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No Reference

1 Xu et al., 2024, Understanding

Learners’ perceptions of ChatGPT: A Thematic
Analysis of Peer Interviews among
Undergraduates and Postgraduates in China

2 Thao et al. (2023), Exploring the Impacts of

Chatgpt in EFL Writing: Student Perceptions of
Opportunities and Challenges in Vietnamese
Higher Education

3 Ge, 2024_Assessing the Acceptance and

Utilization of ChatGPT by Chinese University
Students in English Writing Education

12 Cornish and Larter, 2023,
“I don’t Have to Write an Essay Ever Again!”:
University Student Reflections on ChatGPT in
the Classroom

13 Nugroho et al., 2023, The Potentials

of ChatGPT for Language Learning- Unpacking
its Benefits and Limitations

14 Athanassopoulos et al. (2023),

The use of ChatGPT as a learning tool to
improve foreign language writing in a
multilingual and multicultural classroom
15 Strzelecki, 2023, To use or not to
use ChatGPT in Higher Education? A study of
students’ acceptance and use of technology

16 Habibi et al., 2023, ChatGPT in higher

education learning: Acceptance and use

17 Mahama et al., 2023, ChatGPT in Academic

Writing: A threat to Human Creativity and
Academic Integrity? An exploratory study

18 Shakil and Siddiq, 2024, ESL Teachers’

Perceptions about ChatGPT as a Threat to
Analytical Writing Abilities of ESL Learners at
Graduate Level

19 Bekou et al., 2024, Exploring

opportunities and challenges of using ChatGPT
in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Morocco
20 Santiago-Ruiz, 2023, Writing with ChatGPT
in a context of educational inequality and digital

21 Marzuki et al., 2023, The impact of AI

writing tools on the content and organization of
students writing EFL teachers perspective

22 Özçelik and Ekşi, 2024_Cultivating writing

skills- the role of ChatGPT as a learning assistant
—a case study_TURKEY
23 Črček and Patekar, 2023, Writing with
AI- University Students' Use of ChatGPT

24 Arora, 2023, Enhancing Writing Skills through

ChatGPT- An experimental study in the context
of ergonomics

25 Bašić et al., 2023, ChatGPT-3.5 as writing

assistance in students' essays

26 Eunim and Youngsang, 2023, Examining Korean

EFL College Students’ Experiences and
Perceptions of Using ChatGPT as a Writing
Revision Tool

27 Harunasari, 2023, Examining the Effectiveness

of AI-integrated approach in EFL Writing- A Case
Exploring the perceptions and experiences
of undergraduate and postgraduate students in China regarding ChatGPT. It seeks to
provide a deeper understanding of how students perceive and utilize ChatGPT in their
daily academic and personal activities, contributing to the broader discourse on AI
integration in higher education

Study the students’ perceptions of using Chatgpt in their EFL writing to find the
benefits and challenges using chatgpt as perceived by students

By incorporating the extended technology acceptance model and the information system
success model, this research comprehensively investigates five facets: perceptual, acceptance of use,
psychological, actual use effect, and technological dimensions. The aim is to furnish both theoretical
insights and empirical substantiation for relevant pedagogical practices.
The purpose of this study was to engage
students in dialogue about the use of AI tools like ChatGPT in the classroom through
an assignment that linked content learning with critical reflection

The present study aims to unpack the

potentials of ChatGPT for language learning based on students’ perspectives

The study aimed to examine the effectiveness of

ChatGPT as a feedback tool on foreign language writing, espe- cially for socially
vulnerable populations, such as refugees/migrants, who face extra language
The purpose of the study was to develop a
model that examined the predictors of adoption and use of ChatGPT among higher
education students

To examine the determinnants that

drive ChatGPT 3.5 (free version) behavioural intention and use

1. Is ChatGPT a threat on human creativity through academic writing?

2. Is ChatGPT a threat to academic integrity through academic writing?
3. How can the positive use of ChatGPT be propted to synchronise with academic
integrity and human creativity?

