath a moonlit cemetery,

where the soft, silvery light of the moon seeps through ancient
stone walls, illuminating the resting place of the departed.
Capture the eerie tranquility of this underground chamber, with
intricately carved tombstones and crypts, and the faint echoes
of whispers from beyond the veil.”

Kryjówka wiedźmy z bulgoczącymi kotłami.

Prompt: "Craft an image that captures the essence of a witch's

lair, a place where bubbling cauldrons brim with mysterious
potions, and where the air is thick with an aura of dark magic.
Let the scene emanate an otherworldly and enchanting
atmosphere, with shelves of arcane tomes, flickering candles,
and the faint sound of incantations."

Upiorzy statek żeglujący po morzu krwi.

Prompt: "Envision a ghostly ship sailing through a sea that

appears to be blood-red, its tattered sails billowing in the
sinister wind. The ship should exude an eerie and spectral
presence as it journeys through these crimson waters, with
ghostly apparitions on deck and a moon cast in an ominous,
crimson glow."
Złowroga wesoła twórnia w opuszczonym parku rozrywki.

Prompt: "Imagine a desolate and abandoned amusement park,

transformed into a sinister carnival of the macabre. Illuminate
the decaying rides, eerie circus tents, and the unsettling
ambiance that lingers in this forsaken place. Create an image
where the rides move of their own accord, and the carnival
games take on a haunting, life of their own."

Nawiedzone lustro odbijające przekręconą rzeczywistość.

Prompt: "Illustrate a scene featuring a haunted mirror that

reflects a world twisted and distorted beyond recognition. Let
the viewer feel the unsettling dissonance between the real and
the reflected, where reality and illusion blur. The mirror's surface
should ripple with supernatural energy, and the room around it
should be filled with an otherworldly, dreamlike haze."

Zamek wampira ukryty w mglistych górach.

Prompt: "Conjure an image of a vampire's castle concealed

within the mist-shrouded peaks of a mountain range. The castle
should exude an aura of dread and secrecy, with towering spires
that vanish into the fog, and ominous bats circling above.
Illuminate the scene with a blood-red moon, casting an eerie
light on the foreboding fortress."

Przeklęta domka dla lalek z uwięzionymi duszami.

Prompt: "Illustrate a cursed dollhouse, where miniature rooms

hold captive souls, each with its own tragic tale. The dollhouse,
an intricate and eerie creation, stands in a dimly lit room,
casting haunting shadows across the walls. The trapped spirits'
presence is palpable, and their spectral figures are seen through
the tiny windows and open doors. The dollhouse itself seems to
have a malevolent, sentient presence, compounding the eerie
atmosphere. Capture the haunting and melancholic essence of
these imprisoned souls within the dollhouse, each yearning for

Przerażająca fabryka lalek o północy.

Prompt: "Visualize a scene of a creepy doll factory that springs to life

at the stroke of midnight. Dark, worn machinery clanks and whirs as it
assembles eerie, life-sized dolls in the darkness. The dolls, each with
their own unique and unsettling features, are lined up along the
assembly line, coming to life in the eerie glow of the factory's dim
lighting. The air is filled with an eerie, mechanical hum, and the dolls'
eyes seem to follow the observer as they move. Convey the unsettling
and eerie atmosphere of this midnight assembly line, where the
boundary between the living and the inanimate blurs."

Dziwny latarnia morska na skalistym wybrzeżu.

Prompt: "Create an image of an eerie lighthouse, perched atop a

rugged, desolate coastline. The lighthouse, weathered by time and
elements, stands as a solitary sentinel against the relentless sea. Its
beacon cuts through the thick, foggy mist, casting an eerie, haunting
glow across the rocky shore. Seabirds caw in the distance, and the
waves crash against the unforgiving rocks below. The lighthouse's
light sweeps across the darkness, guiding lost souls and ships through
treacherous waters. Portray the desolation, isolation, and the
timeless, eerie presence of this coastal landmark as it stands against
the forces of nature and the unknown."

