Tugas Dwi Rantika (B.ingris)

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Nama : Dwi Rantika

Kelas : Hukum 2B

New Chapter of the Tuti-Amel Murder Case in Subang

The police handed over the case files for the murder of Tuti and her daughter Amalia Mustika
Ratu or Amel to the Prosecutor's Office. The transfer of this file is a new chapter in the case
that shocked Subang residents in August 2021.

The case files were handed over last Sunday. The files of YH, MR, AP, AA, MM are
currently being examined by the Public Prosecutor, said the West Java Regional Police's
Directorate of Criminal Investigation, Police Commissioner Surawan, Wednesday

5 Suspects in the Tuti-Amel Murder Case Threaten with the Death Penalty!The police named
5 suspects in the murder case of Tuti (55) and her daughter Amelia Mustika Ratu (23). They
also face the death penalty for the bloody tragedy that occurred in Jalancagak, Subang, 18
August 2021.

The five people named as suspects are M Ramdanu alias Danu, who is the victim's nephew
and cousin. The victim's husband and father, Yosep Hidayah, Yosep's young wife, Mimin,
and their two stepchildren Arighi Reksa Pratama and Abi.

"We suspect the five suspects under Article 338 and/or Article 340 of the Criminal Code,"
said the Director of General Crimes at the West Java Regional Police, Kompol Surawan
when confirmed by detikJabar, Wednesday (18/10/2023).

Article 338 of the Criminal Code is contained in Chapter XIX of the Criminal Code
concerning crimes against life. Quoted from the Criminal Code (KUHP) as quoted from the
official website of the Legal Documentation and Information Network (JDIH) of the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Indonesia, the contents of Article 338 of the Criminal Code reads as
follows:Anyone who intentionally takes the life of another person is threatened with murder
with a maximum imprisonment of fifteen years.

Meanwhile, Article 340 contains the threat of the death penalty for the perpetrator. Anyone
who deliberately and plans to take another person's life is threatened with premeditated
murder, with the death penalty or life imprisonment or for a certain period, a maximum of 20

However, in cases of such brutal murders, the type of law involved usually includes criminal
law. The sentence a perpetrator receives depends on various factors, including the laws of the
country where the crime occurred, the evidence presented at trial, and the judge's decision.
Whether a sentence is fair or not depends on the individual's point of view, but in general the
legal system is expected to provide justice by considering various relevant factors. This
includes providing punishment commensurate with the crime committed, while still
considering the rehabilitation of the perpetrator and justice for the victim and society.

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