This study is intended to gather the perspectives of ESL teachers regarding the
potential impact of ChatGPT on the critical and analytical writing abilities of ESL
students. The study aims to explore the viewpoints of ESL teachers regarding ChatGPT
that whether it is a facilitative tool that reinforces creativity or does it hinder the
writing endeavours of students in ESL writing context. This study intends to explore
the dynamics between language models such as ChatGPT and pedagogy of analytical
writing. This study informs the policy-makers and practitioners about the right
integration of AI tools in ESL contexts with a goal of modifying analytical writing skills
of students rather than obstructing the development of their writing proficiencies.

Explores the opportunities and challenges associated with implementing it as a tool to

English language learning for Moroccan students, employing a mixed-methods
This study is situated within the context of campus 095 at the National Pedagogical
University (UPN), aiming to ascertain the perceptions and applications of ChatGPT
among both students and educators

Theprimaryobjectiveofthisstudywastoexaminetherangeofavailable Artificial
Intelligence (AI)
writing tools and assess their influence on student writing, particularly in terms of
content and organization, as perceived by English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers

This study aims to address this research gap by examining the impact of ChatGPT,
an AI-powered chatbot, on the acquisition of register knowledge across various writ-
ing tasks.
This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of use of ChatGPT among university
students for written assignments, explore
the ways students utilize the tool, and examine students’ perspectives on the ethical
aspects of its use.

This research paper aims at investigating the effec- tiveness of ChatGPT, an artificial
intelligence (AI) language model, in improving the writ- ing skills of individuals. The
aim of this study is to analyze the outcome that interactive con- versations with
ChatGPT will have on its users' writing skills.

This research investigated whether ChatGPT would improve students’ essay grades,
reduce writing time, and affect text authenticity.

The purpose of this study is to explore how Korean EFL (English as a Foreign Language)
college students perceive the use of ChatGPT for editing their writing assignments in general English
This study aims to investigate effective and responsible strategies for incorporating ChatGPT
into an undergraduate EFL writing class.
Research Questions
1. What are the different perceptions of ChatGPT
among undergraduates and postgraduates?
2. How do gender and discipline impact the perceptions of ChatGPT among undergraduates
and postgraduates?

1. what are the perceived benefits of using ChatGPT in EFL writing exercises?
2. what challenges do students face when incorporating ChatGPT into their writing process?

To know the Chinese university students’ perceptions and adoption of ChatGPT in English writing instruction,
assessing five distinct dimensions using a Likert scale.
1. What expectations do students have
regarding AI tools like ChatGPT for academic use?
2.Whatpositiveandnegativeimplicationsfortheclassroomdostudentsperceivewith the use of
tools such as ChatGPT?
3. How do students contextualize the use of tools such as ChatGPT within their own academic

1. What language learning needs

can be fulfilled by ChatGPT?
2. What are the potential benefits of ChatGPT for language learning?
3. What are the limitations of ChatGPT for language learning?

To what extent can the use of ChatGPT

contribute to improving L2 writing in terms of vocabulary and grammar for students with a
refugee/migrant background?

H1: Performance expectancy has direct and significant impact on Behavioral intention
H2: Effort expectancy has direct and significant impact on Behavioral intention
H3: Social influence has direct and significant impact on Behavioral intention
H4: Facilitating conditions has direct and significant impact on Behavioral intention
H5: Facilitating conditions has direct and significant impact on Use behavior
H6: Hedonic motivation has direct and significant impact on Behavioral intention
H7: Habit has direct and significant impact on Behavioral intention
H8 Habit has direct and significant impact on Use behavior
H9: Personal innovativeness has direct and significant impact on Use behavior

To answer questions: (1) the importance and drawbacks

of chatgpt in academic writing, (2) the influence of chatgpt on human creativity through
academic writing, (3) the influence of chatgpt a threat on academic integrity through
academic writing

This research strives to mitigate the gap between

the burgeoning use of AI technology and its integration into ESL writing contexts. So, this study
aptly addresses the necessity of optimally utilising these tools to enhance the analytical
writing skills of ESL students.

1. What are the Moroccan EFL teachers' perspectives on the use of ChatGPT in English
Language Teaching (ELT)?
2. How can ChatGPT be beneficial for students and ELT practitioners according to Moroccan
English language teachers?
3. What challenges are associated with the utilization of ChatGPT in education, namely ELT in
the Moroccan context?
To determine the uses and perceptions that students and teachers have regarding
ChatGPT in this context of educational inequality

1. What types of AI writing tools are used by EFL teachers to improve students’
writing quality, particularly in terms of content and organization?
2. How do EFL teachers perceive the impact of AI writing tools on the content and organization
aspects of students’ writing?

