S2L2 EngAnswer

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Secondary 2 Superstar (English)

Lesson 2: Answers

Text 1

1. At the beginning of this text, how did Bilbo hurt himself in the passage? [1]

He stubbed his toes (several times) on the jagged stones on the ground.

Note: Not accepted if directly lifted ie. “He stubbed his poor toes again,
several times”

2. How did the big orcs move around in the low passage? [1]

They moved at great speed , stooping low with their hands almost on the
ground. [1]

Note: Both points must be present for 1m. No half mark.

3. In paragraph 2, “Not red light, as of fire or lantern, but a pale out-of-doors sort [1]
of light. Then Bilbo began to run.” (lines 11-12).

Why do you think Bilbo reacted by running?

Any 1 point for 1m:

He wanted to get out of the dark passage quickly (Note: this must be
OR: He finally saw light at the tunnel and he wanted to get out quickly.
OR: He thought it was the exit/an escape and wanted to leave quickly.

4. From paragraph 3, identify the word(s) or phrases in the given sentences which [2]

(i) fast movement : scuttling [1]

(ii) blinding light : dazzling bright [1]

5. In paragraph 6, why did Bilbo forget to draw his sword? [1]

He was very frightened. [1]

6. In Paragraph 8, the goblins ran “hither and thither” (line 36). Replace this [1]
phrase with your own words.

here and there [1]

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Secondary 2 Superstar (English)
Lesson 2: Answers

7. The goblins were “getting very angry” (line 37). Suggest a reason why they felt [1]

Any 1 point for 1m:

 Bilbo vanished.
 The goblins were shocked he disappeared in thin air.
 They lost Bilbo.
 They were confused.

8. In paragraph 9, the author wrote that Bilbo was “dreadfully frightened”. Why did [1]
the author have to use the word “dreadfully”?

The author wants to emphasise that he was seriously / desperately /

extremely afraid / very scared (of being captured by the goblins.) [1]

Note: “emphasise” has to be in answer to be awarded 1m

9. Explain, in your own words, the writer’s use of the metaphor “blind-man’s- [2]
buff” (line 44) to describe the situation in the passage.

Any 2 points for 2m:

 There were many goblins running about in the dark.

 Nobody could see clearly.
 The hobbit was dodging here and there.
 He felt like he or the goblins were blind-folded.

10. In paragraph 12, the goblins shouted that “something is outside”. What does [1]
“something” refer to?

It refers to the hobbit / Bilbo. [1]

Note: Do not accept “shadow”

11. In paragraph 13, suggest why Bilbo “gave a terrific squirm”. [1]

Any 1 point for 1m:

 The goblins saw him and he was afraid.

 He panicked.
 He wanted to escape.
 He struggled to get through the door.

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Secondary 2 Superstar (English)
Lesson 2: Answers

12. From paragraph 13, pick out a simile which describes how Bilbo moved about [1]
when he panicked.

“leaping down the steps like a goat”. [1]

13. The author described the goblins’ reaction using the adjective “bewildered” [1]
(line 61). Why did he choose this word?

The author wants to emphasise that the goblins were still reeling from
the shock / surprise of an intruder in their midst. [1]
OR: The author wants to emphasise that the goblins could not accept the
fact that Bilbo appeared and disappeared mysteriously. [1]
(Note: “emphasise” has to be in answer to be awarded 1m)

14. From the last paragraph, pick out 2 words which describe the sounds goblins [1]

Any 2 points for 1m:

 “hooting”
 “hallooing”
 “grumbling”
 “cursing”

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Secondary 2 Superstar (English)
Lesson 2: Answers

15. The text is an account of Bilbo Baggins’ encounter with the goblins in the dark. [4]
Complete the flow chart by choosing one word from the box to describe Bilbo’s
feelings in each part of the text. There are some extra words in the box you do
not need to use.

Words used to describe Bilbo’s feelings:

excited painful desperate hopeful bewildered upset scared

Flow chart
Paragraph 1: (i) painful

Paragraph 4: (ii) bewildered

Paragraph 11: (iii) desperate

Paragraph 13: (iv) scared

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