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Introduction (Presentation):
Start with a brief discussion about cultural norms and their importance in
Introduce the learning objectives: to understand cultural differences and practice
expressing opinions respectfully.
2. Task-Based Activity:
Divide students into small groups and assign each group a scenario involving cultural
misunderstandings (e.g., greeting customs, table manners).
Students discuss the scenario, identify potential cultural norms, and brainstorm
strategies for resolving the misunderstanding.
Each group prepares a role-play based on their scenario, incorporating the identified
cultural norms and resolution strategies.
3. Task Performance (Practice):
Groups perform their role-plays in front of the class.
Encourage active participation and peer feedback after each performance.
Facilitate a brief class discussion to reflect on the cultural norms depicted in the role-
plays and discuss alternative approaches to cultural misunderstandings.
4. Language Production (Production):
Individually, students write a short reflection on their own cultural norms and
experiences with cultural misunderstandings.
Optional: Assign a follow-up task for homework, such as writing a dialogue based on a
personal cultural encounter.

This lesson plan combines elements of TBLT by focusing on real-life tasks (role-plays) to
promote language learning and communication skills. The PPP method is integrated through
the structured sequence of presentation, practice, and production activities.

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