1. Can the use of ChatGPT as a learning assistant help students improve self-editing
their writing?
2. What are the students’ opinions and suggestions regarding using ChatGPT as a learning
1. How prevalent is the use of ChatGPT among universi- ty students?
2. How do university students use ChatGPT?
3. What are the perceptions of university students re- garding the ethical aspects of using

However, it is still unknown how ChatGPT performs in students’ environment as a writing

assistant tool and does it
enhance students’ performance.

1. How do Korean university students respond to their experience of using ChatGPT in the
process of writing revision?
2. Based on their experiences, what are Korean university students’ perceptions of utilizing
ChatGPT for revising their writing, and what roles do they anticipate their teachers will play in
this AI-driven writing revision process?

1. What strategies can be employed to incorporate ChatGPT into a writing classroom

2. How effective are these strategies in utilizing the tool within a classroom environment?
The Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM)

Vygotsky’s Constructivist Learning Theory and Technological Acceptance Model (TAM)

TAM: two main factors that influence the adoption and effective use of a technological
tool: its perceived ease of use and its perceived usefulness. For the study: how students
perceive the user-friendliness and practicality of chatgpt, especially in enhancing their
writing skills.

The Technology Acceptance

Model (TAM)

UTAUT2 model and its implementation
to assess students’ accep- tance and utilization of ChatGPT in university education

UTAUT2 model

Critical literature review from articles published from 2022-2033 in JSTOR, Scopus, and
Google Scholar
Theoretical underpinnings of the study are based upon TPACK framework by
Mishra and Koehler (2006)



Convenience sampling; 81 postgraduate students
and 106 undergraduate students from various disciplines at a comprehensive university in East China

Use semi-structured interviews to 20 students from two institutions (10 female and 10 male).

A study do 300 questionnaire to Chinese university students ‘ perceptions and adoptions of chatgpt
Undergraduate intro- ductory
epidemiology course at a comprehensive university in the Midwest (total course enrollment was 38 students)

Case study, Drawing on exploratory case study, this study

involves 18 language students majoring in English education and linguistic studies from two public universities in

The study was conducted in a Junior High School

(Gymnasium) classroom in an urban city in south Greece, which consisted of 8 students with a migrant/refugee
background aged 15 years old who were attending German as a foreign language learning
534 students from a Polish state university

To answer questions: (1) the importance and drawbacks of chatgpt in academic writing, (2) the influence of chatgp

Articles published in English langauge from 2022-2023 in Google scholar, Scopus, JSTOR

A purposive sample of 30 ESL teachers from various public sector universities of Pakistan

62 ELT teachers in Morocco

Convenience sampling was utilized, and the inclusion criteria were defined as follows: 1) participants had to
be either students or teachers at UPN; 2) they needed to have been involved in a social interaction with the
researcher related to the subject of ChatGPT between January and June 2023
They were requested to openly disclose the utilization of ChatGPT in their assignments, and, in certain instances,
in-depth interviews were conducted. This research collected information from around 12 teachers and 40

The study gathered data from four EFL teachers across three distinct universities in Indonesia, shedding light on
variety of AI writing tools used in their classrooms.
All the recruited teachers possessed at least three years of experience in teaching EFL and a minimum of one
year’s experience in applying AI writing tools in their classrooms.
4 teachers (Participants were designated as T1, T2, T3, and T4 to maintain confidentiality.)

The research design employed a one-case shot pre-experimental design, with 11 voluntary participants selected
convenience sampling.
201 students from private and public universities in Croatia

37 res- pondents were from the first year, from the age group of 18-19, 30 from the second year ranging
from 19-20 years and 33 from the final year, aged around 20-21 years. 40% of learners were of Science stream,
35% of Com- merce and 25% of Arts Stream while 70% of learners were from Hindi me- dium background, 30%
were from English Medium background.