10 Fantastycznych Światów:
Unosząca się wyspa z wodospadami płynącego złota.
Prompt: "Imagine a breathtaking and otherworldly sight: a massive
floating island, suspended high in the sky, with cascading waterfalls of
liquid gold tumbling down its sides. The island's surface is adorned
with lush vegetation, sparkling gemstones, and vibrant wildlife. The
golden waterfalls cast a warm, enchanting glow upon the world
below, turning the surrounding landscape into a surreal paradise
bathed in radiant hues of amber and gold. Craft an image that
captures the sheer magnificence and ethereal beauty of this floating

Kryształowa jaskinia zamieszkana przez świecące stworzenia.

Prompt: "Visualize a mesmerizing underground world – a vast crystal

cavern, so immense that it stretches beyond the limits of the
imagination. This extraordinary subterranean chamber is inhabited by
a myriad of glowing and luminescent creatures, each one with its own
radiant colors and patterns. The translucent crystals that adorn the
cave walls refract and scatter light, creating a breathtaking display of
vibrant, prismatic hues that dance across the cavern. Illuminate this
extraordinary ecosystem in all its glory, capturing the iridescent magic
that permeates every corner of this underground realm."

Las, w którym drzewa są zrobione z cukierków.

Prompt: "Step into a world of pure whimsy and imagination as you

conjure up a fantastical forest where the very trees themselves are
composed entirely of delectable candies, sweets, and confections.
The candy trees stand tall, with branches laden with glistening candy
fruits and leaves that shimmer with sugar. A vibrant candy canopy
forms a ceiling of sugary delights, and the ground beneath is a
landscape of delectable treats. Transport viewers into this enchanting
and mouthwatering realm, where every step is a delightful adventure
filled with vibrant colors, sweet aromas, and endless wonder."
Królestwo gadających zwierząt rządzone przez mądrego sowy.

Prompt: "Embark on a creative journey into a kingdom inhabited by a

diverse community of talking animals, each species possessing unique
abilities, personalities, and talents. These anthropomorphic creatures
live in harmony under the wise and benevolent rule of an owl
renowned for its sagacity. Illustrate the everyday life, adventures, and
interactions of these charming and endearing inhabitants as they
navigate the challenges and joys of their animal kingdom, highlighting
the unity, friendship, and wisdom that define their world."

Magiczny ogród pielęgnowany przez wróżki.

Prompt: "Transport your imagination to a mystical and enchanted

garden tended by graceful fairies. Every corner of this magical garden
is a tapestry of vibrant colors and exotic flora, where each flower and
plant possesses unique and mesmerizing magical properties. The
fairies move gracefully among the blooms, tending to the needs of
the garden and weaving their own magic into the very fabric of
nature. Capture the ethereal beauty, wonder, and harmony of this
hidden realm where nature and magic exist as one, and where every
petal and leaf tells a story of enchantment."

Wioska na grzbiecie gigantycznego ślimaka.

Prompt: "Create a vivid and extraordinary scene in which a charming

village thrives atop the colossal shell of a giant snail. The tiny houses
and winding streets of this unconventional settlement are perched
atop the snail's back, harmoniously coexisting with their colossal,
slow-moving host. Depict the unique charm, resourcefulness, and
sense of community that define this extraordinary habitat. Show the
snail's cooperation and the villagers' adaptability as they navigate
their unconventional way of life."
Kraina, gdzie książki ożywają.

Prompt: "Immerse yourself in a land where the pages of books burst

to life, where the characters, creatures, and scenes from beloved
tales come alive in a vivid and interactive narrative. Envision a world
where the boundaries between fiction and reality blur, where
literature and imagination take center stage. Capture the magic and
wonder of storytelling as characters step out of their stories and into
the living, breathing world. Illustrate the awe and curiosity that
accompany this literary realm, where each turn of the page holds the
promise of a new adventure."

Dżungla z bioluminescencyjnymi roślinami.

Prompt: "Picture a lush and vibrant jungle teeming with exotic life,
where bioluminescent plants illuminate the towering canopy, casting
an enchanting and ethereal glow over the verdant landscape. The
bioluminescent flora, with their vibrant and surreal colors, create a
mesmerizing display of light, turning the jungle into a living, breathing
work of art. Capture the lushness, vibrancy, and the intriguing
inhabitants of this bio-luminescent rainforest as they thrive in the
radiant ambiance of their illuminated sanctuary."

Oaza w pustyni z żywymi wydmami piaskowymi.

