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Secondary 2 Superstar (English)

Lesson 3: Answers

Text 2

1. Why does the writer say that the sweatshop discoveries “rocked the nation” [1]
(line 2)?

This piece of news shocked the Americans. [1]

2. What does the phrase “extreme exploitation” (line 8) tell us about the people [1]
working in the sweatshops?

They have to endure a lot of suffering/abuse in their jobs. [1]

3. Give two reasons to support the writer’s claim that “the sweatshop environment [2]
is unsafe” (lines 11-12)? Answer in your own words.

Any 2 points for 2m:

 Workers do not work in a peaceful environment.

 Workers are threatened.
 Workers are forced to work after their regular working hours.
 Workers are forced to work in dangerous environments.
 Workers have to handle poisonous substances without using gloves.

Note: This is a “in your own words” question so words / phrases from text
which should NOT appear are:: “harassed”, “intimidated”, “compelled”,
“hazardous and unhealthy”, “with their bare hands”.

4. What does “here” in paragraph 5 refer to? [1]

It refers to sweatshops in Central and South America, Asia and certain

regions of Europe. [1]

Note: Student must state all the areas mentioned in lines 20-21 for the full

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Secondary 2 Superstar (English)
Lesson 3: Answers

5. Here is part of a conversation between two university students who have read
the article.

The only victims of

sweatshops are the

No, the writer

mentions other
victims too.
Rebecca Sean

(i) Identify one piece of evidence from paragraph 5 that Rebecca can give to [1]
support her view.

Children work for less money / have to endure poor working conditions.

(ii) How would Sean justify his position with reference to lines 29-32? [1]
Any 1 point for 1m:

 Women are victims too as they are trafficked to other countries as

cheap labour.
 They endure abuse.
 They are forced to work without wages until their debts are paid off.

6. The writer states that women are “bought and sold to employers” (line 33). [1]
Explain why the writer has chosen to describe the women’s situation with this
underlined phrase.
The writer wants to stress / emphasise the fact that these women are
being treated as goods / commodities. [1]

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Secondary 2 Superstar (English)
Lesson 3: Answers

7. (i) “There are those who set up operations overseas to get around U.S. labour [1]
laws” (lines 40-41). What does this tell us about these companies?
These companies are dishonest / care more about profits than human
rights or the workers’ well-being. [1]

(ii) What do you think the writer wants to achieve by naming the U.S. retailers? [1]
He wants to shame them for exploiting the workers when they are earning
so much. [1] / He wants their customers to be aware that they are
supporting companies that have such dishonest or cruel practices. [1]

Note: Accept any reasonable answer.

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Secondary 2 Superstar (English)
Lesson 3: Answers

8. Using only material from paragraphs 5-7, summarise the exploitation that
workers are subjected to in sweatshops. Your summary must be in continuous
writing (not note form). It must not be longer than 80 words, not counting the
words given to help you begin. [15m]

In the sweatshops all over the world children receive lower pay

and complain less about unsatisfactory conditions. Instead of going to

school, children from poor families work to earn an income. Many

countries ignore workers’ rights and contribute to their exploitation.

Women are treated as commodities and trafficked to other countries as

cheap labour, where they are subjected to abuse. Many work without

salary for years to pay off their debts. Women are treated as slaves.

Garment factories disregard workers’ health and safety and operate under

unacceptable standards.

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Secondary 2 Superstar (English)
Lesson 3: Answers

No. Points from Text Paraphrase

1. children work for less money (line 22). children receive lower pay and
complain less about unsatisfactory
2. are less likely to complain about conditions.
poor working conditions (lines 22-23)
3. Many of the children in less developed Instead of going to school, children
countries must work to help their from poor families work to earn an
parents, who are not paid enough to income.
provide for the family. An education is
out of the question for these children,
who must work instead of going to
school. (lines 23-26)

4. many countries fail to protect the rights Many countries ignore workers’
of their workers (lines 27-28) rights and contribute to their
5. and often have a hand in their
exploitation (lines 28-29)
6. the trafficking of Thai women to Japan Women are treated as commodities
as means of cheap labour … and trafficked to other countries as
debt bondage, forced labour and other cheap labour, where they are
forms of abuse (lines 29-31) subjected to abuse. Many work
without salary for years to pay off
7. many are forced to work without wages their debts.
until they have repaid debts, which may
take years (lines 31-32) [Note: Give KEY POINT behind the
8. literally bought and sold to employers examples.]
(line 33)
9. undergo slavery-like conditions (lines Women are treated as slaves.
10. garment factories violated minimum Garment factories disregard
wage and overtime laws (line 35) workers’ health and safety and
11. violated workplace health and safety operate under unacceptable
standards by operating under standards.
conditions such as blocked fire
exits, unsanitary bathrooms, and
poor ventilation (lines 37-38).
Content /8
Language /7
Total /15

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