The second-year master’s students from the University Department of Forensic Sciences. The control group
(n = 9, GPA = 3.92 ± 0.46) wrote the essay traditionally, while the experimental group (n = 9, GPA = 3.92 ± 0.57)
used ChatGPT assistance, version 2.1.0.
A total of 71 student participants

16 undergraduate EFL students of a private foreign languages institute in Jakarta, Indonesia. The participants were selected
randomly. They were assigned to write a short story of any genre using ChatGPT as an assisting tool.
Data Collection Method
A peer interview methodology,

The data for this study were collected primarily through semi-structured interviews, designed to elicit in-depth
from participants regarding their experiences with using ChatGPT in EFL writing exercises.

Questionnaire to Chinese university students ‘ perceptions and adoptions of chatgpt

Students writing [The assignment was conducted in
February, 2023. The class assignment asked students to work with a partner, enter a specific prompt into ChatGPT]

Semi-structured interviews and


The research procedure took place for

two weeks and was thematically integrated into the currently used syllabus, fitting with the main principles of the
Integrated Foreign Languages Curriculum (IFLC, 2016). More specifically, at the first stage of the research, the stude
were asked to write a personal email to a German friend describing their favourite sport. Then, the ChatGPT was us
to correct their written outputs regarding grammar and vocabulary. ChatGPT was particularly asked to improve thei
written texts’ vocabulary and grammar. In the second stage, the students received an improved version of their orig
emails regarding language and grammar. They were asked to study them thoroughly while discussing all the revision
and suggestions offered by ChatGPT, which students should pay attention to improve their final work. At the final st
students were asked to be involved in the writing procedure by addressing a similar topic to their first attempt; nam
they were asked to write a personal email to a German friend expressing their thoughts about sports and healthy lif
The method used for data collection involved the use of a
seven-point Likert scale that provided respondents with options ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree
To measure use behavior, a 7-options scale was utilized with response options ranging from “never” to “several tim
day”. To standardize model estimation for each option, we have established a numerical metric scale ranging from 1
7. This scale is defined as follows: “Never” corresponds to 1, “Once a month” corresponds to 2, “Several times a mo
corresponds to 3, “Once a week” corresponds to 4, “Several times a week” corresponds to 5, “Once a day” correspo
to 6, and “Several times a day” corresponds to 7

Survey (thirty four items)

Critical literature review from articles published from 2022-2033 in JSTOR, Scopus, and
Google Scholar
Descriptive quantitative in nature with a closed- ended questionnaire as a
research tool

This study employs a mixed-methods research design, integrating both quantitative and qualitative methodologies,
comprehensively explore the use of ChatGPT in English language teaching in Morocco. The research design allows fo
an in-depth exploration and understanding of the potential applications, benefits, and challenges of using ChatGPT i
the English language teaching context, both in secondary and tertiary education. By incorporating both methods, th
study seeks to capitalize on the strengths of each approach, triangulating data to enhance the validity and depth of
findings (Ivankova & Cresswell, 2009).
A questionnaire was administered to 62 ELT teachers in Morocco, and 12 interviews
were conducted to validate and enrich the data
involved a combination of participant observation and the analysis of students’ assignments spanning from
January to June 2023
They were requested to openly disclose the utilization of ChatGPT in their assignments, and, in certain instances, in-
depth interviews were conducted.

Utilizing a qualitative approach, the research was con- structed within a case study design. The data was collected v
semi-structured inter- views, targeting information about the diversity of AI writing tools and their impact on studen
writing quality

In the present study, a one-shot case study which is a pre-experimental design has been administered. In this kind o
research, the
researchers form a group of students and then expose them to a treatment process, finalizing the process with data
inter- pretation and some kinds of interviews (Creswell, 2014). Data was collected qualita- tively, with the help of
observations recording field notes during the process and an unstructured, open-ended interview.
An online questionnaire was designed to collect data from 201 students from private and public universities in Croa

A well-structured question- naire comprising ten questions was mailed to the learners of English at a Graduate Colle
the capital of the state of Madhya Pradesh, located in the heart of India.
Primary da- ta were collected from the response received from the learners of ABC Graduate College, Bhopal throug
survey method. The secondary data were collected through journals, magazines and websites.