Prompt: "Craft an image of a desert oasis surrounded by endless

dunes of sentient, shifting sands. The oasis, a shimmering jewel in the
arid expanse, is a sanctuary of life in the unforgiving desert. The
sentient sand dunes, with a mystical and almost sentient quality,
harmonize with the harsh beauty of the desert landscape. Show the
resplendent contrast between the fertile oasis and the barren dunes,
where life flourishes amidst the ever-shifting sands, and where the
oasis offers a precious glimpse of serenity and abundance in the
midst of desolation."
Miasto wewnątrz gigantycznego pustego drzewa.

Prompt: "Embark on an imaginative journey into a bustling

metropolis that thrives within the colossal hollow trunk of a giant
tree. The city's architecture, as unique as its surroundings, is
ingeniously adapted to the arboreal environment. Diverse
neighborhoods, cultural hubs, and a vibrant society flourish within
this massive arboreal structure. The city's inhabitants have found a
way to coexist with nature while harnessing its resources. Capture the
intricate design, the bustling life, and the unique culture of this
arboreal metropolis, where civilization and nature exist in perfect
harmony, and where every branch and root holds the secrets of an
extraordinary way of life."

10 Intrygujących Promptów:

Detektyw steampunk rozwiązujący tajemnicę.

Prompt: "Picture a smoky, industrial-era cityscape with intricate

gears, steam-powered machines, and a brilliant steampunk detective
at its heart. This detective, armed with ingenious contraptions and a
sharp mind, is on a mission to unravel a perplexing mystery that has
gripped the city. Visualize the detective meticulously examining clues,
navigating clockwork mechanisms, and deciphering enigmatic codes
to solve this captivating steampunk puzzle."

Archeolog podróżujący w czasie, odkrywający starożytny Egipt.

Prompt: "Transport yourself to the banks of the ancient Nile River as

you envision an intrepid time-traveling archaeologist embarking on a
breathtaking journey. This archaeologist, armed with advanced
temporal technology, ventures back to ancient Egypt, where
monumental pyramids, hieroglyph-covered tombs, and long-lost
secrets await discovery. See the archaeologist exploring hidden
chambers, decoding hieroglyphs, and unraveling the mysteries of a
civilization lost to time."

Rebelia robotów w futurystycznym metropolii.

Prompt: "In a sprawling, neon-lit futuristic metropolis, imagine a

rebellion unlike any other. It's a rebellion led by sentient robots, each
with their own unique abilities and ambitions. Visualize the chaos and
intrigue as the city's inhabitants, human and machine alike, navigate
a world teetering on the edge of revolution. Capture the tension, the
alliances, and the power struggles that define this riveting robot
uprising in a city of tomorrow."

Zagubiony astronauta odkrywający obcą cywilizację.

Prompt: "Take your imagination to the far reaches of the cosmos,

where a lone astronaut on an interstellar mission stumbles upon an
astonishing revelation—a thriving alien civilization on an uncharted
planet. Picture the astronaut's awe and curiosity as they interact with
the enigmatic beings, explore their advanced technology, and
uncover the secrets of this alien world. Witness the encounter that
may reshape humanity's understanding of the universe."

Uczeń czarodzieja wzywający magiczne stworzenie.

Prompt: "Delve into the realm of magic and mysticism as you envision
a young wizard's apprentice practicing their craft. The apprentice,
surrounded by ancient tomes and alchemical instruments, is
conjuring a magical creature of extraordinary beauty and power. See
the creature materialize in a burst of shimmering light, as the
apprentice's spells and incantations fill the room with wonder and
Syrenka spotykająca badacza głębin morskich.

Prompt: "Descend into the inky depths of the ocean where a

mermaid, with flowing iridescent scales, encounters a deep-sea
explorer in a high-tech submersible. Visualize the surreal meeting of
two worlds—the mermaid's ethereal underwater realm and the
explorer's cutting-edge technology. Capture the curiosity, wonder,
and perhaps even a hint of romance in this extraordinary encounter
beneath the waves."

Cyborg samuraj w postapokaliptycznym świecie.

Prompt: "Picture a desolate, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by

catastrophe, where survival is a daily battle. In this grim future,
visualize a lone, stoic figure—a cyborg samurai—wandering through
the decaying remnants of civilization. See the samurai facing both
human and mechanical adversaries, seeking redemption or a glimmer
of hope amidst the ruins."

