Sujal E TAB

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Name:Sujal satish korade

Sub: Software Training in Civil

Drawinga Beamin E-TABS:
1. OpenE-TABS: LaunchtheE-TABSsoftwareonyourcomputer.
2. AccessDrawMenu: ClickontheDrawmenuatthetopofthescreen.
3. SelectLineObjects:ChoosetheoptionforLineObjects fromtheDrawmenu.
4. CreateBeams:SelecttheoptiontoCreateBeamsinRegionoratClicks.
5. DrawBeam:Clickontwoadjacentintersectinggridlinestodrawyourbeam.
6. DefineProperties:Definethematerial,section,and otherproperties ofthe beamasneeded.

AddingSimple SupportinE-TABS:

1. AccessDrawMenu: ClickontheDrawmenuinE-TABS.
2. ChooseLineObjects:SelecttheoptionforLineObjects.
3. CreateSupports: ChooseCreateSupportsatClicks.
4. PlaceSimpleSupport:Clickon apointwherethebeam intersects agridlinetoaddasimplesupport.
DefiningGrid LinesinE-TABS:

1. AccessEditMenu:Clickon theEditmenuatthetopofthescreeninE-TABS.
2. SelectEditStoriesandGridSystems:ChoosetheoptionforEditStoriesandGridSystemsfromtheEdit
3. CreateNewGrid System:ClickonAddNewGridSystemtocreateanew gridsystem.
4. Modify Grid System: Modify the grid system name, type, labelling scheme, origin,
orientation,dimensions,and otherparametersas needed.

1. OpenE-TABSSoftware: LaunchtheE-TABSsoftwareonyourcomputer.
2. CreateaNew Model:Start bycreatinganew modeloropeningan existingonewhereyouwant
todefinethe stories.
3. Access the Grid and Grid Spacing: In E-TABS, you can define stories by setting up the grid
andgridspacing. This allowsyou to establishthelayout ofyourstructure.
4. Define the Number of Stories: Specify the number of stories your building will have. This step
iscrucialas it determinestheverticalsegmentationofyourstructure.
5. Set Up Loading Conditions: Define a wide array of loading conditions in E-TABS to
ensureaccuratestructuralanalysis and design.
DefiningMaterialPropertiesin E-TABS:
1. Access Material Properties: In E-TABS, select the "Define" menu and then click on
"MaterialProperties"to open theMaterial Properties dialogbox.
2. Create New Material: To create a new material, click on the "Add" button in the Material
Propertiesdialogbox. This will openanew dialogboxwhere youcan input thematerialproperties.
3. Input Material Properties: In the new dialog box, input the material name, type, and other
relevantpropertiessuch asdensity,elasticmodulus, Poisson'sratio, andyield strength.
4. Save Material: After inputting the material properties, click on the "OK" button to save the
material.Thenew material will now appear intheMaterialProperties dialogbox.
5. Assign Material to Members: After defining the material properties, you can assign the material
tomembers in your model. To do this, select the member you want to assign the material to, and
thenselectthematerial from theMaterial Properties dialog box.
6. VerifyMaterialAssignment:Afterassigningthematerialtomembers,youcanverifytheassignmentby
checking the properties of the members in the model. The material properties should be displayedin
themember propertiesdialogbox.

1. Create a New Model: Launch the E-TABS software and create a new model or open an existing
onewhereyouwant to definethe beamandcolumn sections.
2. Define Structural Members: In E-TABS, select the "Create" menu and then click on "Frame"
todefinethe structural members, such as beams andcolumns.
3. Define Beam Section: After creating the structural members, you can define the beam section
byselecting the beam member and then clicking on the "Properties" option. In the properties tab,
selectthe "Section" option and then choose the appropriate section shape, such as rectangular or
circular.Afterselectingthesection shape, input thedimensions ofthesection.
4. Define Column Section: Similarly, you can define the column section by selecting the
columnmember and then clicking on the "Properties" option. In the properties tab, select the
"Section" optionand then choose the appropriate section shape, such as rectangular or circular. After
selecting thesectionshape, input the dimensions of thesection.
5. AssignMaterialProperties:Afterdefiningthebeamandcolumnsections,youcanassignthematerialpropert
ies to them. To do this, select the member and then click on the "Properties" option. In
thepropertiestab,selectthe"Material"optionandthenchoosetheappropriate material from thelist.
6. Verify Section Properties: After assigning the section and material properties, you can verify
ldbedisplayed in the member properties dialogbox.