We invited the second-year master’s students from the University Department of Forensic Sciences, to voluntarily
participate in research on essay writing
as a part of the course Forensic Sciences seminar. Out of 50 students enrolled in the course, 18 applied by web form
and participated in the study. Before the experiment, we divided them into two groups according to the study modu
and the weighted grade point average (GPA) to ensure a similar composition of the groups. The control group (n = 9
GPA = 3.92 ± 0.46) wrote the essay traditionally, while the experimental group (n = 9, GPA = 3.92 ± 0.57) used ChatG
assistance, version 2.1.0. (OpenAI, 2022).

A survey questionnaire designed to investigate students’ experiences and perceptions of using ChatGPT to revise their paragraphs
and their opinions on the teacher’s roles in the process

To achieve this objective, a one-shot case study was conducted on fourth-semester EFL students enrolled in a Creative and Media
Writing class at an Institute of Foreign Languages in Jakarta, Indonesia. Data was collected through tests and questionnaire.
Data Analysis Method
Con- ducting a thematic analysis
of 106 first-year undergraduates and 81 first-year postgraduate students’ perceptions
from diverse disciplines at a comprehensive university in East China

Data was analysed thematically (Braun et al., 2023)

Data analysis uses SPSS version 26 for statistical analysis. Table II provides descriptive results
for five dimensions, including mean value, standard deviation, variance, bias, and peak.
Dyads collected quantitative data on
each ChatGPT essay including number of words, sentences, references, and peer
reviewed references. They also counted the number of sentences that contained factual
statements, the number of sen- tences with factual errors, the number of sentences that
did not match the references provided, the number of in-text citations, the number of
incorrect in-text citations, the number of in-text citations that adhered to APA7 guidance,
and the number of ref- erences that adhered to APA7 guidance. Then the dyads worked
together to compare their ChatGPT essays on each of these metrics. Finally, each
individual student wrote a qualitative reflective narrative to explore how using ChatGPT
compared to their expec- tations, their thoughts about using work produced by ChatGPT
in academic settings, and their thoughts about positive and negative implications of using
tools like ChatGPT in the classroom.

Thematic Analysis

Thematic Analysis
we used the PLS-SEM algorithm with the weighting
path scheme in SmartPLS 4 software (Version with a maximum of 3000 iterations
and default initial weights, and employed bootstrapping, a nonparametric procedure,
running 5000 samples, to determine the stat- istical significance of the PLS-SEM results,
as recommended by Ringle et al. (2022)

Statistical program of the current SmartPLS, carried out

PLS-SEM procedure (measurement and structural model assessments) to investgate the
proposed model

Nvivo to help with data management analysis

Data is analysed via SPSS version 25 where tables are

drawn to represent the statistical findings

Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS and Excel,

whereas qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis.
Data analysis was conducted using thematic analysis

Thematic Analysis

The data was analyzed based on the qualitative data analysis process suggested by
Creswell (2014). According to Creswell (2014), there is no one tried-and-true approach to
analyzing qualitative data as qualitative research is “interpretive”, in which you judge a
description that matches the context or themes that effectively summarize the main
categories of data (p. 238).

Statistical analysis and visualization were conducted using Excel (Microsoft Office ver.
2301) and R Studio
(ver. 1.2.5033). The final essay score was calculated as an average of four grading
elements (mechanics, style, content, and format). The linear regression was used to test
the effects of group, writing duration, module, and GPA on overall essay scores. The level
of statistical significance was set at P ≤ 0.05.

Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the Likert-scale and multiple-choice questions, and
thematic analysis was used to analyze the open-ended questions

The analysis of the quantitative data involved the utilization of descriptive statistics to compare
the scores before and after the treatment. Conversely, the qualitative data underwent analysis using
qualitative data analysis techniques to identify patterns within the students' questionnaire feedback and chat
history data.
Grounded in TAM theoretical framework, Xu et al. (2024)
found that Chinese undergraduate and postgraduate students perceived ChatGPT easy to use and useful as using th
academic achievement. However, some of the students interviewed raised concerns over data safety and privacy ov

Thao et al. (2023) studied Vietnames students’ perceptions of using Chatgpt in their EFL
writing to find the benefits and challenges using chatgpt as perceived by students. Grounded in Vygotsky’s Construc
from semi-structured interviews to 20 students from two Vietnamese institutions. The thematic analysis on the data
after using ChatGPT as it was perceived useful to enhance writing abilities and allow them more control over their le
students admitted becoming overreliance on the technology limiting their ability to be creative in expressing themse
concerned the students were about data accuracy and safety. The students feared the information provided by chat
stored on the system was not securely stored. Hence, issues of accuracy, confidentiality, and ethics.