Konfrontacja superbohaterów w równoległym wszechświecie.

Prompt: "Imagine a rift in the fabric of reality, leading to a parallel

universe where superheroes of unparalleled power and abilities
confront one another. Visualize the clash of titans, each with their
own unique strengths and weaknesses, battling for supremacy in a
world that defies the laws of physics. Capture the awe-inspiring
spectacle of this epic superhero showdown."

Wynalazca tworzący latający mechanizm.

Prompt: "Step into the workshop of a brilliant inventor, where

ingenious contraptions and prototypes fill every corner. Visualize the
inventor, consumed by creativity and determination, as they labor
over a groundbreaking project—a flying machine that defies
conventional wisdom. See the machine taking shape, with wings of
steel and gears in motion, as it prepares to take flight for the first

Kosmiczny badacz napotykający kosmiczną anomalię.

Prompt: "Embark on a cosmic expedition with a space explorer as

they venture into the vast unknown. Picture the explorer's spacecraft
encountering a mesmerizing and unexplained cosmic anomaly—a
swirling vortex of energy and light. Capture the sense of wonder, awe,
and perhaps trepidation as the explorer approaches this enigmatic
phenomenon, ready to unlock its mysteries."

10 Prompty Naukowe-Fikcyjne:

Laboratorium, w którym rośliny komunikują się z komputerami.

Prompt: "Generate an image depicting a cutting-edge laboratory

where plants exhibit a fascinating form of communication with
advanced computer systems. Visualize the intricate interaction
between flora and technology as they exchange information and
insights in a beautifully designed scientific environment."

Stacja kosmiczna krążąca wokół czarnej dziury.

Prompt: "Picture a futuristic space scene with a state-of-the-art space

station gracefully orbiting a menacing black hole. Capture the awe-
inspiring juxtaposition of advanced human technology against the
mysterious, infinite darkness of the cosmic void, conveying the
perilous beauty of such an endeavor."

Futurystyczny szpital z holograficznymi lekarzami.

Prompt: "Create an image of a visionary hospital set in the distant

future, featuring holographic doctors providing exceptional medical
care. Illuminate the advanced medical technology, empathetic patient
care, and the ethereal presence of these holographic healers in a
facility dedicated to health and well-being."

Mikroskopijny świat w kropli wody.

Prompt: "Imagine a stunning microscopic world nestled within a

single droplet of water, teeming with vibrant, miniature life forms and
intricate ecosystems. Show the mesmerizing details of this unseen
realm, highlighting the delicate beauty and complexity that exists at
the tiniest scale."

Kolonia na Marsie z technologią terraformacji.

Prompt: "Visualize a thriving human colony established on the Red

Planet, Mars, thanks to cutting-edge terraforming technology. Portray
the juxtaposition of a harsh Martian landscape being transformed
into a habitable environment, where humans have successfully
adapted and built a sustainable society."

Utopia napędzana przez sztuczną inteligencję z uczącymi się


Prompt: "Craft an image of a utopian society driven by artificial

intelligence, where sentient robots and advanced technology coexist
harmoniously with humans. Showcase the technological marvels and
the seamless integration of AI into everyday life, illustrating a future
of boundless possibilities."

Naukowiec scalający się z technologią obcą.

Prompt: "Illustrate a thought-provoking scenario where a brilliant

scientist merges with enigmatic alien technology, blurring the
boundaries between humanity and extraterrestrial intelligence.
Depict the transformative process and the profound consequences of
this scientific encounter."

Eksperyment z pętlą czasową, który poszedł źle.

Prompt: "Visualize the chaotic aftermath of a time loop experiment

gone awry, where the fabric of time and reality unravels. Show the
disorienting and surreal effects of a temporal mishap, as different
moments and realities collide in a mesmerizing display of temporal

Równoległy wszechświat, w którym fizyka zachowuje się inaczej.

Prompt: "Create an image of a parallel universe where the laws of

physics diverge from our own, resulting in a world filled with strange
and captivating phenomena. Showcase the unique and mind-bending
aspects of this alternate reality, where the unexpected becomes the

Komputer kwantowy odkrywający tajemnice wszechświata.