1. Define Plan Grids and Story Data: Create the building model in E-TABS, including plan grids
2. Define Material Properties: Define the properties of the materials used in the slab section, such
3. DefineFrameSections:Definethe framesections,includingthe slabsection, inthemodel.
4. Define Slab Sections: Define the slab sections using the Define Slab Sections command.
Thiscommandallowsyou to specifythethicknessand reinforcement ofthe slabsection
5. Define Load Cases: Define the load cases that will be applied to the slab section, including dead,
live,and windload.
6. Draw Beam Objects (Frame Members): Draw beam objects, or frame members, in the
model,includingtheslab section
7. Draw Column Objects (Frame Members): Draw column objects, or frame members, in the
model,includingtheslab section.
8. AssignSlab Sections:Assigntheslabsectionstotheappropriatebeams andcolumnsinthemodel.
9. Assign Restraints:Assignrestraintstotheslabsection, suchasfixedor pinnedsupports.
10. Assign Slab Loads:Assignloadstotheslabsection, includingdead,live,andwindloads.
11. View Input Data in Tabular Form: View the input data in tabular form to ensure accuracy
12. RuntheAnalysis:Runtheanalysisofthemodel, includingtheslabsection,usingtheAnalyzemenu.
13. View Analysis Results Graphically: View the analysis results graphically to evaluate the
performanceoftheslab section.
14. Design Concrete Frame Elements: Design the concrete frame elements, including the slab
section,usingthe Design menu.
15. View Design Results: View the design results to ensure that the slab section meets the required
1. DefineMaterialProperties:Definethematerialpropertiesforthestructure.
2. DefineFrameSection:Specifytheframesectionsforbeamsandcolumns.
3. Drawing Columns, Beams, and Slabs: Create the structural elements like columns, beams,
4. AssigningSupportCondition:Assignsupportconditionstothestructuralelements.
AssigningRestrain inE-TAB:
1. SelecttheRestraintsOption:FromthetoolbarortheRestraintsmenu,selecttherestraintoptionyouwouldli
keto apply(Restrain X, RestrainY, Restrain XY or Free).
2. Pick Boundary Segments or Nodes: If the Apply Restraints option in the Restraint Options dialog
isset to Pick by boundary segment, pick the desired boundary line segments. If it is set to Pick
byboundarynodeor Pick byanynode, then pick thedesired nodes.
3. ConfirmSelection:Whenyouarefinished,pressEnterorright-
4. Toggle Display of Restraints: Whenever you use Restrain X, Restrain Y, Restrain XY or Free,
allexisting restraints (i.e. roller and pin symbols) will be displayed on the model, if they are not
5. Set Selection Mode: If necessary, use the Restraint Options dialog to set the selection mode
forapplyingtherestraints. Selectionmodecanalso betoggled intheright-click menu.
6. Use Restraint Options Dialog:The RestraintOptions dialog has twopurposes: 1.TheApplyRestraints
options, allow the user to choose the most appropriate method for applying the restraintboundary
conditions. 2. The Default External Boundary option determines what boundary conditionswillbein
effect, bydefault, on the EXTERNALboundary.
7. Infinite Elements: In the Restraint Options dialog, you may choose to model the
EXTERNALboundary conditions by the use of Infinite Elements. Infinite Elements are an alternative
to the use offixedboundaryconditionson theEXTERNALboundary.
Theyallowtheusertosolveaproblemwithapotentiallymuch smaller finite element mesh,andstill
8. Applying Displacements: A fixed, non-zero displacement can be applied as a boundary
conditionusingtheAdd Displacement option.
9. Restraints Overview: The Restraints menu options allow the user to apply the following
boundaryconditions: Fixed XY (i.e. pinned), Fixed X (i.e. free to move in the Y direction only),
Fixed Y ( to move in the X direction only), and Free (i.e. free in both X and Y directions)
anywhere on themodel.
1. DefineloadpatternsusingtheDefinemenu>LoadPatternscommand.Thisallowsyoutoadd,modify,orde
2. Specifythenameoftheloadpatternin
theLoadeditbox.Eachloadpatternandloadcombinationmusthaveaunique name.
3. ChoosethetypeofloadpatternfromtheTypedrop-
downlist.Theprogramusesthesevalueswhenautomaticallycreatingdesign load combinations
forthedesign postprocessors.
4. Specifytheself-weightofthestructureintheSelf-
WeightMultipliereditbox.Thisdeterminestheweightper unit volume ofeach object that has
5. UsetheDefinemenu>LoadPatternscommandtoaccesstheDefineLoadPatternsform.Thisformhas
thefollowingedit boxes and drop-downlists.
6. Choose the type of load to be displayed in the Load Type options. Only one load type can
bedisplayedat a time.
7. UsetheShowLoadingValuescheckboxtoindicatewhetherforcesanddisplacementsareindicatedbyarro
ws in theappropriate directiononlyor togetherwith loadingvalues(text).
8. Usethe Displaymenu>Load Assigns>Joint,displaymenu >Load Assigns>Frame, displaymenu
> Load Assigns > Shell, and the Display menu > Load Assigns > Tendon commands to display
loadsdefinedusingtheDefinemenu >Load Patternscommand.
9. Click the Display menu > Load Assigns command and choose one of the following load types
todisplaythespecified loadin theactivewindow.Notethatfortheseoptions
tobeavailable,thetypeofloadmust havebeenassigned to themodel.
10. Right-clickonanyobjecttoaccesstheJointInformation-
LoadsTab,Frame,Beam,Column,Brace,Tendon Information-Loads Tab, or Slab, Deck, Wall
Information-Loads tab forms to review loadassignments.
11. Use the Assign menu > Frame Loads, assign menu > Shell Loads, and the Assign menu >
TendonLoadscommands to assign loadstotheobjects aspartofaload pattern
1. Clickonthe"Define"menuandselect"Load Patterns"toopentheDefineLoadPatternsform.
2. In the "Load" edit box, specify the name of the load pattern. Each load pattern and load
combinationmusthaveaunique name.
3. Choose the type of load pattern from the "Type" drop-down list. The program uses these values
whenautomaticallycreatingdesign load combinations forthedesign postprocessors.
4. Specify the self-weight of the structure in the "Self-Weight Multiplier" edit box. This determines
theweightper unit volume ofeach object thathas structuralweight.
5. After defining the load pattern, assign loads to the objects as part of that load pattern by selecting
theobjects to be loaded and using the appropriate "Frame Loads," "Shell Loads," and "Tendon
6. YoucanalsodisplayloadsdefinedusingtheDefinemenu>LoadPatternscommandbyclickingtheDisplay
menu > Load Assigns command and choosing one of the following load types to display
thespecifiedload in theactivewindow.
7. Right-click on any object to access the Joint Information-Loads Tab, Frame, Beam, Column,
Brace,Tendon Information-Loads Tab, or Slab, Deck, Wall Information-Loads tab forms to review
8. After a load pattern has been defined, you can modify or delete it using the Define menu >