The findings suggest a favorable inclination among students towards ChatGPT concerning its utility and effectiveness. However, ChatGPT has yet
entirely, and apprehensions persist about potential privacy infringements and associated technological issues
Cornish and Larter (2023) conducted a study examining
undergraduate students' views on using ChatGPT in their writing assignments in the Midwest. They analyzed writing
discovered that students regarded ChatGPT as a useful tool for generating ideas, providing essay templates, and sug
helped alleviate the challenges of writing in a foreign language. However, students were also aware that utilizing Ch
plagiarism, and ethical concerns

Students found chatgpt useful for

various reasons but it also has flaws for several reasons

Athanassopoulos et al (2023) found

that chatgpt can be used as a learning tool helping students (migrants) to improve their writing skills. They found im
unique words used and average words used in a sentence in their second attempt to write on the same topic.
Among the benefits, students accept chatgpt particularly for supporting their high performance

Result same with Strzelecki (2023): students accept chatgpt particularly for supporting their high performance – b
who are in favor of chatgpt as an assistance are those who have proper resources including good internet speed and

The study strengthens and advances theories of feedback as a dialogic

tool and ChatGPT as a reliable writing tool, and has practical implications. With proper student training, ChatGPT ca

Tendency for copy-paste practices in writing task, decline in students’ creative, argumentative, and
analytic skills, students do not engage in the writing task, threat to students’ critical thinking, cause students’ overde
students less able to construct well-reasoned argument in writing task. The teachers suggest: chatgpt as a suppleme
enable the tool to enhance creativity not otherwise.
Results of the study conclude that incorporation of ChatGPT has become a challenge in ESL classrooms because lear
content from ChatGPT and plagiarising the subject matter. Consequently, analytical writing skills of ESL students are

Findings shed light on the opportunities that ChatGPT offers in Moroccan ELT, including personalized learning,
instant feedback, teachers’ professional development enhancement, and access to authentic language resources. H
about accuracy, cultural appropriateness, and excessive reliance on technology
The findings of this investigation reveal that students possess an elementary grasp of
ChatGPT’s capabilities. Predominantly, it is employed as an information retrieval tool, with limited awareness about
students struggle to identify grammatical or organizational issues in their texts and lack the proficiency to effectively
exhibit a lack of familiarity with ChatGPT, impeding the learning process as students adopt its use
The EFL teachers shared a common interest in utilizing a combination of AI tools in enhancing students’ writing skills
technology into education.
The second findings from our research examined the impact of AI writing tools on the content and organization of se
refers to the gen- eration of ideas and their articulation, AI writing tools have shown promising potential.
This aligns with our findings, where teachers (T1, T3 & T4) acknowl- edged these tools as beneficial for nurturing ide
noted, such as the risk of over-reliance on these tools potentially limiting critical thinking and personal creativity, as
They argued that excessive dependence on AI technologies may decrease one’s ability to think creatively and critica
assessments regarding the standard of writing.
In terms of organization, which encompasses the logical arrangement and coherence of ideas, AI writing tools have
In our study, all four participating teachers (T1, T2, T3, and T4) recognized the positive role of AI writing tools in enh
logical progression of thoughts and arguments.
Additionally, the teachers in this study (T1, T2, T3, & T4) presented diverse perspectives on the influence of AI writin
certain participants (i.e., T1, T3, & T4) recognized apparent advantages, such as vocabulary enhancement and mini-
about potential downsides, including overly complex language and an excessive dependence on these tools.
They underlined the role of AI tools in enhancing vocabulary but also cautioned against over-dependence, emphasiz
rather than substitutes for comprehensive language learning.
All four teachers (T1, T2, T3, and T4) recognized the positive role these tools play in enhancing the clarity of student
and arguments. They unanimously agreed on the tools’ proficiency in recommending more effective wording, detec
nization of arguments. However, T2 provided a balanced perspective, appreciating both the benefits and potential d
concern over the possibility that students could become overly reliant on these tools, which could inadvertently inh
solving skills.