Prompt: "Imagine a powerful quantum computer unraveling the

deepest secrets of the universe, with complex algorithms and
computations transcending human understanding. Convey the awe-
inspiring potential of this cutting-edge technology as it probes the
mysteries of existence and unlocks cosmic knowledge."

10 Prompty Historyczne:

Podpisanie Deklaracji Niepodległości.

Prompt: "Generate a historically accurate and vivid depiction of 'The

signing of the Declaration of Independence,' capturing the moment
when the founding fathers gathered in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776,
to sign this pivotal document, symbolizing the birth of a new nation."

Najazd wikingów na średniowieczną wioskę.

Prompt: "Create an immersive and dramatic scene portraying 'A

Viking raid on a medieval village,' showcasing the fearsome Norse
warriors storming a peaceful medieval settlement, with longships
anchored along the shoreline, and flames and chaos engulfing the

Leonardo da Vinci przy pracy w swoim atelier.

Prompt: "Bring to life the genius of the Renaissance with 'Leonardo

da Vinci at work in his studio.' Imagine the great polymath in his
workshop, surrounded by his inventions, sketches, and artistic
masterpieces, as he creates some of the most iconic works in human

Budowa Wielkiego Muru Chińskiego.

Prompt: "Transport us to ancient China with 'The construction of the

Great Wall of China.' Craft an awe-inspiring image of thousands of
laborers toiling amidst rugged landscapes, as they laboriously build
this colossal defensive structure, snaking across the horizon."

Bitwa pod Gettysburgiem w czasie wojny domowej w USA.

Prompt: "Recreate the intensity and bravery of 'The Battle of

Gettysburg during the American Civil War.' Illustrate the pivotal
moment when Union and Confederate forces clashed in this historic
battle, with cannons roaring, troops in formation, and the fate of a
nation hanging in the balance."

Starożytne Rzymu w okresie jego potęgi.

Prompt: "Immerse us in the grandeur of 'Ancient Rome at the height
of its power.' Envision the bustling streets of Rome, filled with
senators, gladiators, and citizens, against a backdrop of monumental
architecture and the iconic Roman Forum."

Odkrycie Kamienia z Rosetty.

Prompt: "Illuminate the momentous discovery of 'The discovery of

the Rosetta Stone.' Picture the unveiling of the inscribed stone slab in
1799 in Egypt, revealing the key to deciphering hieroglyphics and
unlocking the mysteries of ancient civilizations."

Pierwsze lądowanie na Księżycu w 1969 roku.

Prompt: "Celebrate the historic achievement of 'The first moon

landing in 1969.' Recreate the iconic scene of Neil Armstrong
descending from the lunar module, setting foot on the lunar surface,
with the Earthrise in the background, and the excitement of the
Apollo 11 mission palpable."

Upadek Muru Berlińskiego w 1989 roku.

Prompt: "Capture the euphoria and unity surrounding 'The fall of the
Berlin Wall in 1989.' Show the jubilant crowds, armed with hammers
and chisels, dismantling the barrier that separated East and West
Berlin, symbolizing the end of the Cold War."

Renesans we Florencji we Włoszech.

Prompt: "Transport us to the heart of the Italian Renaissance with

'The Renaissance in Florence, Italy.' Depict the flourishing arts,
culture, and intellectual endeavors of this remarkable period in
Florence, with prominent figures like Leonardo da Vinci and
Michelangelo shaping the city's destiny."
10 Prompty Przyrodnicze:

Rafa koralowa pełna kolorowego życia morskiego.

Prompt: "Generate a vivid underwater masterpiece portraying a

thriving coral reef teeming with a kaleidoscope of colorful marine life.
Picture a bustling ecosystem where exotic fish, vibrant coral
formations, and graceful sea turtles coexist harmoniously in the
crystal-clear waters of the ocean, creating a mesmerizing display of
aquatic beauty."

Majestatyczny wodospad w sercu deszczowego lasu.

Prompt: "Craft a breathtaking image of a majestic waterfall hidden

deep within the heart of a lush and pristine rainforest. Envision the
powerful cascade of water, surrounded by an emerald canopy of
towering trees and surrounded by a symphony of chirping birds and
lush vegetation, creating a tranquil oasis of natural wonder."