1. Modelling:Thisinvolvescreatinga3Dmodelof
thebuilding,includingthegeometry,properties,andconnections of thestructural components.
2. Defining Load Patterns: This involves specifying the types and magnitudes of loads that will
beappliedto themodel duringanalysis,such asdeadloads, liveloads,and wind loads.
3. Assigning Loads: This involves applying the defined load patterns to the appropriate
structuralcomponentsin themodel.
4. Running Analysis: This involves using the E-TABS analysis engine to calculate the response of
themodelto theapplied loads, includingstresses,deflections,and modes ofvibration.
5. InterpretingResults:This involvesreviewingtheanalysis
resultstoevaluatetheperformanceofthebuildingunder thespecified loadsandto identifyanyareas
6. Designing: Based on the results of the analysis, the building can be designed to meet the

1. Model Creation: Start by creating a new model in E-TABS and define the geometry of the
simpleframestructure, includingthe beams and columns.
2. Define Material Properties: Specify the material properties for the structural elements, such as
themodulusof elasticityandotherrelevant parameters.
3. Define Section Properties: Define the cross-sectional properties of the beams and
columns,includingdimensions and material properties.
4. Assign Supports: Assign appropriate supports to the structure, such as fixed supports or
pinnedsupports,to represent theboundaryconditions.
5. DefineLoadPatterns:Createloadpatternsforthestructure,includingdead loads,liveloads,
andanyotherrelevant loads that the structurewill besubjected to.
6. Assign Loads: Apply the defined load patterns to the structure by assigning loads to the beams
andcolumnsas per thedesign requirements.
7. Run Analysis: Use the E-TABS analysis engine to analyse the structure under the applied loads
andobtainresults such as memberforces, displacements,and reactions.
8. Review Results: Analyse the results obtained from the analysis to ensure that the structure meets
thedesigncriteriaand safetystandards.
9. OptimizeDesign:Makeanynecessaryadjustmentstothedesign basedontheanalysis
resultstoensurethe structural integrityand stabilityof theframe structure.

1. Creatingbeam,column,layoutinAutoCAD
Importinglayout plan fromAutoCAD:
1. Toimport yourDWG,youwillneedtousethefullversionofAutoCAD(notLT).
2. Make sure all elements in the CAD drawing are exploded prior to import; if the program
findsBlocks it will return an error. It is also good practice to clean up the file of any
unnecessarylayers/elements irrelevant to structural plans.
3. Elementsinlayers"0"or "Deferentpoints"will notbeimported.
4. TheDWGcannot beopen inaCADprogram.
5. UseFile>Import>DXF/DWGFileofArchitecturalPlan
6. Choosecoordinates,storylevelinthemodeltobeimported,scale,locationandoptionstoelementsto be
neglected when creating centre lines as explained above. Maximum distance between parallellines
is very important specially when creating walls, this value should be set to approximately
themaximumwall thickness or beam width in theplan.


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