The results of the study showed that ChatGPT has the potential to assist students in developing their writing abilitie
and actively for their writing tasks. They benefited from its suggestions and corrections to enhance the formal aspec
though, including technical difficulties and limitations in interpreting informal and neutral registers. Despite these d
emphasized the need for significant functional improvements to ChatGPT to make it a more useful learning tool for
to students in their writing tasks with careful evaluation and modifications
The results show that more than half of the participants use ChatGPT for written assignments, that most use it to ge
paraphrase, proofread, but also to write a part of the assignment for them.
According to the participants, the most ethically acceptable use of ChatGPT is for generating ideas, while other uses
has not prevented some students from engaging in behaviors they deem unethical.

Thus, the present study discloses that ChatGPT can be a useful tool for enhancing learners‘ writing skills in a numbe
1. provide learners with personalized feedback on their writing, assists learners in iden- tifying their strengths and w
2. learn language and grammar concepts. It is trained on huge data of text and code, so it is able to identify and corr
3. learn about different English writing patterns and styles by analyzing and generating texts in different styles, such
4. aid in reading comprehension by generating summa- ries and rephrasing complex texts.
5. minimize mental fati- gue during the writing process, providing suggestions and corrections that streamline the le
expres- sion.
Bašić et al. (2023) who did an experiment with two groups of students writing an-essay with and without the assista
used chatgpt did not perform better than those without chatgpt. Potential causes were that students using chatgpt
content” (p. 4) due to their overreliance and lack familiarity with chatgpt.
Using chatgpt not necessarily results in better writing mark as students still need to think about how they adjust the
of assessment.

The findings reveal a positive reception from the students. They expressed satisfaction with the use of ChatGPT for their paragraph revisions
trustworthy. The benefits of ChatGPT included the convenience of its instant responses, unrestricted use across time and space, and accurate
flow. Some challenges were also raised, such as the lack of error descriptions, incomprehensible feedback, misalignment of responses, conce
effectiveness. These findings suggest the potential of ChatGPT as a supplementary tool for writing revision, emphasizing the importance of a
study also underscores the crucial role of teachers in effectively integrating ChatGPT into writing instruction.

The study identified key strategies for the effective and responsible incorporation of ChatGPT, which include establishing a clear usage policy and maintain
queries while using ChatGPT in the EFL writing class. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the appropriate and responsible use of ChatG
Future research could focus on improving the responsible and effective
implementation of AI in education. Further investigation is needed into ChatGPT’s long-term impact on student lear
applicability in various educational contexts and subjects. As AI technologies advance, continuous research and deve
beneficial use in educational settings

This study, while providing valuable insights into the use of ChatGPT in EFL writing exercises, has several
limitations that must be acknowledged. Firstly, the sample size of 20 Vietnamese EFL students, though diverse in ter
small and limited to two educational institutions. This restricts the generalizability of the findings to broader EFL stu
Additionally, the study relies solely on qualitative data from semi-structured interviews,
which, while rich in detail, may not capture the entire spectrum of student experiences and attitudes. The subjective
are open to interpretation, and different researchers might draw different conclusions from the same data set. Furt
the findings may not be applicable to other AI tools or technologies used in language learning. These limitations sug
findings to other contexts or AI applications.
The limitations of this study pave the way for several recommendations for future research in the field of AI-assisted
was the relatively small and homogenous sample size, consisting of 20 Vietnamese EFL students from only two educ
the generalizability of the findings to a wider population. Future research could address this limitation by involving a
Including students from a variety of educational backgrounds and different cultural contexts would enrich the data a
different educational settings.
Another limitation was the sole reliance on qualitative methods, specifically semi- structured interviews. While this
experiences and perceptions, the incorporation of quantitative methods such as surveys or experimental designs co
methods would allow for the collection of data that can be statistically analyzed, providing a more comprehensive v
Comparative studies that evaluate the effects of various AI tools in EFL learning would also be beneficial, shedding li
language education. Moreover, investigating the long-term effects of AI tool usage on students’ language proficienc
into the sustainability and long-term impacts of these technologies in educational contexts. Finally, expanding the re
stakeholders, like teachers and educational administrators, would offer a more rounded view of the integration of A
could significantly deepen the understanding of AI’s role in language learning and lead to more effective, tailored ed