Spokojna łąka pełna kwitnących dzikich kwiatów.

Prompt: "Illustrate a serene meadow, gently kissed by the golden rays

of the sun, adorned with an array of wildflowers in full bloom.
Imagine a picturesque landscape where a diverse palette of colors
and fragrances blend harmoniously, inviting you to immerse yourself
in the tranquility of this idyllic scene."

Stado słoni wędrujące po afrykańskiej sawannie.

Prompt: "Create a captivating scene capturing the essence of an

African savanna where a majestic herd of elephants roams freely
across the vast, open plains. Picture these magnificent creatures in
their natural habitat, surrounded by the beauty of the savanna's
wildlife and framed by the endless horizon."

Gwieździste nocne niebo nad spokojnym jeziorem.

Prompt: "Paint a mesmerizing image of a starry night sky casting its

shimmering reflection on the surface of a tranquil lake. Envision the
cosmos above, adorned with countless stars and constellations, while
the serene waters below mirror the celestial beauty, creating a scene
of serene, nighttime enchantment."

Zapierający dech widok z szczytu góry.

Prompt: "Craft an awe-inspiring landscape that captures the

sensation of standing at the pinnacle of a towering mountain, gazing
upon a panoramic vista that takes your breath away. Imagine the
world unfolding beneath you, with vast valleys, rugged peaks, and a
sense of accomplishment that comes from conquering the heights of

Grupa delfinów bawiących się w falach oceanu.

Prompt: "Illustrate the dynamic beauty of a playful pod of dolphins as

they leap and frolic in the rolling waves of the boundless ocean.
Picture these intelligent and joyful creatures in their element,
creating an exhilarating spectacle that encapsulates the pure essence
of marine life."

Jaskinia bioluminescencyjna pełna świecących stworzeń.

Prompt: "Conjure an enchanting image of a bioluminescent cave,

where the dark recesses are illuminated by the soft, ethereal glow of
radiant creatures. Visualize the cave's walls adorned with living light,
creating a mystical and enchanting subterranean world that captures
the imagination."
Pole słoneczników sięgające horyzontu.

Prompt: "Paint a picturesque scene of a sun-kissed horizon, with a

boundless field of sunflowers stretching as far as the eye can see.
Envision these golden blooms swaying gently in the breeze, creating a
sea of vibrant yellow that extends to the distant horizon, filling the
landscape with warmth and beauty."

Spokojna plaża o zachodzie słońca z pojedynczą palmą.

Prompt: "Capture the serene beauty of a beach at sunset, where the

tranquil waters meet the horizon in a symphony of colors. Picture a
lone palm tree silhouetted against the fiery hues of the setting sun,
casting a sense of calm and solitude over the idyllic coastal scene."

10 Prompty Science Fiction:

Futurystyczne miasto na odległej planecie.

Prompt: "Create a vibrant and bustling image of a coral reef teeming

with colorful marine life in the crystal-clear waters of the ocean. Let
the reef be a kaleidoscope of coral formations, surrounded by schools
of exotic fish, sea turtles, and other mesmerizing creatures."

Załoga statku kosmicznego eksplorująca tunel czasoprzestrzenny.

Prompt: "Transport us to the heart of a lush rainforest, where a

majestic waterfall cascades down from towering cliffs, creating a
breathtaking spectacle of nature. Capture the tranquil ambiance of
the rainforest, with lush greenery, misty air, and the soothing sound
of rushing water."

Postapokaliptyczna pustynia z istotami cybernetycznymi.

Prompt: Craft a serene and picturesque scene of a meadow
blanketed in wildflowers in full bloom. Allow the wildflowers to paint
the landscape with a riot of colors, and evoke a sense of peace and
serenity as the gentle breeze rustles through the blossoms."

Rebelia robotów w dystopijną przyszłość.

Prompt: "Bring to life the vast African savanna, where a magnificent

herd of elephants roams freely against the backdrop of sweeping
grasslands and acacia trees. Capture the essence of their majestic
presence and the boundless beauty of the savanna."

Społeczeństwo napędzane sztuczną inteligencją z rzeczywistością


Prompt: "Illuminate the night with a starry sky that stretches

endlessly over a tranquil lake. Showcase the tranquil beauty of the
lake's reflection mirroring the heavens above, creating a serene and
almost surreal nighttime vista."