This study acknowledges a number of limitations. First,

given the novelty of integrating ChatGPT into language education, this research serves as an initial exploration, focu
role of ChatGPT in fulfilling language learning needs, its potential benefits, and limitations. However, this study corn
about ChatGPT are only from the learners. Therefore, future studies are suggested to explore the potentials of Chat
teachers and other relevant stakeholders. Second, this study requires enrichment on the empirical evidence about t
language skills especially writing. Hence, next research is recommended to conduct experimental research examinin
learning. Further studies are recommended to gather empirical evidence on how ChatGPT impacts the improvemen
ethical aspects of incorporating ChatGPT into formal education remain subjects of debate. Future research should p
educational stakeholders, especially students and teachers. Additionally, researchers should assess whether ChatGP
use it.

More significant number of participants and

different educational settings
This research is limited by the fact that the sample was drawn from only one state
university in Poland, although it was diverse in terms of stu- dents’ academic backgrounds. Since ChatGPT use in hig
future studies can further evaluate the scale employed in this study and improve it for future research.

Since the only strategy used in this research was a survey, other
approaches, such as in-depth interviews or discussions, could also be effective. The interviews may provide more re
future researchers intersted in pursuing comparable study areas


The study has a few limitations, however, that need to be addressed. One potential limitation is the possible bias in
research are currently using and actively promoting the use of AI writing tools, which could predispose the findings
Acknowledging this, it is recommended that future research should include teachers who have tried these tools but
present a more balanced perspective and help in understanding the reasons for discontinuation and any potential b

Despite the insightful conclusions derived from this study, it is imperative to acknowl- edge its inherent limitations,
practical validity of the results. Before anything else, there are issues with the results’ generalizability due to the sm
related to the participants is that even though their English proficiency levels are similar, they may have different pr
Furthermore, it’s possible that the study’s emphasis on self-editing abilities and the use of ChatGPT as a learning too
expertise. Furthermore, the length and scope of the study might not have permitted a thorough assessment of the l
development. The results of this study need to be confirmed and expanded upon by other research including larger,
assessments. Additionally, for further studies to enhance the cred- ibility of the study, it might be useful to impleme
more balanced distribution of writing tasks for formal, informal, and neu- tral registers. The last issue, which is a mu
engineering. In this study, the prompts were created by the researcher, and the participants used exactly those prom
tured and contextual prompts.
Using a questionnaire as a data-collection instrument meant that we were relying on students self-reporting their po
questionnaire was anonymous and a number of steps were taken to ensure students feel safe to provide truthful re
of them were not honest when giving answers. This is related to a very human trait of trying to maintain an image o
are more socially acceptable, even when being anonymous. In further studies, other sources of data could be used,
or student work. In addition, our sample predominantly included students from private as opposed to public univers
Further research should aim toward a more balanced sample that would be more representative of the general stud

It is important to note that this empirical study is based on a limited sam- ple size, so the results may not be
representative of the entire population of English learners who applied ChatGPT in these language learning activitie

The main drawback of this study is the limited sample size (9 per group) which does not permit the generalization o
approach. One of the limitations could also be language-specificity (students wrote in native, non-English language f
application of AI detection tools.

Firstly, the study’s scope is confined to a single course and a specific cohort of mostly first-year students. This limits the generalizability of t
findings to a broader population of EFL learners. Additionally, the study predominantly relies on self-reported data from survey questionnair
adopting a longitudinal approach. A longitudinal study tracking students’ writing development over an extended period, utilizing real writing
comprehensive understanding of the tool’s impact on language acquisition and writing proficiency. By examining how students’ writing skil
educators can gain deeper insights into the long-term benefits and potential drawbacks of integrating AI-driven tools in EFL writing educatio
pedagogical practices and ultimately contributing to more effective and innovative approaches in EFL writing instruction

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