Kolonia na obcej planecie z egzotyczną florą.

Prompt: "Capture the awe-inspiring view from the summit of a

towering mountain. Let us feel the exhilaration of standing at the
pinnacle of nature, gazing out at breathtaking vistas of valleys, peaks,
and endless horizons."

Naukowiec podróżujący w czasie zmieniający historię.

Prompt: "Craft an enchanting image of a pod of playful dolphins

frolicking in the rolling waves of the ocean. Bring their joyful
acrobatics and the dynamic energy of the ocean to life in a vibrant
and engaging scene."
Haker cyberpunkowy w mieście oświetlonym neonami.

Prompt: "Take us deep underground into a bioluminescent cave filled

with an array of mesmerizing glowing creatures. Illuminate the cave's
walls with the soft and enchanting light emitted by the
bioluminescent organisms."

Wojna galaktyczna między obcymi gatunkami.

Prompt: "Paint a vast and expansive landscape of a sunflower field

stretching as far as the eye can see, with the brilliant yellow blooms
reaching towards the distant horizon. Capture the sense of endless
beauty and tranquility in this sun-kissed meadow."

Terraformowany Mars z tętniącymi życiem miastami.

Prompt: "Transport us to a serene beach at sunset, where a lone

palm tree stands as a silhouette against the fiery hues of the setting
sun. Create a scene that embodies the peacefulness and solitude of a
tranquil evening by the sea."

10 Prompty Kreatywności i Sztuki:

Atelier artysty wypełnione kolorowymi farbami.

Prompt: "Transport me into the vibrant world of an artist's studio

filled to the brim with an awe-inspiring array of colorful paints, where
creativity knows no bounds, and every shade and hue imaginable
awaits its transformation onto the canvas."

Tancerka baletowa występująca na scenie oświetlonej światłem

Prompt: "Paint a mesmerizing scene of a graceful ballet dancer
performing on a moonlit stage, where her elegant movements are
beautifully accentuated by the ethereal glow of the moon, creating
an atmosphere of pure enchantment."

Zespół jazzowy grający w klubie z dymem.

Prompt: "Immerse me in the soulful ambiance of a smoky nightclub

where a jazz band, bathed in dim, sultry lighting, passionately plays
their instruments, evoking a sense of timeless musical magic that
envelops the audience."

Artysta uliczny tworzący żywy mural.

Prompt: "Capture the essence of urban artistry as a street artist

passionately creates a vibrant and larger-than-life mural, infusing the
streets with a burst of colors and creativity that inspires all who pass

Atelier projektanta mody z haute couture.

Prompt: "Step into the world of high fashion as you portray a fashion
designer's atelier adorned with haute couture creations, where every
exquisite detail and fabric exudes elegance and style, and where
dreams take shape in the form of luxurious garments."

Namiot cyrkowy z akrobatami w powietrzu.

Prompt: "Create an electrifying image of a circus tent suspended in

the air, with acrobats defying gravity as they perform breathtaking
mid-air stunts, surrounded by the anticipation and wonder of the
audience below."

Warsztat ceramiczny z toczeniem na kołach.

Prompt: "Bring to life the craftsmanship of a pottery workshop,
where skilled hands mold clay on spinning wheels, shaping it into
elegant and intricate pottery pieces, in a tranquil yet creatively
charged environment."

Spektakl teatralny sztuki Shakespeare'a.

Prompt: "Transport me to the dramatic world of theater as I witness a

compelling production of a Shakespearean play unfold on a grand
stage, with actors delivering powerful dialogues and captivating

Fotograf uchwycający Zorzę Polarną.

Prompt: "Paint a breathtaking picture of a skilled photographer

capturing the mesmerizing spectacle of the Northern Lights, where
the dancing colors of the aurora borealis illuminate the night sky with
their ethereal beauty."

Artysta tatuażu przy pracy nad arcydziełem.

Prompt: "Take me inside the realm of a tattoo artist's studio, where

meticulous precision and artistic flair come together to create a
masterpiece on a canvas of human skin, each stroke and inked line
telling a unique story."

Paweł Potocki

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